Dr. Farkas Árpádné-Task Mix in English PDF

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Farkas Árpádné

Task Mtx

olvasott szöveg értése

Dr. Farkas Árpádné

-i Lektor:
Korponayné dr. Nagy Ildikó

'A Anyanyelvi lektor:

Dr. Jeremy Parrott

Falcione Sarolta

Kiadói kód: MX-481

Kerettanterv: 17/2004 (V.20.), 3-as számú melléklet
Szerkesztő: Nemcsók Adrienn
Tömeg: 402 g
Terjedelem: 260 oldal (23,24 ív)

Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítást, a mű bővített,

illetve rövidített változata kiadásának jogát is. A kiadó írásbeli
engedélye nélkül sem a teljes mű, sem annak része semmilyen
formában nem sokszorosítható.

ISBN 978 963 261 129 7

© Copyright Maxim Kiadó, Szeged

Előszó és módszertani tanácsok

Kedves Nyelvtanuló!

Ezzel a könyvvel azoknak szeretnék segítséget nyújtani, akik nyelvvizsgára, érettségire készülnek
vagy csak saját örömükre tanulják az angol nyelvet. A húsz témakör felépítése megegyező: hat
különböző feladattípus B1 és B2 szinten. A fejezetek első részében egy-egy történet olvasható
az adott témához kapcsolódóan. Kérdések, szerepjátékok, sok-sok angol szó és azok magyar
megfelelői, tematikus nyelvtani tesztek és íráskészséget fejlesztő feladatok nyújtanak segítséget a
tanulásban. A tesztek megoldásai a könyv végén találhatóak.

Hasznos nyelvtanulást kíván

a Szerző

1......... - .
M ódszertani tanácsok
isa sssii
I li

A könyv felépítése

A könyv A2/B1 és B2 szintű nyelvtudással rendelkező nyelvtanulók, illetve nyelvgyakorlók

számára készült.
Minden fejezet a modem életvitel problémáival, örömeivel kapcsolatos történettel indul,
mely elolvasása a téma feldolgozásához adhat gondolatokat. A nyelvtanuló a saját idevonatkozó
tapasztalatait, élményeit mesélheti el a szöveg főbb mozzanatai alapján.
A témához tartozó tíz kérdés további szempontok - B1 szinten főleg a tanuló személyére
vonatkozó egyszerűbb, B2 szinten az Őt körülvevő komplexebb - problémák, tendenciák átgondo­
lását, feldolgozását teszi lehetővé.
A harmadik részben kooperatív formában megoldandó három szituációs gyakorlat található.
Ezek a feladatok az idegen nyelvet tanulók kommunikációs készségét fejlesztik, és nagy részük
valamilyen probléma feldolgozásán alapszik, amihez némi kreativitás is szükséges.
A fejezetekhez tartozó szavak és kifejezések összeállításánál a Közös Európai Referenciakeret
(KÉR) ajánlásai voltak mérvadóak. A szavak magyar jelentésükkel és fonetikai átírással együtt
szerepelnek. A szöveg feldolgozása után érdemes átolvasni a szinthez tartozó szószedetet, mely
segíthet a további feladatokhoz kapcsolódó gondolatok árnyaltabb kifejezésére.
A témákhoz tartozó tematikus tesztek az angol nyelvtan egy-egy fontos problémakörét ölelik
fel. B1 szinten tíz, B2 szinten tizenöt nyelvtani feleletválasztós tesztfeladatot tartalmaznak.
A megoldókulcs segítségével a tanulók önállóan is ellenőrizhetik munkájuk eredményessé­
Az íráskészség fejlesztésére szolgálnak a levél- és esszéírást előíró feladatok. Ezek témájuknál
fogva megfelelnek a nyelvtanulók eddig szerzett élettapasztalatának és ismereteinek.
A kötet végén található Függelék tartalmazza a nyelvtani tesztfeladatok megoldásait, három
téma B1 és B2 szintű kérdéseinek kidolgozott mintamegoldását, valamint gyakori nyelvi eszközök
kommunikációs célok szerint rendszerezett gyűjteményét.

A small family
Let me teli you something about my family. There
are six of us; my mother, father, grandmother, elder
sister, younger brother and me. After arriving home at
the end o f the day, we have a nice dinner prepared by
my grandma. She is seventy-two and is an excellent
cook. She is really patient to listen to everybody’s
problems. To teli you the truth, I don’t know how she
can be so cheerful and fiill o f energy. My mother is
forty-fíve, she works as a teacher o f English. What I
like about her is that she is really understanding and
helpful. You can always count on her. She can give
you the best advice ever. My father is fifty-one and
has been working as an engineer fór about twenty-five years. He is a very reliable person.
He is intelligent, hardworking and practical. Sometimes he is quite strict, bút I don’t mind it
as my marks are nőt always the best. My sister started university last September. She would
like to be a doctor. My younger brother is in the seventh year at primary school. He is an
ambitious guy, who is full o f plans. He loves books and his hobby is karate. I am seventeen.
My favourite subjects are chemistry and physics. At the moment I can’t see my future at all.

1. How many members are there in your family? Who are they?

2. What do your parents do?

3. Would you like to have a large family?

4. How important is family life to you?

5. What would you like to change about it?

6. What are the family activities you do together?

7. What makes a happy family?

8. Why do you think there are so many divorces today?

9. What do you help your parents and siblings with?

10. Why do we say that pets are part o f the family?

You have got somé bad marks fór your maths tests. You would
A) like to go to a cár race with your older brother bút your parents are
definitely against your idea. Persuade them to let you go.

Your mother is feeding your two-year-old little sister. You see she is
in a hurry to cook lunch by twelve. Offer to help her.

You want to make a surprise fór your parents on Saturday moming.

C) Ask them fór the shopping list as you want to buy everything they

couple 'kApal házaspár

bride braid menyasszony
bridegroom 'braidgrum vőlegény
fiancée fi'o n se i gyűrűs menyasszony
fíancé f i’onsei gyűrűs vőlegény
wife w aif feleség
husband 'hAzbsnd férj
niece ni:s unokahúg
nephew ’nevju: unokaöccs
parents ’pearants szülők
m other 'mAÖa anya
father ’faiö a apa
són sah fia vkinek
daughter 'dDita lánya vkinek
sister ’sista lánytestvér
brother 'brAÖa fiútestvér
sibling ’sibalír] testvér
elder sister 'elda 's is ts nővér
younger b ro th er ’jAqga 'brAÓa öcs
twin brother/sister tw in 'brAÖ9 / 's is t 0 iker fiú-/lánytestvér
twins tw inz ikrek
cousin 'kAzan unokatestvér
family m em ber 'faemali 'memba családtag
stepm other 'stepmAÖa mostohaanya
stepfather 'step faiö a mostohaapa
grandm other 'graenmAÖe nagymama
gran d fath er 'grasnfai&a nagypapa
gran d p aren ts 'graenpesrsnts nagyszülők
grandchild, grandchildren 'graent/aild unoka, unokák
uncle 'AQkal nagybácsi
au n t a :n t nagynéni
head of the family 'hed dv Ö0 'faemali családfő

b rin g up a child briQ Ap a tjaild felnevel egy gyereket

raise a child reiz a tjaild felnevel egy gyereket
babysit fór sy ‘b e ib isit vigyáz vki gyerekére
the in-laws .in 'b iz a házastárs rokonsága
father-in-law 'fa iö a r.in .b : após
m other-in-law 'mA&arin.b: anyós
brother-in-law ’brAÖarin.b: sógor
sister-in-law 's is ta rin .b : sógornő
be pregnant 'p reg n an t terhes
b irth b3:0 születés
expect a baby ik 'sp ek t a 'beibi babát vár
go out with sy gau aut jár vkivel
be engaged to sy m 'g eid 3 d jegyben jár vkivel
be in lőve with sy in Iav szerelmes vkibe
fali in lőve w ith sy íd i I in Iav szerelmes lesz vkibe
m arry sy 'maeri házasságra lép vkivel
get m arried to get 'maerid megházasodik vkivel
divorce sy dl'VDIS elválik vkitől
get divorced from get di'vDist elválik vkitől
m arital status 'maerital 'ste ita s családi állapot
m arried 'maerid házas
divorced dl'VDISt elvált
single 'singal egyedülálló
widow 'w idau özvegy (asszony)
w idow er 'w idaua özvegy (férfi)

Choose the correct item.

1. The elephant in the bush fór fi ve minutes now.

A) has hiding B) hides C) has been hiding D) hide

m its s p ra i

- ...... .
.’V "" r »**
:V-; -.
V’ O■**%f^ >*
2. When we breakfast on the 25th floor, something strange happened outside.

A) are having B) having C) was having D) were having

3. Guess what? I something delicious fór your birthday party.

A) make B) making C) ’ll make D) am make

4. How communicate with her?

A) you B) you will C) did you D) you are going to

5. My friend usually goes to the swimming pool by bike, bút today she on foot.

A) goes B) is going C) is going to D) will be go

6. Before he understood the task, he two hours thinking about it.

A) had spent B) have been spending

C )spent D) has been spending

7. Why leam the lyrics? It will be easier fór you to sing the song.

A) will you B) don’t you C) you don’t D) you

8. I ’m so proud of myself. I cleaning my room.

A) have finished B) fmished C) finish D) won’t finish

9. I saw the bear when it across the field.

A) run B) ran C) running D) was running

10. When the girl up, the boy started to follow her.

A) stands B) had stood C) has stood D) stood

How do you imagine family life in 50 years’ time? Give your opinion about this topic in 100-150
words. (Small or big families, their lifestyles, etc.)
A businessman's family
John is a well-to-do businessman. He is the generál manager of a large company. He is
considered to be successfiil. The employees are fond of him, in spite of the fact that he is strict
and makes everybody work hard. He has a good sense of humour. As fór his priváté life, he
has been divorced fór five years. He met his ex-wife, Jane twenty-one years ago. It was lőve
at first sight. After they had been going steady fór a year, John proposed to Jane. Having got
married, they spent all of their free time together. Their hobby was travelling. They bought
a small second-hand cár and whenever they had the opportunity, they left the city and had a
picnic in the nearby wood. Later they had three children, two boys and a girl. John was the
breadwinner o f the family working as a sales representative at that time. Whenever he arrived
home from work, he spent his time with his children and wife. They were happy and enjoyed
every moment of their lives. Then came a change. John was promoted, and four years later
the same thing happened again. He spent more and more time at work. Sometimes his wife
felt quite lonely. They started to argue, and unfortunately John became less and less tolerant.
There were no more family festivals. Jane went on holiday with the children bút without
her husband. Meanwhile John had to travel on business more and more. One day the couple
realised they didn’t even talk to each other. A year later they got divorced. Since then John has
been visiting his family every second Sunday to have lunch with his children and ex-wife.

1. Do you know your family tree?

2. What does your father do fór a living?

3. Is your mother devoted to her job?

4. What is an average Hungárián family like?

5. What is the generation gap?

6. What is the ideál age fór starting a family? Give reasons.

7. Do you think families are happier than they were 50 years ago? Why?
8. How has TV changed families’ evenings?

9. What promotes family ties?

1 0 . What do you think of family festivals?

You want to date somebody your parents don’t favour. Try to

' persuade them to trust you, your judgement and taste.

Your brother wants to quit his studies after graduating from high
B) school and is planning to go abroad to work fór a year. Discuss this
idea with him.

There is a live broadcast of a football match you would like to see.

C) Your elder sister insists on a concert on another channel. Try to
come to an agreement.

cherish the relationship 'tje r íj 5a ri'le ijn fip ápolja a kapcsolatot

go steady gau 'stedi jár vkivel
date sy d e it randizik vkivel
dating agency 'd e itiq 'e id 3 ansi társkereső ügynökség
have a rendezvous w ith sy haev a 'm n d iv u iz randevúzik vkivel
fiirt with sy f 1311 flörtöl vkivel
lőve at llrst sight Iav at fsrst sa it szerelem első látásra
be engaged to sy in 'g e id 3d jegyben jár vkivel
Platonie lőve pla'tcmik Iav plátói szerelem

split up Split Ap szakít

break up a relationship breik Ap a ri'le ifn fip befejez egy kapcsolatot
adultery a'dAltari házasságtörés
childless 'tjaild las gyermektelen
adopt a child a'd o p t a tjaild örökbe fogad egy gyereket
sta rt a family s ta rt a 'faemali családot alapít
keep/m aintain a family ki:p / m ein 'tein a 'faemali eltart egy családot
get pregnant g et 'pregnant terhes lesz
identical/non-identical twins ai'd en tikal / non ai'dentikal egypetéjű/kétpetéjű ikrek
tw inz
Like m other, like daughter. Iáik 'mAÖa Iáik 'dDita Nézd meg az anyját, vedd el a
hen p arty hen 'paiti lánybúcsú
stag p arty staeg 'parti legénybúcsú
wedding ceremony 'wedír] 'serim ani esküvő
m arriage vow 'maerid^ vau házastársi eskü
registry office 'red 3istri 'ofis házasságkötő terem
m arriage certiíleate 'm aerid 3 sa 'tifik e it házassági anyakönyvi kivonat
witness 'w itnas tanú
wedding gift 'wedír] gift nászajándék
wedding reception 'wedír] ri'se p ja n lakodalom
silver wedding anniversary 'silva 'wedír] .aeni'vsisari ezüstlakodalmi évforduló
golden wedding anniversary 'wedír] aranylakodalmi évforduló
They lived happily ever after. öei lívd haepi 'evar 'aifta Boldogan éltek, míg meg nem
family festival/reunion 'faemali 'festival / családi összejövetel
the school of h ard knocks öa skuil dv ha:d noks a nagybetűs élet
stan d ard of living 'staendad dv 'Iiviq életszínvonal
attitűdé tow ards life ‘astitjuid ta'wDidz laif életfelfogás
life expectancy laif ik'spektansi várható élettartam
live to be a hundred liv ta bi a 'hAndrad száz évig él
lead a way of life li:d a wei dv laif vmilyen életet él
family planning 'faemali 'plaenir] családtervezés
w edding couple ’wedif] 'kApal ifjú pár
m arriage contract 'm aerid 3 kan'traekt házassági szerződés

be devoted to fam ily di'vautid ta 'faemali a család a mindene

fam ily centered ‘faemali 'sentard családközpontú
give b irth to a child giv b3:0 ta a tjaild világra hoz egy gyermeket
delivery di'livari szülés
infant 'infant csecsemő
breastfeed the baby brestfiid szoptatja a babát
w ind the baby waind büfizteti a babát
childm inder 'tjaildmainda gyermekfelügyelő
be on m atern ity leave ma'tBiniti li:v szülési szabadságon van
pam p er 'paempa elkényeztet
créche krej bölcsőde
daycare 'dei.ker napközi
breadw inner ‘bredwina kenyérkereső
spouse spauz házastárs
affection a'fekjan ragaszkodás
get on well w ith sy get on wel jól kijön vkivel
get on badly with sy get o n 'baedli rossz viszonyban van vkivel
fam ily councellor 'faemali ‘kaunsala családi tanácsadó
retire ri'taia nyugdíjba megy
p ú t sy on pension 'penjan nyugdíjaz
m ake ends m eet m eik endz miit megél vhogyan
m ake a toast to sy taust koccint vkire
d istan t relatíve 'distant 'relatív távoli rokon
com m on-law w ife/husband ‘komán b: waif / 'hAzband élettárs
have com m on-law 'komán b: ri'leijnjip élettársi kapcsolatban él vkivel
relationship with sy
receive/get alim ony ri'siiv / get 'aelimani tartásdíjat kap

Choose the correct item.

1. The advertising industry very profítable.

A) always have been B) has always been C) always is D) had always been
2. Poor visibility the accident the day before yesterday.

A) was causing B) will caused C) caused D) have been causing

3. He out research intő complex problems.

A) is currently carrying B) currently carries

C) currently is carrying D) is carrying currently

4. What when I arrive at the fitness centre tomorrow?

A) are you doing B) will be doing

C) will you be doing D) have you be doing

5. The fumiture designer fór the company fór ten years now.

A) has been working B) is working

C) will be working D) was working

6. When the interactive game , we messages.

A) was starting ... were sending B) was starting ... sent

C) started ... have sent D) started ... were sending

7. Before Helena the accident, she a

phone call fór fi ve minutes.

A) was having ... made B) had ... had been making
C) had ... made D) had ... was making

8. I don’t know why she

A) always was arguing B) is always arguing

C) argued always D) argues always

9. By the time the letter arrives, she the important information.

A) will have received B) will recieves

C) will has received D) will be receiving

10. A small rodent up and down the room when the old lady

opened the door o f the villa.

A) had been running B) was runing
C) had run D) was running

11. By 2012 the famous painter picturesque harbours fór eleven years.

A) will be drawing B) will draw

C) will have been drawing D) will has been drawing

12. Who in lőve with fór such a long time?

A) are you B) will be C) have you been D) is

13. The famous celebrity a doze by the swimming pool when

there was a clap o f thunder.

A) was having B) had C) hadn’t D) had been having

14. After he to his solicitor, he will leave the court.

A) will talk B) will be talk C) has talked D) talked

15. At last the distressed actor to call fór a taxi.

A) decides B) has decided

C) will have been deciding D) was deciding

Write an essay o f 100-150 words about the advantages and disadvantages of two or three generations
living under the same roof.
From digs to a smart house
George is a forty-five-year-old economist. When he
was young, he used to be naughty, bút always did well
at school. His parents were really hardworking, they
did their best to provide the opportunity fór George
and his younger sister to study, bút that was all.
Although they wanted to buy a fiat fór their children,
they couldn’t afford it. While George was at school,
he always found a summer job fór himself and by the
end of his studies, he had a nice sum of money. After
leaving home, he started to work. He lived in digs to
savé as much as he could. After ten years or so he had enough money to buy a small fiat. He
was the happiest mán in the whole world. After he got married, hehad two children. Later
he thought they would need a larger piacé to live in. Soméyears later they moved to a smart
detached house with a garden around it. They have been living there happily ever since.

1. Where is your flat/house located?

2. Do you prefer living in a fiat to living in a house? Why?

3. What are the rooms you have in your flat/house?

4. What kind o f heating do you have?

5. What is your kitchen like?

6. How is your living room fumished?

7. What objects are there in your bathroom?

8. How is your room fumished and decorated?

9. What is your favourite room at home? Why?

1 0 . Are you fór or against having a garden o f your own? Why?

The táp in the kitchen has gone wrong. Call a plumber to come and
repair it as quickly as possible. Teli them your address.

- -V,-- -
pllJr ,lll^ "

You want to pút up somé large posters of your favourite bands on

B) the walls of your room. Your mother is nőt keen on your idea. Try to
persuade her to let you do so.

You are going to visit your relatives abroad. Ask your neighbour to
C) feed the cat, water the potted plants in your fiat and empty the letter
box while you are away.

detached house di'taetjt hauz családi ház, különálló ház

sem i-detached house .sem id i'tastjt hauz ikerház
terraced house 'te ra st hauz sorház
bungalow 'bAqgalau (földszintes) családi ház,
cottage ’kötidg vidéki ház, nyaraló
a block of flats 9 biok av flaets tömbház
fiat fisét lakás
garage 'gaera :3 garázs
stairs steaz lépcső
downstairs ,d a u n 'ste 0z földszint
upstairs .Ap'steaz felső szint
kitchen 'k it/in konyha
pantry 'paentri kamra
dining room ’dainir] ru:m ebédlő
study ‘stAdi dolgozószoba
hall hDil előszoba
attic ’aetik padlásszoba
children’s room 't/ild r 0nz ru:m gyerekszoba
bathroom ’baiG ruim fürdőszoba
toilet 'to ilit toalett
cellar 'sei9 pince
basem ent 'b e is m 0nt alagsor
>toreroom stDi ru:m raktár (helyiség)
balcony 'baelk 0ni erkély
terraee 'te r 0s terasz
chimney 'tjim n i kémény
roof ru if tető
front door frAnt ód: bejárati ajtó
back door baek eh: hátsó ajtó
garden lights 'g a id a n laits kerti lámpák
live in digs liv in d ig z albérletben lakik

kitchen utensils 'kitfin jui'tensilz konyhai eszközök

refrig erato r ri'frid3areit9 hűtő
kitchen cupboard 'kitjin 'kAbad konyhaszekrény
wall cupboard wdiI 'kAbad faliszekrény
table ’teibal asztal
chair t|ea szék
cooker 'kuka tűzhely
oven 'Aven sütő
sínk sínk konyhai mosogató
dishw asher 'dijwoja mosogatógép
coffee grinder ’kofi 'grainda kávédaráló
percolator 'p3:kaleita kávéfőző
coffee m aker 'kofi 'meika kávéfőző
deep fryer di: p 'fraia olajsütő
frying pan ’fraur] pasn serpenyő
pót pót fazék
tea pót ti: pót teáskanna
coffee pót ’kofi pót kávéskanna
lemon squeezer 'leman ’skwiiza citromfacsaró
tablecloth ‘teiblkloG asztalterítő
bookshelf, bookshelves 'buk/elf / 'bukjelvz könyvespolc
arm ch air ’aimtjea karosszék
coffee table 'kofi 'teibal dohányzóasztal
settee se'ti: heverő
cushion 'kujan díszpáma
w ardrobe ‘wDidraub ruhásszekrény
d raw er dm fiók
sofa ’saufa heverő
double bed ’dAbal bed franciaágy
pillow 'pilau párna
curtain 'k3itan függöny
carpet ‘kaipit szőnyeg
bath ba:0 fürdőkád
bath m át ba:0 maet furdőszobaszőnyeg
sponge spAnd3 szivacs

towel 'taual törülköző
toothbrush 'tu:0brA j fogkefe
toothpaste 'tu :0 p e ist fogkrém
washbasin 'w Djbeisan mosdókagyló
táp taep csaptelep
m irror m ira tükör
shower 'Jaua tusoló
move m u:v költözik

£ ____

Choose the correct item.

1. I remember the date at all.

A) may nőt B) will C) can’t D) may

2. He borrow somé money from the bank.

A) was able to B) will able to C) have to D) don’t have t

3. leam the whole poem?

A) Needed I B) Was I to C) Had I to D) Should I

4. I call you Adam?

A) May B) May nőt C) Would nőt D) Wouldn’t

5. Be careful. You climb that tree, it’s so tall.

A) would B) shouldn’t C) shall nőt D) need to

6. I never do it again, I promise.

A) won’t B) will C) can’t D) shouldn’t

7. Finally, he the heater.

A) has to fixed B) going to fix C) was able to fix D) will be fix


8. Old McDonald ninety next year.

A) is going to B) shall C) would D) will be

9. Her grandson read when he was fi ve.

A) can B) was able C) could D) was going

10. You worry, everything will be alright.

A) needn’t B) don’t need C) should D) weren’t

Write a letter o f 100-150 words to your friend, in which you describe the ideál surroundings of a
P a it S & *

A house in the greenbelt

Once I was invited to a house-warming party organised by my old friend, whom I have known
since I was three. We fírst met at the kindergarten. Her new home is located in the greenbelt
of the city with a perfect infrastructure and modem facilities. On entering the house, I was
amazed by the harmony o f colours and styles. There were dozens o f hidden spotlights. The
different rooms reflected the taste and personality o f the family member living there. The
sitting room was painted beige and the study pastel green. The special tint o f the kitchen
was the mixture o f the shades o f the setting sün on a laté summer aftemoon. The windows
were quite large with perfect insulation. You could hear no nőise coming from outside. As
the walls o f the house were really thick covered with special material, there was no need fór
air-conditioning. The temperature outside was 38 degrees, bút inside the house it was only 22
degrees. Everything seemed really spacious as there was little fumiture bút it was high quality
and o f the latest design. In the comers there were a few potted plants with big shiny leaves.
What I was amazed by was the conservatory full o f exotic plants. I imagined m yself arriving
home after a tiring day, sitting in a comfortable plush armchair by the glass wall, looking at
the natural surroundings with the old pines and evergreen bushes. That piacé was the scene
o f the dinner party. When the night was falling, a large number o f candles were lit up, and we
were offered somé champagne in crystal glasses.

1. W hat is your dreamhouse like?

2. Would you be happy to have one or two black or bright red walls in your room?

3. ’My home is my castle.’ What does it mean to you?

4. If you could have only one picture in your room, what would it depict? Describe it.

5. In what way do the objects in a home reflect the taste, wealth and personality o f the
family/person living there?

6. Would you like to live on the top floor o f a skyscraper?

7. How can you purchase a flat/house if you don’t have enough money?
8. When did you last have your home redecorated? What jobs were done?

9. Why is someone considered lucky if they have nice neighbours?

1 0 . What are typical British homes like?

A friend of yours has just moved house with his/her family. You
A) visit them in their new home where the rooms are really small and
the kitchen is too dark. Teli them your opinion in a diplomatic way.

On getting up, you go to the window. The first things you catch sight
B) o f are the gnomes in your neighbour’s front garden. They pút you in
a bad mood. Teli your neighbour about it.

You lőve the piacé where you and your family have lived since you
C) were bőm. Your parents wish to move to a larger house with a garden,
bút you dislike their idea. Discuss your problem with them.

owner-occupied block 'auna 'okjupaid társasház

lodging '\0 d 31 r) albérlet
freehold fiat ’friihauíd flaet korlátlan tulajdonú lakás
mansion 'm aenjan kúria, kastély
residential area ^ e z i'd e n ja l 'earia lakónegyed (kertes házakból)

brick wall brik wd:I téglafal

»ooden house 'wudan hauz faház
housing block 'hauziQ biok panelház
prefab flat !príifasb laeb panellakás
w all-to-wall carpet wd:I tu: wd:I 'kárpit szőnyegpadló
ilno ’lainau linóleum
lile tail csempe
nallpaper 'wDilpeipa tapéta
;ommunal heating 'komjunal távfűtés
jirconditioning ea kan'dijanir] légkondicionálás
r-ed-sitter .bed'sita egyszobás lakás
>taircase ‘steakeis lépcsőház
bővel 'hóval kalyiba
>hanty 'Jaenti kunyhó
barn ba:n pajta
>hed Jed fészer
stable ’steibal istálló
flower stand 'flaua staend virágállvány
irying room ’draur] ru:m szárítószoba
plug plAg (villás)dugó
v>cket/power point ’sokit / 'paua point konnektor
chopping board 't/opií] bDid vágódeszka
Lidié 'leidal merőkanál
^ashing-up liquid .wd/ií] 'Ap ‘likwid mosogatószer
dish drainer d íj ’dreina edényszárító
eorkscrew ’kDikskru: dugóhúzó
juice extractor d3u:s ik'straekta gyümölcsfacsaró
rhermos flask '03 :mas flaisk termosz
mincer 'minsa húsdaráló
potato chipper pa'teitau 'tjipa krumpliszeletelő
wooden spoon 'wudan spuin fakanál
mattress 'maetris matrac
quilt kwilt paplan
reading lamp ’riidit] laemp olvasólámpa
standing lamp ’staendír] laemp állólámpa

wall unit vvdiI 'juinit szekrénysor

dining table 'd a im o 'teibal étkezőasztal
d inner plate ‘dina pleit lapostányér
deep plate diip pleit mélytányér
salad bowl 'saelad baul salátástál
wine glass wain g la is borospohár
beer glass bie gla is söröspohár
cham pagne glass Jaem'pein glais pezsgőspohár
b ú n k bed bAr]k bed emeletes ágy
soft toy soft tói plüssjáték
bath(tub) baiG (tAb) fürdőkád
towel rail 'taual reil törülközőtartó
soap dish ssup d íj szappantartó
w ashbasin ’wDjbeisan mosdókagyló
electric toothbrush i'lektrik 'tu:0brAj elektromos fogkefe
electric shaver i'le ktrik 'Jeiva elektromos borotva
show er cubicle 'Jaua ‘kjuibikal tusolófulke
bathroom scales ‘baiGruim skeilz fürdőszobai mérleg
house-w arm ing p arty 'haus wDimir] ’paiti házavató buli
be located lau'keitid található
greenbelt griin beit zöldövezet
insulation .in sju 'leíjsn szigetelés
conservatory kan‘s3ivatri télikert

Choose the correct item.

1. Although his lég was broken, he walk to the door.

A) should B) was able to C) needn’t D) mustn’t

2. According to the rules, all drivers fasten their seat belts on the
A) may B) might C) need to D) have to
3. He prepared a substantial dinner. It’s too laté to eat so much.

A) needn’t has B) shouldn’t have C) could have D) mustn’t have

4. Who the radio?

A) did invent B) would have invented

C) invented D) could have discovered

5. William the letter yesterday.

A) ought to have faxed B) would has faxed

C) shouldn’t faxed D) m ayn’t faxed

6. Lucy still be at home, I saw her ten minutes ago.

A) would B) ought to have C) might D) mustn’t

7. He be really adventurous, if he is determined to go climbing

in the Himalayas.
A) must B) needn’t C) couldn’t D) shouldn’t

8. Psychiatric treatment have an influence on somé writers. Who knows?

A) will be B) is going to C) shall D) might

9. It is essential that he encourage his students to do their best.

A) shall B) wouldn’t C) needs D) should

10 . the sociologist call me, please teli me at once.

A) Would B) Should C) Will D) Can

11. Oh dear. This old heap of junk start now.

A) w on’t B) shouldn’t C) can nőt D) don’t

12. Isug g esty o u change the memory card.

A) can B) will C )- D) would

13. He his CV if he didn’t intend to apply fór the job.

A) wouldn’t have written B) wouldn’t has written

C) shouldn’t has written D) might have nőt written

14. She undergone plastic surgery. Her face is still covered in


A) mustn’t have B) must have C) can’t have D) can nőt have

15. Darling, you as well buy me a necklace now because you

promised it to me two days ago.
A) will B) may C) can’t D) should

Write an essay of 120-150 words about the most important guidelines fór fumishing a room/flat.
(Style of fumiture, dominant colour, decorations, plants, etc.)
School years
Ken was bőm intő a big family. He has four siblings.
Ken is the youngest of them. As a little boy, two
years o f age, he was quite interested in everything
ihat was new to him. His parents were very pleased
to see how much he enjoyed both bedtime story
books or the cár magazines that his father bought
fór himself. In the kindergarten the little boy took
part in games, where he could leam what it was like
:o win and alsó lose. In the first year of the primary
school he leamt how to read, write and count, much
more quickly than his classmates. O f course, there
was the Internet, which seemed the best pastime to him. As time went by and he
>:arted high school, he became smarter and smarter and was very fond of problem-solving
i3sks. His parents never had to check his homework or send him to his room to study. After
he had left secondary school, he was admitted to university. He studied architecture. There
he met a girl, Betty, whom feli in lőve with. They spent all of their free time together. They
ilways prepared fór their exams together and helped each otherwith everything. After the
graduation ceremony, Ken proposed to her. Since then they have been together and have three

1. How old are children in Hungary when they start primary and secondary education?

2. What are the subjects that are taught at primary and secondary schools?

3. What languages are taught in your school?

4. What is the ideál age fór starting to leam the first/second foreign language?

5. What new subjects would you introduce in your school?

6. Are you fór or against wearing a school uniform?

7. Have you got a favourite teacher? What do you like about them?

8. What makes a good teacher?

9. What do you do to improve your knowledge of language?

10. How do you use the Internet to get information?

It’s your first day at high school. You want to sit down at a desk
A) where a girl/boy’s already sitting. Say hello and have a chat with

You have written three progress tests this week. Complain about this
to your friend.
creehe nursery krej" / 'n3isari bölcsőde
ixrverv school mistress 'n3isari skuil 'm istris óvónő
tasd erg arten 'k in d ag a itan óvoda
: -jnary/elementary school 'praim ari / .eli'm entari általános iskola
v c a o d a ry school 'sekandri skuil középiskola
Kcoodary grammar school 'sekandri ’graema skuil gimnázium
tecondary technical school 'sekandri ‘teknikal skuil szakközépiskola
»c<ational school vau'keijnal skuil szakiskola
S» to school gau ta skuil iskolába jár
:*r ibsent from school ‘aebsant hiányzik az iskolából
k ara Isin (meg)tanul, elsajátít
«*dv 'stAdi tanul, tanulmányokat folytat
af^cher ‘tiltja tanár
pepii 'pjuipal tanuló
ttdent 'stju id n t diák
?úickboard 'blaekbDid tábla
chalk tjb ik kréta
iponge spAnds szivacs
í<sk desk pad
ussroom 'klaesruim osztályterem
u p maep térkép
>taffroom staifru im tanári szoba
5 >mnasium d 3im ‘n eiziam tornaterem
leadteacher h e d 'tiitja iskolaigazgató
^rhoolmaster 'sk u ilm a ista iskolaigazgató
sihool yard skuil ja id iskolaudvar
irrm t3im harmadév
yemester si'm esta félév
report book ri'pDit búk ellenőrző
register 'red 3ista napló
certificate sa 'tifik e it bizonyítvány


coursebook 'kDisbuk tankönyv

exercise book 'e k sasaiz bük füzet
w orkbook 'w 3ikbük munkafüzei
satchel 'saetjal iskolatáska
b reak breik szünet
eleven ses i'lev an ziz tízórai
canteen kaen'tiin büfé. menza
sum raer holiday 'sAma 'holadei nyári szünidő
vacation (US) v a'k eijan vakáció
subject sa b 'd 3ekt tantárgy
m athem atics/m aths .maeBa'maetiks / masös matematika matek
literatu re 'litra tja irodalom
g ram m a r 'graema nyelvtan
history 'histri történelem
language ’laeqgwids nyelv
the English language öi 'in g lij 'Íaer]gwid 3 az angoí nyelv
biology bai'Dlad3Í biológia
chem istry 'kem istri kémia
physics 'fizik s fizika
com puter science kam 'pjuita ‘saian s számítástechnika
craft k raift technika
Physical Education/P.E. ‘fizika! ,ed 3u ’keifan / pi: i: testnevelés tesí
draw ing 'd n :in rajz
a rt a: t művésze:
singing ’sin in ének
music 'm ju izik ének-zene
ecology i:'kt?lad 3 i környezettan
arithm etic a 'riö m atik számtan
w rite a p ap er rait a ’p eip a dolgozatot ír
test te st teszt
progress test pra'gres te st témazáró dolgozat
m ark /g rad e m a:k / greid jegy
hom ew ork 'haüm w 3:k házi feladat
check tje k ellenőrizni
do well/badly at school da wel / 'baedíi jóL rosszul tanul az iskolában
student-teacher relationship 'stjuidnt ‘tiltja ri'leijnjip diák-tanár kapcsolat
education .edsu'kei/an oktatás
study cirele 'stAdi ’ssikal szakkör
ju n io r section 'd^uima 'sekjan alsó tagozat
senior section 'sírnia sekjan felső tagozat
student hostel 'stjuidnt 'hostal kollégium
school leaver skuil iiiva végzős diák
O HP au eítj pii írásvetítő
lesson, period 'lesan / 'piariad tanóra
opt o pt fakultáció
school leaving exam skuil 'liivir] ig'zaem érettségi vizsga
be accepted ak'septid felveszik (iskolába)
architecture 'aikitektja építészet

Choose the correct item.

1. The grass in our garden once a week.

A) has mown B) is mowing C) is mown D) are mown

2. The test yesterday.

A) was correcting B) was corrected C) corrected D) be corrected

3. The play the day after tomorrow.

A) will perform B) shall be performed

C) will be performed D) will be perform

4. The building of the houses fmished last year.

A) is B) has C) was D) were

5. Those luxury cars in Japan.

A) are made B) was made C) are making D) is made

6. The newspaper on Saturday.

A) w on’t delivered B) isn’t deliverred C) is’nt delivered D) wasn’t delivered

7. When sent?

A) were these emails B) these emails were C) were this email D) was these emails

8. The ticket fór me my sister yesterday.

A) was b o u g h t... with B) is b o u g h t... by

C) was b o u g h t... by D) is buying ... with

9. These delicious cookies fór you.

A) were baked B) were baking C) are baking D) were baké

1 0 . Theaccident by a lót of people.

A) were seen B) is seen C) is seeing D) was seen

Write a letter of 120-150 words to your best friend about your last eláss excursion. (Number of
people, piacé, experiences, atmosphere, etc.)

Studying hard or hanging around with friends?

Edward was an energetic boy who was devoted to sports. He was quick on the uptake, so
after school he rushed to the nearest pitch to play football and hang around with his peers. In
spite of the fact that he was intelligent, he didn’t do well at school; when it came to studying
he spent a relatively short time over his books. He rarely bumt the midnight oil during his
high school years, unlike his pals. While they were swotting the dates fór a progress test in
history the next day, he was engaged in the carefree activity of chasing a ball or riding his
bike with the girls in the sunshine. He alsó played truant every now and then. Although he
was told a hundred times to puli himself together and focus on his studies, he didn’t believe
his parents and teachers either. Once he almost got a fail in physics. A*fter leaving secondary
school, most o f his classmates went on to higher education. Most of them were admitted to
colleges or universities. Edward, having quite poor grades, decided to go abroad and gain
somé experience in the university of life. One year later he came home and started to prepare
fór an entrance exam. He read books day and night, and as a result, he was able to start his
studies at a reál university in September.

1. What do you know about the present Hungárián education system?

2. What changes would you make in it?

3. How much do you know about the British educational system?

4. What subjects do high school pupils in the United States study?

5. Why would you (nőt) take part in distant education?

6. What is your opinion about elitist schools?

7. Would you be pleased to attend an all-girls/all-boys school? Why/why nőt?

8. What rights do students have?

9. What are the biggest problems that teachers have to face?

10. How could today’s discipline problems at schools be solved?

You feel that one of your teachers is picking on you. Discuss it with
your parents.

Your parents want you to attend an all-girls/all-boys school. Discuss

the issue with your parents.

You’ve just graduated from university. You want to take a year out
C) and travel round the world to gain somé experience. Discuss the
issue with your parents.

universitv ju :n i'v 3 :siti egyetem

college 'kolid'3 főiskola
attend school a'tend iskolába jár
take an exam teik an ig'zaem vizsgázik
pass an exam p a:s an ig'zaem átmegy a vizsgán
fail an exam feil an ig'zaem megbukik a vizsgán
resit ,ri: sít utóvizsga
higher education 'h aia e d 3ü 'k e ija n felsőoktatás
tertiary education ‘tsijari ed 3u 'k e ija n felsőoktatás
a rt subjects/hum anities a :t sab'd^ekts humán tantárgyak
science subjects ‘saians sab 'd 3ekts természettudományok
specialise in sg 'sp ejalaiz főtantárgyul választ
m ajor 'm eid3a szak

lecture •lektfe előadás

sem inar 'se m in a : szeminárium
tu torial tjui'tD irial csoportos/egyéni óra a tutorral
practical 'praektika! gyakorlat (egyetemen,
stand in fór sy staend in helyettesít valakit
dep artm en t d i'p a itm s n t tanszék
faculty ’faeklti kar
graduate from 'graed^ueit végez vhol
play tru a n t from school plei 'tru ien t lóg az iskolából
prom pt prom pt súg
w hiteboard w ait bDid fehér tábla; fehér falitábla
w hiteboard m ark er w ait bDid ’m aika táblatoll
entrance exam in 'tra in s ig'zaem felvételi vizsga
be adm itted a d 'm itid felveszik (iskolába)
graduation exam .graedsu'eijan ig'zaem államvizsga
state exam s te it ig ’zaem államvizsga
com prehensive exam .k o m p ri'hensiv ig'zaem szigorlat
degree d i ’grí: diploma
diplom a d i'p lau m a oklevél (GB), diploma (US)
bilingual school bai'lingw sl skuil kéttannyelvű iskola
N ational C urriculum 'nae/nal ka'rikjulam Nemzeti alaptanterv
ex tra-cu rric u lar activities lek str9 k aírikjul9 aek'tivatiz tanórán kívüli tevékenységek
scholarship 'sk o lajip ösztöndíj (tanulmányok)
grant/stipendium g ra in t ösztöndíj (pénz)
basic 'b e isik alapfokú
interm ediate jn ta 'm iid i^ t középfokú
advanced a d 'v a in st felsőfokú
swot SWDt magol
educator 'ed3ukeit0 oktató
be quick/slow on the uptake kwik / sl9ü gyors/lassú felfogású
dorm itory ‘dDimitri kollégium
appeal 9 ‘piil fellebez
tuition tju i'ija n oktatás, tanítás
tuition fee tju i'ija n fii tandíj
boarding school ‘bDidiQ skuil bentlakásos iskola
public school 'pAblik skuil magániskola (GB), állami
iskola (US)
freshm an 'frejm an elsőéves
sophom ore 'sofamDi másodéves
ju n io r ‘d ^uim a harmadéves
senior 'siinia negyedéves
u n d erg rad u ate .Anda'graedsuat egyetemista
Bologna Process 'p rau ses bolognai folyamat
R e g istrar’s D epartm ent 1red 3 i's tra iz d i'p a itm a n t tanulmányi osztály
requirem ents ri'kw aiam ants követelmények
be overstressed ’auva strest túlságosan izgul
teach sy how to behave tiítj hau tu bi'heiv megtanít vkit viselkedni
priváté school ’praivit skuil magániskola
state school s te it skuil állami iskola (US)

Choose the correct item.

1. Who

A) these photos were taken B) were these photos taken

C) these photos were made D) were these photos made

2. The dog by her ex-husband now.

A) was being training B) is being trainned

C) is being trained D) is trained

3. In generál the keyboard at least every two weeks.

A) shall be cleaned B) can nőt be cleaned

C) needs to clean D) needs to be cleaned
4. When we arrived, the grass

A) was being mown B) was mowing

C) was mown D) were being mowed

5. This old grandfather clock fór more than a month.

A) has been being repaired B) is being repaired

C) has being repaired D) has been repairing

6. By the time she gets home, the whole house green.

A) will have painted B) will have painting

C) will has been painted D) will have been painted

7. When we arrived there, that luxury model by two famous engineers.

A) were being tested B) was testing C) was being tested D) was tested

8. The computer stolen by two gangsters.

A) could has been B) could have been C) can has been D) can have bean

9. The dolphins by those tourists.

A) must have been fed B) must have fed

C) should has been fed D) should have feeding

10. Thebuilding by May.

A) ought to fmished B) ought to be finish

C) ought to has been fmished D) ought to have been fmished

11. She remembers off by her old maths teacher.

A) been teliing B) being told C) being teliing D) having to be teli

12. A) Will they be made give me a refund?
B) Will they be made to give me a refund?
C) Will be they made to give me a refund?
D) Will they made to give me a refund?

13. She hates about her actual age.

A) to be asking B) being asking C) to has been asked D) being asked


14. D on’t let yourself

A) be shouted B) be shouted at C) to be shouted D) to be shouted at

15. Look. The towers repaired now.

A) is being B) are being C) is D) are

Give your opinion on cheating in school in 120-150 words. (Mention a case and its consequences.)

Hard days at work

The clock strikes four o ’clock in the moming.
Justin tries to open his eyes bút it is nőt easy
fór him. ’lt is time to get up. My train leaves in
an hour, so I shouldn’t waste tim e,’ he says to
himself. He commutes to work every workday.
He leaves at five and arrives home early in the
evening. He works as a driver fór a priváté
company. His job is really tiring because he
sits in a truck all day and drives long distances
in very heavy traffic. He must concentrate on
driving because there are so many unexpected
situations on the roads. He alsó loads and unloads the truck during the
day. When he arrives at work, he checks in. He greets his workmates and puts on his work
clothes. He goes to his boss’s office and gets his task list fór the day. ’Let’s get started,’ he
says switching on the engine. At around noon he stops working only fór a short time when he
has his packed lunch and drinks a coffee. When he finishes work,he checks out and makes
his way to the railway station to catch the 5:30 train home.

1. What does your mother/father do fór a living?

2. What do you know about their jobs?

3. Do you think they enjoy their work?

4. What would you like to do in the future?

5. Is it easy to decide what job to choose?

6. What about job-sharing in your family?

7. What are your responsibilities?

8. Do you prefer working alone or with your family or friends? Why?

9. Where can a person get somé information when they look fóra job?

10. Why do people sometimes change their jobs?

It is the summer holiday. Your friends are all on the beach. You would
A) like to jóin them, bút you can’t go there because your mother has
given you somé housework to do. Discuss your problem with her.

You are going to be laté fór work because on the way to the office
B) you have been waiting fór twenty-five minutes in a traffic jam. Call
your boss and explain the situation.

One o f your workmates will have their nameday next week. You
C) think it would be a good idea to buy a surprise present fór them. Teli
your colleagues about it.
job d$Db munka, foglalkozás
profession pra'fejan hivatás
career ka'ria karrier, életpálya
apply fór a job a'plai megpályáz egy állást
take a job teik munkát vállal
boss bős főnök
w orkm ate !w 3ikm eit munkatárs
m anager 'maenid3a igazgató
full time job fül taim d^ob teljes munkaidő
p art time job p art taim d 3 ob részleges munkaidő
working hours lw3ikir] 'auaz munkaidő
at work at W3ik munkahelyen
irm osphere at w ork 'aetm asfia munkahelyi légkör
^ orkplace 'w3ikpleis munkahely
*age weid3 munkabér
yalary 'saelari fizetés
payday pei dei fizetésnap
factory 'faektari gyár
company 'kAmpani vállalat
business 'b izn a s vállalkozás, üzlet
firra fsrm cég
start a business s ta it a 'b izn as üzleti vállalkozásba kezd
m orning/afternoon/night 'rm m ir] / ,a:fta'n u :n / nait délelőtti/délutáni/éjszakai
shift Jift műszak
take a day off teik a dei of kivesz egy napot
^;o on holiday gau on ‘holadei szabadságra megy
do overtim e 'auvataim túlórázik
carm echanic ka: m i'kasm k autószerelő
clerk klaik hivatalnok
baker 'b eik a pék
assistant a 'sista n t asszisztens
bookseller ‘bukseia könyvkereskedő

bricklayer 'brikleia kőműves

butcher 'butja hentes
chemist ‘kemist gyógyszerész, vegyész
dentist 'dentist fogorvos
doctor 'dokta orvos
electrician i.lek'tri/an villanyszerelő
farmer 'fa ima gazda
florist 'fiorist virágárus
hairdresser 'headresa fodrász
hunter 'hAnta vadász
lawyer 'bija jogász
librarian lai’brearian könyvtáros
nurse n3is nővér
painter ’peinta festő
pilot ’pailat pilóta
plumber ’plAma vízszerelő
postman ’paustman postás
railway worker 'reilwei ’w3ika vasúti munkás
receptionist ri'sepjanist portás
secretary 'sekratari titkár
shoemaker 'Juimeika cipész
shop assistant Jop a'sistant bolti eladó
tailor ’teila szabó
travel agent 'traeval 'eid3ant utazási ügynök
watch maker wDtJ 'meika órás
worker 'w3ika munkás
office furniture ‘ofis 'f3initja irodabútor
desk desk íróasztal
caiendar 'kaelinda naptár
notice board 'nautis bDid faliújság
telephone 'telifaun telefon
lamp laemp lámpa
waste paper basket weist 'peipa 'baiskit papírkosár
folder 'faulda mappa
photocopier 'fautaukopia fénymásológép
com puter k am 'pjuita számítógép
kevboard ’kiibDid billentyűzet
fax machine faeks m a'Jiin faxgép
in-tray 'in trei elintézendő ügyiratok tálcája
w ork fór a com pany wBik íd : a 'kAmpani egy vállalatnál dolgozik
meeting 'm iitiq értekezlet
staff s ta if személyzet
commute ka'm juit ingázik
priváté com pany 'p raiv it ‘kAmpani magánvállalat
tiring ’taiarír] fárasztó
eheck in/out tjek in / aut be-/kijelentkezik

fo H $ C riu m /ju r r i

Choose the correct item.

1. ’She is working slowly.’ The boss says she slowly.

A) works B) worked C) working D) is working

2. ’Peter doesn’t have a big breakfast.’ I say Peter a big breakfast.

A) doesn’t have B) hasn’t C) has nőt D) hadn’t

3. ’Can you leam words easily?’ The teacher asks the pupil if
words easily.
A) can he leam B) he could leam C) he can leam D) he leams

4. ’I like intelligent students.’ The professor says intelligent students.

A )h elik e d B )ifh e lik e s C) he likes D) he like

5. ’Could you swim at the age of five?’ I asked swim at the age
of five.
A) could you B) you could C) if you can D) if you could

6. ’Don’t argue with me all the time. ’ Liz told her friend with her
all the time.
A) he doesn’t argue B) he nőt argues C) nőt to argue D) to nőt argue
7. ’The policeman didn’t catch the thief.’ I say the policeman the

A) hadn’t catch B) didn’t catch C) didn’t catched D) hadn’t caught

8. ’Promise me to go jogging twice a week. ’

A) I ask you promised me to go jogging twice a week.

B) I ask if you promised me to go jogging twice a week.
C) I ask you to promice me to go jogging twice a week.
D) I ask you to promise me to go jogging twice a week.

9. ’ The little kids haven’t grown a lót.’ I say the little kids

A) didn’t grow a lót. B) hadn’t grown a lót.

C) haven’t grow a lót. D) haven’t grown a lót.

10. ’I will call you when I arrive.’ I have just said I you when I arrive.

A) call B) called C) will call D) can call

Write an essay o f 100-150 words about your ideál job. (What makes it ideál? Do you know anyone
who does it? What do you like most about it?)
Selected fór the job
People who enjoy their work are considered happy and lucky. Job satisfaction means nőt only
going to work with pleasure, bút being motivated too. It alsó gives you the energy you need
to carry on something you started, or to work on a problem steadily. Those who are good
at organising their time efficiently can do several tasks during the day without becoming
stressed out by the end of the day. What characteristics and abilities are needed to achieve your
goals? Let’s see somé of them. Intelligence, problem-solving ability, ambition, persistence
m d creativity, etc. Both privately and state-owned firms require their white and blue collar
workers to meet challenges, keep updated, be flexible and face hardships.
A young engineer, a graduate from the university of engineering, was looking fór somé
good employment fór almost a year. He submitted his job application and was interviewed
2 number of times until finally he was the candidate who was selected fór the position. As a
new graduate, he was offered a reasonable salary with fringe benefits and perks. He works
:ogether with twenty colleagues in a large air-conditioned room in a modem office building.
His boss is a strict, consistent person with good organisational skills. He allows his staff to
work flexitime. His slogan is, ’Explore, analyse and do Creative work.’ The young engineer,
having plenty of short and long term tasks, feels really lucky to have been the one whose
Application was accepted.

1. One’s job has an influence on one’s lifestyle. What is your opinion about it?

2. How do you think young people should leam the value of money?

3. Have you ever done any student work?

4. What do you think o f dress codes at work?

5. What responsibilities do women/men with families have?

6. What does being successful mean to you? (at work, in priváté life)

7. Do you think that housewives looking after a whole family ought to be given a salary?

8. What makes a good boss/worker?

9. Cooperation or competition? Which one are you fór?

10. Would you like to work abroad when you grow up/after graduation?

’íiíiM jfay rUíí£jo/J£>

You are phoning a company where a job fór an economist is

advertised. Ask the secretary about the details.

You are being interviewed. You graduated as a teacher and would

B) like to teach mathematics with three years’ previous experience.
Have a dialogue with the interviewer. .iá#'

Your boss wants you to do overtime. You have a theatre ticket,

which was hard to get. How do you solve the problem?

biologist bai'D lad^ist biológus

civil servant 'sival 'sBivant köztisztviselő
com puter engineer kam 'pjuita (en d 3i ‘nia informatikus
economist i'kD nam ist közgazdász
engineer ,end3i'ni0 mérnök
estate agent i's te it 'eidgant ingatlanügynök
interior designer in 'tia ria d i'z a in a belsőépítész
internál speciálist ir»‘t3:nal 'sp e ja list belgyógyász
in terp reter in 't3 ip rita tolmács
jew eller ‘d3u:9l9 ékszerész
jo u rn alist 'd33:nalist újságíró
judge d3Ad3 bíró
optician D p'tijan optikus
notary 'nautari közjegyző
priest priist pap
prosecutor 'p m sik ju ita ügyész
politician .pDii'txJan politikus
psychologist sai'kD lad 3ist pszichológus
speech th erap ist s p iitf 'G erapist logopédus
sociologist ,sauXi'Dlad3ist szociológus
spokesperson 'sp au k sp3isan szóvivő
surgeon 'S3:d3an sebész
technician te k ’n ijan technikus
tiler 'taila hidegburkoló
tu rn e r ft3in9 esztergályos
upholsterer .Ap'haulstera kárpitos
designer d i'z a in a tervező
phvsician fi'z i/a n orvos
physicist 'fiz is is t fizikus
vet vet állatorvos
be in charge of tja :d 3 megbízott valamivel
be on duty 'djuiti ügyeletes
to fax faeks faxol
to email íi meil e-mailt ír
enterprise 'e n ta p raiz vállalkozás
earn/m ake money 3in / m eik 'mAni pénzt keres
set up a business set Ap a 'b izn as vállalkozást hoz létre
give in one’s notice 'n s u tis benyújtja a felmondását
income *ir]kAm jövedelem
CEO (C hief Executive SÍI ÍI 9U vezérigazgató
pay tax p ei taeks adót fizet
tax office taeks 'ofis adóhivatal
trainee trei'n i: gyakornok
blue/white collar w ork blu: / w ait 'kóla fizikai/szellemi munka
agenda agenda napirend
labour m ark ét 'leiba 'm ark it munkaerőpiac
w ork flexitime 'fleksataim rugalmas munkaidőben
job satisfaction d 3 t)b .saetis'faek/an munkával való
privately/state-ow ned firm f3im magán-/állami cég
subm it one’s application sab 'm it .aepli'keifan benyújtja a pályázatát
be interviewed ’intavjuid interjún vesz részt
reasonable salary 'riiznabal 'saelari tisztességes fizetés
fringe benefit frin d 3 'b e m fit járulékos juttatás
perks p3iks nem pénz jellegű juttatások
be selected fór the position s ile k tid őt választják a pozícióra
accept sy’s application ak 'sep t .aepli'keijan elfogadja vki jelentkezését

Choose the correct item.

1. Did she ask you what kind of logo

A) did they choose B) they chose C) had they chosen D) they had chosen

2. Roger said celebs the right of privacy too.

A) are having B) have C) having D) was having

3. Where the story had taken piacé?

A) he says B) he said C) did he say D) he had said

4. The manager said all the employees their best, bút they
A) should have done B) should have made C) should have to do D) can do
5. It wasn’t mentioned whether the crew rescued from the ship.

A) can be B) has been C) may be D) was

6. She said she to get the garage door repaired the day before.

A) had had B) has had C) can have D) has

7. Mary said if I the garden gate, she

come in.
A) would open ... will B) open ... will
C) opened ... would D) open ... would

8. ’Let’s nőt wait until the business goes bankrupt.’ He suggested they
until the business bankrupt.

A) shouldn’t w a it... went B) won’t w a it... goes

C) wouldn’t waited ... went D) shouldn’t w a it... didn’t go

9. ’All the fields were flooded last week.’ The farmer became worried when he heard that
all the fields week.

A) were flooded the previous B) were flooding last

C) had been flooding last D) had been flooded the previous

10. ’The neighbours had a very noisy party last night.’ Aunt Moira said the neighbours
a very noisy party the previous night.

A) had had B) have C) were had D) had been had

11. ’Do you know where it has been hidden?’ She asked me where

A) did I know ... it was B) if I knew ... it had been

C) knew I ... was it D) if I knew ... was it

12. ’lt couldn’t be any more complicated.’ The designer said any
more complicated.
A) could it be B) it couldn’t be C) could have had D) couldn’t have had

13. ’How should I know it?’ Please teli me know it.

A) who should I B) how should I C) who I should D) how I should

14. ’You mustn’t smoke in the corridor,’ said the lady. The lady remarked
allowed to smoke in the corridor.
A) we weren’t B) we were C) if we weren’t D) whether we were

15. ’May I have a glass of whisky? asked a voice behind the door. Someone behind the
door asked

A) if they may have a glass of whisky. B) if might they have a glass of whisky.
C) might they have a glass of whisky. D) if they might have a glass of whisky.

A) You run a business. You need a shop assistant in your computer shop. Create a job advertisement
including the position, requirements, perks and salary.
B) Write your (imaginary) CV.

Holidays and Celebrations

Christmas celebration
At last it was time fór the winter vacation. Christmas
was very close with all the shops full o f goods. Streets
and houses were decorated with flashing tiny bulbs.
Jeremy and his family were preparing to celebrate
together with the whole family; aunts, uncles and
cousins, whom they hadn’t met fór a year. It was the
family tradition to get together at least once a year
around Christmas. That year it was Jeremy’s family’s
tűm to treat all the closest relatives to a special meal.
By the time the guests arrived, everything had been
prepared nicely. It was really surprising to see how
much the children had grown. Somé of the girls and
the boys had changed so much that the elderly were simply amazed by their appearence. ’lf
we had met in the Street, I wouldn’t have recognised you,’ said Uncle Sam to one o f them. The
atmosphere was perfect with a tall Christmas tree in the comer of the sitting room. Undemeath
the tree there were the presents wrapped up in shiny paper. Everybody was delighted to see
the relatives they hadn’t met fór a long time. They were talking cheerfully when Jeremy’s
mother entered the room with a big bowl of fish soup and a large tino f roast turkey.’At last
we are all together. Let’s start our Christmas dinner,’ said the oldest member o f the family
while Jeremy was lighting the candles on the table.

1- What family holidays can you mention?

2. What public holidays do you know?

Holidays-and Celebrations

3. How do you celebrate birthdays/Christmas/New Year’s Eve?

4. Where are you planning to travel in the summer?

5. Do you prefer spending your holiday in Hungary or abroad? Why?

6. Guidebooks or the Internet? Which one do you consult before travelling to a piacé?

7. What preparations are needed before a trip?

8. How can children/adults spend their holiday if they don’t travel anywhere?

9. What activities can old people do if they are on holiday?

10. Do you ever send postcards to your friends from the holiday resort you are visiting?

You are about to leave a hotel and want to pay the bili. You have
A) noticed it is higher than it should be. Complain about it to the

Your friend has invited you to a barbecue. Ask them about the other
B) guests invited, what you should bring with you and what kind of
clothes to wear.

You and your family are planning a trip to the Alps in summer. Talk
C) about how to travel there, where to stay and what preparations to
make before your holiday.
Holidays and Celebrations

travel 'traeval utazás

individual trip ,indi'vid 3 ual trip egyéni utazás
package tour 'paekid3 tua társasutazás
inland tour in'laend tua belföldi utazás
world tour W3 ild tua világ körüli út
tour the world tua öa W3 ild utazik a világban
business trip 'biznas trip üzleti út
study trip 'stAdi trip tanulmányút
trip to the countryside 'kAntrisaid vidékre utazik
organise the holiday biganaiz a 'holadei megszervezi a nyaralást
book a holiday búk a 'hoiadei lefoglalja a nyaralást
valid passport 'vaelid 'paispDit érvényes útlevél
expire ik'spaia lejár
extend the visa ik'stend Öa 'viiza meghosszabbítja a vízumot
embassy 'embasi nagykövetség
ambassador aem'baesada nagykövet
prepare fór a trip pri'pea készül egy utazásra
airport 'eapDit reptér
check-in tjek in bejelentkezik
weigh wei súlyt mér
boarding card 'bDidin kaid beszállókártya
departure lounge di'paitja Iaund3 előcsarnok
luggage/baggage 'lAgid3 / 'baegid3 poggyász
suitcase 'suitkeis bőrönd
bag baeg táska
rucksack 'rAksaek hátizsák
customs officer 'kAstamz 'ofisa vámtiszt
duty free shop 'djuiti frii Jop vámmentes bolt
Have you got anything to di'klea Van-e valami elvámolnivalója?
departure di'paitja indulás
arrival a'raival érkezés
Holidays and Celebrations

tim etable 'taim teibal menetrend

be delayed d ile id késik
be eancelled 'kaensald törölve (járat)
flight fiait járat, repülés
flight num ber fiait 'nAmbe járatszám (repülőé)
control tow er kan'traul ’tau a irányítótorony
runw ay 'rAnwei kifutópálya
airplane 'eaplein repülőgép
phone a hotel faun 9 hau'tel telefonál egy hotelba
book a room búk 9 ru:m szobát foglal
single/double room 'siQgal / 'dAb9l ru:m egyágyas/kétágyas szoba
a room with a bath 9 ru:m wiö 9 ba:0 szoba fürdőszobával
Is breakfast included? in 'k lu id id A reggeli is benne van?
stay at the hotel stei megszáll egy szállodában
stay with a family stei megszáll egy családnál
reception ri'se p ja n recepció
bed and break fast bed 9nd 'brekf9St szállás reggelivel
boarding house ’bDidír] hauz panzió
cam p site kaemp sa it kemping
set up a tent set Ap 9 tent felver egy sátrat
youth hostel ju :0 'hostal ifjúsági szálló
go sightseeing 's a itsin n városnézésre megy
to urist guide 'tu 9 rist gaid idegenvezető
inform ation centre 1in f9 ,m eij9n 'sent9 információs iroda
beach b iítj strand
bathing suit / swimsuit lba:0ir] su it / !sw im su:t fürdőruha
swimming tru n k s ’swimir] trAr]ks fürdőnadrág
sunglasses ’sAnglaesiz napszemüveg
sunshade 'sAnJeid napernyő
w inter vacation 'w int9 V9*keij9n téli vakáció
flashing bulbs 'flaejin bAlb z villogó égők
decorate 'd ek areit díszít
tre a t sy to a decent meal ’d iisn t mi:l tisztességesen vendégül lát vkit
family tradition !fasm9li tr g 'd i^ n családi hagyomány
w rap up raep Ap becsomagol
candie 'kaendal gyertya
Choose the correct item.

1. If you conflicts with me all the time, we could finish work

much earlier.
A) haven’t B) doesn’t have C) didn’t have D) haven’t got

2. I fill in the form if you leave me alone.

A) will ... will B) wouldn’t ... will C) will ... - D) - ... will

3. If the doctor , he treat you.

A) coming ... will B) comes ... will C) will come D) comes ... would

4. The town wouldn’t be so polluted if there so many trucks and

cars in the streets.
A) weren’t B) were C) would be D) wouldn’t be

5. I go to the theatre with Brenda, if I time.

A) would ... would have B) will ... had

C) will ... would have D) would ... had

6. The dentist puli out her tooth if she

him do so.
A) will ... let B) would ... would let
C) will ... would let D) will ... will let

7. I somé sandwiches fór you if you me to.

A) will make ... ask B) would ... ask

C) made ... would ask D) will make ... asked

8. He to the jungle if he braver.

A) would have gone ... would be B) would has gone ... was
C) would go ... had been D) would have gone ... had been
Holidays and Celebrations

9. I that mountain if I one more day

A) should climb ... has B) would climb ... had
C) would has climbed ... has had D) would climbed ... had

10. The driver his boss if he

A) will calls ... stop B) would call ... stop

C) will call ... stops D) would called ... stopped

Write a letter o f 100-120 words to your best friend about your trip of a lifetime, which you will
never forget. (What made it unforgettable? What places did you visit? Did you leam anything
during the trip?)
Holidays and Celebrations

The trip of a lifetime

One Sunday aftemoon the Jones family sat down at a round table in their dining room to draw
up a plán fór their summer holiday. The parents had been saving money fór two years so that
their children could have an unforgettable trip somewhere by the sea. It wasn’t easy to come
to an agreement on what type of holiday to go on. ’We can go by cár and spend our vacation
in a caravan parked in a campsite in a picturesque area,’ suggested father, who was quite
economical and had always managed his money very carefully. ’Yes, we can pitch a tent,’
remarked their ten-year old daughter. ’I don’t want to live in a sleeping bag fór four weeks,’
grumbled their són, aged seventeen. ’We could rent a self-catering fiat too,’ said mother. ’We
should cook at least one or two hours a day, and then do the washing up and tidy up the fiat.
It wouldn’t be a reál holiday fór us,’ said father having the last word conceming the options.
They still weren’t quite certain whether to travel independently or to go on a package tour.
T f we travel independently, we will have to do all the arrangements ourselves; buy the train
or air tickets, book the rooms in a hotel somewhere close to the sea, and choose from the
programmes offered on the Internet,’ added their eldest daughter. ’Oh no,’ said Mrs. Jones,
‘it would be too much trouble and energy. Let’s go on package tour,’ she said. So the next
day they walked to a travel agency, and when they saw the breathtaking scenery in one of the
brochures, they all wished to travel to the same piacé. In the end, it took only thirty minutes
fór them to choose the piacé and pay a lót of money fór the trip of their lifetime.

1. Would you enjoy your time without your laptop and mobile while on holiday?

2. What piacé would you visit, anywhere in the world, if you had the money fór it?

3. What are the most fashionable places in Hungary/abroad that tourists visit?

4. With friends at home or with unknown people around you abroad? Which one would
you choose? Why?

5. What sort of good/bad experiences did you have during your vacation?

6. When you travel abroad, what are your priorities; history, people, scenery or shops?

7. How about buying souvenirs while on holiday?

Holidays and Celebrations

8. What holidays are celebrated in Hungary?

9. Why is it important fór families to celebrate and go on holiday together?

10. What kind of holiday do you consider the most relaxing? Why?

It’s lunchtime on Sunday. The phone is ringing and an agent offers

A) you a trip to Greece at a reasonable price. How do you respond to

A cousin of yours invited you to her wedding celebration. Later it

B) turnéd out that you were pút on the guest list just because somebody
had cancelled the invitation. Talk about it with your cousin.

You are on holiday and your bag containing your personal belongings
has been stolen. Make a complaint at the police station.

wedding cerem ony ’w ed ír]'serim an i esküvő

wedding cake ‘w edin keik esküvői torta
best m án best maen vőfély
bride braid menyasszony
bridegroom 'b raid g ru m vőlegény
bridesm aid 'b raid zm eid koszorúslány
witness ’w itnas tanú
Holidays and Celebrations

veil veil fátyol

bouquet bu'kei virágcsokor
go on honeymoon 'h A n i m u i n nászútra megy
newly weds ‘njuili wedz újdonsült házasok
Registrar’s Office .redsi'straiz 'ofis anyakönyvi hivatal
marriage certiflcate 'maerid3 sa'tifikeit házassági kivonat
church wedding tj~31tj~ 'wediQ templomi esküvő
get married to get ‘maerid hozzámegy vkihez
be married 'maerid házas
christening ’krisanií] keresztelő
godparents 'godpearants keresztszülők
godmother 'godmAÖa keresztanya
godfather 'godfaiöa keresztapa
name-giving ceremony neim 'giviq 'serimani névadó ünnepség
set up a tree set Ap a tri: fát állít
decoration ^eka'reijan dísz
fondant 'fondant szaloncukor
spirit of Christmas 'spint av 'krismas a karácsony hangulata
midnight mass 'midnait maes éjféli mise
Santa Ciause 'saenta 'kloz Mikulás
holly 'holi magyal
mistletoe 'misltau fagyöngy
wreath ri:0 koszorú
Boxing Day 'boksir] dei a karácsony második napja
poppyseed roll 'popi 'síid raul mákos bejgli
tin tin tepsi
stuffed turkey StAft 't3iki töltött pulyka
wrapping paper ’raepír] 'peipa csomagolópapír
New Year’s Eve nju: 'jirz i:v szilveszter
national anthem 'naejnai ’aenGam nemzeti himnusz
Easter 'iista húsvét
Easter bunny 'iista ’bAni húsvéti nyuszi
sprinkle 'spriqkal meglocsol
folk art fauk ci:t népművészet
embroidered clothes im'broidad klauöz hímzett ruhák
Holidays and Celebrations

hand-painted eggs haend ‘peintid egz kézzel festett tojások

set up a plán set Ap a plein felvázol egy tervet
unforgettable trip .Anfa'getaba! trip felejthetetlen utazás
caravan ’kaeravaen lakókocsi
carapsite 'kaempsait kemping
picturesque .piktja'resk festői
pitch up a ten t p ítj Ap a tent felállít egy sátrat
travel independently 'traeval .indi'pendantli egyénileg utazik
package tour 'paekid3 tua társasutazás
loads of money laudz av 'mAni egy csomó pénz
a trip of one’s lifetime trip av 'laiftaim egy életre szóló utazás
com m em orate a historical ka'memareit a hi'storikal megemlékezik egy történelmi
event i'vent eseményről
w ar of independence wDír av .indi'pendans szabadságharc
May Day mei dei május elseje
M o th er’s Day ’maöarz dei anyák napja
F a th e r’s Day 'faiöaz dei apák napja
W hitsun 'witsan pünkösd
The Foundation of the faun'deijan av steit magyar államalapítás
H ungárián State
coronation .kora'neijan koronázás
the D eclaration of the .dekla'reijan av ri'pAblik a Magyar Köztársaság
H ungárián Republic kikiáltása

Choose the correct item.

1. Ifh e his performance, he would have been given a higher salary.

A) raised B) had raised C) would raise D) would has raised

2. More psychological research if the professor had required it.

A) would have done B) had done

C) would have been done D) had been done
Holidays and Celebrations n

3. You might have become a doctor if you studied much more.

A) - B) would studied C) have D) had

4. If we earlier, we to be in a hurry now.

A) would leave ... would B) would have left ... wouldn’t

C) have left ... would have had D) had left ... wouldn’t have

5. Ifh e send the agreement, please call me.

A) should B) will C) would D) have to

6. I so grateful to you if you sign the

contract in time.
A) would be ... would B) will be ... would
C) am ... will be D) will be ... were

7. If you me the boát trip, I would have gone with you.

A) ’d had recommended B) had recomended

C) had recommended D) recommended

8. Ifi the accident, I wouldn’t have known the details.

A) hadn’t have seen B) have seen C) hadn’t seen D) had seen

9. Sorry, bút if you me on time, I wouldn’t have been so worried.

A) had emailed B) would have emailed

C) would emailed D) would email

10 . Would she have assisted me if she had the time?

A) - B) had C) ’d have D) ’d had

11. H a d i seen her, I told her the news.

A) had B) will had C) ’d have D) I have

12. Ifh e had known you were coming, he thrown a party.

A) would B) would have C) ’d has D) would had

13. What country would you have travelled to if you enough
money fór the trip?
A) have B) have had C) would have D) had had

14. If they to do that job fór a whole year, they would ’ve escaped
from there.

A) ’d had B) would had C) would have D) had

15. Max said he the pigeons if I him to.

A) had fed ... would ask B) would feed ... asked

C) will feed ... ask D) fed ... would ask

Write an essay of 120-150 words about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. (Is your
home town popular with tourists? What sights would you recommend to visitors going there?)
An ordinary day
’Sharon, it’s time to get up,’ says her father at 6.15.
She is lucky to be able to jump out of bed. She takes a
quick shower, dries herself, cleans her teeth and combs
her hair. Sometimes she uses her electric hair curler to
look pretty during the day. It’s a hard question what to
pút on in the moming. She likes bright colours because
she thinks they energise her, which is important to
her. She puts somé make-up on her face and she is
ready. ’I’ll have somé breakfast and then I’ll leave
fór school,’ she thinks to herself. She is always the
first to arrive, so she has enough time to go through
her homework. After the lessons she has lunch at the
school canteen. She and her friends go fór a short walk in the nearby park to relax a bit and
laugh a lót. She has basketball training three times a week in the aftemoons. She studies at
home until 6:30 or so. Sharon’s family always have dinner together. They never watch TV
until they finish eating. They clear the table and wash up together. Sharon reads either short
stories, poems or magazines in bed. She falls asleep at about ten o ’clock and sleeps soundly
till the next moming.

1. Who/what wakes you up in the moming?

2. Do you have a big breakfast?

3. How long does it take you to get to school?

4. Where do you have lunch?

5. What after-school activities do you do in the aftemoon?

6. How do you relax when you get home?

7. How long do you study fór the next day?

8. Do you have dinner/supper together with your family?

9. When do you use the computer during the day?

1 0 . What time do you go to bed?

iiiüi) o n z

You are in a hurry in the moming. Your mother wants you to have
breakfast with the family. You ask her fór a sandwich to take with
you. Apologise to your mother.

You are staying at your nephew’s fór one month in summer. Ask
your aunt about the family’s daily routine.

There is a good film on TV from 8:30 p.m., which you want to

see very much. The next day you will have to get up early. Your
father asks you to go to bed soon. Try to find a good solution to the
alarm clock a'la:m klók ébresztőóra
pillow 'pilau párna
quilt kwilt paplan
do somé morning exercise 'mDinir] 'ek sasaiz reggeli tornát végez
take a shower ’Jaua zuhanyozik
shave Jeiv borotválkozik
clean one’s teeth kiiin ti:0 megmossa a fogát
drv oneself drai megtörülközik
comb one’s hair kaum megfésülködik
pút somé make-up on one’s pút on 'm eik Ap kisminkeli az arcát
get dressed get d rest felöltözik
pút on somé clothes pút on klauöz felveszi a ruhát
take off somé clothes teik of kiauöz leveszi a ruhát
have a quick breakfast kwik 'brekfast gyorsan megreggelizik
read a newspaper ri:d a ’n ju isp eip a újságot olvas
listen to the news Misán tu öa njuiz meghallgatja a híreket
have a cup of tea a kAp av ti: iszik egy teát
leave fór school li:v fa sku:l elmegy az iskolába
leave home lí:v haum elmegy otthonról
arrive at school/work a'raiv megérkezik az iskolába/
have elevenses i'levansiz tízóraizik
go through the homework gau 9ru: öa 'haum w 3:k átfutja a házi feladatot
school canteen sku:l kaen'ti:n iskolai menza
queue kju: sorban áll
study at home ‘stAdi at haum otthon tanul
make order m eik 'D:da rendet csinál
clean the fiat kli:n öa flaet kitakarítja a lakást
wash up the dishes w of Ap öa 'd íjíz elmossa az edényeket
air the room ea öa ru:m kiszellőzteti a szobát
make the bed m eik öa bed megágyaz
Daily Routine

do the shopping da öa 'Jopit] bevásárol

take a sh o rt b reak te ik a jDit breik kicsit megpihen
w ork h ard W3:k hend keményen dolgozik
wash the clothes wd| öa klauöz kimossa a ruhákat
hoover 'huiva porszívózik
feed the dog fi:d öa dog megeteti a kutyát
iron 'aian vasal
peel piil hámoz
stir St3I kavar (ételt)
mop rrmp felmos
sweep swiip söpör
go jogging 'd3Dgir] elmegy kocogni
w atch TV /a DVD w o tf tévét/D VD-t néz
bedtim e story 'b ed taim 'stDiri esti mese

O rd ín iim r T a si

Choose the correct item.

1- Betty dislikes new people.

A) that she meet B) to met C) meeting D) meets

2. Bili has decided someweight.

A) losing B) he lose C) to loose D) to lose

3. I promise you every day.

A) to email B) emailing C) to be email D) to emailing

4. The lecturer enjoyed his students.

A) to test B) testing C) he to test D) he testing

5. The manager suggested more overtime.

A) making B) doing C) to make D) to do

6. They expected the mechanic their old cár quickly.

A) to repair B) repairing C) to prepare D) preparing

7. Her boyfriend hoped her again.

A) seeing B) seing C) to saw D) to see

8. ’Keep ,’ she said smiling.

A) talk B) to talk C) talking D) talked

9. Iw ish you in the near future.

A) to see B) seeing C) to look D) looking

10. ’Excuse me you,’ said Sebastian to his girlfriend.

A) to leave B) leaving C) to live D) living

What is your parents’ daily routine like? Write on essay of 100-120 words about it.
A special weekend
’lt’s fantastic to be lazing in bed on Saturday moming. I am going to have brunch with my
friends early in the aftemoon, then play tennis with a colleague of mine. Early in the evening
I am going to celebrate my parents’ silver wedding anniversary together with the extended
family. It’s been such an exhausting week with so many tasks. What is more, on Tuesday I
had a presentation about the latest effects of the economic crisis on the banking sector. Thank
goodness, my boss is satisfied with what I have done so far.’ With these words Nicole got up,
had a quick shower, pút on her favourite blue jeans, somé mascara and perfume, grabbed her
bag and set off in her cár. She arrived at her friends’ at eleven o ’clock sharp. She is always
as punctual as a watch. The young ladies chatted about sports, work, the latest fashion, travel
and even the influence o f a person’s surroundings on their behaviour too. After meeting her
friends, she dashed off to the tennis court and then her parents’ house where the surprise
party was being thrown. Her parents hadn’t had a clue of what was going to happen. Nicole’s
brother had taken them to a classical concert. On arriving home, the parents burst intő tears
when they saw the whole family in the sitting room. ’I alsó wish to be as lucky as my parents

1. How long does it take you to get ready to leave fór school in the moming?

2. How do you make your moming tea/coffee?

3. Do you use any household appliances in the moming?

4. Is there anything that makes your momings pleasant?

5. How long do you study a day?

6. Do your family have dinner together on weekdays?

7. What are the duties that you do regularly or seldom?

8. What do you do when you arrive home from school/work?

9. What are the activities that you do together with your parents?

1 0 . How often do you go on an outing with your family or friends?

Your mother has asked you to help her peel somé potatoes and do
the washing up. You should prepare fór tomorrow’s geography
progress test and leam a long poem by heart. Teli your problem to
your mother.
,__ ' "■•roll

You have woken up thirty minutes later than you should have. You
B) may be laté fór work. Call your boss to explain the situation and
apologise to them.

You work as an actor/actress at a large theatre. You have met one of

your old friends. Teli them about an average weekday of yours.

/B V üciibüiiiry

get up g et Ap felébred
electric toothbrush i'lek trik 'tuiÖbrAj elektromos fogkefe
h aird ry er hea 'd raia hajszárító
pút on somé m ascara p út ün m ae'skaira kifesti a szempilláját
remove m ascara ri'm uiv m as'skaira lemossa a szemfestéket
pút on somé perfum e p út o n pa'fjuim tesz magára egy kis parfümöt
shower gél ‘Jau a d 3el tusfürdő
bath foam b a:0 faum furdőhab
hair conditioner hea k an 'd ijan a hajkondicionáló
wax waeks haj fény
mousse m u:s hajhab
anti-perspirant 'aenti p a'sp aran t izzadásgátló
a b ar of soap a b a :r av saup egy egész szappan
Daily Routine

deodorant d ii'au d aran t dezodor

hairspray heasprei hajlakk
substantial breakfast sab'staenjal 'brekfast kiadós reggeli
a nice cup of tea a nais kAp av ti: egy csésze finom tea
leave fór school li:v fa skuil elindul az iskolába
be pressed fór time prést fa taim szorítja az idő
get the room organised get 5a ru:m Diganaizd rendbe teszi a szobáját
household duties 'h aushauld 'd ju itiz ház körüli feladatok
household appliances 'haushauld a 'p la ian siz háztartási készülékek
tum ble-drver 'tAmbal 'draia szárítógép
dustcloth dASt kloö porrongy
bucket 'bAkit vödör
broom bruim seprű
cleaning m achine 'kliinit] m a'Jiin takarítógép
w ashing-up liquid .wd/ iq 'ap 'likwid mosogatószer
fabric softener 'faebrik sofna öblítőszer
listen to an MP3 player (em ,pi: 0ri: 'pleia MP3-at hallgat
go on a w orkout 'w 3:kaut edzésre megy
zap through the channels zaep 0ru: öa 'tjaenalz átfut a tévécsatornákon
have a meeting ’miitír] értekezlete van
have a presentation .p rezn 'teijan prezentációt tart
discuss somé issues di'skAS 'ifu iz megvitat néhány kérdést
be on a business trip 'b izn as trip üzleti úton van
b u rn the m idnight oil b3in Öa 'm id n ait oil késő éjszaka tanul/dolgozik

Choose the correct item.

1- Lucy always postpones the dentist.

A) to visit B) visiting C) to be visiting D) to visiting

2. All o f the employees are looking forward the new vice president.

A) to meeting B) to meet C) meeting D) meet

sn (■Éj Daily Routine

3. The Brownsons will consider their yacht soon.

A) the sell B) sell C) to sell D) selling

4. The little boy happened the porcelain figure.

A) to breaking B) breaking C) to brake D) to break

5. The old mán didn’t remember the comedy at the theatre.

A) looking at B) to look at C) seeing D) to be seen

6. Please avoid her feelings.

A) offending B) hurting C) to damage D) to spoil

7. ’I can’t help you,’ sang the popstar.

A) lőve B) loving C) to lőve D) loved

8. The student failed in his paper in time.

A) handling B) handing C) to hand D) to handle

9. The witness refused the truth.

A) to teli B) to say C) teliing D) saying

10. The criminal denied the crime.

A) committing B) to comit C) making D) to make

11. Heregretted business with the new partner.

A) making B) to make C) doing D) to do

12. He expected warmheartedly.

A) to greet B) to be greeted C) greeting D) to have greeting

13. The watchdog always pretends what is going on.

A) nőt to watch B) to nőt watch C) nőt watching D) to nőt watching

14. The alcoholic took a long time ago.

A) to drink B) drinking C) drink D) to drinking

Daily Routine

15. Big families can’t afford new cars frequently.

A) buying B) to buy C) to be bought D) being bought

Write an essay o f 150-200 words about how you imagine the daily routine of one of your favourite
athletes or rockstars.
Travelling at home and abroad
A long time ago people travelled on horseback
or in horse-driven carriages. Today they fly on
passenger planes to faraway countries, or go on a
cruise on luxury yachts to exotic places, or sit in
the cár and off they go just to call on their pals.
It’s pleasant and fást to travel on motorways. You
can avoid busy city centers, crossroads, zebra
crossings, where you have to stop and give way
to pedestrians. If you want to see the wonders of
your country, there is always a lót to see. It is great
that you understand the language of the people
around you, and you can get information easily. When you arrive in a piacé, you can stay in
a boarding house or a small hotel. After having a big breakfast, you can go sightseeing and
enjoy yourselves walking around the town. People who travel to big cities can spend their
nights in different kinds of accomodation; hotels, motels, boarding houses, apartments and
campsites, etc. In summer time those who lőve physical exercise ride their bicycle touring the
country. Others take their motorcycles out of the garage to enjoy freedom and the beauties of
the countryside.

1. How often do you travel?

2. How do you prepare fór a trip?

3. How long does it take you to pack your suitcase?

r v T ''.

■ Travelling

4. Who do you like to travel with? Why?

5. What kind of accommodation do you prefer during your stay?

6. Where do you buy your tickets if you travel by train?

7. What way o f travelling do you prefer?

8. How do you spend your time on the train or in the cár?

9. What things do you take with you if you go abroad, on a eláss excursion or to the
mountains to ski?

10. Why can it be relaxing to leave home fór a week a two?

You want to take your parrot in a cage with you fór a two-week trip
Your mother says no to your idea. Try to persuade her to agree.

You have arrived at the bordér by cár. The customs officer asks you
to get out of your cár and show the boot to him.

You and your friend want to travel to London by train. Go to the

C) booking office and buy two tickets asking fór somé information
pack the suitcase paek öa 'su itk eis bepakol a bőröndbe
raap maep térkép
individual trip (in d i'v id 3ual trip egyéni utazás
book a ticket online búk a 'tik it 0 nlain online rendel jegyet
airline 'ealain légitársaság
railway company 'reilw ei ‘kAmpani vasúti társaság
raiiay station ‘reilw ei ’steijan vasútállomás
single ticket 'singal 'tik it egy útra szóló jegy
return ticket ri't3:n 'tik it retúr-/menettérti jegy
go by road gau bai raud úton megy
go by rail gau bai reil vasúton megy
go by air gau bai ea repülővel utazik
go by sea gau bai si: tengeren utazik
get on the train g et cm Öa trein felszáll a vonatra
get off the train get of öa trein leszáll a vonatról
take off teik of felszállás (repülő)
landing ’laendír] leszállás (repülő)
board the pláne bDid öa plein beszáll a repülőbe
get off the pláne get of Öa plein leszáll a repülőről
pilot 'pailat pilóta
cockpit 'kokpit pilótafülke
reserve a room r i‘z3:v a ru:m szobát foglal
in advance in ad'vains előre
single room ’siqgal ru:m egyágyas szoba
double room 'dAbal ru:m kétágyas szoba
tourist 'tu a rist turista
tourism 'tu arizam turizmus
viliágé tourism 'vilid 3 tu ariz am falusi turizmus
sleeping bag 'siiipír] baeg hálózsák
full board fül bDid teljes ellátás
hali board h a :f bo:d félpanzió
be included in 'k lu id id magában foglal

at the eustoms ’kAStamz vámnál

customs officer 'kAstamz 'ofisa vámtiszt
bordér guard 'bDida ga:d hátárőr
passport 'paispDit útlevél
passport control 'paispDit kan'traul útlevél-ellenőrzés
visa 'viiza vízum
tourist guide 'tuarist gaid idegenvezető
tourist group 'tuarist gruip turistacsoport
travel insurance 'traeval in'Juarans utazási biztosítás
traveller’s cheque/check 'traevlaz tjek utazási csekk
brochure 'braufa prospektus
hitchhike ■hitjhaik stoppol (járművet)
high season hai 'siizan főszezon
outing/trip/excursion 'autii] / trip / ik'sk3:Jan kirándulás
visitor centre 'vizita ‘senta idegenforgalmi központ
make enquires in'kwaia érdeklődik
early season '3:li siizan előszezon
carriage 'kaerids (vasúti) kocsi
compartment kam'paitmant fülke
trolley 'troli csomagszállító kocsi
porter 'pDita hordár
connection ka'nekjan csatlakozás
platform 'plaetfDim peron, vágány
loudspeaker laud'spiika hangosbemondó
sleeping cár 'sliipin ka: hálókocsi
express train ik'spres trein expresszvonat
seat reservation si:t .reza'veijan helyfoglalás
locomotive Jauka'mautív mozdony
rail reil sín
railwayman 'reilweiman vasutas
hotel hau'tel szálloda
motel mau'tel motel
apartment a'paitmant lakás
boarding house 'bDidin hauz panzió
campsite ’kasmpsait kemping
z e b r a C r o s s in g 'zebra 'krosin gyalogátkelő
crossroads 'krosraudz útkereszteződés
g o s ig h t s e e in g 's a itsin n városnéző sétára megy

f f SS S i
ii í í r n s i

^hoose the correct item.

1. Who is that curly-haired young mán with my daughter?

A) dances B) dance C) dancing D) danced

2. On the zoological museum, the animal tamer called the zoo.

A) leave B) leaving C) being left D) left

3. The letter is on the secretary’s table.

A) writing B) being written C) writen D) written

4. The cake by the pastry cook is always delicious.

A) is making B) making C) makes D) made

5. the accident, she called the ambulance.

A) Seeing B) Sawing C) Seen D) Saw

6. The area is an exotic garden.

A) watering B) watered C) nőt watering D) nőt water

7. The worker took a short break.

A) exhausted B) exhausting C) tiring D) tiresomed

8. the news, I called my cousin.

A) Hear B) Heared C) Hearing D) Heard

9. The lion in the south-west comer of the safari park is extremely

A) lying B) laying C) laid D) lied

10. A letter yesterday has already arrived.

A) posting B) posted C) having posting D) be posting

Write an essay of 120-150 words about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by cár.
(Road conditions, weather, comfort, traffic jams, price of petrol, etc.)

If you hear the word ’travel’, you associate it with a wonderful activity that you do during your
holiday. On the other hand, a great number of people travel just because it is part of their life,
the way they make their living. Pilots, captains, stewardesses, tourist guides and businessmen
travel from country to country. They cover thousands of miles month after month while they
can see the wonders of the world too. You fly to distant parts of the globe to see how people
live there, what their culture, architecture, folklóré, history and cuisine are like. At other
times you fly to take pleasure in the sights of magnificent mountains, waterfalls, fjords, lakes,
forests, rare animal species, unique plants or colourful fishes around coral reefs. People alsó
travel because they want to enjoy special sports that they can’t do at home. They drive up to
the mountain top on a snowy winding road because sliding down the piste provides them with
considerable excitement. Animal lovers spend a fortune on travelling to see their favourites
living in their natural habitat, e.g. in a jungle or on a prairie. A great majority of women and
mén tour the world because they are devoted to the throbbing of metropolises where one can
find a very special atmosphere only there and nowhere else.

1. What are the necessary preparations before travelling abroad?

2. How can one find the right sort of accommodation?

3. What sorts of presents do you buy fór your friends abroad before visiting them?

4. How do you kill the time when you travel by train, coach, piain, cár or boát?

5. What is good about travelling independently?

6. Would you ever go on an adventure holiday?

7. Do you travel on low-cost airlines?

8. Who would you tour the world with if you could have the opportunity?

9. Have you ever read a travelogue?

10. What sights would you like to see in Europe/America/Asia/Africa or Australia?

You are abroad and want to rent a cár fór two weeks. You tűm to an
assistant at a cár rental, asking fór help.

You are staying at a four-star hotel. You are nőt satisfied with the
services. Make a complaint to the hotel manager.

You and your family are in a tourist paradise. You go to the visitor
centre to get somé info about the programmes in the resort.

backpacker 'baekpaeka turista

hiker 'haika kiránduló
holidaym aker 'hmladei 'm eika nyaraló
sightseer 'sa itsiia városnéző
travel búg ’traeval bAg utazási láz
tourist season 'tu a rist 'siizan turistaidény
tourist attraction 'tu a rist a'traekjan turistalátványosság
to urist paradise 'tu a rist 'paeradais turistaparadicsom
holiday resort 'holadei ri'zDit nyaralóhely
tourism is booming ’buimir] a turizmus fellendülőben van
shopping tourism 'JopiH 'tu arizam bevásárlóturizmus
ecotourism .iik a'tuarizam ökoturizmus
space tourism sp eis tu ariz am űrturizmus
medical tourism 'm edikai tu ariz am gyógyturizmus

cultural tourism 'kAltJaral tuarizam kultúrturizmus

recession tourism ri'sejan tuarizam recesszióturizmus
hiking boots !haikir] buits túrabakancs
foreign currency 'foran 'kAransi deviza
exchange ik'stjeind 3 bevált (pénzt)
rate of exchange reit av ik'stjeind 3 átváltási árfolyam
customs declaration ’kAStamz .dekla'reijan vámáru-nyilatkozat
dutv-free shop 'djuiti fri: f o p vámmentes bolt
pay duty on sg pei 'djuiti vámot fizet vmire
bord ér station 'bDida 'steijan határátkelőhely
expired visa ik'spaiad ’viiza lejárt vízum
validate 'vaelideit érvényesít
apply fór a visa a'plai far a ‘viiza vízumért folyamodik
book a trip bük a trip lefoglal egy utat
pay fór a trip pei f31 a trip kifizet egy utat
cancel a trip 'kaensal a trip lemond egy utat
term inál 'tBiminai terminál
air ticket ea 'tikit repülőjegy
excess luggage ik'ses ’lAgid 3 többletpoggyász
security check si'kjuariti tjek biztonsági ellenőrzés
recreation .rekri'eijan felüdülés
relaxation .riilaek'seijan pihenés
a holiday by the sea a 'holadei bai öa síi tengerparti nyaralás
skiing holiday ’skinn holadei síutazás
sea cruise s íi kruiz tengeri út
p ú t sy up pút Ap elszállásol vkit
folklore 'faukbi népművészet
cuisine kwi'ziin konyhaművészet
magnificent maeg'nifisnt pazar
w aterfall 'WDltafDlI vízesés
species 'sp iijiiz faj, fajta
c o ra lre e f 'korai riif korallzátony
jungle 'd3Ar]gal dzsungel
prairie 'preari préri
throbbing ’Grobir] lüktetés
fél•flip iMtMm
iggfift Travelling

Choose the correct item.

1. her once at a party, he was looking forward to meeting him again.

A) Seen B) Having seen C) I have seen D) Being seen

2. All of his colleagues saw him twenty minutes earlier than he

was allowed to.
A) having left B) left C) leave D) leaved

3. His scooter , he decided to buy a new one.

A) stealing B) stole
C) having been stolen D) been stealing

4. With everybody , he left the room quietly.

A) applauds B) being applauding

C) having applauding D) applauding

5. His sledge dogs , he spent the night miles from nowhere.

A) being exhausted B) having exhausted C) exhausting D) been exhausting

6. If more money, he could have bought the laptop.

A) gave B) giving C) had given D) given

7. When we arrived home, we heard him

A) phoning B) phoned C) having phoning D) had phoning

8. Though to be early fór the conference, he was ten minutes laté.

A) asking B) asked C) had asking D) had asked

9. The agreement , both parties left the office.

A) having signed B) having been signed

C) being signing D) having signing

her purse, the old lady stopped looking fór it.

A) Founded B) Founding C) Having found D) Having founded

what the headhunter had told him, he was hoping to get the job.

A) Remembered B) Had remembered

C) Having remembering D) Remembering

12. If earlier, he wouldn’t have bought that second-hand Ferrari.

A) wamed B) waming C) had wamed D) having waming

13- Thepostcard he rushed to the post office to send it to his lőve.

A) being writing B) being written

C) having writing D) having been writing

14. The fans surrounded him, he couldn’t get away.

A) being B) been C) having D) having being

by a mugger, he knocked him out.

A) Having been attacked B) Having attacked

C) Attacking D) Had attacking

Write an essay o f 150-180 words about how you would survive one month in a jungle. (No mobile,
no laptop, no TV, your diet, safe piacé to sleep in, etc.)
An apple a day
While you are healthy, you think it is natural. In the
moming you do somé push-ups or swim fór half an
hour in the swimming pool. Why nőt give your day a
good start? You take an apple out of your bag because
you remember your grandfather’s advice: ’An apple a
day keeps the doctor away.’ How to stay healthy? You
have read so much about it: healthy food and drinks,
regular physical exercise, no stress, a lót of vitamins,
the right amount o f sunshine, enough sleep and inner
harmony, etc. O f course, the list is quite long. In cold
and rainy weather you can easily fali ill. You go to your
GP (generál practitioner) and spend somé time in the
waiting room of the surgery. In wintertime a great number
of people have colds, the flu or they cough and sneeze. After you have been examined, the
doctor prescribes you somé medicine. You go to the chemist’s to buy somé tablets, and when
you arrive home, you crawl intő bed. You feel lucky nőt to have a high temperature. You
always promise your family to take better care of yourself next time.

1. When were you last ill?

2. What was the problem?

3. What do you do to stay healthy?

4. Have you ever taken any vitamin tablets?

5. What do you do when you have a fever?

6. How ofiten are you absent from school/work due to being ill?

7. Do you believe in the effect of herbs?

8. How often do you go to the dentist’s fór a check-up?

9. Have you ever been operated on?

10. What telephone number do you call in emergency?

You have a bad headache. so you can’t study fór tomorrow’s test.
Teli your műm about it.

You are at the doctor’s surgery. You are complaining about having a
soré throat. The doctor is asking you about the symptoms.


You are on the beach with your British friend who has sunstroke.
Ask him/her how you can help. You offer to call your GP.

the humán bodv ‘hjuiman 'boái az emberi test
eves aiz szem
ears iaz föl
mouth mauB száj
nőse nauz orr
head hed fej
neck nek nyak
arm a: m kar
lég !eg láb
elbow ’elbau könyök
back bask hát
foot, feet fut / fiit lábfej
heart hőit szív
kidneys 'kídm z vese
liver •liva máj
stomach 'stAmak gyomor
cough kof köhög
sneeze sniiz tüsszög
blow one’s nőse blau nauz kifújja az orrát
catch a cold kaetf a kauid megfázik
burn bsin megéget
first aid f3ist eid elsősegély
fali ill f3li il megbetegszik
be ill II beteg
illness ‘ilnas betegség
allergy 'aelad3i allergia
headache 'hedeik fejfájás
pain pein fájdalom
fever ‘fiivá láz
temperature 'tempratja láz
blood pressure bUd !preja vérnyomás
blood blAd vér
,i -.- . M i te

00 Health

sunstroke ’S A n s t r a u k napszúrás
h eart attack h a : t a 'ta e k szívinfarktus
stroke s tra u k agyvérzés
cancer 'k a e n s a rák
speciálist ’s p e / a l i s t szakorvos
nurse n B is ápoló, nővér
GP (generál practitioner) 'd 3 e n r a l p r a e k 't i j a n a háziorvos
d octor’s surgery ' d a i k t a r z 's 3 : d 3 a ri rendelő
waiting room ’w e i t í r ] r u : m rendelő váróterme
operation . o p a 'r e i j a n műtét
chem ist’s 'k e m i s t s gyógyszertár
prescribe p r i's k r a ib felír (receptet)
preseription p r i's k r ip ja n recept
dentist 'd e n t i s t fogorvos
X -ray 'e k s r e i röntgen
eye speciálist a i 's p e ja lis t szemész
tablet/pill 't a e b lit / p il tabletta
sanatorium . s a e n a 't D ir ia m szanatórium
die dai meghal
health h e IG egészség
healthy 'h e lG i egészséges
hospital/clinic 'h o s p i t a l / ‘k l i n i k kórház/klinika
patient 'p e ijn t páciens
injection in ^ e k ja n injekció
infection i n 'f e k j a n fertőzés
fracture 'f r a e k t f a törés
strain s tr e in húzódás
finger ’f i q g a kézujj
toe ta u lábujj
ankle 'a e q k a l boka
brain b r e in agy
skin s k in bőr
flu f lu : influenza
lungs Ia q z tüdő
have a cold k a u ld meg van fázva

have a temperature 'tempratja láza van

high temperature hai tempratja magas láz
crawl intő bed kn :l 'inta bed bekászálódik az ágyba

Choose the correct item.

1. The medicine he has to take is too expensive.

A) which B) when C) what D) who

2. Eating the vegetables I grow in my garden is really healthy.

A) what B) whom C) that D) them

3. My best friend, used to be a teacher, has retired.

A) - B) that C) who D) whom

4. The film was amazing surprised everybody.

A ) , that B ) , which C) - D) who

5. The woman, is wearing a hat, is my sister-in-law.

A) whom B) who C) - D) that

6. The person wallet was stolen is very furious.

A) who B) whom C) that D) whose

7. The opera was composed by Verdi is one of my favourites.

A )- B) which C) who D) whom

8. The director I saw at the festival is from the States.

A) where B) him C) - D) whose

w — 111


9. This is the house the poet was bőm.

A) what B) which C) that D) where

1 0 . The young girl bumt the pancakes, made her feel sorry.

A) which B) what C) that D )-

Write a letter o f 80-100 words to your cousin about a visit to the doctor when you were seriously
ill. (What was the problem? What were the symptoms? Write a few sentences about the visit. How
are you now?)

Being health-conscious
Christina is absolutely health conscious. She works at an office, and as a result she doesn’t
move too much during the day. She starts her day the with a glass o f pure of orange juice, then
she has a bowl o f cereals with somé milk or a carton of yoghurt and a banana. At around noon
she has a light lunch with somé fruit, and somé salad fór supper. She pays special attention
to her diet as she is prone to pút on weight in a short time. Three times a week she goes to
an aerobics course to keep in perfect shape. She is determined to lead a healthy way of life
because both her mother and grandma suffer from obesity. Due to that, they have a sort of
heart disease, high blood pressure and their cholesterol level is nőt low either. Christina’s
grandfather has had two strokes already, as he used to lead a very busy life. He ignored the
diagnosis given by his speciálist. ’Prevention is the best cure. Have a good diet and slow
down, o f course,’ his doctor advised him. After two years, a lót of stress and hundreds of cups
of coffee on an empty stomach, one aftemoon the ambulance took him to a clinic where he
was hospitalised fór two months. Christina’s strong will, her health consciousness and her
ancestors’ bad examples help her to follow a healthy way of lifestyle well-balanced.

1. What makes a good doctor?

2. What are the most common diseases today?

3. Have you ever leamt how to give first aid?

4. W hat’s your opinion about plastic surgery?

5. What kind o f diseases did you have in your chilhood?

6. Why do you think people take to drinking or smoking?

7. Do you think you have a healthy diet? Why?

8. How could you make your life less stressful?

9. Why do you think somé people tűm to natural healers?

1 0 . How often should people get a complete medical examination?


One o f your good friends is asking your opinion about how to lead
a healthy life. Give them somé good advice.

You have been depressed fór somé weeks because of too much study-
ing/work. Go to your GP and teli them about the symptoms.

You are forty-fíve. You want to keep fit although you work too
much. Ask an expert fór somé advice.

be health conscious he!0 kon/as egészségtudatos

lead a way of life li:d 9 w ei av laif vmilyen életet él
suffer from sg 'SAÍ9 vmitől szenved
obesity au 'b iisiti kóros elhízás
h ea rt disease h a :t d i'z iiz szívbetegség
high/iow blood pressure hai / lau blAd ‘preja magas/alacsony vérnyomás
stroke strau k agyvérzés
cholesterol level ka'lestam l 'lévai koleszterinszint
blood véssél b k d 'vesal véredény
give diagnosis .d a ia g 'n a u sis ismerteti a diagnózist
prevention pri'v en jan megelőzés
be hospitalised 'h o sp ita la iz d kórházban ápolják
be released ri'liisd kiengedik
antibiotics .asntibai'Dtiks antibiotikumok

epidemic .e p i 'd e m i k járvány

listen to the heart 'lis a n t u : ö a h a : t meghallgatja a szívét
cu rable 'k ju a r a b a l gyógyítható
plaster ‘p la : s t a gipsz
bandage 'b a e n d id s kötés
cold compress k a u ld k a m 'p r e s hideg borogatás
recover r i'k A v a meggyógyul
cramp k ra e m p görcs
get cramp g e t k ra e m p begörcsöl
swollen 's w a u la n megdagadt
rash ra e j kiütés
immuné system i 'm j u i n 's is t a m immunrendszer
insomnia ir T s o m n ia álmatlanság
asthma ’a e sm a asztma
chickenpox 't / i k i n p o k s bárányhimlő
appendicitis a . p e n d a 's a it is vakbélgyulladás
bronehitis b r o n 'k a i t is hörghurut
contagious k a n 't e id 3 9 S fertőző
inflammation . i n f l a 'm e i ja n gyulladás
surgeon 'S3:d3an sebész
dermathologist .d B im a 't D la d ^ is t bőrgyógyász
internist ,in 't 3 : n a s t belgyógyász
cardiologist ,k a : d i'D la d 3 i s t kardiológus
eye-specialist a i ' s p e j a l is t szemorvos
CT scan s i: t i: s k a s n CT-vizsgálat
ultra sound 'A ltra s a u n d ultrahang
plastic surgeon 'p ia e s t ik 'S 3 id 3 a n plasztikai sebész
facelift f e i s lif t arcfelvarrás
fát removal faet r i'm u : v a l zsírleszívás
implant i m 'p l a : n t implantátum
wrinkle 'r ir ]k a l ránc
Botox injeetion 'b o t a k s i n ' d 3 e k ja n botox injekció
ear-nose-throat iá n a u z 0 ra u t ful-orr-gégészet
rheumatology 'r u : m a t o la d 3 i reumatológia
dentistry ’d e n t is t r i fogászat

- r-
i/jjíi/' r a s i

Choose the correct item.

1. Silverside is the only sort of meat she wants to eat.

A) what B) that C) where D )-

2. This is the cottage the reunion has been arranged.

A) in that B) in which C) in what D) -

3. The construction of the swimming pool complex, was

completed last month, cost a reál fortune.
A) what B) - C) which D) where

4. He understands everything has been highlighted in Chinese.

A) what B) - C) who D) that

5. The young mán is being interviewed right now has been asked
to talk about his strengths and weaknesses.
A )- B) who C) whom D) of whom

6. She doesn’t want to depend on anybody, is quite surprising at

her age.
A) which B) that C) who D) whom

7. Someone is fluent in English will be selected fór the job.

A) who B) whose C) whom D) -

8. Internet advertising, is quite effective, is by far cheaper than a

TV commercial.
A) that B) which C) what D )-

9. The model dress was designed by the world-famous fashion

guru is on the catwalk.
A) o f who B) who’s C) whose D) whom
10. The software you are nőt familiar with needs special com-
puter skills.
A) what B )- C) o f which D) with which

11. Changing your appearance, is quite expensive, is nőt enough

to become famous.
A) that B) what C) D) which

12. There are a number of reasons she has come here.

A) what B) when C) why D) where

13. The university the President studied ranks first in the whole world.

A) that B) which C) what D) where

14. It is the most deserted Street I have ever walked along.

A) that B ) , that C) what D ) , which

15. I am absolutely delighted to hear about the team-building training

will take piacé a month írom today.
A) - B) what C ) , that D) that

Give your opinion about artificial and natural vitamins fór the school magaziné in 100-150 words.
iWhich do you prefer? Why that one? What are the consequences if you don’t have enough of
±em ?)

The importance of sports

’lt’s so delightful to see our grandchildren
taking part in competitions,’ said Mr. Smith
to his wife sitting in the grandstand. It was
a rainy aftemoon bút he and his wife were
cheering enthusiastically fór their nine-year-
old grandson, who was competing in the 100
metre backstroke. Sam came second and
his grandma and grandpa were really proud
of him. They have five granddaughters and
Sam is the only boy. When Mr. and Mrs.
Smith were young parents, they spent a lót o f their time taking their children
either to the running track, the football pitch, the tennis court, the swimming pool or the ice
rink. They wanted them to leam discipline, how to struggle until they are out o f breath and to
make them realise how strong their wills were. Once their eldest daughter won a gold medál
in the 400 metres at a national athletics championship. Her other siblings played sports just to
be fit and have fun besides studying fór long hours at their writing desks. ’I hope,’ said Mrs.
Smith, ’our youngsters will become as energetic and well-organised adults as their parents are. ’
After the competition, Sam was invited to the nearby book shop by the elderly couple and
was presented with a large sports manual he had wanted fór a lóg time.

1. Why should everybody do somé daily physical exercise?

2. What sort o f sport do you do/play?

3. What do you get out of doing sport?

\- ", -s^Fj'1-i^rj^-*{>' "'vyj>,'-V-"/i'-.y'f. >. "^vT'- ■---“'' . ;r* j

4. How many workouts do you have a week?

5. What is good about indoor sports?

6. Who is your favourite sportsperson? Why?

7. What is the importance of the Olympic Games?

8. What do sports mean to you?

9. Do you think the number o f P.E. lessons per week should be higher in schools?

10. Do you ever go to football/handball matches?

Your summer holiday has just started. You are calling your friend
A) to ask them to go to the tennis court or the swimming pool to have
a good time together.

It’s winter. You and your family are going to the mountains. Talk
about your plán fór the whole ski holiday with them.

You and your friend have just seen a swimming competition on

C) TV. Your favourite swimmer has come first, while your friend’s
favourite has come second. Talk about the race with them.
do/play a sport du: / plei a spDit sportol
pursue a sport pa'sju: a sp^it sportol
team sport ti:m spDit csapatsport
individual sport ,in d i'v id 3ual spDit egyéni sport
swimming pool 'swimir] pu:l uszoda
swimming style 'sw im iq stail úszásnem
back stroke baek strauk hátúszás
breast stroke b rest strauk mellúszás
b u tterílv 'bAtafíai pillangó
craw l/free style k n :l / ’friistail gyorsúszás
sw im m er 'sw im a úszó
diver 'daiva búvár
diving ’daivir] alámerülés, lemerülés (víz alá)
ju m p er 'd3Ampa ugró
kayak ‘kaiaek kajak
canoe ka'nu: kenu
racing boát ’reisir] baut versenycsónak
row rau evez
row er !raua evezős
oar 31 evezőlapát
w ater poio 'wDita 'paulau vízipóló
player 'pleia játékos
goal keeper ’gaulkiipa kapus
referee .refa'ri: bíró (sportban)
ball games bDil geim z labdajátékok
handball 'haendbDil kézilabda
volleyball VolibDil röplabda
fooball 'futbDil futball
tennis ’te n is tenisz
golf golf golf
baseball ‘beisbDil baseball
badm inton 'baedm intan tollaslabda


rugby ‘rAgbi rögbi

score a goal skDi 0 gaul gólt rúg
kick the ball kik 60 bDil elrúgja a labdát
catch kaetj elkap
hit hit eltalál
high jum p hai d 3Amp magasugrás
long jum p \vr\ d^Amp távolugrás
fencing 'fensiq vívás
gymnastics d 3im 'naestiks gimnasztika
athletics aeG'letiks atlétika
cár racing ka: ’reisif] autóversenyzés
cycling ‘sa ik 0lir] kerékpározás
wrestling *res0lin birkózás
table tennis ’teibal 'ten is asztalitenisz
pentathlon pen'taeGian öttusa
triathlon trai'ae 0 l0n triatlon
surfing ‘s3:fir3 szörfözés
aerobics e 0'r 0üb iks aerobik
sledging sled 3ir] szánkózás
s kiing ’skinr] síelés
ski ski: síel
skating ’skeitír] korcsolyázás
skate skeit korcsolyázik
rollerskating ‘r 0üla skeitií] görkorcsolyázás
ice hockey ais 'hoki jégkorong
horse riding !id : s ’raidír] lovaglás
m otorbike racing 'm 0ü t 0baik ’reisir] motorversenyzés
flving 'flanij repülés
parachuting 'paer 0ju :tir 3 ejtőernyőzés
coach/trainer k 0ü t j / 'trein a edző
gam e/m ateh geim / maetj játék/meccs
m artial árts 'm a :j 0l a :ts
karate ka'ra:ti karate
judo 'd 3 u :d 0ü cselgáncs, dzsúdó
sailing ’seilin vitorlázás
yachting ’j otír] jachtozás
waterskiing 'wDita ’skinn vízisíelés
javelin 'd3aevlin gerelyhajítás
competition .kDmpa'tiJan verseny
compete kam 'piit versenyez
tennis court 'ten is kőit teniszpálya
football field/pitch 'futbDil fiild / p ítj focipálya
running track ’rAnir] trask futópálya
ice rink ais riqk jégpálya
be out of breath au t 8v bre0 lélekszakadva
national championship 'naejnal 'tjaempisnjip nemzeti bajnokság

l i f ]ÍM M

Choose the correct item.

1- The bridge is one in Europe.

A) lower B) highest C) the longest D) the tall

2. We have been studying Germán fór longer you.

A) as B) then C) than D) that

3. The cooking facilities here are nőt those on the other campsite.

A) as wronger as B) wronger than C) worse than D) as worse as

4. This year we have had as problems as a year ago.

A) much B) a lót C) many D) more

5. This spring’s last storm was the one so far.

A) most shocking B) shockingest C) most shockingest D) more shockinger

6. It’s the that I can do fór your children.

A) little B) least C) most little D) less


7. My neighbour has had the wheat this year.

A) largest amount o f B) largest amountC) most little amountD) least amount

8. Let’s go to the cár park, shall we?

A) most near B) nearest C) most closer D) more closest

9. The effects of the new medicine are just those of the old one.

A) the same than B) same as C) the same as D) same than

10. The better.

A) shorter the B) shortest the C) longest the D) longest

Write an essay o f 100-150 words conceming the importance of sports. (Health, fitness, meeting
friends, your personality, etc.)
Lovers of sports
The Brandons are lovers o f outdoor sports. Whenever they have the opportunity, they pút
a few indispensable items in a backpack, sit in their cár and off they go. They drive to their
cottage which is located at the foot of a mountain very close to the sea. When the weather is
pleasant, they go sailing, ride their streamlined motor boát anchored in the harbour or do somé
windsurfmg. When they sail out with somé friends, the mén angle and the ladies just enjoy
sunshine, the peace or the murmur o f the waves. They are nőt stuck in their comfortable and
cosy home, even if it’s drizzling or when the sky is gloomy. They call up somé friends and go
fór a stroll in the mountains. After such activities, they invite them to a nice dinner. In most
cases they grill salmon or other sorts of fish. Both the women and the mén help the housewife
to prepare a delicious meal. During their one-month summer vacation, they go rock climbing
or hiking, enjoy ing the beauty of the waterfalls. They prefer active holidays. Mr. Brandon is
an adventure seeker, that’s why he and his pals are fond o f exploring the nearby caves. When
he celebrated his 50th birthday, he did bungee jumping to prove to himself that he was still
brave enough to do such an activity. ’The release o f endorphins triggered in this way makes
me feel good. I wish I was fit enough fór another flfty years,’ said Mr. Brandon, who still
looks as if he was in his mid-thirties.
I : . . . . . - .. .. . v1.-.- - .

1. Why do you think many people take up martial árts?

2. Could you mention somé sports which have been invented in the pást few years?

3. Which is your most favourite sport at the Olympic Games? Why?

4. At what age do you think children should start doing sports?

5. If you were a parent, what sport would you choose fór your kid?

6. Why do you think sports should be started at an early age?

7. How could elderly people be motivated to do more exercise?

8. Do your parents do any regular sport?

i l l p —

9. How would you support a sports club if you were rich?

1 0 . What is good/bad about using a videó referee?


Although your parents don’t like the idea of you taking up handball
A) saying it’s a tough sport, you try to persuade them to let you choose
what you really want.

B) Imagine interviewing your sports idol. Act it out with your partner.

You run a gym. Try to convince a lazy teenager or a middle aged

couple to exercise regularly.

indoor sports 'incb: spDits fedett pályás sportok

outdoor sports ‘autdD: spDits szabadtéri sportok
amateur 'aemata amatőr
professional sport pra'fejnal spDit profi sport
tournament 'tD:nam 0nt bajnokság
World Cup W3ild kAp világbajnokság
win a gold medál win a gauld 'medál aranyérmet nyer

come first/second kAm Í3ist / 'sekend elsőnek/másodiknak fut be

stádium 'steidiam stadion
aréna a'riina aréna
boxing ring 'boksir] rir] ring
spectator spek'teita néző
competition/race .kom pa'tijan / reis verseny
club klAb egyesület
pursue a sport pa'sju: a spDit sportot űz
long distance running \or) 'distans 'rAnir] hosszútávfutás
marathon 'maeraGan maratoni verseny
relay ri'lei váltó
hurdles 'hsidalz gátfutás
triple jump 'tripal d 3Amp hármasugrás
pole vauit paul 'v d i it rúdugrás
shot pút Jót pút súlylökés
the discus ’diskas diszkoszvetés
hammer throw 'haema Grau kalapácsvetés
archery 'aitjari íjászat
figure skating ‘fig a 'skeitin műkorcsolya
buli fight bul fait bikaviadal
hang gliding haer] ’glaidír] sárkányrepülés
horse race 'hDis reis lóverseny
show jumping Ja u 'd3Ampin díjugratás
mountaineering .maunti'marin hegymászás
bowling ’baulír] tekézés, bowlingozás
forward 'fDiwad csatár
defender di'fenda hátvéd
linesman 'lainzm an oldalbíró
racket/bat/club/stick 'raekit / baet / k k b / stik ütő
out aut vonalon túlra eső labda
pass pa:s leadás
take the penalty 'penlti a büntetődobást végrehajtja
score a goal skDír a gaul gólt rúg
shot Süt lövés
side line/touch line said Iáin / tAtJ Iáin oldalvonal

substitu te 'sA bstitjuit tartalék játékos

team selection ti:m si'lekfan csapatösszeállítás
push-up 'pu'Jap fekvőtámasz
headstand 'h ed stan d fejenállás
handstand 'haendstaend kézenállás
straddle 'straedal terpeszállás
bars ba:z korlát
beam bi:m gerenda
box bv ks szekrény
climbing rope ’klaimir] raup mászókötél
knee pad ni: paed térdvédő
shin pad /in paed lábszárvédő
>vindsiirílng ’w inds3:fir] szörfözés
angle 'aeqgal horgászik
rock climbing rok 'klaimir] hegymászás
adventure seeker ad'vent /9 'si: ka kalandvágyó
explore ik 's p b : felkutat
bungee jum ping bAQd3 i: 'd 3Ampir] bungee jumping
release ri'liis felszabadul

Thoose the correct item.

1. If she had used a style, she wouldn’t have got in such trouble.

A) more eloquent B) most eloquent C) eloquent D) more eloquenter

2. His questions are embarrassing hers.

A) more ... then B) m o s t... as C) more ... than D) as ... than

3. This year small restaurants have closed down as last year.

A) so many B) as many C) as a lót D) so many a



4. His sister looks than him.

A) elder ... younger B) older ... elder C) o ld e st... younger D) y o u n g est... elder

5. The captain didn’t give any information.

A) furthest B) farthest C) farest D) further

6. He would be pleased with amount o f money.

A) less B) fewer
C) fewest D) somé fewer

7. It is the story I ’ve ever been told.

A) by far . . more terrible B) by farther ... terribler

C) by far .. . most terrible D) by further ... most terrrible

8. It is so sad that his painting appears to be the

A) l a s t ... next B) la te st... last C) n e x t... last D) la te s t... next

9. The commercialised a piacé is, the

shops and amusement arcades you can find there.
A) more ... more B) more ... fewer C) m o s t... more D) less ... more

10. Ron always spends money than me, because he wants to savé

A) less ... less B) more ... more C) less ... more D) more ... less

11. Mrs. Potter is influential woman in the whole city.

A) most B) the most C) more D) the more

12. Her növel about vampires is considered interesting than her

other ones.
A) far more B) far most C) far least D) farther more

13. As ne
he giuwb
grows , ne
he becomes

A) o ld e st... funnier B) older ... funnier C) elder ... younger D) elder ... youngest
14. Sydney Opera House is one of the most attractive buildings in
the world.
A) easily B) easy C) hard D) hard-and-quick

15. All of my colleagues are ambitious and hardworking


A) more ... as B) as ... as C) m o st... as D) m o s t... than

Write an essay o f 120-150 words conceming your opinion about the high salary of professional
i'ootballers. (Number of supporters at the stádium, broadcasting, costs, advertisements, sponsors,
Services in a small town
Juliet’s parents live in a very small town. She spent
her childhood there. She clearly remembers that
most roads were cobbled, and only somé o f them
covered with asphalt. There was no drainage system
anywhere, even the Street lights were missing in
somé parts of the piacé where she was bőm. When
someone got seriously ill, they had to be taken to the
nearest city as in the local surgery they couldn’t be
treated properly due to the lack o f special medical
instruments. Once a taxi business was set up, bút
in half a year it went bankrupt because o f the low
number o f passengers. Bicycles and priváté cars were used when people
moved from one end of the town to the other. There were only a few shops in the town centre.
A few ambitious mén and women started their own venture opening somé grocer’s shops
selling the most important items. There weren’t too many greengrocer’s as local people,
living in houses with gardens around them, grew vegetables needed fór cooking and meals.
O f course, there was a kindergarten and a primary school bút the youngsters over fourteen
had to commute between their homes and the high school located about thirty kilometres
away. Now everything seems so far away. Today Juliét lives in the Capital city with all the
possible facilities and services at hand.

1. What services are there in your town?

2. What are the ones that you often use?

3. What are the services that need to be improved?

4. How often do you go to the dentist fór a check-up?

5. Who do you tűm to if your cár breaks down?

6. What is your opinion about the Internet?

7. Are you satisfied with the shopping facilities in your district?

8. How about TV/telephone services?

9. Is there a service that you would like to have in your piacé?

1 0 . How many services can you mention that you have access to in your town?

You are at a post office. You want to fax a letter abroad. Ask the clerk
to help you. Teli them you alsó want to buy stamps and envelopes.

You would like to buy somé fruit and vegetables as you expect
B) guests fór the weekend. Ask the greengrocer to give you what you

You are at a hairdresser’s. You need to get somé information from

them about the services they can offer.

h aird resser 'h ead resa fodrász

have a h aircut 'heakAt levágatja a haját
have a sham poo Jaem 'pu: megmosatja a haját
scissors 'SIZ9Z olló
hairstyle 'h eastail hajviselet
hairdo ‘headu: frizura
h a ir d ry er hea 'd raia hajszárító
curly •ksili göndör
straig h t stre it egyenes
wavy 'weivi hullámos
m essed-up m est Ap borzos
bald bDild kopasz
tu rn grey tBin grei megőszül
dye dai hajat fest
comb kaum fésű, fésülködik
h air spray hea sp rei hajlakk
beautician b ju i'tija n kozmetikus
nail technician neil te k 'n ija n műkörmös
m asseur mae's3: masszőr
petroi station 'petral 'ste ija n benzinkút
atte n d a n t a'te n d an t benzinkutas
post office w orker p au st 'ofis 'w3ika postai dolgozó
airm ail ’eam ei! légiposta
fax m achine faeks m a'Jiin faxgép
post a letter p au st a 'ieta feladja a levelet
registered letter 'red 3ista d 'Ieta ajánlott levél
parcel ’pciisal csomag
money o rd er 'mAni b id a pénzesutalvány
m agaziné .maega'ziin magazin
new spaper 'n ju isp e ip a újság
postcard 'p a u stk a id levelezőlap
stam p staemp bélyeg

pút a stamp on staemp bélyeget tesz vmire

area code 'earia kaud körzetszám
postai code 'paustal kaud irányítószám
postman 'paustman postás
telegram 'teligraem távirat
form faim űrlap
address a'dres cím
envelope 'envalaup boríték
sender 'senda feladó
addressee .aedre'si: címzett
telephone card 'telifaun kaid telefonkártya
receiver ri'siiva telefonkagyló
diai a number 'daial a 'nAmba egy számot tárcsáz, hív
slot slot rés
coin kőin érme
insert in'sBit elhelyez
telephone book 'telifaun book telefonkönyv
pick up the receiver pik Ap 5a n'siiva felveszi a kagylót
hold the line hauld öa Iáin tartja a vonalat
Hold on, please. hauld ön pliiz Tartsa, kérem!
extension ik'stenjan mellék
pút sy through pút 0ru: kapcsol vkit
over the phone 'auva 5a faun telefonon
He is on the phone. on öa faun Telefonál.
The line is engaged. Iáin in'geid 3d Foglalt a vonal.
drainage system 'dreinid 3 'sistam csatornarendszer
*enture 'ventja vállalkozás
facilities fa'silitiz lehetőségek
imbitious aem'bi|as ambiciózus
:t)bbled ’kobald macskakővel borított
Choose the correct item.

1. Your son-in-law his eyes tested fór two years now.

A) hasn’t B) hasn’t had C) didn’t have D) hadn’t got

2. I my camera fixed yesterday.

A) have had B) have C) had D) had had

3. Get the char woman the windows.

A) to clean B) clean C) cleaning D) cleaned

4. Did you get the cár mechanic your cár?

A) repair B) repaired C) to repair D) repairing

5. If you are nőt careful, you’11 need to have your tie

A) to clean B) cleaning C) cleaned D) clean

6. Her aunt’s blood pressure is high. Why don’t you take her to the doctor’s to

A) have to check it B) have it checked

C) have checked it D) have had it checked

7. L et’s get the attic . The walls are a bit dirty.

A) to paint B) paint C) painting D) painted

8. Tomorrow Ágnes her front door fixed.

A) have to have B) will have to have C) ’ve had to have D) have

have her hair cut on Friday.

A) She going to B) She goes to C) She’ll goes to D) She’s going to

10. He the oil checked in his cár.

A) should have B) should has C) should be have D) should be get

Write a letter of 80-100 words to your friend about the top quality services in your town. (In what
way are they different from the others? How about the shop assistants working there and their
politeness? Do you find the prices high or reasonable?)
A dirty coat
All this happened on a rainy autumn aftemoon. Justin, who had arrived in a large city only fór
a meeting, decided to go to a restaurant to have a laté lunch at the end of a busy day. On the
way there, he was walking along a busy Street when, out of the blue, a cár ran intő a big pool
splashing his brand new autumn coat. He became edgy because he could hardly wait to sit
down in a cosy restaurant to have a glass of beer. Instead, he made his way to his hotel where
he was offered to have his coat dry cleaned within an hour. While his coat was being cleaned,
he went out to the city centre wearing a new jacket he was able to borrow free of charge from
the hotel. He was really satisfied with the service. As he was strolling in the streets, he entered
several shops and public places where the staff working there were all ready to help him. The
doors of pastry shops, Internet cafés, book shops, clubs, banks were wide open to provide
local people and visitors with their services. As time passed by, Justin went back to pick up
his clean coat in the hotel where a pretty woman was waiting fór her tűm at the receptionist.
He had never seen such an attractive lady before. He couldn’t help making a remark on the
rainy weather. After about quarter of an hour, they found themselves chatting without a break.
Justin will always remember that day because they have been together since then, fór more
than twenty years.

1- What services are there in a post office?

2. What services does a bank provide you with?

3. What services do you have at a petrol station?

4. Are you satisfied with your insurance company?

5. What do you know about the emergency services in your district?

6. Do you find the offers of your favourite travel agency good enough?

7. What services are there at a hairdresser’s?

8. What good marketing techniques have you heard about in the service industry
■ -v*»...... ........... ............................................. .


9 . How do shops try to attract more and more customers?

10 . Is there a commercial that you like or haté? Why?

There is something wrong with your Internet access. Call the

provider to teli them about the problem.

You want to take out travel insurance. Ask the agent fór somé
information conceming the conditions.

You wish to withdraw money írom an ATM. Your bank card is stuck.
Make a complaint to the manager.

instail in'stDil bevezet

wired telephone 'waiad 'telifaun vezetékes telefon
air-eonditioner ea kan'dijana légkondicionáló
Internet 'intanet internet
cable TV 'keibal ,ti:'vi: kábeltévé
electricity i.lek'trisiti elektromosság
bulb bAlb villanykörte
fuse fjuiz biztosíték
dressm aker 'dresmeika varrónő
take in teik in bevesz
let out let aut kienged
button 'bAtan gomb
sew sg on sau on felvarr vmit vmire
glazier 'gleizia üveges
glasspane gla:s pein üvegtábla
glaze gleiz üvegez
insurance com pany in'Juarans 'kAmpani biztosító társaság
insurance fund in'Juarans fAnd biztosítási pénztár
prém ium ’priimiam biztosítási díj
take out insurance teik aut in'Juarans biztosítást köt
insure against in'Jua a'genst biztosít vmi ellen
insurance b ró k er in'Juarans 'brauka biztosítási ügynök
insurance policy in'Juarans 'polasi biztosítási kötvény
mobile provider 'maubail pra'vaida mobilszolgáltató
mobile telephone com pany 'maubail 'telifaun 'kAmpani mobiltársaság
m obile/cell phone 'maubail / sel faun mobilkészülék
voice mail vois meil hangposta
subscription sab'skripjan előfizetés
phone card faun kaid telefonkártya
bank account baeqk a'kaunt bankszámla
p út money in pút 'mAni betesz pénzt
w ithdraw money wiö'dm 'mAni kivesz pénzt
savings 'seiviqz megspórolt pénz
c u rre n t account 'kArant a'kaunt folyószámla
ban k clerk baerjk klaik bankhivatalnok
b an k m anager baeqk 'maenid3 a bankigazgató
capita! 'kaepital tőke
d ry cleaner drai 'kliina tisztító
p astry shop 'peistri f o p cukrászda
In te rn e t café 'intanet 'kaefei internet kávézó
optician’s op'tifanz látszerész (bolt)
open an account 'aupan an a'kaunt számlát nyit
w ater w orks ‘woita W3iks vízművek
_______ h H H h I
• m
Services ■K

Choose the correct item.

1 . It’s time you your boots mended.

A) get B) had C) ’re getting D) ’re having

2. She was made overtime.

A) do B) to do C) done D) to be done

3. We needn’t the roof repaired a week ago.

A) have had B) had had C) having D) had

4 . When she visits me, she always makes me her shoulders.

A) to másságé B) to have massaged C) másságé D) massaging

5. Poor Helen, she has had her purse

A) stealing B) to be stealing C) to steal D) stolen

6 . Who the witness change their mind?

A) could be made B) could has made C) could made D) could have made

7. She had better them work much harder.

A) to have B) have C) nőt had D) has

8. Did she her hair cut last month?

A) have B )has C) having D) have had

9. The rock star a new átrium

A) is having ... build. B) is having ... built.

C) has ... built. D) has had ... build.

1 0 . The maths teacher has been the test rewritten fór forty minutes

A) got B) had C) getting D) has had

11. They their own house broken intő somé weeks ago.

A) can’t have had B) can’t have C) can’t had D) couldn’t had

12. This time tomorrow they their cottage whitewashed by the

A) will have B) have C) going to have D) will be getting

13. Im a y have him the whole front garden.

A) dig B) dug C) digging D) dugging

14. You ought your overcoat dry cleaned yesterday.

A) to be B) to have had C) to be get D) to have getting.

15. I think I will manage to the treasure chest.

A) get him open B) get him to open

C) getting him opening D) be getting him opened

Write a letter o f 120-150 words to the local authority about what new service you would like to
have in your area and how you would improve one that you are nőt satisfied with. (Formai style
and formai vocabulary.)
Eating In and Out

Having meals at home

Mrs. Miller lives together with her daughter’s
family where housework is shared evenly. She
is responsible fór the daily cooking. She goes
to the markét twice a week to buy somé fresh
vegetables and eggs. After coming home, she
immediately starts preparing lunch peeling
potatoes, carrots, parsley roots, chopping onions,
slicing mushrooms and somé cloves of garlic.
The family’s favourite dish is chicken soup. She
makes poultry and fish fór lunch very often. On
the list of her ’best o f’ there are both meat and
vegetable dishes. Her grandchildren prefer pizza and macaroni and they alsó like delicious
cottage cheese pasta with crackling. On special days she surprises her family with somé game
dishes. Fór dinner the family has vegetable dishes both cooked and raw. When they are nőt
so hungry, they just have somé cartons of yoghurt and sandwiches fór supper. When there is
a family gathering, they go out to a traditional restaurant where Mrs. Miller enjoys meeting
her relatives and being served.

1. Does your family have a Continental breakfast?

2. Who prepares your breakfast?

3. How many meals do you have a day?

4. Where do you have your lunch?

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Eating In and Out

5. What is your opinion about eating in a canteen?

6. W hat’s your favourite dish?

7. Where do you have it?

8. Does your mother/grandma ever go to the markét?

9. Where do you prefer to buy vegetables?

1 0 . W hat’s your (school) canteen like?

You want to eat pizza fór the second time this week. You
father fór somé money, bút he is nőt really happy about it.

It’s Sunday. Your family are having lunch with your grandmother,
B) who has prepared your favourite dish. Teli her how much you
appreciate it.

The fridge at home is almost empty. Teli your mother you’ll do the
C) shopping and ask her what to buy to fül it up making the members
o f the family satisfied.
Eating In and Out

spoon spu:n kanál

fork fDik villa
knife, knives naif / naivz kés
glass glais pohár
bottle 'botal üveg
cup kAp csésze
tea ti: tea
coffee ’kofi kávé
milk m ilk tej
mineral water 'minaral 'wD:ta ásványvíz
soft drinks soft drioks üdítőitalok
hard drinks ha:d drinks szeszes italok
fizzv water ‘fizi !WD:ta buborékos víz
still water stíl 'wD:ta szénsavmentes víz
orange juice 'Drind 3 d 3 u:s narancslé
apple juice 'aepal d$u:s almaié
soda 'sauda szóda
fruit fru:t gyümölcs
melón 'melan dinnye
pineapple 'painaepal ananász
strawberry 'strD:bri eper
raspberry 'ra:zbari málna
grapes greips szőlő
avocado ,3eva‘ka:dau avokádó
banana ba'na:na banán
coconut 'kaukanAt kókusz
blackberry 'blaekbari szeder
peach pi:tf barack
pear pea körte
apricot 'eiprikot sárgabarack
cherry ’tjeri cseresznye
sour cherry 'saua 'tjeri meggy
Eating In and Out

b u tte r 'bAta vaj

cheese t/iiz sajt
bread bred kenyér
roll rsul zsemle
honey 'hAni méz
egg eg tojás
cereals 'sianslz gabonapehely
m ark ét 'maikit piac
vegetables 'ved^itabalz zöldségek
tom ato ts'maitau paradicsom
green p ep p er griin 'peps zöldpaprika
radish 'raedíj retek
lettuce Metxs fejes saláta
onion 'Anisn hagyma
garlic 'gailik fokhagyma
c a rro t 'kaerat répa
parsley root 'paisli ru:t gyökér
m ushroom 'mA/rum gomba
potato pa'teitau burgonya
dili dil kapor
cabbage 'kaebids káposzta
bean bi:n bab
leek liik póréhagyma
cucum ber 'kjuikAmba uborka
tra d itio n al re sta u ra n t tra'dijanal 'restront hagyományos étterem
fást food re sta u ra n t faist fűid 'restront gyorsétterem
w aiter 'weita pincér
w aitress 'weitris picncémő
bili bil számla
b reak fast 'brekfast reggeli
lunch U ntJ ebéd
d in n er 'dins meleg vacsora
su p p er ’SApa hideg vacsora
cook kuk főz, szakács
boil boil forral
Eating In and Out

fry frai (olajban) süt

roast raust roston süt
grill gril grillez
baké beik süt (kenyeret, süteményt)
sweet swiit édes
sour 'saua savanyú
bittér 'bita keserű
salty 'SDlIti sós
hot hot csípős
peel pi:l hámoz
cut kAt vág
slice slais szeletel
chop tjop darabokra vág
stir síb: kavar
mix miks összekever
sugár '/ugs cukor
salt SDlIt só
pepper ‘pepa bors
flour 'flaua liszt
starter 'staita előétel
main course mein kDis főfogás
soup su:p leves
garnish ’gainij" köret
dessert di'z3:t desszert
chicken soup 'tjikin suip tyúkleves
fish soup f ij su:p halié
beef bi:f marhahús
pork pDik disznóhús
mutton 'mAtan birkahús
lamb laem bárányhús
turkey ■tsiki pulyka
goose, geese gu:s gi:s liba, libák
duck dAk kacsa
game geim vadétel
poultry 'paultri szárnyas
Eating in and Out

pasta 'paesta tésztaféle

cooked kukt főtt
raw m nyers
stuffed cabbage stAft 'kasbids töltött káposzta
gouiash ’guilaej gulyás
pancake 'paenkeik palacsinta

u m m lM í

Choose the correct item.

1- Look. This house is sale. Let’s buy it.

A) to B) from C) fór D) in

2. Alex is lőve Ann.

A) on ... to B) in ... with C) from ... to D) to ... from

3. It’s typical you.

A) to B) onto C) off D) of

4. Geraldine is good maths bút she is bad drawing.

A) from ... from B) a t ... at C) from ... at D) a t ... from

5. Johnny’s father has travelled to the States business.

A) on B) to C) in D) from

6. We are really gratefiil you your help.

A) to ... at B) to ... fór C) fór ... to D) - ... about

7. Dad was absolutely delighted my marks.

A) o f B) on C) with D) fór

8. He always rides to school his bike.

•Vrite a letter of 100-150 words to your friend about having a nice meal on the latest family
occasion. (What was the occasion? How many people were there? What was the menü? What was
the atmosphere like?)
Eating In and Out


Snacks and dinner parties

Both Pamela and Jason are white-collar workers obsessed with their jobs. They are fond of
dinner parties because they think it’s a good way to socialise and of course, have excellent
meals. Pamela’s mother pút great emphasis on teaching her teenage daughter how to cook.
Being a lawyer, Pamela doesn’t have much time to spend in the kitchen. When it’s their tűm
to invite their best friends to a potluck dinner, Pam prepares one of her specialities. In spite of
this, there is always a great variety of dishes on the big óval table, as the guests coming round
usually bring a plate o f something with them. ’Variety is the spice of life,’ says Pam. ’The
fact that all o f us work from moming to evening doesn’t mean that we spend all the weekend
trying to recover our strength. In this way we have a great time enjoying ourselves.’ On
weekday momings they go to a café to have a cup of cappuccino with somé hot freshly baked
cakes and then rush to their offices. Having hectic days, they eat a quick snack, or sometimes
even skip lunch. In order to be in good shape fór the rest of the day, they have a cup of coffee
or tea or somé fruit. On weekdays Pam’s husband often takes his wife to a restaurant where
they spend an hour or two at a table with candles on it. Before going to bed, they go fór a short
walk regardless o f how laté they arrive home.

1. What do you think makes people skip breakfast?

2. How do you elevate your energy level?

3. What do you have to satisfy your hunger between main meals?

4. How would you describe a sensible eater?

5. What is a proper lunch/dinner like?

6. What should be included to improve the quality of your diet?

7. Can you describe the daily routine fór those who need fat-buming regarding their diet
and exercise?

8. What is your opinion about vegetarianism?

9. What do you think mood food is?

1 0 . What are the ingredients o f your favourite dish?

You have been served your meat soup cold. Call the waiter to
complain about it.

. You and another family member are planning the menü fór a long
weekend. The emphasis is on healthy diet.

You are having a guest from Britain. You want to take them to a
C) typical Hungárián traditional restaurant serving national dishes. Teli
your friend about it and ask their opinion.


......... \
V ü c i i D ü l a r y*

HBHBm f-> -

párol, pörkölt
sprinkle ’sprinkal meglocsol
seafood ’siifuid tenger gyümölcsei
shrimp Jrim p garnélarák
squid skwid tintahal
crab krseb rák
mussel ’mAsei kagyló (ehető)
oyster ‘o ista osztriga
octopus ’oktapas polip
lobster ’lobsta homár
salmon ‘saeman lazac
cod kod tőkehal
herring ’herír] hering
Eating In and Out

catflsh 'kaetfij harcsa

carp ka:p ponty
eel i:l angolna
pike paik csuka
pike perch/zander paik pBítJ / 'zaenda süllő
bream briim keszeg
gravy sauce 'greivi sdis szósz
poppy seeds *pc?pi sirdz mák
cum m in 'kAmir] kömény
basil 'baezal bazsalikom
ginger 'd$ind39 gyömbér
nutm eg 'nAtmeg szerecsendió
starve sta:v éhezik
starvation stai'veijan éhezés
g rate r ’greita reszelő
w hisk w isk habverő
sieve siv szita
peeler 'pilla hámozó
wooden spoon 'wudan spuin fakanál
rolling pin ‘raulír] pin nyújtófa
bottle opener ’botal 'aupana üvegnyitó
corkscrew 'kDikskru: dugóhúzó
físh cutlery f ij 'kAtIári halhoz való étkészlet
pastry scoop 'peistri skuip tortalapát
salt seller SDilt 'sela sótartó
pepper mii! ’pepa mii borsdaráló
soup bowl su:p baul leveses tál
sugár cube 'Juga kjuib kockacukor
m id-m orning snack 'mid.mDinir] snaek tízórai
m id-afternoon snack mid.aifta'nuin snaek uzsonna
set menü set 'menju: napi menü
wine b ar wam ba: borozó
wine cellar wain 'sela borospince
asparagus a'spaeragas spárga
caviar 'kaevia: halikra
Eating In and Out

goose liver gu;s liva libamáj

broth bm0 erőleves
pheasant 'feznt fácán
beef stew bi:f stju: marhapörkölt
rab b it thigh ’raebit 0ai nyúlcomb
roast duck raust dAk kacsasült
stuffed cabbage stA ft ’kaebidg töltött káposzta
stuffed p ap rik a stA ft 'paeprika töltött paprika
ehicken p ap rik a 'tjikin 'paeprika csirkepaprikás
turkey breast fület 't3:ki brest 'filit pulykamellfilé
venison stew 'venisan stju: szarvaspörkölt

fór! líunuf T a si

Choose the correct item.

1. The piacé reminds me my birth piacé.

A) to B) of C )about D) by

2. The criminal was sentenced two years’ imprisonment.

A) from B) to C) o f D) through

3. His pal is charged bank robbery.

A) to B) of C) with D) by

4. Did you phone your colleague yesterday?

A) to B) fór C) - D) about

5. Her salary is nőt high enough to live

A) on B) with C) from D) by

6 . His little sister is capable swimming two hundred metres.

A) o f B) to C) with D) about
’ Eating In and Out

7. Sorry, w e’re short flour. I can’t lend you any.

A) with B) from C) off D) of

8. It’s unreasonable you to call her so laté.

A) from B) to C) of D) with

9. There’s a demand similar high quality products like this.

A) fór B) to C) towards D) over

10. The smell wears in a short period of time.

A) of B) about C) with D) off

1 1 . Norman was really disappointed his favourite team.

A) in B) with C) from D) by

12. Recently there has ben a sharp increase prices.

A) in B) of C) with D) to

13. She has apologised her boyfriend arriving too laté.

A) to ... about B) with ... to C) to ... fór D) fór ... to

14. The police accused him cár theft.

A )o f B)about C) fór D) to

15. Greg calls her several times a day. He is jealous her.

A) off B) of C) to D) about
Eating In and Out

Write an essay o f 200-220 words comparing the advantages and the disadvantages o f eating in a
raditional restaurant. (Atmosphere, service, quality, price, fást food or a speed, etc.)

Doing the weekend shopping

Last Saturday my mother woke me up after eight
o ’clock in the moming. The sün was shining
brightly high up in the sky. ’Good moming, my
darling, do you feel like coming with me to do the
weekend shopping?’ she asked me smiling. After a
quick breakfast, we made our way to the markét.
There were lots of markét women selling their fresh
vegetables and flowers. ’Let’s buy somé shiny red
tomatoes, crispy green peppers, carrots, onions,
a head of cabbage, a big watermelon and an egg
plánt,’ Mom suggested. After that we drove to a
non-stop hypermarket to continue shopping. We went in through a tumstile.
It took about an hour until we had all the items needed in our trolley. ’lt’s good to have
everything under the same roof,’ I thought to myself. We bought somé dairy and bakery
products, stationery, toiletries, two jars of coffee, four batteries, three cartons o f pure fruit
juice, a few bottles of mineral water and somé dog chow too. At the cash desk we didn’t have
to queue long to pay fór the goods we bought. ’You see,’ said Mom, ’it’s easy to spend money
bút it takes time and a lót o f energy to eam it.’

1. How often do you do the shopping?

2. What sort o f shops do you go to?

3. W hat’s your preference? Supermarkets or comer shops? Why?

iiW8^la»« Shopping

4. What do you think of non-stop shops and their prices?

5. How often does your mother go to the markét, if ever?

6. What do you buy at the school canteen?

7. What kind o f shop assistant do you like?

8. Who does the weekly/monthly shopping in your family?

9. What do you buy in a pastry shop?

10 . Are you good at saving money?

m illlO Ü Z

You bought a DVD player three days ago. Sometimes one of the
A) buttons gets stuck so you can’t enjoy the films. Make a complaint
to the shopkeeper.

At the meat counter there’s a long queue you want to skip because
B) you’re in a hurry. Somebody asks you to get to the end of the queue.
Apologise to them.

You want to buy two hundred grams o f cheese and three hundred
C) grams of ham. Ask the shop assistant to serve you instead o f chatting
with another colleague of theirs.
shopping centre ’/opir] 'senta bevásárlóközpont
shopping mail 'Jopir) m:>:l bevásárlóközpont
supermarket 'suipamaikit szupermarket
hypermarket 'haipamciikit hipermarket
department store di'paitmant sto: áruház
high-street shop hai striit /op fő utcán lévő bolt
women’s wear department 'wiminz wea di'paitmant női konfekció osztály
m en’s wear department menz wea di'paitmant férfi konfekció osztály
boutique bu:'ti:k butik
shoe shop Ju iJop cipőbolt
clothes shop klauöz Jop ruhabolt
bookshop ’bukjDp könyvkereskedés
W hat size are you? wDt saiz a: ju Mi az ön mérete?
smali smDil kicsi
médium 'miidiam közepes
large Ia:d3 nagy
extra large 'ekstra Ia:d 3 extra nagy
butcher 'but/a hentes
bakery 'beikari pékáru
baker 'beika pék
baker’s 'beikaz pékség
shopkeeper 'jopkiipa bolttulajdonos
shop assistant Jop a'sistant bolti eladó
buy bai vesz
sell sel elad
shop Jop vásárol
customer 'kAStama vásárló
regular customer ’regjula 'kAStama törzsvásárló
open 'aupan nyitva
closed klauzd zárva
entrance írVtrains bejárat
exit ’eksit kijárat

opening hours ’a u p a n iq 'auaz nyitvatartási idő

counter 'kaunta pult
expensive ik'spensiv drága
cheap t/ixp olcsó
sale seil leárazás
cash desk kaej desk pénztárpult
weight weit súly
bargain ’baigin alkuszik
banknote ’baenknaut bankjegy
change tjeind 3 aprópénz
w arranty ‘w oranti garancia
label 'leibal címke
attractively w rapped up a ’traektivli raept Ap szépen becsomagolt
product 'prodAkt termék
goods gudz áru
shop window f ö p 'w in d a u kirakat
window shopping 'w in d a u 'Jopio kirakatnézés
shopping bag 'Jopir] basg bevásárlószatyor
basket ’baiskit kosár
online catalogue on la in online katalógus
order 'Dida rendel
deliver d i'liva házhoz szállít
delivery di'livari házhoz szállítás
buy sg on hire purchase 'haia 'pBitJas részletre vesz vmit
offer 'ofa ajánlat, ajánl
price prais ár
p ric etag p rais taeg árcédula
ciing film kiír] film csomagolófólia
Choose the correct item.

1. When the children to Paris, they to

the Eiffel Tower.
A) g o t ... will go B) g e t ... will go
C) have g o t ... would be go D) getting ... are going

2. We our work before the sün down.

A) will finish . . will go B) will finish ... go

C) will finish . . goes D) finish ... will go

3. As soon as the twins their dinner, we

on the TV.
A) had had ... switch B) have had ... will switch
C) have ... will be switched D) having ... will switching

4. The teacher will hand out the tests after you talking.

A) have stopped B) have stopping C) stopped D) stopping

5. Until the postman the letter, I wait

A) brings ... will B) doesn’t bring ... will
C) bringing ... will D) brings ... will be

6. Before the film starts, we somé popcom.

A) will be bought B) buys C) will be buy D) will buy

7. My sister will the cheese if you ask her to.

A) be grated B) grate C) great D) be greated

8 . The next time the dog in, my father

it a boné.
A) comes ... will give B) will come ... gives
C) come ... will give D) coming ... gives

9. Vivien will buy a new computer only if the old one down.
A) will brake B) brake C) brakes D) breaks

10. They the invitation after you say sorry to them.

A) accepted B) will accept C) will be accepted D) will accepted

Write an essay of 100-120 words about a shop where the staff are kind and the prices are acceptable.
(Its size, number o f staff, goods sold, sales, gifts, etc.)
Buying a new clock, meeting an old friend
Yesterday I went to a shop to buy a clock. I badly needed it because I had decided to improve
my timing skill. The shop assistant was quite helpful, showing me at least ten different sorts
to please me. To my surprise, there were clocks decorated with hearts, flowers, bears even
with little balloons. I didn’t like any o f them because I found them really kitschy. Meanwhile
the shopkeeper arrived grumbling, seeming quite annoyed. ’I have just been fined because I
had no parking ticket in the cár. I had only spent a couple o f minutes in a nearby grocer’s shop
buying one. By the time I got back, a ticket in a transparent red plastic bag had been placed
on my windscreen,’ he said to his colleague. When he looked at me, I recognised him at once.
’Hi there, old mate,’ he said smiling. ’I haven’t seen you fór ages,’ he added. As we were
talking about the good old days, he showed me somé clocks o f the latest collection he had
just brought from the Wholesale store. There was a nicely designed high quality one, which
appealed to me. T l l give you twenty percent discount as you are an old friend o f m ine,’ he
said, wrapping up the clock and putting a nice decoration on it too.

1. Do you consider colourful and tasteful wrapping paper important? Why/why nőt?

2. What kind o f shop would you like to spend two hours in?

3. What are the pros and cons of paying in cash or by card?

4. Can you describe the atmosphere in a hypermarket/small shop?

5. Can you mention somé shops where women/men like to go?

6. Why do you think somé people become shopaholics?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-shopping?

8. W hat’s your opinion regarding disposable goods?

9. What are advertisements/commercials good fór?

1 0 . What characteristics o f the product do you focus on before you buy it?
MI ■

Roleplay' i i s u a u o i i sr.

You want to buy somé organic vegetables. Ask the greengrocer

A) about the prices and the piacé they are from. You want to be sure
they were grown without any chemicals.

You have seen a pair of jeans of the latest fashion in the shopwindow.
B) Go in the shop and ask the assistant to show it to you. Check the
size, quality and price.

You bought a dictionary in a bookstore a week ago. Somé pages are

C) missing. You haven’t got the receipt with you. Ask the assistant fór
a change.

>\ool wul gyapjú

silk síik selyem
cotton ’kDtan pamut
polyester .poli'esta műszál
leather 'leöa bőr
photoelectric cell .fautaui'lektrik sel fotocella
e-commerce il ‘kDITBIS e-kereskedelem
e-shopping i: Jopir) e-vásárlás
fitting room 'fitin ru:m próbafülke
loan laun kölcsön
solvent 'sDlvant fizetőképes
insolvent m'solvant fizetésképtelen

indebted in'detid eladósodott

dem and di'm aind kereslet
supply sa'piai kínálat
goods famine gudz áruhiány
glut gUt árubőség
delivery service d i ' l i va r i ' s b i v i s házhoz szállítás
clearance sale 'k i i a r a n s ' k wo l it í végkiárusítás
quality ' kwol i ti minőség
quantity 'kwDntiti mennyiség
consumer goods kan'sjuima g u d z fogyasztási cikkek
consumer society k an'sju im a sa'saiati fogyasztói társadalom
commodity ka 'mDdi ti árucikk
shopping spree 'Jopií] spri : (felelőtlen költekezéssel
egybekötött) bevásárlókörút
brand braend márka
rangé of goods reind3 av g u d z áruskála
be on display di'splei ki van téve
well-stocked we i s t o k t jól ellátott
assortment a ' s Di t m a n t választék
resist temptation ri'zist temp'tei/an ellenáll a kísértésnek
run a shop rAn a Jop üzletet vezet
a bar of chocolate a b ö : dv ' t j o k l a t egy tábla csokoládé
a carton of juice a ' k a i t a n dv d 3 u : s egy doboz gyümölcslé
a tin of físh a t i n dv f i j egy halkonzerv
a packet of butter a ‘paekit dv 'bAta egy csomag vaj
a can of beer a kaen dv b i a egy dobozos sör
a carton of yoghurt a ' k a i t a n dv ’j D g a t egy pohár joghurt
a packet of chips a ’paekit dv t j i p s egy zacskó chips
a cob of corn a k ö b dv kDin egy cső kukorica
a head of cabbage a h e d dv ‘k a e b i d j egy fej káposzta
latest collection 'leitist ka'lekjan a legutóbbi kollekció
Wholesale store ' h a u í s e i ! stDi nagykereskedelmi áruház
discount 'diskaunt engedmény

Choose the correct item.

1. I ’m afraid we w on’t arrive there until the sün

A) raises B) rises C) going to rise D) will rise

2. W henI shopping I somé bread fór you.

A) go ... will buy B) will ... ’m going to buy

C) going ... am buying D) ’m going ... ’ll buy

3. You will feel more relaxed after you a bit.

A) will doze B) have dozzed C) dozing D) dozed

4. The design stúdió alsó profit from it after the company

launches the new product.

A) will B) going to C) will make D) will be made

5. The image on the screen whenever you

the button.
A) goes to appear ... will press B) appears ... press
C) will appear ... have press D) will have appeared ... press

6. By the time he , the CEO will have been there.

A) will arrive B) has been arrived C) arriving D) arrives

7. You can be educated separately as long as you competitive sport.

A) will be doing B) will do C) doing D) do

8 . The customer will have to pay on the day the goods

A) delivering B) are delivered C) will be delivered D) deliver

9. After she a decision, notify me?

A) has done ... you will B) has made ... will you
C) made ... will you D) did ... you will
12 Shopping

10. Before you offer your help, she to do it.

A) will be volunteered B) will volunteer

C) will volunteered D) volunteeres

11. Until I am by their work, I won’t pay them.

A) nőt impresssed B) nőt impressing C) impressing D) impressed

12. He said he charitable work as soon as he the money.

A) would make ... got B) would do ... got

C) will do ... got D) will make ... gets

13. The next time you me, I you to my

A) will a s sis t... introduce B) a ssist... will be introduced
C) a s sis t... will introduce D) will a s sis t... introduced

14. By the time he the world, his daughter

awarded a scholarship.
A) will tour ... is B) will be toured ... is
C) tours ... will have been D) toured ... will be

15. The earlier we out, the sooner we get there.

A) will s e t ... will B) s e t ... would C) s e t ... will D) are s e t ... would

Write an essay of 180-200 words comparing and contrasting small shops and hypermarkets.
(Advantages, disadvantages, staff, sales.)
Weather and Climate
---------------------- --------------------- —

1 3 , V la a Ü iS l a n d a í f i i i í í B
-------------------------------- >_— .— ....-m m m m rn- iwBpf

Thunder and lightning

The birds are singing. It’s time to go out and ride
a bike, although the wind is blowing a bit.’ Quite
unexpectedly, dark clouds appeared in the sky. ’Oh,
it can’t be true,’ she thought. When she realised the
birds had stopped singing and the sky had become
completely grey, she changed her mind. Suddenly
she heard a clap of thunder and saw a flash of
lightning too. She ran intő the house to close all the
windows and unplug all the eleetrical appliances.
Through the windows she could see it was pouring
with rain. A second later the house got struck by
lightning followed by an earsplitting clap. As a result, the TV set,
the dishwasher, the computer and the brand new washing machine all broke down. Molly
spent nearly a month trying to have everything fixed and get the money as compensation
from the insurance company.
.........fj§8g n smam gm

1. W hat’s your favourite month?

2. W hat’s the weather like now?

3. What was it like two weeks ago?

4. Does your mood depend on the weather?

5. What do you do to cheer yourself up in rainy/cold weather?


Weather and Climate

6. What activities do you do when the temperature is high/low?

7. What clothes do you pút on when it’s cold/hot?

8 . Have you ever seen a rainbow?

9. Is it easy/hard fór you to study when it’s raining?

1 0 . What do you do on rainy/sunny weekends?


You have just met a friend of yours. Teli them about last night’s
A) storm because they didn’t hear or see anything as they were fást

You and your friends want to go on a bicycle trip to the nearby hills.
B) You have checked the weather forecast on the Internet. Teli them
about it.

You are about to leave fór Britain. Beforehand, you call your relative
C) to get somé information about the weather and ask their advice about
what kind of clothes to bring with you.
Weather and Climate


weather 'weöa időjárás

weather forecast 'weöa 'fDikaist időjárás-előrejelzés
weather report 'weöa ri'pDit időjárás-előrejelzés
weather conditions 'weöa kan'dijanz időjárási körülmények
bright brait ragyogó
calm kaim csendes
clou dy 'klaudi felhős
sunny 'sAni napos
sultry ’sAltri tikkasztó
windy 'windi szeles
chfllv 'tfili fagyos
foggy 'fogi ködös
snowy ‘snaui havas
slippery 'slipari csúszós
stormy 'stDimi viharos
rainy 'remi esős
wet wet nedves
blow blau fuj
shine Jain ragyog, süt
icicle 'aisikal jégcsap
a clap of thunder a klaep dv ‘ÖAnda mennydörgés
a fiash of lightning a flaej dv ’laitanir] villámcsapás
meteoroiogy ^iitiaVD Íadsi meteorológia
sky skai ég
in the sky skai az égen
sün SAn nap
sunshine 'sAnJain napfény
sunrise 'sAnraiz napkelte
sunset ‘sAnset napnyugta
moon műin hold
star stai csillag
north riDiÖ észak
Weather and Climate

east i:st kelet

south sau0 dél
west west nyugat
compass 'kAmpas iránytű
air ea levegő
cyclone 'saiklaun ciklon
anticvclone .aenti'saiklaun anticiklon
climate 'klaimat éghajlat
Continental ^onti'nental kontinentális
Mediterranean .m edita'reinian mediterrán
tropical 'tropikál trópusi
oceanic .auji'aenik óceáni
arctic 'aiktik sarkvidéki
spring spriQ tavasz
summer ‘sAma nyár
autumn 'Ditam ősz
winter ’winta tél
temperature 'tem pratja hőmérséklet
average temperature 'aevarid3 'tem pratja átlaghőmérséklet
degree d i'g ri: fok
get better get 'béta ja vu l
get worse get W3is elromlik
It is pouring with rain. ’pDirír] Szakad az eső.
Indián summer 'ind ián 'sAma vénasszonyok nyara
snowflake 'snaufleik hópehely
sunstroke 'sAnstrauk napszúrás
extreme ik'striim szélsőséges
capricious capricious szeszélyes
sweat swet izzad
v is ib ility .viza'biliti látótávolság
flood flAd árvíz
Choose the correct item.

1. He needs the scissors the paper with.

A) fór cut B) to be cut C) to cut D) to cutting

2. We bought a newspaper fór her so that she something to read.

A) has B) will have C) would have D) will has

3. Tilda plays tennis twice a week be fit.

A) in order B) so that to C) so that D) in order to

4. You should avoid making her worried her recover soon.

A) to help B) to be help C) to have help D) to have helped

5. His friend rides a motorbike be at work on time.

A) to B) so that C) in order B) so that he is

6. Steve called his aunt so that congratulate her on her birthday.

A) he will B) he could C) to D) -

7. I study a lót get a good mark.

A) in order B) so that C) to D) so that to

8. We will go to the exhibition see his latest paintings.

A) in order to B) in order we C) order to D) in to order to

9. He trained hard he would be stronger.

A) so that to B) so that C) in order D) in order to

10. Martin flew to Dublin in order to his aunt.

A) be visited B) visited C) have a visit D) visit

Describe your favourite season in an essay of 100-120 words. (Colours, plants, animals, humán
activities and your preference.)
Warm and cold fronts
A lót of people think summer is the best season because they can go on holiday. It favours
outdoor sports, people wear light clothes, tourism starts to flourish, sunbathers appear and
so do delicious fruits. It’s true summers are extremely hot nowadays. When travelling on
public transport, sometimes you catch the smell of perspiration, which is really disturbing.
Excessive amounts o f sunshine can cause allergic symptoms or even skin cancer. Our mood
and behaviour are effected by weather too. We tend to be lazier when a heatwave arrives, so
we need to drink a coffee, or somé refreshment to get ready fór intensive work. Sometimes a
little doze can help as well, though of course nőt at work. On rainy days when the sky is grey,
our mood becomes similar. We can easily get highly strung or edgy, nőt to mention those who
have a headache or what’s even worse; a migraine. Most of us are sensitive to weather when
there is a sharp fali or rise in temperature, and the ambulance is more frequently called. How
to cope with the symptoms caused by weather changes? O f course, you can take a pill, bút
what fór? There is something which is really efficient and costs nothing; a good laugh.

1. W hat’s the weather like in summer/winter?

2. Are you sensitive to cold/warm fronts?

3. How often does it hail where you live?

4. Do you agree that weather forecasts are always accurate?

5. How does the weather affect agriculture?

6. What natural disasters have you heard about recently?

7. Where can you find information about weather?

8. If you plán a two-week holiday, do you check the weather forecast fór that period in

9. What special items do you pút in your suitcase if you travel to a hot/cold country?

1 0 . How do you protect yourself in those countries from extreme weather?

landslide 'laendslaid földcsuszamlás
avalanche 'aevalaint/ lavina
erosion i'ra u 3 an erózió
deforestation .dii.fDri'steiJan erdőirtás
desertiflcation d i‘z3:tifi'keij*an elsivatagosodás
tsunami tsu :'n a:m i cunami
ebb eb apály
flow flau dagály
sea level si: 'lévai tengerszint
ocean current 'aufan 'kArant tengeráramlás
air current ea 'kArant légáramlás
salinity sa'lin iti sótartalom
prevailing wind pri'veilír] wind uralkodó széljárás
Weather and Climate

hum idity h jui'm iditi páratartalom

evaporation i.vaepa'reijan párolgás
arid 'aerid száraz
aridity a'ridati szárazság
drought draut szárazság, aszály
precipitation p ri.s ip i'te ija n csapadék
irrigate 'in g e it öntöz
sw eltering heat ‘sweltarif] hi:t tikkasztó hőség
latitude ’laetitjuid földrajzi szélesség
longitude 'lDnd 3itju:d földrajzi hosszúság
coastline 'k austlain partvonal
annual rainfall ’aenjua! ’reinfDil éves csapadékmennyiség
monsoon rrm n'suin monszun
cloudburst 'klaudb3:st felhőszakadás
tornado tD i'neidau tornádó
storm stDim vihar
breeze briiz szellő
mist m ist ritka köd
blizzard ’blizad hóvihar
snow drift ‘sn au d rift hóakadály
get stuck get stAk elakad
melt melt elolvad
thaw 0d: elolvad
frost frost fagy
hoar frost ho: frost zúzmara
sleet sliit ónos eső
excessive ik 'sesiv túlzott
allergic sym ptom s 9‘l3id 3ik 'sim p tam z allergiás tünetek
hot/cold wave hot / kauld hőhullám/hideghullám
gioomy sglu:m i borús
edgy 'ed^i ideges
m igraine ‘m iigrein migrén
lighting 'laitiq villámlás
the sky is overcast ^ u v s 'k a is t beborult az ég
Weather and Climate

; - r y'J G n u n n m r iH'ZL

Choose the correct item.

1. He travelled to faraway destinations a lót of new sights.

A) so as to see B) to be seen C) so that to see D) so that will see

2. Edward pút somé pilis in his suitcase fór fear that he a toothache.

A) will be B) will have C) had D) would have

3. Nigel walked quietly intő the room wake her up.

A) so nőt to B) to nőt so as C) lest he should D) in order nőt

4. Mark stopped meditating drink a glass of pure orange juice.

A) so that he could B) so as in order C) in order that to D) in order he will

5. He ordered the spare parts online so that he my cár much sooner.

A) will repair B) could repair C) will be repaired D) could be repaired

6. We called a yellow cab laté.

A) in order B) in order nőt to be

C) so that we will nőt be D) to nőt be

7. The secretary faxed the letter the customer could have a refund.

A) in order that B) so to C) so as D) fór fear lest

8. He repaired the air conditioner quickly to go to the festival concert.

A) to have been able B) to be able C) as to be able D) to being able.

9. The rock musician was asked his hair dyed.

A) to have B) to be C) so to have D) so as to nőt have

10 . He worked day and night so that continue my studies.

A) I can be B) I could be C) I will be able to D) I would be able to

Weather and Climate

11. The form-master gave me an antifebrile I had a high fever.

A) so that B) so that nőt C) fór fear that D) lest

12. The group went overseas practise the language.

A) so to B) so as to C) as to D) so

13. I insist on driving relax.

A) so that you can B) so that you could C) in order you D) order to

14. You went to the college library to borrow an old book.

A) so B) so as C) so nőt as D) nőt so as

15. They were going at a high speed miss the pláne.

A) lest they should B) least they should C) should they nőt D) shall they nőt

Give your ideas in 120-150 words fór an Internet fórum about how to help the people who have
lost their homes due to flooding. (What has happened? How many people have become homeless?
How to help?)
Environmental Issues


Protecting your surroundings

Kevin was standing by the window watching the rain.
The sky was dull and gloomy, consequently there
was nőt much hope that he could go out fór a picnic
with his friends. ’Let’s do something useful after it
has stopped raining. I’ll give a ring to somé of my
schoolmates to get together and do something fór
our environment,’ he thought. All of his buddies and
classmates he called were really enthusiastic about
it. Environmental problems were a highlighted issue
in lessons, so all the girls and boys concemed were
aware of the importance of doing something fór
their surroundings. They arrived at the park on the outskirts on time
to make themselves useful. They brought rakes and a variety of plastic bags with them. They
pút on gloves to protect their hands. The previous days had been quite windy, as a result,
there was a lót o f litter all over the grass and the flower beds there. They worked in small
teams picking litter. As Kevin was the main organiser, he was considered leader of the bunch
of young people who had turnéd up to do voluntary work. After a couple of hours, the whole
park looked a very tidy piacé again. After they had fmished work, they washed their hands
thoroughly and sat down on the grass taking their sandwiches out of their bags. It was a great
feeling that they were able to do something good that day.

1. Are any animals in danger in your area?

2. What can you do to help them survive?

3. W hat’s your opinion about zoos?

4. Have you ever planted a flower or a plánt?

5. Do you find your Street clean enough?

6. What is recycling?

7. What do you do with used batteries?

8. What are the most endangered animals in the world?

9. Do you keep your school area clean?

10. Do you collect garbage selectively?

At the city hall there is a meeting that local citizens can attend.
B) Somé environmental issues are on the agenda. You alsó briefly raise
a problem.
a f c f c * - - ■■ íjjg ii

You are having a picnic with your friends by the river. You see
C) somebody fishing in the closed season nőt far from you. Talk with
your friends about what to do in this situation.

environm en t in'vaiaranm ant környezet

environm ental problem in ,vai0r0n lmental 'problam környezeti probléma
Environmental Issues

forest 'forist erdő

wood wud erdő (kisebb)
laké leik tó
pond pond mesterséges tó
river 'ríva folyó
sea si: tenger
flower 'flau a virág
tree tri: fa
plánt plaint növény
grass grais fű
water ‘WDl t9 víz
smog smog szmog
smoke smauk füst
dirt d3it piszok
rubbish ‘rAbiJ szemét
litter 'lita utcai szemét
trash traej szemét
ozone hole ’auzaun haul ózonlyuk
UV rays 'juiva reiz UV sugarak
global warming ‘glaubal ’wDimir] globális felmelegedés
add rain 'aesid rein savas eső
oil oil olaj
coal kául szén
energy resource 'enad3i ti'z d is energiaforrás
>olar energy 'saule 'enad 3 i napenergia
wind energy wind 'enad 3 i szélenergia
hydroenergy 'haidrau 'enad 3 i vízenergia
protect pra'tekt véd
protection pra'tekjan védelem
pollute pa'luit szennyez
pollution pa'lu:Jan szennyezés
blackbird 'blaekb3:d fekete rigó
swallow 'swolau fecske
sparrow 'spaerau veréb
fox foks róka
Environmental Issues

wolf, wolves Wülf / wulvz farkas

rab b it 'raebit nyúl
squirrel 'skwiral mókus
b ird b3 :d madár
anim al 'aenimal állat
bear bea medve
grizzly 'grizli grizzlymedve
polar bear 'paula bea jegesmedve
seal si:l fóka
penguin 'pengwin pingvin
dove ÖAV galamb
reptile ‘reptail hüllő
snake sneik kígyó
poison 'poizan méreg
lion 'laian oroszlán
tiger ’taiga tigris
monkey 'mAnki majom
elephant ‘elifant elefánt
antilopé 'aentilaup antilop
camel 'kasmai teve
oak auk tölgy
pine pain fenyő
birch bsítj nyírfa
m aple 'meipal juhar
voluntary w ork 'volantri W3ik önkéntes munka
highlighted issue 'hailaitid ’iju : kiemelt téma
Choose the correct item.

1. she publishes a book, she sends me one.

A) Whenever B) When ever C) ever D) never

2. Tóm borrowed three novels from the library to read something

while on holiday.
A) so B) in order C) so that D) in case

3. His friend behaved he were the generál manager o f the company.

A) although B) though C) if D) as if

4. The engineer will finish the design you give him the important details.

A) while B) during C) soon D) as soon as

5. the low temperature, they went fór a walk.

A) Despite of B) In spite C) In spite o f D) Despite fór

6. She has remarried three times she moved to our city.

A) untill B) til C) since D) fór

7. You should train much harder, you w on’t be selected fór the
national team.
A) otherwise B) although C) however D) though

8. I don’t mind you approve nőt bút

I’m calling an ambulance.
A) neither ... nor B) whether ... or C) both ... and D) weather ... or

9. He couldn’t walk properly his fracture.

A) in spite B) because C) due to D) owing

10. Having a house o f your own is great, , it requires large amounts

of money and energy.
A) however B) in order to C) despite of D) while
Environmental Issues

Write a letter o f 100-150 words to a friend o f yours about what you personally do or have done to
protect your surroundings. (How did you start? Who helps you? What exactly do you do?)
Environmental Issues


Having a lót on our plate

Boris máj őrs in environmental protection at university. He and his university mates are
anxious about the future of the blue plánét. Nőt only do they have discussions in lectures
and seminars about nature-related problems bút they have heated debates about the possible
solutions at informál meetings or even over a pint of beer in a pub. What they all agree on is
that it is humán society that is responsible fór nearly all environmental problems. ’Man-made
environmental disasters like soil, water, and air pollution, the extinction of somé animal and
plánt species, the excessive emission of exhaust fumes, the greenhouse effect, the depletion
of the ozone layer and global warming could alsó be reduced or minimised if the attitűdé of
consumer society to natúré and its eagemess to make more and more profit could be drastically
changed. A large number of floods could be avoided by stopping deforestation. Huge areas
of forest could be saved if trees weren’t cut down just to profit from using wood as building
material. The enormous amount o f acid rain, which is caused by the immense quantity of
carbon and sulphur dioxide emitted during production in heavy industry and by cars that
individuals use, should be decreased substantially too. Anyway, we have a lót on our plate
conceming the outcome o f natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, avalanches and forest fires. I am afraid we have an endless list to mention,’ added
Boris gulping his beer down.

1. In what way is the individual responsible fór the environment?

2. How could we protect our forests?

3. What are the most worrying environmental problems of the 21 st century?

4. How are the rivers/the air/the soil in Hungary polluted?

5. What can schools do to make children more environment-conscious?

6. Would you be willing to pay more fór organic food products?

7. What are the consequences of using pesticides in agriculture?

8. What could be done to savé the animals which are on the brink of extinction?
m> * a l l
Environmental Issues

9. How to encourage people to do more selective garbage collection?

10. What does ’Think globally, act locally’ mean?

Your neighbour is buming something in his garden. You can’t

A) breathe properly due to the thick smoke. Ask them to stop doing

You are cycling in the countryside where you find a little puppy.
B) You can see nobody. Feeling sorry fór it, you take it home. Teli your
mother about the situation.

The river near your home is flooding more and more. You are asked
to help.


urbanisation ,3:b9nai'zeij9n városiasodás

overpopulation .suva.pDpju'leiJan túlnépesedés
globálisadon fglobaía'zeij9n globalizáció
biofuel .bcii'jeu 'fjuial bioüzemanyag
biomass ‘baiaumaes biomassza
geothermal energy ld 3 i:9 ü '0 3 :m 0 l 'enad^i geotermál energia
nuciear energ}7 'njuiklia 'enadsi nukleáris energia
nuclear plánt 'njuiklia plaint atomerőmű
nuciear fallout 'njuiklia ‘fDilaut radioaktív hulladék
weapons of mass destruction maes di'strAkfsn tömegpusztító fegyverek
Environmental Issues

global warming 'glaubai ’wDimir] globális felmelegedés

exhaust fumes ig'zDist fjuimz kipufogógázok
depletion of the ozone layer di'pliijan az ózonréteg elvékonyodása
attitűdé to natúré 'setitjuid a természethez való
soil/air/water poilution soil / ea / 'wDita pa'luijan talaj -/víz-/levegőszennyezés
carbon dioxide 'kaiban dai'oksaid szén-dioxid
sulphur dioxide 'sAlfa dai'oksaid kén-dioxid
nitrogén 'naitrad^an nitrogén
sulphur 'sAlfa kén
nitráté 'naitreit nitrát
phosphate ’fosfeit foszfát
carbohydrate .kaiba'haidreit szénhidrát
protein ’prautiin fehérje, protein
fát faet zsiradék
organic matter Di'gasnik 'maeta szerves anyag
immuné system i'mjuin 'sistam immunrendszer
radiation .reidi'eijan sugárzás
genetic modification d3 i'netik .mDdifi'keiJan génmanipuláció
gene d^iin gén
atom 'aetam atom
molecule ’molikjuil molekula
DNA di: en ei DNS
hurricane 'hArikan hurrikán
earthquake 'Biökweik földrengés
volcano vDl'kemau vulkán
volcanic eruption vDl'kaenik i'rApJan vulkánkitörés
Iava ’laiva láva
non/renewable energy ri'njuiabal ti ' z d i s i z nem/megújuló energiaforrások
biotechnology ,ba:'jau tek'noladsi biotechnológia
biodiversity .bai'jau dai'v3isiti biodiverzitás
flóra 'fbira flóra
fauna 'fDina fauna
natural habitat 'naetjral 'haebitaet természetes élőhely
the blue plánét blu: 'plaemt a kék bolygó
Environmental Issues

nsnim ir T ű z i

Choose the correct item.

1. he wants to travel to Italy, I prefer Switzerland.

A) Whereto B) Whereas C) Contrary D) Opposite

2. His brother managed to pass his exam, he hadn’t studied too

much fór it.
A) unless B) unlike C) all thouhg D) although

3. They were quite laid-back, they were forty minutes laté.

A) in spite of B) in spite of the fact that

C) despite of D) despite of the fact that

4. the engineers the designers received

a large amount of money.
A) Both ... or B) Either ... nor C) Nor ... or D) Both ... and

5. The manager should have been awarded the prize, his staff.

A) or rather B) rather C) nevertheless D) however

6. The team identified the virus, the university they work at

received a grant.
A) because B) because of C) therefore D) even though

7. - He has got the job. - , he is said to be the personnel officer’s


A) While B) Preferably C) At any time D) Incidentally

8. She has won five gold medals. , she holds three university

A) Furthermore B) Thus C) Eventually D) Obviously

9. Brad crashed his father’s cár. , his dad isn’t going to give him
any pocket money this month.
A) Nőt in the least B) Needless to say C) Stuff like that C) And so forth
10. The Jacksons have won the jackpot. , they inherited a fortune.

A) With regard to B) In addition

C) Whereby D) To a certain extent

11. - In my opinion, she is modest.

- , she is conceited.

A) On the contrary B) By and large C) Due to it D) At long last

12. We will have enough fiinds to complete the work we have

good results.
A) furthermore B) unlike C) with regard to D) providing

13. She is motivated and Creative, she is the one we need fór the job.

A) in one word B) nonetheless C) let alone D) it’s unlikely

14. There has been an avalanche near the ski resort recently, we
have cancelled our trip there.
A) it depends B) and as a result C) so what D) owing to

15. Somé parts of the aircraft have been tested again there’s
emergency during the flight.
A) partly B) thus C) in case D) unlike

Write an essay of 200-220 words about how humanity could economise more effectively on
consuming non-renewable energy resources. (On individual and global levels, your future image.)
Free Time and Hobbies


A long weekend
Somé boys of seventeen or so were planning
how to spend their long weekend. There
were six o f them in the group, who always
spent their free time together. They each had
their own hobbies bút there was something
that all of them were really interested in,
which was football. As they had three and
a half days’ vacation, they had a lót of time
to enjoy themselves. They decided to go to
the nearby pitch to have a game and meet
somé other friends. After playing football, they went home to change their
clothes. Early in the evening they met outside the cinema to watch the latest film. The next
day, however, the sky was cloudy. Somé of the boys helped their family a bit, others either
read books, magazines or surfed the net. Charlie, the most active of the boys went out fishing
to a laké with his elder brother taking no notice o f the light rain. In the evening the boys got
together again to see the national team playing a cup match.

1. What are your hobbies?

2. What other hobbies can you mention?

3. Why is it good to have hobbies?

4. Why do you think playing board games at an early age is important?

5. What are the pastimes girls/boys have?


6. What are the hobbies women/men go in fór?

7. What hobbies do your grandparents have?

8. What expensive hobbies can you think o f ?

9. How would it be possible fór you to have more leisure time?

10. What are somé free time activities you would never-ever do? Why nőt?

. .


You want to take your cousin to the zoo. Ask them if they want to go
there and teli them what animals they can see there.


You and your friend have just visited a great exhibition that you
have been impressed by. Talk about it together.

You ask your English friend if they want to have a game of badminton
with you.
Free Time and Hobbies

read a book riid a búk könyvet olvas

watch TV w otj ,ti:'vi: tévét néz
meet friends miit frendz találkozik a barátokkal
go out gau aut eljár (szórakozni)
go to the cinema 'sinama moziba megy
go to the theatre 'öiata színházba megy
go to exhibitions .eksi'b ijan z kiállításokra jár
go to the beach bi it f strandra megy
go to the discotheque ’diskatek diszkóba megy
go fishing ’fi/in horgászni megy
ride a bike raid a baik biciklizik
ride a motorbike 'm autabaik motorozik
go by bike baik biciklivel megy
ride a horse hDIS lovagol
listen to music 'l is a n tu ‘m j u i z i k zenét hallgat
classical/folk music 'k a la e s ik l / f a u k ' m j u i z i k klasszikus/népzene
pop/rock music p o p / rn k 'm ju iz ik pop-/rockzene
play music p le i ' m j u i z i k zenét játszik
musical instrument ‘m j u i z i k a l 'i n s t r u m a n t hangszer
musician m ju i'z if a n zenész
music shop 'm ju iz ik Jo p zenebolt
music centre ' m j u i z i k 's e n te hi-fi torony
karaoke karaoke
piano p i'a e n a u zongora
guitar g i't a i gitár
play the guitar plei öa gi'tai gitározik
play the violin .vaia'lin hegedül
play the trumpet 'trAmpit trombitál
play the drum drAm dobol
listen to the radio 'reidiau rádiót hallgat
cassette k a 's e t kazetta
watch a video/DVD 'vidiau / dii vii dii videót/DVD-t néz
Free Time and Hobbies

play a game geim játékot játszik

play cards kaidz kártyázik
rummy 'rAmi romi
canasta ka'naesta kanaszta
play ehess tjes sakkozik
play domino 'dominau dominózik
knit nit köt
do embroidery im'broidari hímez
dance dains táncol, tánc
sunbathe 'sAnbeiÖ napozik
lie in the sün lai napon fekszik
cave keiv barlang
caving ’keivir] barlangászat
take photos ’fautauz fényképez
play videó games Vidiau geim z videojátékot játszik
Playstation plei 'steijan Playstation
doze, nőd off dauz / noö of szundít
take a rest rest pihen
relax ri'laeks pihen, relaxál
draw ón: rajzol
paint pemt fest, festék
cravon 'kreian rajzkréta
water colour 'wDita 'kAla vízfesték
white-water rafting wait 'wDita 'raiftií] vadvízi evezés
piayground ’pleigraund játszótér
sand box saend boks homokozó
jungle gym 'd3 Angal d^im mászóka
slide slaid csúszda
swing swir] hinta
hide-and-seek ,haid n 'si:k bújócska
go to a safari sa'föiri szafarira megy
Free Time and Hobbies

Choose the correct item.

1. Neither the boys nor Kate coming.

A) is B) are

2. Neither Kate nor the boys coming.

A) are B) is

3. Several students working on a project now.

A) is B) are

4. I will finish it in one and a half

A) hour B) hours

5. Physics an easy subject fór me.

A) aren’t B) isn’t

6. We have enough

A) information B) informations

7. I bought a fór my sister.

A) perfume B) bottle of perfume

8. A lót o f cash found on the bench.

A) was B) were

9. Don’t forget to buy two of bread, please.

A) loafs B) loaves

10 . We have six

A) pieces o f luggages B) pieces of luggage

Free Time and Hobbies

Write a story o f 100-150 words about how you started to go in fór your favourite hobby. (Where
and when? What do you like about it? Do your friends alsó have the same hobby?)
A dults' hobbies
Sometimes adults have very strange hobbies. It’s mostly mén who prefer doing extreme
sports saying a sudden surge of adrenaliné makes them feel good when being challenged by
a dangerous situation. They enjoy bungee jumping, rock climbing, caving, parachuting, cár
racing or flying. It must be amazing to have a fantastic view from the top of the mountain or
enjoy gliding in dazzling sunshine. Those who prefer to spend their spare time in an active way
exercise or move a lót, whilst those who prefer more relaxed ways meet friends to play ehess,
cards or board games and to barbecue or simply have a chat over a cup of tea or go fór a walk
with their dogs. Once I read the following sentence somewhere; ’My free time is my life.’ It’s
true that hobbies and out of school/work activities are part of your life, and they provide others
with a bit of information about you. There are people who feel alright on their own, without
anybody talking to them and disturbing their privacy, while they devote all of their precious
time to gaining knowledge via reading, watching Science films, doing crossword puzzles or

1. What are the hobbies that can be considered expensive?

2. What hobby would you like to pursue if you could?

3. What pastime do you think you will have in thirty years’ time?

4. What sports that you have ne ver done do you think would match your personality?

5. What active hobbies can you mention?

6. What makes people take up hobbies?

7. What kinds of clubs can lonely people go to?

8. Do you devote any of your spare time to leaming a new language?

9. What are your favourite TV programmes?

10. What activities do you prefer doing on the Internet?

You would like your girl-/boyfriend to go to the botanic garden with
you. Ask their opinion about it.

There is a classical/rock concert in town tonight. Ask a friend of

yours to jóin you.

You want to invite one o f your colleagues to go fór a sail with you.
The weather is fine. Teli them about your plán over the phone.


1i 1’ ‘ f*
V ü ciiü 'j\n ry
W \f

biiliards 'b ilia d z biliárd

billiard table 'b iliad teibal biliárdasztal
cue/stick kju: / stik dákó
billiard parlour/room ’biliad ’paila / ru:m biliárdterem
2ame of cards k aid z kártyaparti
knave/jack neiv / d 3aek alsó
queen kwiin felső
king kin király
*ce eis ász
lottery 'lotari lottó
» in the jack p o t 'd^aekpot megnyeri a főnyereményt
rmfíle ’raefal tombola
fehing 'fíJírj horgászat
Free Time and Hobbies

fishing rod ’fijir] rod horgászbot

fishing line ’fijir] Iáin damil
reel riil orsó
hook hűk horog
bait beit csali
hunting 'hAntiQ vadászat
paintball peint bDil paintball
fűn fair ’fAnfea vidámpark
m erry-go-round 'meri ga raund körhinta
big dipper big ’dipa hullámvasút
roller coaster 'raula 'kausta hullámvasút
shooting galiery ’/uitír] 'gaelari céllövölde
dodgem cár 'd t^ am ka: dodzsem autó
big wheel big wi:l óriáskerék
candy floss 'kaendi flos vattacukor
sailing ’seilif] vitorlázás
m ást maist árboc
sail seil vitorla
keel ki: I tőkesúly
walking a dog ’wDikír] a 'dog kutyasétáltatás
trekking ’trekír] gyalogtúra
go fór a tre k trek gyalogtúrára megy
trekking stick ’trekír] stik túrabot
trekking boots 'trekin buits túrabakancs
m osquito repellent ma'skiitau ri'pelant szúnyogriasztó
hiking 'haikin túrázás
hiker 'haika túrázó
flask fiaisk kulacs
tick tik kullancs
tick vaccine tik 'vaeksiin kullancs elleni oltás
gam bling ’gaembalír] szerencsejáték
gam bling m achine/one- 'gaembalif] ma'Jiin / 'wAn szerencsej átékgép
arm ed b andit aimd 'baendit
pawn pDin paraszt
bishop 'b ija p futó
knight nait ló
castle ‘kaisal bástya
king kin király
queen kwiin királynő
chessboard 'tJesbDid sakktábla
bit bit zabla
saddle 'saedal nyereg
stirrups ’stiraps kengyel
reins reinz gyeplő
spurs Sp3IZ sarkantyú
mane mein sörény
maré m es kanca
stallion ’staelian mén
foal fául ellik (ló)

Choose the correct item.

1. Take my three

A) advices B) pieces of advice

2. Accommodation expensive in England.

A) are B) is

3. fumiture has been sold.

A) Much B) Many

4. Today the number o f children decreasing.

A) are B) is

5. Bread and butter good fór breakfast.

A) is B) are
Free Time and Hobbies
6. I would like to buy chocolate fór my colleague’s little daughter.

A) a box o f B) a bar of

7. How much is

A) a bread B) a coke

8. She asked her neighbour fór two eggs.

A) dozen B) dozens

9. Little Red Riding Hood may have seen several in the wood.

A) wolfs B) wolves

10. Five appeared in the foggy field.

A) deer B) deers

11. She has somé grey , though she is only eighteen years old.

A) hairs B) haires

12. Somé were asked about the case too.

A) passer-bys B) passers-by

13. Ten leü their fingerprints on the door.

A) thiefs B) thieves

14. The didn’t produce good results.

A) research B) researches

15. There will be a lót of about Brad and Angelina in the future too.

A) gossips B) gossip

Free Time and Hobbies

Give your opinion on how you have benefitted from your favourite freetime activity using 150-180
words. (Friendship, knowledge and taste, etc.)
Modern Lifestyle

•L M uiLséI-íí

IJ Üli

Country life or city life?

Barbara was bőm in a little town, where she lived
fór ten years. Later her family moved to the Capital
because her father started to work as a manager of a
large company. Barbara didn’t like the change at all
because she had to say goodbye to all of her friends
living in her hometown. Every second weekend the
whole family went back to the little town to visit
Barbara’s grandparents and her little dog, which had
been left with them. Right after arriving at their piacé,
they had a delicious three-course lunch at a neatly
laid table. After that they had a relaxed conversation
fór about three hours or so. When they got back to
the capital, their lifestyles went back to normál. Her father and mother mshed to work by
cár the next moming, and a bit later Barbara went to school on a crowded bús. The family
got together only early in the evening. They had a quick supper and talked about the most
important events there had been during the day. Afterwards everybody went intő their room
either to work or study. In spite of the fact that Barbara was quite tired from training too
hard, she started to prepare fór the next day’s chemistry test. ’I wish I could live in my old
hometown where everything is so peaceful,’ she thought.

1- What is typical of 21st century lifestyle?

2. How about your diet?

3. Do you exercise as much as you should?

m m m

ern Lifestyle

4. When do you have time fór recreation?

5. A lót of young people live in a virtual world. How would you change their lifestyles?

6. Would you go on a space trip if you had the opportunity?

7. What are the most common diseases today?

8. Why do you think there is more and more crime today?

9. What functions o f the computer do you prefer?

10. What diet do vegetarians prefer?

You want to play billiards, bút your friend insists on riding his bike.
Try to come to an agreement.

There’s an interesting football match on TV. You are hungry. Order

somé pizza from a pizza bar.

Ág A

You call a friend teliing them you have a new DVD. Ask them to
come round to your piacé and watch it together.
sölarium sau'leariam szolárium
wellness hotel welnas hau'tel wellness hotel
spa bath spa: bai0 gyógyfürdő
másságé 'maesais masszázs
therm al spa '03imal spa: termálvizes fürdő
sauna 'sauna szauna
go to the sauna 'sauna szaunába megy
stress stres stressz
stressful life 'stresfal stresszes élet
ord er on the net bida a neten rendeli meg
pay by b ank card baeqk kaid bankkártyával fizet
e-banking i: baeqkin e-bank
plastic surgery ’piaestik 'S3id3ari plasztikai sebészet
plastic surgeon 'piaestik 'S3id3an plasztikai sebész
o rd er a meal over the phone bida a mii! telefonon rendel ételt
home delivery haum di'livari házhoz szállítás
fást food faist fűid gyorsétel
fást food re stau ran t faist fűid 'restmnt gyorsétterem
ham b u rg er 'h3emb3iga hamburger
hotdog hot dog hotdog
ready m ade food 'redi meid fűid készétel
sem i-prepared food 'sémi pri'pead fűid félkész étel
canteen ksen'tiin menza
snack b a r snaek bai falatozó
pizza b a r ’piitsa bai pizzéria
disposable plate/glass di'spauzabal pleit / glais eldobható tányér/pohár
air conditioner ea kan'dijana légkondicionáló
rem ote control ri'maut kan'traul távirányító
go to a lltness club 'fitnas kkb fitneszklubba megy
aerobics ea'raubiks aerobik
tattoo ta'tui tetoválás
piercing ’piasir] piercing
Modern Lifestyle

body art 'bodi art testfestés művészete

partying ’paitiif] bulizás
shopping tnania 'Jopir] 'm einis vásárlási mánia
shopaholic jD pa'holik a vásárlás megszállottja
plaza 'piaiza pláza
shopping centre •Jopin ’senta bevásárlóközpont
barbecue ‘baibikju: grillezés
bonfire ’bonfaia örömtűz
flreworks 'faiaw3iks tűzijáték
waste energy w eist 'enad^i energiát pazarol
little bulbs 'litaí bAlbz kicsi égők
stay up laté ste i Ap leit sokáig fennmarad
be a night owl nait aul éjszakai bagoly
digital camera ‘didsitel 'kaemare digitális fényképezőgép
e-learning i: ’lBinir] e-tanulás
rrafílc jam ’traefik d^aem forgalmi dugó
preservative pri'z3:v8tiv tartósítószer
space travel speis 'traevel űrutazás
spaeeman 'speismaen űrhajós
spacewoman 'speiswuman űrhajósnő
>paceship 'speis Jip űrhajó
space tourist 'speis 'tuarist űrturista
crime kraim bűnözés
criminal 'krim inal bűnöző
relaxed conversation ri'laekst .kDnva'sei/an nyugodt beszélgetés
peaceful 'piisfal békés
Choose the correct item.

1. When he meets me, he always has questions.

A) both B) any C) each D) a few

2. Do o f your parents do regular sport?

A) all B) both C) nőne D) any

3. She spent of her time in the Bahamas.

A) all B) any C) few D) every

4. Take as money as you need.

A) many B) few C) much D) a little

5. The exam was so hard that only students passed it.

A) a few B) little C) many D) a lót of

6. o f his two cousins went to his graduation ceremony.

A) Neither B) Nőne C)A11 D )A ny

7. His free time was spent doing nothing important.

A) somé B) little of C) whole D) nőne

8. Very of the towns in that country were rebuilt after the war.

A) lót B) little C) few D) less

9. witness was questioned.

A) Both B) Nőne C) Each D) Every o f

10. You can take apple. I don’t mind which one.

A) either B) nőne C) both D) few

Modern Lifestyle

Write a letter of 80-100 words to your friend living abroad about what kind of lifestyle you have.
iStressful, calm, study/work hard, sport, hobby, socialising and quality of meals, etc.)
Staying at a wellness hotel
Jennifer and her family could hardly wait to arrive at the wellness hotel after a long and tough
period at work and school. They were chatting cheerfully in the cár, with the three children
playing with their little dog. All of them were in high spirits. After three hours’ drive they
arrived at the all-inclusive hotel. The little dog was the first to jump out o f the cár. In the hotel
pets were welcome, so this was one of the reasons they had chosen that piacé situated among
the mountains. Their air-conditioned room with a plasma screen TV looked onto a gorgeous
laké, the view of which could be enjoyed from the flowery balcony o f their apartment. After
lunch the parents went up to their room to have a bit of doze, while the kids were exploring the
hotel park. In the aftemoon the couple spent somé time in the thermal spa and had a relaxing
másságé to recharge their batteries. Fortunately, the weather being fine, the family did somé
hiking in the picturesque forest and socialised with the other guests. In the aftemoons they
went riding a horse, hired a sailing boát to see more of the laké or played tennis with somé
new friends. In the evenings they had parties in the exquisite átrium o f the hotel. The family
had such an enjoyable holiday that they decided to go back to the piacé the next year too.

1. Do you manage your time well?

2. What is meant by the ’rat race’?

3. How to cope with stress?

4. What kind o f lifestyle are ads and commercials about?

5. What do you think the secret o f long life is?

6. What kind o f subject should be taught at school to teach children about a more peaceful

7. TV, computer, lack o f physical exercise, stress, fást food... What would you continue
the list with?

8. What is a wellness hotel like?

9. What does the consumer society mean?

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation?

m m sa m
Modern Lifestyle

You have been invited to a wine-tasting by your boss. You don’t like
A) that sort of alcohol. Let them politely know you accept the invitation
bút you won’t drink any wine.

You are calling your colleague to play squash with you. You will
pay the fee and bring the rackets. Agree on a day.

You are at a wellness hotel. Ask the receptionist about the extra
services they can offer you.

& \
V t l i i i J Ü J7

laptop laeptop laptop

[Pod ai pod iPod
MP3 player .em'piiBri: 'pleia MP3-lejátszó
download .daun'laud letölt
downloading .daun'laudir] letöltés
-ocial netw ork 'sau/al 'netw3:k ismertségi hálózat
DVD di: vi: di: DVD
bluetooth blu:tu:0 bluetooth
the Greens griinz a zöldek
berbalism 'h3:b9lizm gyógynövénytan
rraditional healing tre'dijana! ’hiilin hagyományos orvoslás
oatural healing 'naetjral ’hiilír] természetgyógyászat
'egetarian ism ,ved<;9'teriatnizam vegetarianizmus
xnorexia .asna'reksia anorexia
Modern Lifestyle

bulim ia b u lim ia bulimia

GM food (genetically d 3 i: e m f ű id génmanipulált élelmiszer
modified food)
overproduction .a u v a p r a 'd A k ja n túltermelés
FM C G (fást moving e f e m s i: d ^ i: gyorsan forgó fogyasztási
consum er goods) javak
unem ploym ent . A n im 'p lo im a n t munkanélküliség
unem ployed .A n im 'p lo id munkanélküli
credit crunch 'k r e d it k r A n t J hitelválság
loan la u n kölcsön
interest rate 'in t r a s t r e it kamatláb
stock exchange s to k ik 's t je in d ^ tőzsde
short-term credit Jb:t t 3 :m 'k r e d it rövid lejáratú hitel
long-term credit Io n t 3 im 'k r e d it hosszú lejáratú hitel
economy i 'k o n a m i gazdaság
economic ,i: k a 'n D m ik gazdasági
economical . ilk a 'n D m ik a l gazdaságos
economic crisis , i : k a 'n ü m ik ' k r a i s i s gazdasági válság
gross national product (GNP) d s i: e n p i: bruttó nemzeti termék
gross domestic p roduct d 5 i: d i: p i: bruttó hazai termék
budget 'b A d 3 9 t költségvetés
inflation in 'f l e i / a n infláció
bureaucracy b ju a 'm k r a s i bürokrácia
red tape re d t e ip bürokrácia
corruption k a 'r A p J a n korrupció
CCTV (close circuit TV) s i: s i: t i: v i: biztonsági kamera
anim al rights ’a e m m a l r a it s állatok jogai
d ru g taking d rA g ’t e ik ír ] kábítószer-fogyasztás
d ru g addiction d rA g a 'd ik j a n kábítószerfiiggés
hybrid cár 'h a ib r i d k a : hibrid autó
space exploration s p e is . e k s p la 'r e ija n űrkutatás
all-inclusive d :I in 'k lu :s iv all-inclusive
plasm a screen TV 'p la e z m a s k r i : n plazmatévé
picturesque . p ik t j a 'r e s k festői
exquisite 'e k s k w i z i t csodaszép
Choose the correct item.

1. of luggage did the O ’Connors take with them?

A) How much B) How many C) How much pieces D) How many pieces

2. Both speak perfect Irish.

A) o f my brothers B) of my brother C) my brother D) o f brother

3. I dón’t want of them.

A) neither B) both C) any D )nőne

4. Rachel is so happy because celebs have alsó been invited to

the party.
A) somé of B) quite a few C) any D) few of

5. As she was incredibly weak, she could only eat food.

A) few B) a few C) little D) bit

6. Please introduce me to your cousins because I know him


A) nor ... or B) either ... or C) neither ... nor D) either ... nor

7. As he is the oldest member of the clan, he can give you good advice.

A) a few B) a lót C) somé D) many

8. The owner asked you to clean fumiture.

A) any B) each C) few D) all the

9. academics will participate in the conference.

A) Few of B) Several C) Either D) Every

10. In my opinion, approaches are quite special in somé way.

A) each B) every C) all the D) few of

11- bosses are supportive.

A) Nőt all B) All o f C) Nőt each D) Every

12. o f you are enthusiastic about the issue.

A) Whole B) Every C) Both D) Nor

13. proposals are worth considering.

A) Each B) Either C) Nőne D) Several

14. new equipment was bought fór the clinic.

A) A lots o f B) Little C) Too many D) Several

15. The producer should have provided us with money.

A) many more B) much more C) much fewer D) a little fewer

Write an essay of 120-150 words about what kind o f lifestyle you would like to have in twenty
years’ time. (Your job, piacé o f living, children and leisure time.)
C om puters
Computers, as is widely known, are used in every walk
o f life. They help people work in hospitals, shops,
schools, banks, restaurants, libraries, post offices,
factories and in homes too. Alsó, they are used in
agriculture, industries, tourism, etc. It would be a time-
consuming task to mention all the fields where you can
come across them. Today’s young generation are really
lucky to be bőm intő a world of computers and the
Internet. Children are taught computer studies at school
at a very young age. There is a wide rangé o f functions
to mention. They write their homework assignment on
their computers, surf the net, search fór information,
download music, chat, send emails, play games and so on. In the older generation there
are people who are technophobic, consequently they dislike using any kind of appliance, nőt
to mention the computer. The young generation are considered technophiles. They start their
days by checking their emails and then read the latest news on the Internet or listen to music
on their computers while preparing fór school and having breakfast. If you have the Internet
access in your mobile, your pocket is the piacé where the whole world can be found - at least

1. What brand is your mobile?

2. What do you use your mobile fór?

3. Is it important fór you to have a trendy mobile? Why?

he Media and the Internet

4. What are the most important functions o f a mobile?

5. How often do you listen to the radio?

6. When do you watch TV?

7. What papers and magazines do you read?

8. What is the Internet used fór?

9. How long do you use your PC a day?

10. Do you prefer a laptop to a PC?

You run an Internet café. There is a new customer entering the door.
Teli them about the services.

You are at the newsagent’s shop. You are looking fór somé quality
B) and sensational papers. You alsó want to read about cars and sports.
Ask the assistant to offer you somé magazines.

You and your friend are on holiday. On rainy days your friend
watches TV with no break. Talk about the problem with them.
The Media and the Internet

television ’t e l i v ^ a n televízió
TV programme ,t i:'v i: 'p r a u g r a e m tévéprogram
talk show t D ik / a u talk show
sports programme s p D it s 'p r a u g r a s m sportprogram
educational film ,e d 3 u ‘k e i j a n a l f i lm ismeretterjesztő film
cartoon k a i 't u i n rajzfilm
science film 's a i a n s f i lm tudományos film
romantic film r a 'm a e n t ik f i lm romantikus film
documentary .d D k ju 'm e n t a r i dokumentumfilm
horror film 'h ó r a f i lm horrorfilm
action film 'a e k ja n f i lm akciófilm
art film a : t f i lm művészeti film
science fiction 's a i a n s 'f i k j a n sci-fi
subtitled 's A b t a it a ld feliratos
dubbed dAbd szinkronizált
soap opera s a u p ’o p r a szappanopera
radio ’r e i d i a u rádió
média 'm iid ia média
newspaper ’n j u i s p e i p a újság
magaziné .m a e g a 'z iin magazin
women’s ’w i m i n z női
men’s m enz férfi
teenage 't k n e i d s tinédzser
sports S p D ItS sport
ycientific journal . s a i a n ' t i f i k 'd 3 3 :n a l tudományos folyóirat
periodical . p i a r i 'o d i k a l folyóirat
jou malist 'd 3 3 in a lis t újságíró
editor 'e d it a szerkesztő
critique k r i't iik kritika
TV channel ,t i:'v i: ’t ja e n a l tévécsatorna
TV station ,t i:'v i: 's t e i j a n tévéállomás
commercial channel k a ' r m i j a l 'tja e n a l kereskedelmi csatorna
public TV ’pAblik közszolgálati tévé
switch on sw itj on bekapcsol
switch off sw itj of kikapcsol
switch over sw itj ’auva átkapcsol
screen skriin képernyő
provider pra'vaida szolgáltató
user nam e ’ju iz a neim a felhasználó neve
hom epage h a u m p e id 3 honlap
kon 'aikon ikon
keyboard 'kiibDxd billentyűzet
file fail fájl
com puter virus k am 'pjuita 'vaiaras számítógépvírus
m onitor 'mcmita monitor
battery 'baetri akkumulátor, elem
drive draiv meghajtó
email address iim eil a'dres e-mail cím
netw ork 'netw3:k hálózat
data flow ’d eita flau adatáramlás
application .aepli'keijan alkalmazás
recharger ,ri:‘t j a id 3a akkumulátortöltő
table 'teibai asztal
mouse m aus egér
modem 'm audem modem
com puter studies kam 'pjuita ’stAdiz számítástechnikai
search fór info s s ítj fa 'in fsu infót keres
chat t/aet chatel
technophobe ’tek nafaub technofób ember
technophile ’teknafil technofil ember
virtually V3:tjuali virtuálisan
su rf the net S3lf szörföl a neten
he Media and the internet

n in n r T a s i

Choose the correct item.

1. Little what he wanted to say.

A) I know B) have I known C) did I know D) Iknew

2. Never so many carrots fór breakfast in my whole life.

A) did I eat B) haven’t I eaten C) have I eaten D) eat I

3. So quickly that I could hardly keep up with him.

A) did the mén walk B) was the mán walking

C) walked the mán D) the mán did walk

4. Sam couldn’t hear the alarm in the moming.

A) Neither couldn’t I. B) Neither can I.

C) Nor couldn’t I. D) Nor could I.

5. In no way deliver the letter.

A) I will B) I shall C) won’t I D) will I

6. Nőt a penny leave to her.

A) will he B) wouldn’t he C) he will D) he would

7. Slowly what was happening to her.

A) realize she B) realized she C) did she realize D) she was realize

8. Never a cigarette.

A) doesn’t he smoke B) has he smoked

C) isn’t he allowed to smoke D) he isn’t allowed to smoke

9. Nőt only intelligent bút he is good-looking too.

A) has he been B) is he C) is he going to D) can’t he be

The Media and the Internet

10. No sooner the essay his best frienc

called him.
A) had he finished ... than B) he had finished ... than
C) did he finish ... while D) he finished ... while

Your homework assignment is to give your opinion in 100-150 words on changing mobiles
frequently just to have a trendy one. (Design, size, new functions and money.)
The Media and the Internet


Being in the limelight

Christina, 37, is a celebrity. Her name is well-known in the world of movies. Directors
and producers often call her manager to make her an ofFer fór a new film. She works from
moming to evening, as there is a demand fór her acting. When she started her career, she only
played supporting roles. The more she acted, the more experienced she became. Being a very
attractive actress, she had been in the limelight now fór more than fifteen years. Millions of
people go to see her films and designers, stylists, cosmetic companies, the film industry show
particular interest in her. Women wish to have the same clothes and jewellery as wom by her.
Whereever she goes, what she does is nőt a secret anymore. She has almost everything bút
privacy as she is followed by paparazzi day and night. The photos taken o f her appear in a
great number o f magazines and popular papers worldwide. Sometimes the truth conceming
her priváté life is distorted. Luckily, she still enjoys being in the limelight, bút fór how much
longer she doesn’t know.

1- How long have you used the Internet?

2. When did you get your first PC?

3. What do you use the computer fór?

4. Can you mention any jobs where computers are nőt needed?

5. How much time do you spend at your computer daily?

6. What sort o f programmes do you have on your PC?

7. How can a person become a computer addict?

8. Can you mention somé parts of the computer?

9. What is the ideál age to start leaming to use the computer?

1 0 . Why is it dangerous to chat with an unknown person?

You and your father are talking about the advantages and
disadvantages o f e-shopping.

You and somé of your schoolmates are discussing the functions of

B) commercials. Describe one you like and one you dislike. Alsó teli
them why.

E-books or traditional books? You are having a chat with a pal of

yours about them. W hat’s your preference? j§

búg bAg programhiba

debug ,di:'bAg szoftverhibát elhárít, hibát
kiszűr (programból)
software 's o ft w e a szoftver
hardware 'h a id w e s hardver
storing capacity ’s t D ir ír ] k d 'p a e s it i tárolókapacitás
desktop 'd e s k t o p asztali számítógép
e-commerce i: 'k o m B is e-kereskedelem
e-purchase i: 'p 3 : t ja s e-vásárlás
visual effects V i^ u a i i'f e k t s vizuális effektusok
animation .a e m 'm e ija n animáció
3D computer graphics 0 r i: d i: k a m 'p j u i t s ’g r a e f ik s 3D számítógépes grafika
CGI (computer generated s i: d ^ i: a i CGI-program
film industry f i lm 'in d a s t r i filmipar
The Media and the Internet

widescreen film waidskriin film szélesvásznú film

film producer film pra'djuisa filmproducer
film director film di'rekta filmrendező
screen-writer skri:n'rait 0 szövegkönyvíró
screenplay skriinplei forgatókönyv
shooting script 'JuitiQ skript forgatókönyv
supporting role sa'pDitír] raul mellékszerep
costume designer 'kostjuim di'zains jelmeztervező
stagehand steid 3 haend díszletes
be a big hit big hit nagy sikere van
Oscar ’oska Oscar-díj
act aekt felvonás
a three-act play 0ri: aekt plei háromfelvonásos darab
boo bu: kifütyül
prompter 'prompta súgó
career ka'riB karrier
be on stage ste id s színpadon van
special effects ’spejal i'fekts speciális effektusok
production pre'dAkJan produkció
stand-up comedy ’staend Ap 'komadi stand-up comedy
adventure film ad'ventfa film kalandfilm
super hero ’suipa 'hiarau szuperhős
eyberpunk .saiba pAr]k kiberpunk
telecommunieation .telikB.mjumi'kei/an telekommunikáció
paparazzo, paparazzi lesifotós
popular paper 'popjula 'peipa bulvárlap
quality paper 'kwDliti 'peips igényes lap
distort di’stDit eltorzít
be in the limelight 'laimlait rivaldafényben van
demand di'maind igény
Choose the correct item.

1. In no circumstances I give him the key to the safe when we meet.

A) will B) won’t C) didn’t D) did

2. Never a machine like this before.

A) have I use B) haven’t I use C) have I used D) haven’t I used

3. Rarely such a nice present.

A) he has given B) has he been given

C) is he giving D) has been he giving

4. me a bit earlier, I would have cancelled the reservation.

A) If had he called B) Being me called C) Had he called D) Having my called

5. Under the big birch lying the shepherd.

A) was he B) was C) were D) were they

6. So far away from us that we could hardly meet each other.

A) had she lived B) did she live C) does she live D) doesn’t she live

7. No sooner had we arrived there they left.

A) than B)then C) while D) until

8. Fór no other person spend my leisure time doing such a

dangerous activity.
A) would I B) will you C) should you D) I will

9. Too long

A) did the film lasts B) lasted the film C) has lasted the film D) did the film last

1 0 . Rumour has it that six wives so far.

A) has he had B) he has had C) did he have D) he had

m m m m

The Media

1 1 . Nőt even once him at parties.

A) did I saw B) was I seen
C) have I seen D) should I have been seen

12. Rarely us at a laté hour.

A) he disturbs B) does he disturbs C) does he disturb D) he disturbed

1 3 . Nőt until we had completed our work, to have a break.

A) we were able B) were we able C) had D) we were

14. O n ly if pay the bili can you use the heating system.

A) do you B) you C) did you D) will you

15. O nlyafter your problem.

A) you left I had understand B) did you leave I understood

C) you had left did I understood D) you had left did I understand

Write an informál letter o f 150-200 words giving your opinion about social networks. Did you
manage to fmd an old friend of yours with the help of one of the networks?
n H

.;- n n i
n n n H H n H H i

#« Public Transport


Taking the m otorw ay

Without doubt, taking the motorway is by far the
fastest way of travelling by road today. To find the
way out o f a town or a large city is always a sort
o f challenge to me. There is a GPS in my cár bút
I rarely use it. I prefer keeping an eye on traffic
and road signs saying which direction or lane to
choose, what obstacles to pay attention to or where
you will come across construction works. Having
left the city, there is no reál problem fór motorists.
Make sure you pay to use the toll motorway where
this is a must. You can pay fór a toll sticker either at
a fdling station or do it online. The most comfortable way is via your mobile phone which is
always in your pocket or bag. You mustn't miss the motorway access road which leads you to
the expressway very easily. When driving, keep to the maximum speed limit, otherwise you
may be fined fór speeding. When you get tired and want to relax, stop at a service area where
sandwiches, cakes, coffee and refreshments are sold. When you are close to your destination,
take the exit lane and leave the motorway at the big exit sign.

1. What means o f public transport do you have in the piacé where you live?

2. Which are the ones you use on an everyday basis?

3. Do you have to leave home earlier due to moming traffic jams?

4. How much time do you spend travelling/commuting daily?

Public Transport

5. Where do you buy a monthly ticket?

6. How often do accidents happen in your town?

7. What about the quality of roads?

8. Is there a cycle path network?

9. Is it easy to park your cár in the city centre?

1 0 . Do drivers give way to pedestrians at the zebra Crossing?

You are travelling on a bús. There is an elderly lady who can hardly
get on or walk. You offer your seat to her.

You are buying an underground ticket. As you have no map around

B) you, you ask the lady in the booking office how to get to the piacé
where there is a sight you want to see.

You would like to leam to drive a cár. You are going to a driving
C) school to ask the secretary about a course. Try to get as much
information about the course as possible.


bAS busz
'troli bAS trolibusz
Public Transport

tram traem villamos

taxi 'taeksi taxi
scooter 'skuita robogó
bicycle 'baisikal bicikli
boát baut csónak
m otor boát 'mauts baut motorcsónak
tru c k trAk kamion
lorry 'lóri teherautó
motorcycle 'mautasaiksi motorkerékpár
underground (GB) 'Andsgraund földalatti, metró
subway (US) 'sAbwei metró
van vaen furgon
helicopter 'helikopta helikopter
airplane 'eaplein repülőgép
cár ka: autó
ship JiP hajó
ferry boát 'féri b 0 üt komphajó
train trein vonat
get on get on felszáll
get off get of leszáll
railw av station ‘reilwei 'steij^n vasútállomás
platform 'plaetfDim peron, vágány
tim etable 'taimteibsl menetrend
d ep artu re di'paitja indulás
arrivaí a'raival érkezés
d ep art di'pait elindul
arrive a'raiv megérkezik
leave fór li:v elindul vhova
booking offíce 'bukír] ' öhs jegypénztár
ticket inspector 'tikit in'spekte jegy ellenőr
d ep artu re lounge d i'p a itja iaunds (indulási) váróterem
boarding card ’bDidír] kaid beszállókártya
take-off 'teik of felszállás
landing ’laendír] leszállás
Public Transport

customs 'kAstamz vám

passport 'paispDit útlevél
valid 'vaelid érvényes
expire ik'spaia lejár
business eláss 'biznas klais első osztály
economy eláss i'kDnami klais másodosztály
stew ard 'stjuad légi kísérő
stewardess .stjua'des légikisasszony
check in tjek in bejelentkezik
eheek out tjek aut kijelentkezik
petrol 'petral benzin
kerosene 'kerasiin kerozin
filling station 'filin 'steijan töltőállomás
attendant a'tendant benzinkutas
body •bodi karosszéria
wheel wi:l kerék
door do: ajtó
windsereen 'windskriin szélvédőüveg
steering wheel 'stiariq wi:l kormány
get in get in beszáll
get out of get aut av kiszáll
ticket punch 'tikit pAntJ jegy lyukasztó
vehiele Vinkal jármű
GPS (global positioning d3 i: pi: es GPS
traffic sign 'traefik sain közlekedési tábla
road sign raud sain útjelző tábla
obstaele ’obstakal akadály
road construction raud kan'strAkJan útépítés
traffic ‘traefik forgalom
m otorist 'mautarist autós
toll m otorw ay taul 'mautawei fizetős autópálya
sticker ‘stika matrica
expressway iks'preswei autópálya
motorway 'mautawei autópálya
Public Transport

service area ’ s b i v i s ’e ar ia pihenőhely

destination .desti'neijan végcél
exit lane 'eksit lein lehajtósáv
bicycle fram e ’baisikal freim bicikliváz
handlebar 'haendlba: kormány (bicikli)
pedál 'pedál pedál
saddle 'saedal ülés
brak e breik fék
chain tjein lánc

Choose the correct item.

1. We made these ship models

A) ourselves B) ourselfs C) us D) ours

2. Don’t touch those CDs. They are , nőt

A) my ... your B) mine ... yours C) mine ... your D) my ... yours

3. Come with . We’ll show you something.

A) we B) us C) ours D) our

4. I don’t understand suggestion.

A) they B) them C) their D) theirs

5. Can you see that girl? Whom? ?

A) She B) Hers C) Her D) Is she

6. The teacher gave tests.

A) we ... our B) we ...ours C) ours ... our D) us ... our

7. The architect gave colleagues tasks.

A) his ... their B) their ... his C) his ... theirs D) theirs ... his

8. Can you see in the mirror?

A) myself B) yourself C) your D) yours

9. We can hear clearly.

A) each other B) other each C) ours D) their

10. The house is nőt too large.

A) its C) itself D) itselves

Write a formai letter of 100-150 words to the local public transport company about what changes
in the services of the public transport you suggest in order to improve the passengers’ sense of
comfort. (Repair or buy new vehicles, training of the staff, new timetables and discounts.)
City transport
Mr. Jenkins is a professor at a university. To get to work on time, he wakes up one hour earlier
than he needs to avoid the moming conjestion and the traffic jams in the city centre. When he
started his career, he used public transport because in that way he could savé somé time and
money spent on travelling. As years went by, he was able to afford to buy a reliable cár. Petrol
was relatively cheap, so he could enjoy driving to work every day. Since then he has changed
his cár a few times. Although it takes him longer to cover the distance between his home and
his workplace, he feels comfortable and safe driving an air-conditioned cár of his own. On the
way to university, sometimes he is stuck in traffic jams in spite of the fact that he wakes up at
5:30 a.m. It happens that there is an accident or a bottle-neck in a road where the traffic cannot
pass through easily. A delay is expected when the road is being repaired, due to which one of
the lanes is closed to motorists. At other times one can see leamers from a driving school in
slowly moving cars. Professor Jenkins is a polite and patient driver who always gives way
to pedestrians wishing to cross the road at the zebra-crossing. On somé days there are traffic
signs by the road teliing you to drive at a low speed due to the big potholes in the road surface.
’Maybe I should take my bicycle out o f the garage to get to work quicker,’ he thought.

1. Are you satisfied with the public transport services in your town?

2. If you travel long distances, what means o f transport do you prefer?

3. Who do you consider a good driver?

4. Do people in Hungary keep to the speed limit?

5. What are roundabouts good fór?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car/bus?

7. What parts o f the cár can you mention?

8. What parts o f the bicycle can you name?

9. How would you make local transport fór passengers safer?

1 0 . Are drivers in your town polite?

You have just witnessed an accident at the crossroads. A policeman
is asking you about what you have seen. Teli him about it.

You and your friend are having a chat about the local transport.
Compare the various modes of it in your town/city.

You and your friend from Britain are talking about the road network
in Hungary. Present them somé facts and your opinion about it.

main road mein raud főút

m inor road 'maina raud másodrendű út
bypass ’b a ip a is kerülő út
ring road rir] raud körgyűrű
dead-end ded end zsákutca
one-way Street WAn wei striit egyirányú utca
crossroads 'krosraudz útkereszteződés
pedestrian Crossing pi'destrian 'kmsiq gyalogátkelő
roundabout 'raundabaut körforgalom
junction 'd3Ar]kJan kereszteződés
pothole 'pothaul kátyú
m otorist 'mautarist autós
lane lein sáv
Public Transport

h ard shoulder ha:d 'Jaulda leállósáv

bottle-neck ’botlnek útszűkület
give way giv wei elsőbbséget ad
Stop and give way. stop aend giv wei Állj, elsőbbségadás kötelező!
T urn left. tBin left Fordulj balra!
Turn right. t3in rait Fordulj jobbra!
public tra n sp o rt 'pAblik traens'pDit tömegközlekedés
rush hours taJ ‘auaz csúcsforgalmi órák
speed spiid sebesség
speed lim it spiid 'limit sebességkorlátozás
traffic jam 'traefik d^aem forgalmi dugó
dashboard ’daeJbDid műszerfal
re a r m irro r ria 'mira visszapillantó tükör
glove com partm ent gUv kam'paitmant kesztyűtartó
clutch klAtJ kuplung
accelerator ak'selareita gázpedál
brake breik fék, fékez
battery ’baetri akkumulátor
roof rack ru:f raek tetőcsomagtartó
bonnet ‘bonit motorháztető
passenger seat ’paesind^a síit anyósülés
gear lever gia 'liiva sebességváltó
change gear tjeind^ gia sebességet vált
boot búit csomagtartó
num ber plate 'nAmba pleit rendszám
headlight 'hedlait fényszóró
bum per 'bAmpa ütköző
hubcap 'hAbkap dísztárcsa
hook hűk vonóhorog
Highway Code 'haiwei kaud KRESZ
cár docum ent ka: 'dokjument forgalmi engedély
driving instru cto r ’draivir] in'strAkta autóoktató
driving school ’draivir] sku:l autóiskola
driving licence ’draivir] 'laisns jogosítvány
r x j/ x iiir T e s t

Choose the correct item.

1. Let’s plánt the trees

A) us B) by ours C) ourselves D) ours

2. I went to the bathroom to tidy up.

A) me B) my C) mine D) myself

3. He took the towel off the hook and dried

A) his B) him C) himself D)

4. Juliét doesn’t really like living

A) herself B) by herself C) on hers own D) on own

5. The lady had a row with a neighbour

A) o f hers B) from her C) to her D) with her

6. Whose iPod is it? It’s

A) her B) ours C) their D) your

7. The house hasn’t got own garage.

A) its B) it’s C) it D) of its

8. This room is . Clean it, will you?

A) your B) yours C) your’s D) nőt my

9. She arrived with somé relatives of

A) her B) her’s C) hers D)

1 0 . The athletes are relaxing. are exhausted.

A) Most them B) Most of they C) They most D) Most of them

a ■ -- s m

11. Patrícia can dye hair.

A) her own B) o f her own C) by her own D) own

12. All o f have got somé fiiture plans.

A) our B) us C) we D) your

13. Let’s train our dog

A) ourself B) ourselves C) ours D) us

14. He can raise that big stone

A) by him self B) on him self C) by him D) him

15. All o f the businesses are

A) her’s B) her C) hers D) o f her

Write an essay o f 120-150 words about what transport will be like in fifty years’ time. (Most
popular means, new vehicles and travelling speed, etc.)
Having a great time
Somé people prefer more reserved ways of
entertainment, meaning that they don’t need a
large group of peers around them to have a good
experience or to be in high spirits. They are the ones
who visit art galleries to see the latest exhibition
of modem or classical art or those who pick up
their cameras to take photos of moments of humán
behaviour or wild life. Others simply take pleasure
in the babbling of a brook. Alsó, there are people
who paint or draw pictures, which give them
precious moments. Let’s nőt forget about those who
prepare delicious meals fór a family occasion. The way they lay the table and serve the finely
decorated dishes fór a reunion can be considered a sort of art. This is the way they prepare
the background fór having a special time. There are mothers, fathers and grandparents, who
entertain their children and grandchildren with songs, stories and poems or take them to
museums, galleries, observatories, libraries and theatres. Their aim is to entertain as well as
to educate. This is what can be considered a reál intellectual send off.

1. How often do you play with your pets?

2. Who did you get them from?

3. What do children like about the fun fair?

4. What is there to see at a fun fair?

3 :

5. Did you fínd the big dipper scary or amusing?

6. Have you ever had a strange experience during trekking or hiking?

7. W hat’s your favourite sort of entertainment?

8. What kind of entertainment do the elderly have?

9. Do/did you ever go to a disco?

1 0 . How often do you go to a concert?

You are organising a barbecue. You are talking with your brother
about who to invite and what to buy.

It’s a rainy, autumn Saturday aftemoon. You are calling a friend to

B) cheer them up a bit. What do you suggest you should do in weather
like that?

You meet one of your ex-schoolmates you haven’t seen fór somé
years. Have a chat with them.

theatre '0iata színház

theatre ticket '0iata 'tikit színházjegy
applause a 'p b iz taps
applaud a'pbid tapsol
open-air theatre ’aupan ea '0iata szabadtéri színház
costume 'kostjuim jelmez (színház, film)
m ask m aisk maszk
stage steid 3 színpad
curtain 'ksitan függöny
booking offíce ’bukír] ’ofis jegypénztár
dram a ‘draim a dráma
tragedy 'traed^adi tragédia
comedy 'komadi komédia
actor 'aekta színész
actress 'aektras színésznő
perform pa'bim előad
perform ance pa'bim ans előadás
main role mein raul főszerep
m inor role 'maina raul mellékszerep
comedian ka'm iidian komikus (színész)
stand-up comedy 'staend Ap'komadi stand-up comedy
dress rehearsal dres ri'h3:sal főpróba
cloakroom ‘klaukruim ruhatár
program m e booklet 'praugrsem 'buklit programfüzet
full house fu! hauz telt ház
theatre fan '0iata fasn színházrajongó
usherette .Aja'ret jegy szedőnő
interval 'intavaí szünet
concert kan’s3:t koncert
conductor kan'dAkta karmester
musical instrum ent 'm juizikal 'instrumant hangszer
violinist .vaia'lim st hegedűs
pianist 'p ia n is t zongorista
d ru m m er 'drAma dobos
guitarist gi'teu rist gitáros
choir 'kw aia kórus
(sheet) music Ji:t 'm juizik kotta
live broadcast laiv 'brD idkaist élő közvetítés
TV channel ,ti:!vi: ’tjaenal tévécsatorna
dish d íj parabola antenna
cable TV 'keibal ,ti:*vi: kábeltévé
local TV 'laukal ,ti:'vi: helyi tévé
lieence fee 'laisns fi: előfizetési díj
tu rn up tB:n Ap felhangosít
tu rn down t3:n daun lehalkít
Radio and TV Times 're id ia u aend .tii'vii taim z rádió- és tévéújság
daily 'deili napilap
weekly 'wiikli hetilap
m onthly 'mAnÖlj havilap
q u arterly 'kwD:tali negyedéves lap
yearly 1j 311i évenkénti lap
classifíed ads 'klaesifaid aeds apróhirdetés
jobs d^obz álláshirdetés (apróhirdetések
subscribe to sab 'sk raib előfizet vmire
subscription sab 'sk rip jan előfizetés
lib rary 'laibrari könyvtár
borrow 'borau kölcsönöz
second-hand bookshop 'sekand haend 'b u k /o p antikvárium
h ard b ack 'haidbaek kemény kötésű (könyv)
paperback ’peipabaek puha kötésű (könyv)
a rt galiery a :t 'gaelari képcsarnok
exhibition .ek si'b ijan kiállítás
observatory ab'z3:vatri csillagvizsgáló
sendoff ’sen dof útravaló


Choose the correct item.

1. I’d rath ern o t you crymg.

A) to see B) seeing C) see D) to be seen

2. I prefer by myself to going out.

A) staying B) to stay C) stay D) stand

3. you rather hire a paddle boát?

A) Had B) Would C) ’D D) Will

4. My little niece would prefer her own bike.

A) to riding B) to ride C) riding D) being riding

5. The guests go out tonight.

A) won’t rather B) wouldn’t rather C) would rather nőt D) will nőt rather

6. Her daughter and her friends prefer winter sports.

A) doing B) do C) making D) make

7. Will you jóin us? - No, thanks, I at the stars in the sky.

A) ’m preferring to look B) prefer to look

C) ’d prefer to look D) ’d prefer to looking

8. He somé fish and chips.

A) rather has B) ’d rather have C) ’d rather has D) will rather has

9. Would you do the washing up?

A) rather nőt B) rather nőt to C) nőt to D) have nőt to

10. I’d prefer in the comer.

A) to sit B) sitting C) sit D) nőt sitting

Write an essay of 100-120 words about what entertainment means to you. (Active/passive way,
cultural, educational activities, individual or team sports, etc.)
H H h m hbh hhhh hbbi

P a t t -J w E E &

Entertainment in cities
Cities provide a wide choice of entertainment fór both local people and visitors. There are
cinemas, theatres, open air festivals, opera houses, concert halls, casinos, bars, discos, wine
and beer festivals and what have you. Today people spend a good deal of money on having
a great time. When you go out you can come across somé old friends and colleagues you
haven’t seen fór ages. If you decide to go to the cinema or theatre to see a comedy you forget
about hardships, somehow you find yourself in a new ’dimension’, a problem-free zone.
What I enjoy about comedies is that you laugh a lót together with others and this quickly
raises the level of your mood. There are concerts that should be mentioned where thousands
of young people get together to listen to their favourite bánd or singer. It is an exceptional
experience. You enjoy the music, the rhythm, the sound effects, and the special voice of your
favourites. What you see is eyecatching: the lights, the clothes and additionally there is the
whole atmosphere. By the end of the concert you are in seventh heaven until the next workday
when you have to face the difficulties of the rat race again.

1. How often do you socialise?

2. What is your opinion about buying lottery coupons or going to horse races?

3. What types of entertainment do teenagers prefer?

4. What activities do middle-aged people do to have fun?

5. What personal qualities are needed fór fishing?

6. What activities do you like doing in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

7. Apart from having a great time, what else does entertainment mean to you?

8. What types of relaxation suit your parents?

9. What kinds of entertainment do you offer your guests at a birthday party, dancing

1 0 . Why is it dangerous to start gambling?

You and your friends are at a cár race/fashion show. Talk about one
of the programmes with them.

It will be your parents’ 25th wedding anniversary soon. You and

B) your siblings want to throw a surprise party fór them. Talk about
how to organise it with them.

Talk about a play or a film you have just seen at the theatre or a
cinema with your best friend.

standing ovation ‘staendír] au'veijan állva tapsolás

catcails ’kaetkDilz kifutyülés
scenario si'n a iria u forgatókönyv
ad ap t 9‘daept feldolgoz
adaptation .aedaep'teijan feldolgozás
th eatrical season Gi'aetrikal ’siizan színházi idény
plot plot cselekmény
gripping ’gripír] megragadó
eyecatching ai ’kaetjir] szembeötlő
p roducer pra'djuisa producer
director di'rekta rendező
set designer set d i'zaina díszlettervező
m ake-up artist 'm eik Ap 'aitist sminkmester

scenery/setting 'sim ari / ’setír] díszlet

editor 'e d ita vágó
costume designer 'kostjuim d i'z a in a jelmeztervező
choreographer .kori’ografa koreográfiis
cameraman 'kaemaramasn operatőr
stage fright s te id 3 frait lámpaláz
stalls StDilz zsöllye
box boks páholy
dress circle dres 's3ikal első emeleti páholy
balcony 'baelkaní erkély
gallery 'gaelari karzat
auditórium .Didi'tDiriam nézőtér
foyer 'fo iei előcsarnok
orchestra pit 'Dikistra pit zenekari árok
lights laits reflektor
piece of art pi:s av art műalkotás
trailer 'treila filmelőzetes
feature film ’fiitja film főfilm
silent film 'sailan t film némafilm
sound film saund film hangosfilm
adventure film ad 'v en tja film kalandfilm
romantic film ra'm aentik film romantikus film
hero 'h iara u főhős
heroine 'h erau in hősnő
extra ’ekstra statiszta
shoot a film Ju :t filmet forgat
direction d i'rek jan rendezés
sell-out 'selau t kasszasiker
request programme ri'kw est 'praugraem kívánságműsor
top hits top hits slágerlista
couch potato k a u tj p a 'te ita u tévémániás
remote control ri'm au t kan'traul távirányító
topicality 'topikal aktuális esemény
circulation (s3:kju'leijan példányszám
headline 'hedlain vezércikk
open air festival ’aupan ea 'festival szabadtéri színház
w hat have you wot hav ju és amit akarsz (felsoroláskor)
rhythm 'riöam ritmus
tune tjuin dallam
ra t race raet re is mókuskerék
dim ension d i'm e n ja n dimenzió

Choose the correct item.

1. She’d rather you the people working fór us.

A) encourage B) encouraged C) will encourage D) would encourage

2. Last time I ’d rather you to the airport to meet the guests.

A) have gone B) had gone C) have been gone D) having gone

3. She prefers a lift to driving.

A) be giving B) be given C) being given D) to have giving

4. Jill would rather her friend doing extreme sports.

A) stops B) stopping C) stopped D) have stopped

5. The form teacher’d prefer the school year now.

A) fmishing B) finish C) the finish D) to finish

6. Would they rather any bacon?

A) nőt to eat B) nőt eaten C) nőt eat D) eating

7. I ’d rather she her exam last week.

A) had passed B) passed C) was passed D) passing

8. Mick prefers to rock climbing.

A) to fly B) flying C) to be flown D) fly

9. Would you rather she abroad to study when she was
A) hasn’t gone B) did go C) didn’t go D) hadn’t gone

1 0 . The rector’d prefer rather than retire.

A) to teach B) teaching C) be taught D) having taught

11. I’d rather we fór a picnic now.

A) did go B) don’t go C) didn’t go D) are gone

12. Your father ’d rather you such a low salary.

A) are nőt giving B) don’t give C) wasn’t given D) hadn’t been given

13. We prefer to invited.

A) inviting ... be B) inviting ... being C) invited ... be D) being invited ...

14. Betty would rather Susy the dinner tonight.

A) did B) made C) does D) makes

15. Would she rather I all the sights in China last year?

A) saw B) had seen C) didn’t see D) have seen


Write an informál letter o f 150-200 words about where you would take your foreign guest in
order to provide lavish entertainment fór them. (Parts of the country, museums, theatre, folklóré,
customs, sports events, dinner party at home with friends and restaurants, etc.)

Fashion and Clothes

A fashion show
Ms. Hill is in her early forties and is interested in
fashion. She doesn’t have several wardrobes full
of unused dresses, jackets, trousers and shoes,
instead she has a few pieces o f clothes of high
quality fór every season. As she is a manageress
at a company, she is supposed to wear a suit at
work. She doesn’t mind it because this is the
part of her style. One day she was invited to a
fashion show. She and her daughter were quite
pleased to be spending their Saturday aftemoon
enjoying the programme where they could see so
many finely designed dresses. Thin models were walking up and down the long catwalk
wearing both bizarre outfits and clothes fór everyday wear. Only very few suits were shown.
Her daughter, eighteen years of age, was fascinated by somé of the dresses. ’All the items
are very special bút I prefer my denim skirt and jacket,’ she remarked to her mother smiling.
A couple of hours later they made their way to a pastry shop to have somé cakes and ice
wm :

1. What kind o f clothes do you like wearing?

2. When and where do you wear elegant clothes?

3. Where is your favourite clothes shop?

4. What are the colours you like?

Fashion and Clothes

5. What kind of shoes do you prefer?

6. How often do you buy clothes?

7. If you need a new piece o f clothing, do you take anyone with you to the shop?

8. What kind of clothes do you wear at home?

9. Are trademarks important to you?

10. W hat’s your opinion about plazas?

You and your friend are talking about the latest fashion.
trendy to wear?

You and your cousin are discussing whether it is less expensive to

be fashionble fór a young mán than fór a young woman.

What is the style you prefer in clothing? Discuss it with a friend of

Fashion and Clothes

fashion 'faejan divat

be in fashion 'faejan divatos
fashionable 'faejnabal divatos
low-heeled Isu hiild lapos sarkú
high heels hai h iilz magas sarkú női cipő
platform shoes 'plaetfDim Ju:z magas talpú cipő
sandals ’saendalz szandál
boots buits csizma
flip-flops flipflops strandpapucs
trainers 'treinaz edzőcipő
blouse blauz blúz
T-shirt ti: J3:t póló
puliover ’pulauva pulóver
jumper 'd3Ampa bő pulóver
jacket 'd33ekit blézer, zakó
bra bra: melltartó
underwear 'Andawea fehérnemű
skirt sk3:t szoknya
tights taits harisnyanadrág
leggings 'legiQZ macskanadrág
shirt J31t ing
tie ta i nyakkendő
trousers/pants ’trauzaz / paents nadrág
jeans d3i:nz farmernadrág
denim jacket 'denim 'd 3aekit farmerdzseki
suit su:t öltöny, kosztüm
dress dres (női) ruha
night dress nait dres hálóing
pyjamas p9'd3a:maz pizsama
socks soks zokni
wear wea visel
pút on pút on felvesz
20 Fashion and Clothes

take off teik of levesz

get dressed drest felöltözik
get changed tjeind 3 d átöltözik
match sg maetj" megy vmihez
fit sy fit pont jó vkire (méret)
suit sy suit illik vkihez
bathing suit, swimsuit ’baiöir] suit / 'swimsuit fürdőruha
bikini bi'kiini bikini
swimming trunks ’sw im ir] trAr]ks furdőnadrág
piain material plein ma'tisrial egyszínű anyag, sima anyag
striped straipt csíkos
dotted 'dotid pettyes
eheeked tjekt kockás
colour 'kAla szín
blue blui kék
dark blue da:k blu: sötétkék
light blue Iáit blui világoskék
green griin zöld
orange 'Dnnd$ narancssárga
yellow 'jelau sárga
white wait fehér
red red piros
black biaek fekete
brown braun barna
purple 'p3ipal lila
pink pir)k rózsaszín
grey grei szürke
silver ’silva ezüst
gold gauld arany
earrings 'i9rir]z fülbevaló
necklace 'neklas nyaklánc
bracelet 'breislit karkötő
watch WDtJ karóra
high quality hai 'kwoliti nagyon jó minőségű
fashion show 'fe jan Jau divatbemutató
catw alk 'kastwDik kifutó (modelleknek)
flnely designed ’fainii di'zaind finoman megtervezett
bizarre outfit bi'za: 'autfit bizarr szerelés
denim 'de mm farmeranyag


Choose the correct item.

1. your make-up and hair, and leave.

A) Build B) Piacé C) Make D) Do

2. Please don’t a fuss, the baby is sleeping.

A) do B) make C) - D) making

3. Let’s cheer fór Overdose, we?

A) will B) shall C) don’t D) wouldn’t

4. Would you mind my umbrella fór me a minute, please?

A) to keep B) to hold C) keeping D) holding

5. Ask Mary to . Her manners are so ridiculous.

A) behave B) hide C) puli D) drop

6. Try your partner’s name in mind after they have been

introduced to you.
A) wearing B) bearing C) to bear D) to wear

7. Please drive more slowly,

A) don’t you B) shall you C) will they D) will you

8. The doctor told her patient the pilis three times a day the
following week.
A) to taking B) to take C) to have taken D) to have taking
9. Elenor said that the chef somé roast duck with steamed
A) should make B) to make C) making D) to be making

1 0 . FII never alíow you to smoke. - I ’m nőt allowed

A) smoking B) to smoke C) having smoked D) my smoking


Describe a weíl-known person’s appearance in 100-150 words. Give their names only at the end of
your essay. (General impression, face, clothes, behaviour, voice etc.)
What to pút on today?
It’s early in the moming. The Venetian blinds are still shut and there is soft music in the room.
Kitty, still sleepy, is going to the windows to open them and take delight in the beautifiil
back garden full of flowers. ’lt’s a cool spring day. What to pút on today?’ she asks herself
approaching the wardrobe. ’I need cheerful colours as the sky is a bit gloomy today.’ She
picks out a light orange blouse and a denim jacket with a pair of blue jeans. She alsó takes a
pair of leather shoes off the bottom shelf, then she slips intő her clothes quickly, and tries to
find somé matching accessories like a beit, hairband, earrings and a necklace with a pendant.
She nearly forgets about the bag whose colour goes with her shoes. Oh yes, the make-up. She
puts on somé mascara and blusher. After checking her appearance in the mirror, she drinks a
glass o f orange juice. Watching her waistline, she only has somé fruit and yoghurt with a cup
of green tea. By the time she has finished her breakfast, she is filled with energy, and is ready
to start the day.

1. What clothes seem to be trendy today?

2. What are your priorities when buying clothes?

3. Somé people say, ’You are what you wear.’ Do you agree or disagree with it?

4. Why do you think jeans are popular with almost every generation?

5. If you meet somebody fór the first time, what do you focus on in their appearance?

6. In somé countries people wear sporty clothes at the theatre. Do you agree or disagree
with that?

7. Are you fashion-conscious?

8. Fashion changes frequently. Do you follow it?

9. What do you think about the dress-code in your school/at work?

10. If you were rich, would you ever spend €1000 on a single piece of clothing?
Fashion and Clothes

W hat’s the latest fashion in clothes/architecture/mobile phones/

shoes? Choose one of the items and talk about it with your friend.

What does a person’s appearance reflect? Discuss it with a family

B) inember.

What clothes are wom at an exam/at school/at an office/at a party/

C) at the theatre or a cinema? Talk about the items above with your

gear gia szerelés, öltözet (modem,

outfit 'a u tfit szerelés, együttes
garm ent 'gciimant ruha, köntös
be trendy 'trendi divatos
vogue vaug divat
coine intő fashion kAm ’inta 'faejan divatba jön
go out of fashion gau au t av 'fae/an kimegy a divatból
fashion designer 'fae/an di'zaina divattervező
pretty 'priti csinos
handsom e 'haensam jóképű (férfi)
sm art sm a it csinos
elegant 'eligant elegáns
be good-looking gud 'lukír] jól néz ki
be fashionably dressed 'faejnabli divatosan öltözik
badly/shabbily dressed 'baedli / 'Jasbili rosszul öltözött
single/double breasted 'siqgal / 'dAbal 'brestid egysoros/kétsoros
dinner jacket/tuxedo 'dina 'dzsekit / tAk'siidau szmoking
waistcoat 'weiskaut mellény
raincoat/mackintosh 'reinkaut / 'maekintoj esőkabát
sweat shirt swet/3it vastag póló
parka ’paika téli kapucnis dzseki
turtleneck 't3itlnek garbó
bow-tie bau tai csokomyakkendő
track suit traek suit tréningruha
wellingtons 'welintanz gumicsizma
button 'bAtan gomb
button up 'bAtan Ap begombol
unbutton An'bAtan kigombol
lace up leis Ap befűz
unlace An'leis kifííz
zip fastener zip 'faisna zipzár
Velcro/velcro 'velkrau tépőzár
make-up 'meik Ap smink
eyeliner 'ailaina szemceruza
mascara mae'skarra szempillafesték
blusher 'blAja arcpirosító
powder 'pauda púder
lipstick ’lipstik rúzs
lipgloss lipglos szájfény
tweezers 'twiizaz szemöldökcsipesz
nailfile neilfail körömreszelő
brush brAj ecset
nail varnish/polish neil 'vainij / 'polij körömlakk
nail polish remover neil 'polij / n ‘mu:va körömlakklemosó
material/fabric ma'tiarial / 'faebrik anyag
cotton 'kotan pamut
wooUen 'wulan gyapjú

Fashion Clothes M

linen 'linin vászon

denim 'denim farmeranyag
velvet 'velvit bársony
polyester .pöli'esta müszálas
leather 'leöa bőr
corduroy 'loidaroi kordbársony
knitted 'nitid kötött
nylon 'nailon nejlon
lace leis csipke
synthetic sin'Öetik szintetikus
fú r f3: szőrme
fade feid színét veszti
colour-fast 'kAla faist színtartó
accessories ak'sesariz kiegészítők
sunglasses 'sAnglaesiz napszemüveg
h air bánd hea b«nd haj pánt
h a ir clip hea klip haj csat
beit beit öv
p en d an t 'pendant medál
w atch one’s waistline 'weistlain vigyáz az alakjára

Choose the correct item.

1. You had better discussing serious matters with her.

A) to avoid B) avoid C) avoiding D) to be avoiding

2. D on’t ever talk to me like that, you?

A) do B) don’t C) will D) never don’t

3. Keep while you’re picking the cherries.

A) whistling B) to be whistling C) the whistling D) being whistled

4. Don’t eyes at the person in question.

A) do B) make C) show D) run

5. I was ordered about too many details.

A) to nőt ask B) nőt to ask C) nőt asking D) nőt to asking

6. She telis you it’s high time you something.

A) to achieve B) achieved C) to be achieving D) achieve

the hurdles repaired.

A) Teli B) Ask C) Make D) Get

8. He telis me it is essential sports clubs

A) sponsoring B) sponsored C) be sponsored D) will sponsored

9. Try rid of those pushy people as soon as possible.

A) to go B) to have C) to give D) to get

10. Ask them there by ten sharp.

A) will be B) be C) to be D) to have

11. The criminal told his accomplice any fingerprints on the door.

A) nőt to leave B) nőt to be left C) don’t leave D) don’t be left

12. I have asked her an unfumished fiat.

A) to have rented B) to rent

C) to be rented D) to have been rented

13. Did you really teli her a somersault?

A) to make B) to get C) to do D) to find

14. The police wamed them their radio after ten.

A) to be turnéd B) to tuming C) to have turnéd D) to turn down

15. Stop your time, will you?

A) wasting B) to waist C) waste D) wasted

Write a letter o f 150-180 words to your friend, in which you teli them your opinion about various
kinds of trendy body art. (Piercing, tattoo, jewellery, make-up and hair colour, etc.)
1. No, we always have a big breakfast. We start with a glass of pure orange or apple juice.
We prefer ham and eggs, although sometimes we have frankfurters too. We alsó have
a mug of green tea with lemon juice and honey. Before breakfast my mother makes us
somé sandwiches that we just pick up before leaving fór school.

2. It’s my mother who gets up at an early hour to prepare a nice breakfast fór us. She says
that a good start makes your day perfect. At the weekends it’s different. My father alsó
helps her, he slices up the bread, sausages and cold cuts and my brother and I lay and
clear the table.

3. Three main meals, such as breakfast, lunch and supper or dinner. After breakfast I feel
full, bút in spite o f this fact, I alsó have my mid-moming snack. At about four o’clock,
I have my mid-aftemoon sandwich with an apple or a banana. If the weather is cold, I
drink a cup o f green tea too, which helps me concentrate much better.

4. We have our lunch at home. As our grandma lives with us, she cooks fór the whole
family every day. Besides, in this way we can savé somé money too. When we celebrate
birthdays, we always go out to our favourite restaurant in the neighbourhood to have
something delicious.

5. Well, if you eat at a canteen, you can savé a lót of time because on the one hand, you
don’t need to spend half an hour or more buying the ingredients of your lunch, on the
other hand, it only takes thirty minutes to have your midday meal. No doubt, the quality
of what you eat is nőt always the best. You don’t need to do the washing up though.

6. My favourite dish is chicken paprika with sour cream, noodles and somé fresh cucumber
salad. I have it at least once or twice a month.

7. My mother cooks it, mainly at the weekends. All the family are keen on this meal, so
we always eat the whole dish up. There’s nothing left in the big pót fór our dog except
fór the bones. It’s great to have it at home as my mom pays a lót of attention to the
decoration of the dishes and the table too.
* 8 ^ # l
Sample Answers

8. Sure, both o f them go to the markét in tums almost every weekend to get somé fresh
and good quality vegetables. In this way my grandma can savé somé money, as she
likes to bargain. Besides, she can socialise a bit there too.

9. I prefer buying vegetables at the greengrocer’s on the comer as I’m always very busy
and I don’t need to waste my time going to the markét in the city centre. When I do the
shopping at the hypermarkets, I alsó buy somé carrots, tomatoes and onions, provided
they are fresh.

10. Our school has no canteen. Once I was at one, which reminded me of a restaurant. Its
atmosphere and neatness were really impressive. The windows were large, thus the
canteen was very light. There were even paintings and pictures on the walls. You could
alsó see potted plants with big, shiny leaves in the comers.

1. Normally it’s my mom, who goes to a big supermarket once a month to buy all the
necessary things we need, e.g. washing powder, serviettes, dairy products, cold cuts,
mineral water, coffee and light bulbs, etc. We buy bread, rolls and milk at the comer
shop almost daily or every second day. When we need vegetables, my mother and
grandma go to the markét, or they send me to the nearest greengrocer’s.

2. We go to hypermarkets, supermarkets, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, electrical shops, shoe

shops, clothes shops, stationer’s, florist’s, baker’s, PC shops, and pastry shops.

3. In my opinion, if you want to savé somé money, do your shopping at a supermarket.

First o f all, there’s a large variety of goods you can choose from. There are always
sales, where you can buy products at reduced or low prices. Service is quite quick at the
cold cuts and the meat counters. Comer shops are usually small places with a friendly
atmosphere where prices are higher and staff are very polite. We prefer privately owned
small shops because we live quite close to a piacé like that and we are absolutely
satisfied with the service there.

4. We feel really lucky because there’s a non-stop shop in our neighbourhood. In spite of
the fact that we do the weekly shopping, there are always somé things we forget to buy.
It’s quite comfortable just to go round to the non-stop shop on a laté Sunday aftemoon.
O f course, their prices are higher, bút when you really need something urgently, you
don’t mind pay ing extra.

5. She goes to the markét every week because there’s a wide choice of fresh vegetables.
Since our family is quite big, she always buys a lót of carrots, onions, radishes, tomatoes,
green peppers, potatoes and somé heads o f lettuce. All of us prefer having something
green with our meals.
6. As the prices at our school canteen are a bit high, I rarely buy anything there. Except fór
a situation when I feel too hungry, and I have nothing to eat in my bag. Usually I make
my sandwiches at home early in the moming.

7. My favourite type of shop assistant is, first of all, polite. They know all the features of
the product I want. They need to be patient, and I expect them nőt to try to persuade me
to buy something I don’t want to have.

8. My mom does the weekly shopping at a hypermarket, and my mom and dad do the
monthly shopping together in the same piacé. They always say it’s worth going there,
as you can buy everything under the same roof, besides you can savé money and time
as well.

9. As my grandma makes cakes every weekend, I rarely go to a pastry shop. This happens
when I meet my friends. We spend an hour or two in a piacé like that having somé
strawberry cakes, strudels, or sponge cakes with a cup of hot chocolate or fruit tea.

10. Fortunately, I am. Well, I don’t say I always resist the temptation to open my purse, bút
I never waste my money on anything useless. I only buy things I need.

1. My favourite month is August. It’s because I lőve summer, especially sunshine, and
there is no school. As I’m fond of fruit, I can have as much as I want at this time of the
year. Additionally, in August you can go fór trips and outings since the weather is still

2. The sün is shining and the temperature is 20 C. Despite the fact that the wind is blowing
a bit, I lőve it. If I didn’t have to study fór my history progress test, I would go out
skateboarding. Luckily, the weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow too, so I
will be able to have fun with my friends outdoors.

3. Two days ago it was really cold and gloomy. We couldn’t see the sün, which made us
feel depressed and tired. By the end of the day, it even started to snow a bit.

4. Absolutely, if the weather is fine, I’m cheerful and optimistic. When I wake up to the
pattering o f rain, or when the temperature is low, I get intő a bad mood. I haté the long
winter months as I’m always freezing.

5. I turn on somé lights in the house as well as the colourful standing lamp in the sitting
room. Bright colours raise my spirits. I pút flowers or at least a small potted plánt in
the middle o f the table. I f i have somé free time, I go to the gym. Good music, pals and
physical exercise cheer me up.

m ::

6. When the temperature is high, I feel in good shape. I go cycling or jogging with my
dog. When it’s low, I alsó go jogging or get somé physical exercise in the garden. I
meet my friends after I have done my homework. O f course, I alsó help my parents if
there’s somé work in and around the house. I’m fond o f reading and doing crossword

7. On cold days I wear warm clothes, such as pullovers, sweat shirts, jeans, jackets, coats,
gloves, caps and boots, and when it snows, I have heavy boots on. On hot days it’s
enough to pút on a light summer dress. I alsó prefer denim shorts or skirts, with T-shirts
and sandals or slippers.

8. Yes, several times. The most beautiful one I’ve ever seen was over the cathedral in my
city on a laté summer aftemoon.

9. When it’s raining, it’s nőt hard fór me to study, as outside there’s nőt much to distract
my attention from what I have to focus on. I’m quite quick on the uptake when there
are no disturbing noises down the Street as the people are alsó at home.

10. On rainy weekends my family and I visit our relatives. Sometimes we go to the country-
side by cár, or stay at home and go to see a film or an exhibition. It’s much more
exciting when the sky is blue and the temperature is above 18-20 C. We go on picnics
with other families whom we have known fór ages. It’s always good fun to be together
with them as there are other girls and boys of my age.
1. Skipping breakfast is quite a bad habit. A lót of people do this because they either get
up very early when they are still very sleepy or they are always in a hurry, so they only
have something hot with a slice of toast at the very beginning of their day. They should
know that coffee or strong tea on an empty stomach is unhealthy. It is dangerous too
because by doing so, one can develop certain diseases in the long run.

2. Doing physical exercises either in the moming or aftemoon raises your energy level.
Aftemoon sports activities are said to be better because by this time your body
temperature is higher, so it’s easier to raise your energy level. As fór me, I go jogging,
ride my bike or go fór a walk with my dog.

3. I always have fruit or salad between the main meals. I rarely eat any snacks. As I am
health conscious, I pay special attention to nőt having sweets or goodies at all, and after
lunch and dinner, I always eat apples.

4. A sensible eater starts their day with a glass of pure fruit or vegetable juice. They are
aware of the calorie content of what they consume. They buy organic food and try to
avoid the use o f the microwave oven fór cooking. They are aware of the amount of food
they eat and always have meals made from fresh meat or vegetables.

5. Most people prefer starting their lunch with somé soup, which is followed by a light
main course. They eat lean meat, fish or poultry with organic vegetables. However, a
good number of people choose something filling if they do hard physical work. Don’t
ever eat too much fór dinner or supper. Make sure you have your last meal of the day at
around six or seven at the latest.

6. If you want to improve the quality of your diet, buy organic food. Meals made from
fresh meat, fruits and vegetables are the best fór your health. You can even make bread
at home. Meals containing unsaturated fát alsó help you keep in good shape. Stay away
from unhealthy foods that contain preservatives and other sorts of additives.

7. Those who need to bum fát because of their weight need to do two workouts a day, one
in the moming and one in the aftemoon. In our demanding and busy world those who
eat a lót because of being overstressed, should take somé serious exercise every day.
As fór their diet, they should avoid eating fatty food and meals high in carbohydrate.
Instead, the consumption of somé fruit and vegetables is recommended.
8. Being vegetarian is quite widespread today. There are different types of such a diet.
Somé people eat no meat, milk or eggs. Others eat no meat products, bút they eat eggs.
People belonging to a third group eat no meat and eggs, bút somé dairy products can be
found on their table. The diet o f the people in the fourth group contains any food except
meat. The fifth type we call semi-vegetarianism, which suggests they eat fish, poultry,
dairy products and eggs.

9. Mood food means a kind of food that can have an affect on how you feel. ’You are what
you eat’, as the saying goes. What we have affects us both physically and mentally.
Foods high in fibre help you be more optimistic and energetic. Consequently, you may
feel less exhausted, depressed or stressed. Chocolate, among other things, is said to
make you happier and more cheerful.

1 0 . My favourite dish is pancake a la Hortobágy. All you need is somé eggs, flour, milk
or soda water and somé oil fór making the pancakes. Pút somé ground meat, chopped
onion, a bit of oil and salt, garlic, red pepper and sour cream in a saucepan and boil this
mixture fór thirty minutes. After you have fried the pancakes, fül them with somé of the

1. In my opinion, if you give a gift to someone who is important to you, wrap it up in

colourful paper. I think special little decorations make your present even more attractive.
This way you can express your lőve and respect too.

2. I personally prefer shops that sell cosmetic items. When I’m there I simply forget about
time. To spend two hours there would be no problem fór me at all. As fór my brother,
he would be absolutely delighted to be left in a PC shop fór 120 minutes.

3. I use cash to pay in shops. My parents give me a reasonable amount of pocket money.
They are of the opinion that fór a teenager like me, this is the safest way to pay fór
something I buy. In case you lose somé of your pocket money, it ’hurts’, bút nőt that
much. Unlike the situation when you carry your bank card with you and somehow it
gets lost. This causes a great deal of trouble to you. On the other hand, paying by card
is very convenient and usefiil. My parents prefer to pay by card.

4. Hypermarkets are noisy places in contrast with small shops where there is soft music or
no music at all. In spacious hypermarkets you have enough room to walk up and down
with your trolley even if they are crowded. It’s nőt always easy to get information about
the product you are looking fór. Small shops are usually crowded because so many
different kinds of goods are sold in a relatively small piacé. In compensation fór that,
you can turn to smiling and helpful shop assistants fór advice.
Sample Answers

Generally, women’s favourite shops are ones where they can buy clothes, shoes,
jewellery, household goods or cosmetic items, while mén prefer shops where electrical,
PC or sports goods can be bought. They alsó enjoy spending time at cár showrooms.

When people get addicted to buying things, one day they realise they are unable to
leave a pretty pullover or dress on the counter. It’s true advertisements and commercials
suggest purchasing everything you long fór, bút you should use your brain before you
buy. In my opinion it’s people’s way of thinking that creates such an addiction.

E-shopping can be advantageous because all you need to do is turn on your computer
and make your order, provided you have enough money in your bank account. It’s really
simple. On the other hand, you must be careful about providing your bank account data
as it may be misused by people in somé cases.

Disposable goods are practical because after you have used them, you get rid of them.
No need to wash or dry them. Just think of the paper plates, tableclothes and plastic
cutlery you use at parties. They can be recycled.

Commercials and advertisements promote the sales of goods. If a product has just
been launched on to the markét, customers can get familiar with the new brand via
advertising on TV or in newspapers and magazines.

To me the most important characteristic of a product is its quality. High quality

commodities are nőt cheap, bút in the long run they may be considered inexpensive
since usually they are long-lasting.

In summer there are thunderstorms with flashes of lightning, bút in most cases it’s
really sweltering. When it hails, farmers are worried about their crops. Fór city dwellers
hot summers are nőt always pleasant, especially on housing estates where the buildings
become overheated. Snowy winters can cause traffic problems mostly if it snows fór
days and weeks. Accidents can happen anywhere where the roads are slippery.

No, absolutely nőt. I feel ’privileged’ nőt to be affected by either cold or hot fronts.
Both of my parents suffer from heat waves. Although they are against taking pilis, still
there are times when only tablets fór headaches can help them.

Fortunately, it rarely hails in the region where we live. Still, it can cause considerable
damage. We are dreadfully upset to see the hail-hit fields.

Somé weather forecasts are absolutely reliable. With the help of the Net you can follow
the latest predictions fór the whole world.
5. If there’s too much rain, it’s bad fór agriculture. If there’s too little, plants dry out.
Agriculture depends heavily on weather conditions. In this way economy is alsó
affected by extreme weather changes.

6. Unfortunately, we have heard about several natural disasters in the world recently.
There have been floods, volcano eruptions, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and a couple
of years ago there was a drought in our country when the majority of the agricultural
crops dried out.

7. On TV, the radio, the Internet, in newspapers and on digital displays in streets. You can
alsó buy small weather forecast gadgets, which show the temperature both inside and
outside your home and the predicted weather conditions fór the next day.

8. O f course I do. I always try to fm d a reJiabJe weather forecast portai where I can check
what kind o f weather we will have during our two-week holiday. In most cases they
predict the weather changes quite successfully.

9. I fi travel to a hot country, I always pút a pair of goggles, a bikini, a straw hat, binoculars,
somé mosquito repellent spray and sunscreen in my suitcase. I f i travel to a cold country,
I pút a pair o f heavy boots, a water repellent jacket and trousers, gloves, somé de-icer
spray, a sleeping bag and o f course, warm clothes in my big travel bag.

10. In order to avoid the effects of extreme weather, you need several things. When the
temperature is extremely high, you are advised to pút on your baseball cap or a straw
hat to protect your head from UV radiation, and a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes
too. You may alsó need somé sunscreen to stop the sün from buming you.
Key to the Tests

Making complaints Asking fór advice

I ’m afraid ... Do you think I should ...?

I’m sony to say b ú t ... Is it a good idea to ...?
There is something wrong with the W hat’s your opinion a b o u t...?
I would like to retum this ... I ’d like you to teli me w h a t...
Can I talk to the manager, please? What would you do i f ...?
I want a refund. Can you give me somé advice on ...?
I’m afraid I must complain a b o u t.. What do you say to ...?
The problem is ... If you were me, would you ...?
Well, the situation is th a t...
I have a complaint to make.
Making suggestions/giving advice

Agreeing and disagreeing How a b o u t...?

What a b o u t...?
Yes, I agree with you. If I were you, I would ...
What you say is completely true. Were I you, I ...
Yes, I totally agree. I’d rather you didn’t ...
You are absolutely right. You’d better (nőt) go ...
Yes, of course. I suggest you (should) do ...
Yes, it certainly is. Could you ..., please?
I doubt it. Let me teli you what to do.
As a matter of fact I wouldn’t ... Take my advice and ...
I ’m afraid it’s nőt w h a t... You should ...
I suppose nőt. Let’s (nőt) do ...
I can see your point b ú t ...
I entirely disagree with ...
Making requests

Making inquires Can I ask you a favour?

Can I ask a favour of you?
Can you teli me where / how much / who / what M ayI ...?
...? Do you mind if I ...?
Can you give me somé information a b o u t...? Would you mind me ... -ing?
I ’d like to know i f ... I ’d like you to ...
I ’d like to inquire about the ... Will you help me ...?
There’s something else I’d like to know. How Would you help me ...?
...? Can you ...?
How a b o u t...? Could you do it fór me, please?
I wonder if you could ... Please do it, will you?
Appendix - Social Expressions

Vague responses Accepting an apology

Oh, is it? That’s all right.

Oh, really? Forget it.
Is that so? It doesn’t matter.
Indeed? That’s OK.
Well, ...

Giving opinions

In my opinion ...
To teli you the truth, it’s ...
I am o f the same opinion.
I see it rather differently.
That’s most interesting.
How nice.
Oh, that’s lovely.
This is the best idea ever.
I find this idea perfect.
Extremely impressive.
That’s quite something.
Fairly good.
Nőt bad.
How bad.
Nőt at all bad.
You are hopeless.


I really am sorry.
I’m terribly sorry.
I’m awfully sorry.
Sorry I didn’t mean it.
I want to apologise a b o u t...

Előszó és m ódszertani tanácsok 5

Fam ily Tenses 7

Housing Auxiliaries 19

E ducation Passive Voice 31

Jobs Reported Speech 43

Holidays and Celebrations Conditional 55

Daily Routine Gerund, Infinive 67

Travelling Participle 77

Health Relatíve Pronouns 89

Sports Comparison 100

Services Causative 112

Eating In and O ut Prepositions 123

Shopping Time Clause 136

W eather and Clim ate Clause o f Purpose 148

Environm ental Issues Linking Words 159

Free Time and Hobbies Singular or Plural 170

M odern Lifestyle Indefmite Numerals 182

The M edia and the In tern et Inversion 193

Public T ran spo rt Pronouns 204

E n tertain m ent Preference 215

Fashion and Clothes Imperative 227

Sam ple Answers 239

Key to the Tests 247

A ppendix - Social Expressions 257

■ Kiadja: Maxim Könyvkiadó Kft., 6726 Szeged, Fürj u. 92/b
E-mail: info@maxim.co.hu

5 Telefon: (62) 548 444

^ Fax: (62) 548 443
’ Felelős kiadó: Puskás Norbert
' Műszaki szerkesztő: Siklós Róbert
' Nyomda: Generál Nyomda Kft., felelős vezető: Hunya Ágnes
Kiadványunk célja, hogy B1 és B2 szinten átfogó segítséget nyújtson az angol
nyelvtudásunk felméréséhez, szókincsünk bővítéséhez, nyelvtani ismereteink
átismétléséhez és önálló nyelvhasználói készségeink aktivizálásához. A kötet
ötvözi az európai normáknak megfelelő vizsgakövetelményeket és a modern
pedagógiai elvárásokat. A kiadvány jól áttekinthető felépítése lehetővé teszi a
B1 és B2 szintű, különféle készségeket fejlesztő feladatok célirányos gyakorlását.
A kötetet minden kedves nyelvtanulónak és szaktanárnak ajánljuk a közép- és
emelt szintű érettségi vizsgára, valamint a B1 és B2 szintű nyelvvizsgára való
felkészüléshez és felkészítéshez.


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