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Reflection: Manchester Residency Panel

I will be sitting on a panel with other local pharmacist residents to discuss and answer questions
about residency for a Manchester elective class. I plan to be interactive and honest as well as a positive
role model for the group by sharing my story and residency progress. I plan to work together with my
co-panel members and bring contrasting and similar experiences that would be helpful for the students
when determining their career path. I hope that through this experience, I will progress with improving
my public speaking confidence and help educate P3 students about this career choice.

The residency panel was a success with great student and resident participation. I believe I stuck
with my plan and surprisingly felt comfortable sharing my thoughts and process that was taken to get to
my position. I offered advice and encouragement for those interested on how to improve their CV and
establish relationships. I talked about the importance of their APPE experiences in determining their
future, especially if they desire to obtain employment at a related facility. I know this wasn’t a
“traditional” teaching experience but this was a great way to give students insight into our life lessons,
whether great achievements or mistakes.

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