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fuu jif¾ ;sr.; jQ fcdal¾ Ñ;%mgh fgdâ ms,smaiaf.a Ñ;%mghls' cel=fjia

*skslaia úiska m%Odk pß;h ksrEmKh lrhs' fuu Ñ;%mgfha we;s ish¿ pß;
neÜ uEka Ñ;% l;d fmd;a j, ksrEmKh jk pß;fõ' fuu Ñ;%mgfha i|yka f.da;ï
keu;s k.rho neá uEka Ñ;% l;d fmd;a j, yd neÜ uEka " o ì.skska Ñ;%mg j,
i|yka uk(l,sms; k.rhufõ'

neÜ uEka Ñ;% mgh l,d;aul f,i kùk f,dalfha frda. ,CIKh ksrEmKh lr we;'
ffoksl Ôú;h Nhxldr Ñ;%mghla njg m;aj we;' fcdal¾ Ñ;%mgfha fcdal¾f.a
ueÈy;aúu Okd;aul ueÈy;aùula fkdfõ th iajhx úkdYldÍh'

Happy new year chathura xx sending you lots of love! I will be back to
ammas ashram in kerela in few days x will definitly let you know if i go to sri
lanka but i dont think i will if you are interested in having a healing hug from a saint
you are welcome to come over x

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