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project proposa

project title;

construction of one storey building at barangay lampanusan.

project location;

barangay lampanusan is a one of upland barangay of the municipality of kalilangan district

of bukidnon region 10. It is situated 6.30km. of the municipality with an area of 1603 hectares.

Brief diacription of an project ;

the proposal project is construction of one storey two unit school building with toilet and
provisions for person with disabilities.

at present,preperatory school student are using a makeshift building made of endigenuos

materials(bamboo for wall)and corrugate G.I sheet drawn from the demolished public market stall
building making it uncomfortable and not conducive for learning especially for children.

the construction of proposal school building is relevant to the municipality's vision of

enauring the citizen s of enjoy quality social service and inproved infrastructure faciluties .It is likewise a
need and timely response to the attaiment of the MDG.

being an endigenous and agrecultural community the socio-economic impact of this project is
favarable high degree to the resident.The project is very viable due the present of concrete all weather
that provides efficient ang speedy transportation of school children and the availability of potable water
supply system from spring guarantes the safety of school children from esposure to water borne

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