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Tired of the routine? Do you want to increase the adrenaline of your activities? Do you
want to take more risks? Are you looking for more extreme experiences? Stop looking
for alternatives and join the excitement that extreme sports offer you. Extreme sports
are all the activities with a sports component that share a real or apparent danger due to
the risky conditions in which they are practiced, they are also known as controlled risk
sports or adventure sports. The key factor of extreme sports is adrenaline because that
is the component that generates the sensations that every lover of extreme sports
wants to have.


Extreme sports also called Action Sports are not like mainstream sports. They’re
crawling with rebels, riders, drivers and rock stars. It's not about uniforms, coaches or
scripts. Expressing yourself through action is the key, it’s a way of life, even a religion.
Who practice those activities say that once you are inside, you are inside for the rest of
your life. You'll never want to stop doing these risky sports again. Some of the curious
facts and interesting information about extreme sports are:

-The youngest person on reaching the top of Everest was Jordan Romero, from the US,
when he was 13 years old in 2010.

-Wakeboarding is a combination of three sports: water skiing, snowboarding, and


- James Cook, a witness of the first "steps" of what we now call surfing. He saw a
Hawaiian native slip in the tide with aboard. In his blog, he wrote: "I can't help but
conclude that the man felt the most supreme pleasure while being carried so quickly
and gently by sea". Note: the man called "hodad" didn’t know that he was surfing.


Extreme sports in Colombia have grown, due to everything hidden in the country's
landscapes; among the different snowfall to climb, the wonderful rivers and the coral-
filled seabed that all people need to explore. Some of them are:

Paragliding: Many places in Colombia are available for paragliding, thanks to the
extreme reliefs and especially the wonderful landscapes

Rafting & Kayak: Colombia has a wonderful relief, and this allows it to be a suitable
place for rafting and kayaking. Near the pleasant city of San Gil, there is a place of
reference to practice this sport that is located in the department of Santander

Trekking: From the mountains to the jungle through deserts, the landscapes of
Colombia are of a great variety and that makes the country a specifically rich and
diverse destination for hiking.

Diving: Thanks to the 3000 km coast of the Pacific to the Caribbean and the frequent
islands, Colombia offers several options for diving; especially around Providencia and
San Andrés

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