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ELEC9762: Space Mission Development

Module 1- Weeks 1& 2 & 3

In this module, we review the key concepts of space mission definition. We will begin by defining a space mission and then look into the interactions and key
stakeholders involved in that. Finally, we study lifecycle of a space mission and learn the major tasks and reviews required in each phase of the lifecycle.
To complete this module you are encouraged to follow the following study guide that lists a set of useful resources including recorded video lectures, course
notes and slides, and additional readings. Upon the completion of this module, you are required to complete a self-assessment test that will be posted on

Topic Course notes

Recorded lecture and slides Additional readings
Section Pages
What is a Space Mission? 1.1 What is a mission? 1 [R1] 1.1 Introduction and Overview
Who are the main actors in a mission? 1.2 Players and interactions
1.2.1 The actors 2
How do different entities cooperate in
order to fulfil the space mission 1.2.1 The actors 2-5
How does the contract govern the 1.2.2 Reaction loops 5 [R2] NASA Commercial Crew
interactions? Lecture 1 Program (CCP) contract
What are the main topics to be 1.2.3 Mission development in context of mission 6-10 Lecture 2 parts 1 and 2
discussed and agreed upon in project
What are the main phases of the 1.3 Mission Development Tools 10-14 [R1] 1.2 The Space Mission Life Cycle
lifecycle of a space project? 1.3.1 Timeline and phasing of the discussions
What are the main tasks, associated Project phases [R1] 1.3 Step1:Definition of Mission
reviews and review objectives in each Objectives
phase of the lifecycle? R1 1.4 Preliminary Estimate of
Mission Needs, Requirements, and
[R1] Larson, W. J., & Pranke, L. K. (1999). Space Mission Analysis and Design. In Space technology series.
[R2] Available Online:

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