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TASK # 3 – Speaking Task

Angie valentina Marín Vargas

Code: 1116807244
English I- Code: 9008_508
Tutor, Jhonatan Andres Rodriguez

University Nacional Abierta y A Distancia

School Science Education
CEAD- Yopal
INVIL exercises
Link of the video


This activity allow me to expand my vocabulary to talk about things I did in the past and

thing I plan to do in the future. I had to develop the corresponding modules in order to

practice and acquire the necessary bases in which we had to record some audios and share

them in the forum, then an interview where I could start a simple dialogue introducing

myself talking about myself and my family and finally telling about the trip I made to

Arboletes Antioquia and the one I want to make to Australia in the future. Finally creating

a video taking into account the tutor's recommendations to do the construction of a text.

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