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Concrete & Steel Properties

Es = 200000 MPa
fc' = 32 MPa
Ec = 4700 √fc'
= 26587.21497 MPa
n = Es / Ec
= 7.522412566
fr = 0.62 √fc' : modulus of rupture of concrete
= 3.563818177 MPa

Geometric Properties
b = 1000 mm
h = 150 mm
cc = 40 mm
wlimit = 0.15 mm
s = 200 mm
ds = 10 mm
As = Ads*(b/s)
= 392.6990817 mm²
Ig = (b*(h^3))/12
= 281250000 mm⁴
yt = (h/2)
= 75 mm
d = (h - cc)
= 110 mm
dc = cc + (ds/2)
= 45 mm

Cracking Moment and Moment at Service Loads

M srv = 3360000 Nmm
M cr = (fr*Ig) / yt
= 13364318.16 Nmm : cracking moment (ACI 318-08, eq. 9-9)
Calculation of Tensile Stress in Reinforcement at Service Loads
B = b / n*As
= 0.338518935 mm
c = (√2*B*d+1)-1 / B : neutral axis depth
= 22.70947377 mm
Icr = (b*c^3)/3 + n*As*(d-c)^2
= 26412655.22 mm⁴ : moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete
fs = ( Msrv / Icr ) *n*(d-c) : steel stress
= 83.53172985 Mpa
fc = ( Msrv / Icr ) * c : concrete stress
= 2.88891182 Mpa

T= As * fs
= 32802.8336 N : internal couple T = C
C= 0.5*b*c*fc
= 32802.8336 N
M= T*(d-(c/3))
= 3360000 Nmm : internal couple moment M = M srv
M srv = 3360000 Nmm

if there is a compression axial force, the tensile stress minus compress can be applied to calculate the crack
P= 0 N
Ac = b*h - As
= 149607.3009 mm²
σs = (P*Es) / (Es*As)+(Ec*Ac)
= 0 Mpa
fs = fs-σs : steel stress considering compression
= 83.53172985 MPa

1. Calculation of Crack Width (ACI)

Step 1. Calculation of Spacing and Crack Widht (ACI 224.1R)
s max = 380 * (280/fs) - 2.5*cc : maximum spacing (ACI 318-08, eq. 10-4)
= 1173.767468 mm
Judge : OK if (s max > s, "OK", "NG")

Step 2. Comparison of Cracking Moment and Moment at Service Loads

Mcr = 13364318.16 Nmm
Msrv = 3360000 Nmm
Judge : OK if (M cr > M srv, "OK", "NG")
Step 3. Calculation of Carack Width (ACI 224.1R)
β = (h-c) / (d-c)
= 1.458239877
dc = 45 mm
A = 2*dc*s
= 18000 mm²
w = 2*(fs/Es)*β*(√(dc^2)+((s/2)^2)) : crack width (ACI 224.1R-07, eq. 1-1)
= 0.133574325 mm

Judge : Not Cracked if Msrv ≤ Mcr, "Not cracked", else if w ≤ wlimit, "Lower than limit",
else "NG"

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