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Topic Discussion: Heart Failure-LVAD and CardioMEMS


I will be leading a topic discussion on two devices that I believe students should be aware exist.
During my heart failure experience, I discovered the existence of CardioMEMS and wanted to learn
more. In regard to LVADs, I have hands-on experience maintaining and assessing the devices as a former
cardiovascular intensive care nurse. I do not know who will be attending this meeting but I have
designed my questions and handout for about 8 pharmacy students. I ensured to make my handout
visually appealing with images and organized font and text sizes. I will incorporate active learning
through asking the group open-ended questions in order to stimulate their own thinking. I have
descriptive pictures strategically placed for visual learners and I have “fill in the blanks” on my handout
for tactile learners. I hope to have participation in this and my goal is to teach them something new that
they may encounter one day. At the end, I will ask that they write down and share one “take away”
point that they learned and feel is meaningful to remember.


The majority of students and the four pharmacists seemed to enjoy this topic. I received good
feedback on my handouts and most thought it was interactive. I did leave my notes and answer key in a
different office which made me appear unprepared as I used my computer handout for reference. I
retained most of the knowledge I wanted to portray that was on my handwritten notes regardless. I
asked the audience more questions than in prior presentations and tried to pause to stimulate thinking.
I spoke slow but would have liked to have a more energetic communication style. In the future, I will try
harder to gain projector access for images that I want to describe. It is difficult to guide the audience
exactly where to look when explaining a picture on separate handouts. Lastly, I am disappointed that I
didn’t get to wrap up my presentation with my “take away” exercise. I omitted this by mistake without
my notes.

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