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Reflection: Drug-induced pancreatitis lecture


I am going to be presenting on pancreatitis induced by medications. It is Manchester school of

pharmacy’s replacement elective for toxicology and it is all resident taught. I have my power point
created in a way to maintain visual focus with pictures, animations, and readable fonts. I created a pre-
class handout per requirement that the students will study and take a readiness quiz based on questions
I wrote from this handout. I have never done this type of teaching before. My materials have been proof
read and assessed by my preceptor. I want to be fair and challenging for the quiz and hope to give the
students something new about pancreatitis that they will remember. I will be incorporating active
learning with a patient case. We will review and writ a brief care plan from a template I created to guide
them through the process. I am very nervous to present this material and facilitate active learning,
especially since I have never been the leader of a 2-hour class and I am not an expert in pancreatitis. I
plan to practice may presentation until I feel comfortable with its content and read resources to boost
my knowledge.


I am overall very pleased with my experience teaching this lecture. I had very positive and
constructive feedback. Even though this class was very small with only four students, I felt that I was
able to keep them engaged. I ensured to explain my slides and expand on information in alternate ways.
I was told by my preceptor that doing this showed the skill of “teaching” versus presenting which made
me feel successful. I was really comfortable in this setting which maybe was at times too relaxed. I was
told that I connected well with the students to make them feel comfortable which is always my goal. I
will have to ensure that I maintain professionalism while I do this. The active learning section was new
for me and a bit awkward. The next time I use a patient case, I will break down the sections and create
slides to guide them along the case instead of giving a longer amount of time and then verbally asking
questions to facilitate discussion. This might have been to high level for students at this stage of
learning. I am really happy that this lecture went over well. I put a lot of time and thought into my
presentation and it paid off by encouraging and showcasing my growth and confidence as a new

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