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Reflection: Mock Code Blue Manchester Lab


This lab will require much resident participation, as myself and my 2 co-residents, are asked to
hold a small round table session during this lab. Groups of students will rotate during lab to various
activities and the resident activity will require us to recall a “code blue” we attended and describe the
situation. We are encouraged to offer insight, emotions, and education points as we speak. As a prior
nurse for the past 10 years with 8 in the ICU setting, I have many situations that I can discuss. I plan to
be open for questions and provide as detailed of an experience that I can, while ensuring pertinent
learning information is provided.


I was able to keep students engaged and answer questions about code blue situations. This lab
experience had two sessions, one AM and one PM. My co-residents and I could determine how we
would handle the group of students in providing our three unique experiences. For the morning session,
we decided to individually speak to the whole class session in succession. During the lunch period, we
thought it would be more beneficial for the students, if we broke them into three small groups during
our session, and each resident speak to their group for a specified amount of time before the students
rotate to the next resident. Therefore, we could increase individual student participation and target
those students that tend to avoid speaking in a large group setting. This improvement was better as we
were able to hold student attention better in a more intimate setting. This was exhausting for us
residents telling the same story 6 times during that lab period which was eye-opening for the teachers
that do this consistently. Overall, I am proud of the adaptability and team-work we instilled in giving the
students an interactive lab session.

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