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MCT and MST Observation Feedback Form Semester 7

Name of Student: Duaa
Name of School: Fujairah Basic School C2
Mentor College Teacher: Dr. Jim Ishler

Dates of TP:
Mentor Visits:

Planning for Learning

Good lesson plan and good activities. However, make sure that the pictures you choose are
appropriate and relevant for the teaching point; one of the pictures wasn’t culturally
appropriate and one didn’t convey the idea of “informal” very well.
Managing Learning
1. Your students are very well-behaved and you have good classroom management skills.
2. Students are engaged and motivated when working on the activities

Implementing Learning
1. Good mixture of group work and full class participation. The activity with pictures on the
walls was a good activity because only one student sees the picture, and she has to convey
to the others what the picture is. This requires all of them to work together to accomplish
the task.
2. You should have differentiated the individual activity. You gave 5 minutes for the activity,
but some students finished early while others needed more time. You should have had
another similar activity ready for the quicker ones, so that everyone would be engaged for
the full 5 minutes.
3. At the end of class, you review formal and informal. However, the main learning objective
was for them to use can and could correctly, so you should have used reviewed this
instead of the other.

1. You have both group formative assessments and individual formative assessments to
gauge whether all the students achieved the learning outcomes. Very good.

Reflection on Practice

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Strengths Areas for further development
1. Good planning of lesson. 1. Differentiate activities so that everyone is active
2. Good classroom management. and busy during the full activity time period.
3. Good choice of activities for maximum group 2. Review the main focus of the lesson at the end of
interaction and participation. class.
3. Choose pictures, etc. that clearly display your
point and that are culturally and morally

General Comments

1. One student said “Can you do my homework?” which infers cheating. You should have
mentioned that it is a correct sentence, but not appropriate because everyone should do
their own homework.
2. Your language is good overall; however, at one point you said, “polite them” instead of “be
polite to them?”
3. You had some trouble getting the video to display on the screen. It’s better to make sure all
of this works before class begins.

Starts by telling them about black points for misbehaving and the group that has the least black points will
win a prize
Duaa gives them a couple of minutes to choose the name of their group.
Duaa has them take out some paper to take notes on a video they will watch
Duaa has some trouble getting the video to display on the screen. Students are well-behaved while Duaa
tries to fix the problem. Video gives examples of when to use could and can but there are no one talking.
After the video, Duaa reviews what was in the video.
Duaa shows examples of polite requests and explains what is in the video.
Duaa shows a picture of a man shaking a woman’s hand to explain formal. She asks the students to guess
the meaning based on the picture. Not culturally appropriate
“polite them” not “be polite to them”
Duaa does a good job of explaining the difference between formal and informal.
Picture of informal doesn’t really explain informal very well
After explaining formal and informal, she starts to talk about “could” and “can”. She asks them to guess
which one is more formal.
Duaa gives them examples of could and can in sentences. “Can you do my homework?” A correct sentence
but not culturally appropriate because it infers cheating
Next activity, the students work in groups reading the instructions and making sure they understand. They
will go around the room, looking at pictures and decide if the pictures should use could or can.
Duaa times their reading.
What’s the difference between formal and polite, informal and impolite?
This is a good activity where the students have to work together to decide on could or can because only one
student from each group can look at the pictures.
Next activity, Duaa gives them an individual activity to do.
Students are engaged and quietly working on the activity.
Some students are slower and others finish quickly. You might think about giving those students who finish
quickly another similar (maybe slightly more difficult) activity to work on so that everyone stays busy for the
full 5 minutes. Duaa collects the activity, so she can use it as a formative assessment.
The students who finish first, second, and third get a lollipop.
Duaa reviews the difference between formal and informal. She mixes that with polite and less polite.
Duaa should review the difference between when to use could and can

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