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Al Rassoul Al Aazam Faculty

‫باسمه تعالى‬ for

Health Sciences



Name: Faysal Hsn Sabra.

1. What are the components of musculoskeletal system?

Tendons (attaches muscle to bone)
Ligaments (binds the articulating bones together)
Bursa (cushions the movement of the above at a point of friction)

2. List the functions of MS system.

Protection of vital organs (brain, heart, lungs).

Powerful frame to support body structure.
Makes mobility possible.
Reservoir for immature blood cells and minerals (Ca, Mg…).
Joints: hold bone together and allow body to move.
Muscles: move the bones and produce heat.
Movement facilitates the return of blood to the heart by massaging the venous

3. List the types of bone and give one example of each

Long (femur)
Short (metacarpals)
Flat (sternum)
Irregular (vertebrae)
Al Rassoul Al Aazam Faculty
‫باسمه تعالى‬ for
Health Sciences

4. Talk about the stages of bone healing

Hematoma and Inflammation=>Angiogenesis and cartilage formation=>Cartilage calcification=>
Cartilage removal=>Bone formation=> Remodeling

5. List the types of joints and talk about each one briefly

synarthrosis immovable joints skull /amphiathrosis allow limited motion vertebral

joints symphysis pubis/diarthrosis freely movable joints

6. Define the following terms:

● Ossification is the formation of bone matrix and bounding of mineral crystal by collagen
● Bone remodeling:mature bone tissue is removed from skeleton and new bone tissue formed
● Tendons/ Ligaments:tendons attach muscle to bone/ligaments attach articulating bones
● Circumduction:cone like movement
● Retraction:pulling backward
● Atrophy:decreased muscle size

NOTE: Last day of submission is 26/3/2020 at 7:30PM, the student who doesn’t submit his/her
assignment before this date will be considered late and we will take the appropriate administrative
action against him

Best regards, Mr. Hussein Ribai

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