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Reflection: Pharmacist Clinical Pearls


As part of my residency requirement, I will be creating an informational email for the pharmacy
staff within three hospitals in the Lutheran Health Network. I plan to make my pearls visually appealing
and easy to read. I hope that my information will be found beneficial and pertinent. I believe that
keeping a concise, 1 page informational attachment will keep those inquiring engaged long enough to
obtain the main message. My philosophy in regard to e-mail learning, I strongly believe the education
needs to be brief to keep the attention of the reader.


As I approach the end of my residency, I have sent out my monthly pearls and have received
positive feedback from a few of my co-pharmacists. I have kept to my plan of keeping my education
visually appealing and concise by the use of images and tables. I focused on pertinent information and
chose topics that I encountered on each of my rotations. One pharmacist told me multiple times that
she happened to encounter situations in which my pearl came in handy for a reference that same
month. Another pharmacist told me a few times that he really enjoyed reading my clinical pearls and
called jokingly, “the queen of clinical pearls.” Overall, I enjoyed creating these handouts for the staff and
for myself. I was able to use my creativity, learn, and teach simultaneously.

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