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19 Lesson

1. Content and Standards​: CC.2.1.5.C.2: Apply and extend previous understandings of

multiplication​ and division to multiply and divide fractions
○ Eligible Content - M05.A-F.2.1.1 Solve ​multiplication​ and division problems
involving fractions and whole numbers (​straight computation​ or word
2. Prerequisites​:
○ Students should be familiar with their anchor multiplication facts.
○ Students should be familiar with the concept of simplifying using common
○ Students should be familiar with the concept of converting improper
fractions to mixed numbers.
3. Essential Questions​:
○ How can models help us to understand multiplication of fractions by whole
○ How can we use the multiplication of fractions by whole numbers in the real
○ How can knowing common factors between two numbers be helpful when
multiplying fractions by whole numbers or fractions by fractions??
4. Materials​ ​and​ ​Equipment​:
○ Projector: do now slide, mini lesson, class agenda slide
○ Classwork worksheet/homework
○ Chromebooks for Cuethink
○ Exit slips
5. Instructional​ ​Objective​: Following a mini lesson on simplifying before multiplying
fractions by whole numbers, students will be able to use common factors to
demonstrate this skill by either applying it to a given problem ​or​ explaining why this
skill works.

6. Instructional​ ​Procedures
○ Do Now:
i. Veronica teaches a 4th grade class. She wants to make S’mores for 15
students but only needs ⅓ of a Hershey bar for each S’more. How many
Hershey candy bars does she needs?
1 15
1. 3 x 15 = 3 =​ 5
2. Challenge: Can you draw a model representing ⅓ of 15?
○ Try These..
1 1
i. 7 x 35 = 7 x 35 = 35
7 =​ 5
6 6
ii. 7 x 35 = 7 x 35 = 210
35 =​ 30 ​OR 67 x 35 = 6 x 5 = ​30 ​(Simplify before
you multiply)
a. Why does this work?
i. Because we are factoring out common factors in
the numerator and the denominator

○ Let’s Practice Simplifying Before Multiplying:

i. 7 x 21 = 12

ii. 10
x5= 3½

iii. 12
x6= 2½

iv. 9
x 36 = 8

○ Independent Work:
i. 3-2 Homework Worksheet page 49 (ALL)
1. 301: Small group with Ms. Comunale/Mr. Reo (problems #1, 4,
7, 10, 13, 16, 18)
2. 303/315: Small group (if needed), floating around the room to
answer questions or to clear misconceptions
ii. When finished, work on Art of Math or Cuethink thinklet (due friday)
○ Closure:
i. Homework: Visualize the Separate Steps worksheet pg 87 (ALL)
ii. Thinklet is due tomorrow!
iii. Tomorrow is also a half day/teacher swap day
iv. Last day of World of Change is tomorrow
○ Assessment:
i. Can you simplify before you multiply? (“exit ticket”)
1. Students are able to pick between answering a number
problem showing that they know how to simply before they
multiply, or they can choose the question that requires them to
write an explanation of why simplifying before multiplying
a. 32 • 16 =​ ​2 ½

b. Explain why simplifying before multiplying works.

This works because when we simplify before we
multiply we are factoring out common factors in the
numerator and denominator.
7. Assessment​:
○ Simplify before you multiply exit ticket
○ Pick 3-4 problems to check on students’ independent worksheet in order to
assess if students were able to apply the “new” skill
○ Class discussions and share out responses
○ Problem sorting: not meeting expectations, approaching expectations,
meeting expectations
8. Differentiated​ ​Instruction​:
○ Think-pair-share discussion for do now
○ Allowing students to craft their own model for a multiplication problem with
the help of their group-mates
○ Model multiplication of fractions by whole numbers using models
○ Small group for independent work
○ Choice of question for exit ticket
○ Cuethink/Art of Math
Name:________________________________ Section:___________ Date:_______________
Exit Ticket
Choose ​one​ of the following questions to answer:
1.​ S
​ olve the following problem by simplifying before multiplying. (Make sure to show your

• 16 =

2.​ E
​ xplain why simplifying before multiplying works.


Name:________________________________ Section:___________ Date:_______________

Exit Ticket
Choose ​one​ of the following questions to answer:
1.​ S
​ olve the following problem by simplifying before multiplying. (Make sure to show your

• 16 =

2.​ E
​ xplain why simplifying before multiplying works.


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