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Tall buildings: design, construction and operation | 2009 Issue II

Nakheel Harbour & Tower - The Vertical City

Condenser Typology
Seismic Evaluation: Nanjing Greenland Tower
40 years of the CTBUH: Publications
World's Tallest 50 Urban Agglomerations
SEI/ASCE Structures Congress 2009 Report
Fire & Safety Working Group Meeting Report
News and Events Features
04 Message from the Chairman
David Scott, CTBUH Chairman
47 Letters
Feedback and Comments
16 3E7+FG6K&3=:77>,AI7DN,:7.7DF;53>;FK

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Mark Mitcheson-Low, *79;A@3>%3@39;@9;D75FAD  elements from Islamic culture. Encom- community of over 15,000 people (see Figure 2. Nakheel Harbour & Tower Plan

CTBUH Executive Director Agglomerations

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Ahmad Rahimian, (:  (  +  (D7E;67@F /+(3@FAD
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05 What’s on the Web 52 Exhibit Review

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reach higher than any that have come A8F:7FAI7DE75F;A@E34AH7;F ,:77@6D7EG>F;E
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Featuring new content now 'Buckminster Fuller: Starting

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available on the CTBUH with the Universe' Ahmad Rahimian

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Dennis O'Brien
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52 Book Review
&3=:77>,3>>,AI7D #@366;F;A@FADA>7EA@F:7A3D6A8F:7
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67E;9@3@667E;9@D7H;7IE8AD?3<ADBDA<75FE  Figure 3a. Tower Components Figure 3b. Slots through Nakheel Tower allow wind to

06 40 years of the CTBUH: 'High Rises: Social Living '

pass through

16 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower | 17

Jan Klerks 53 Diary

10 Global News
What's coming up?
26 Condenser Typology: open envelope vertical
farming, the extremes of tower urbanism

Highlights from the CTBUH "In a hybrid vertical farm, harvests would
inevitably cause ‘delirium’, as crops, people,

global news archive CTBUH Matthew Wilson

and services would necessitate a 24-hour cycle
of events" Rem Koolhaas, (1994). Delirious New York. NY. Monacelli.

Can humidity-harvesting experiments inform tower urbanism in arid coastal environments?

The finding of this study includes how the ‘Condenser’ tower typology deviates from other
Matthew Wilson
methods of vertical farming, climate control, and tower urbanism for the Dubai region. It includes an overview of the Condenser’s rationale, precedence, technical workings, Figure 1. Condensation Graph - Relative Humidity , Dubai,
1st Floor
organization, incentives, and limitations. United Arab Emirates
364 Garratt Lane
London, SW18 4ES, UK

50 Fire & Safety Working Group

t: +44 077 9465 1691
e: Foundations homes and workplaces are constructed as Project Overview ‘keno-urban’ tower typology (Dear, 2000). Its uninhabited masonry tower on a hill in rural
Order, control, and purity are key attributes of hermetic boxes of synthetic materials that are This study introduces the Condenser tower uncertainty of events derogates from modern France, called Knapen’s air well (Nelson, 2003).
Matthew Wilson the utopian socialist projects of the modern sealed and controlled by oversized ducts and typology and an uncommon vertical aspirations and moves towards a postmodern Knapen built the large-scale masonry structure
Matthew is an independent researcher living and
era. From within these modern visions, many advanced mechanical systems. To exacerbate eco-tourism that is specific to Dubai’s arid utopianism. as a labyrinth of internalized cavities. He was
working in London. He is currently researching the
the issue, some academics are promoting the keen on combining wind flows, diurnal

Inaugural meeting report academics have argued that ‘high-technology’ coastal environment. As one of Dubai’s
extremes of sustainability focusing on environmental

Case Study
sociology, utopianism, and social ecology.
will conquer nature to save us from impending use of hyper-elite and advanced mechanical contemporary modes of urbanism, the temperature variations, and the structure’s
technologies to germinate plants in closed- Humidity Harvesting Precedence thermal mass to trap and condense
doom. These anthropomorphically centered ecologic tower could enhance the city’s green
desires have led us away from working with loop environments. Their manifestos depict credentials (Yeang 2008). The rationale for this Humidity harvesting can be traced into the atmospheric vapors (see Figure 2). Although
natural resources and into unfamiliar worlds towers as space ships that produce food for project is that the tower’s inherent nature is to depths of antiquity. Literature cites a wide, he anticipated his air well to collect 90L (23.7
(McHarg, 1992). The common side effects are the entire city. Paradoxically, their proposals ‘condense’ development. As it does so, it gains geographical gamut of these experiments, Gal) of water per meter of its surface per night,
feelings of alienation from the natural imply that humankind should seek subsistence more access to greater amounts of sunlight taking place in various regions of the world the well’s 3.7m (12ft) height and 2.7m (9 ft)
environment, and detachment from the city in detached environments to deter an and fresh air than any other building type. By throughout time. This lineage ranges from the thick walls produced an average of 22L (5.8
and the places we live. Our contemporaneous apocalyptic future. Preemptively, these vertical reorganizing the tower, and exposing its inner collection of dew in ancient Greece, taking the Gal) of water by each sunrise. 
urban conditions are inspired in part by these farm designers cite NASA-like, closed- core to Dubai’s environment, we could collect form of constructed dew ponds. It includes fog

51 Report: SEI/ASCE Structures visions, from the hinterlands, to the flat share
(Pinder 2005). At the urban regional scale these
ecological systems as the answer before
considering contemporaneous bespoke
or condense humidity to germinate plants for
sustenance and climate control (see Figure 1).
water collection from coastal mountain ridges
in Hawaii and Chile,

16 Nakheel Harbour & Tower - ideologies are realized short of their social
aspirations, leading to the erasure of local
solutions. Herein lies an opportunity to
‘re-territorialize’, or open, the tower typology to
dialectics with the city and its resources
In this light, the Condenser situates itself as an
alternative to many vertical farm proposals. On
and extends to
explorations on how to
collect advection fog

Congress 2009
cultures, climatic ways of living, and the another front, the Condenser itself is a
uniqueness of everyday life. Our modernized (Guattari, 1987). We could use our common postmodern utopian project. It is situated to to settle nomadic
hopes and desires for changing space in weave environmental, social cultural, and tribes in Namibia

The Vertical City, Dubai ...20 years to recover

relation to life’s fluxes. We could germinate
plants in towers for climate control and food
perceptive ecologies (Guattari, 2000). To foster
these relations several of the Condenser’s
(Beysens, 1998). The
materials and methods

Latest advances in the field of

production and make towers that are floors are designated for ‘seasonal crop that are employed to
responsive to the local culture, climate, and the rotation’, or ‘flux-farming’. These are deceptive collect atmospheric

urban fabric (Abalos, 2003) (Wood, 2008). In

Mark Mitcheson-Low &

terms as these spaces are not dedicated to vapors have varied in a
If a major project has not started in the city already, it is the following sections, I will speculate on the manner that is
only growing crops. The function of these ‘flux’
unlikely to start… I’m not thinking years, I’m thinking decades…

technological concepts of this ‘open source’ spaces changes depending on seasonal significant to both time

the seismic design of tall After the Wall Street crash, it took 20 years to recover. alternative, the Condenser tower typology. I
will overview its precedence, technical
natural resources, demand for crops,
communal space, and finance. These variations
and region. This
antiquated idea

Dennis O'Brien Peter Rees, the London city’s planning officer, admitting that the gloom among developers and investors application, and internal organization. create different social groupings within the entered the modern
is so great it could be a generation before another tall building planning application is received by his Following these sketches is a discussion on the tower. Together these space, seasonality, and era with the
department. From ‘Decades till City’s next tall building’, Building Design, March 6, 2009 incentives, limitations, and implications of this construction of an

communal living aspects introduce a rekindled
and other methods of vertical farming. Figure 2. Knapen's Air well

26 | Condenser Typology CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Condenser Typology | 27

Research 54 Profile: Gordon Gill

CTBUH Awards Committee
26 Condenser Typology: open Chairman 36 Performance-Based Evaluation for the 450m
Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main Tower
Structural System for the Main Tower

envelope vertical farming, "SOM has completed numerous projects in

The Main Tower consists of a composite
system utilizing both structural steel and
reinforced concrete elements to resist both

the extremes of tower 54 Profile: Israel David China which were super-tall and beyond the
limits of the Chinese code, beginning with the
gravity and lateral loads. Typical floor-to-floor
heights are 6m to 7m in the podium zone,
4.2m in the office zone and 3.8m in the hotel
zone. Mechanical floors are generally

CTBUH Country Representative, Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai in the mid-1990's. double-height spaces at 8.4m tall.
Charles M. Besjak
The lateral-load resisting structural system

urbanism Additional design and analysis measures are

always required on these projects to prove their
provides resistance to both seismic and wind
loading. Refer to Figure 2 for a graphic of the
overall lateral system. The primary lateral

Matt Wilson Israel behavior and gain approval from seismic review
panels and building authorities."
system is comprised of an interior reinforced
concrete “super-core” shear wall system and
exterior composite columns. Shear wall
thicknesses range from 300mm to 1500mm
Brian J. McElhatten Preetam Biswas
over the height of the building with reinforced
In order to obtain seismic review approval for the Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland concrete link beams joining adjacent sections
Financial Center’s Main Tower, one of tallest structures in the world to date, enhanced design of shear wall around door openings and 
Charles M. Besjak, SE. PE. Director, Skidmore, Owings
and Merrill, LLP
measures and performance-based evaluations were utilized. The critical parts of the lateral
Brian J. McElhatten, SE, PE. Associate, Skidmore, system were designed for earthquake forces between two and six times that typically required Figure 1. Nanjing Financial Center Main Tower; Left: Architectural Rendering; Right: Construction Photograph
Owings and Merrill, LLP

55 CTBUH Organizational
Preetam Biswas, PE. Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP
by Chinese code. In addition a full 3-Dimensional Non-Linear Elasto-Plastic analysis for a
2500-year earthquake was completed to determine the structures response and serviceability.

36 Performance-Based
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
A multi-stage axial shortening, creep and shrinkage analysis was also performed to evaluate Across the street from the A1 Site is the for the A1 Site were completed by SOM by the
24th Floor, 14 Wall Street,
New York, NY the long-term load sharing between the central core and the perimeter of the Tower via the Nanjing Greenland International Commercial middle part of 2005 and then turned over to
t: +1 212 298 9300 outrigger truss system. Center Project (A2 Site), which is a thirteen- the Local Design Institute (LDI), East China

Structure + Member Listings

f: +1 212 298 9500 story multi-use building containing office, Architectural Design and Research Institute
Introduction Overview retail, dining and parking facilities. Surface (ECADI), for completion of the construction

Evaluation for the 450m

Charles M. Besjak
As the Director in charge of Structural Engineering for The Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland parking is contained at basement Level B2. documents and construction administration
In order to obtain seismic review approval for
SOM New York, Charles Besjak leads the structural
Financial Center Project (A1 Site) is a mixed- Retail, dining and atrium spaces occur from phases. Schematic design for the A2 Site was
engineering team to develop a diverse array of projects. the Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland
As a licensed structural and professional engineer and use development consisting of a 450-meter tall Level B1 to Level 3. Following are nine floors of completed by SOM in January 2005, and then
Financial Center's Main Tower, one of tallest
licensed architect, he brings over 20 years of experience in
(1476'), 70-story office and hotel Main Tower; a office space with a partial mechanical floor and turned over to ECADI to complete the
the design and construction industry. He has supervised structures in the world to date, enhanced
100-meter tall (328'), 22-story Accessory Office atrium at the top. Typical floor-to-floor remainder of the design phases. ECADI is the

Nanjing Greenland Financial

structural engineering for some of SOM’s tallest building
design measures and performance-based
projects, including the 555-meter tall Lotte Super Tower in
Tower; and a 7-story podium building linking heights are 6.3m at the retail floors and 4.2m at engineer of record for both the A1 and A2
Seoul, Korea and zero energy 71 story Pearl River Tower in evaluations were utilized. The critical parts of
Guangzhou as well as Airports such as Terminal T3, Changi the two towers and containing retail space, the office floors. The overall height of the sites.
the lateral system were designed for
International Airport, Singapore and the 5 million sq. ft.
cinemas and hotel conference center. The building is 66.2m (217') above grade with a Given the height of the Main Tower and the
Integrated Terminal at Chhatrapati Shivaji International earthquake forces between two and six times
Airport in Mumbai, India. total area above grade is approximately total area of 46,000 square meters (495,000 requirements for super-tall buildings which are
that typically required by Chinese code. In

Center Main Tower

197,000 square meters (2.1 million square feet). square feet). well beyond the limits of the Chinese code, an
Brian J. McElhatten addition a full 3-Dimensional Non-Linear
As an Associate, Brian McElhatten leads the development
Elasto-Plastic analysis for a 2500-year The 450-meter tower contains approximately Structural topping-out of the Main Tower was extensive performance-based evaluation
of the entire structural design for individual projects in
earthquake was completed to determine the 65,000 square meters of office space on levels completed in September 2008. Cladding approach was employed. Particular emphasis
coordination with the architectural and building services
teams and incorporates the structural engineering design
structures response and serviceability. A 11 through 34 and 60,000 square meters of installation has been completed and interior and effort was put into the seismic design,
concepts within project requirements. The projects he has
multi-stage axial shortening, creep and hotel, club, and restaurant space on levels 36 fit-out is currently underway. When finished analysis and review process including an

Charles M. Besjak, Brian J.

been involved with include Pearl River Tower, Lotte Super
Tower and Terminal T3, Changi International Airport.
shrinkage analysis was also performed to through 65. The project has 4 below-grade the Main Tower will be the 5th tallest building elasto-plastic analysis on one of the tallest
3 evaluate the long-term load sharing between levels under the entire site with a partial in the world according to the CTBUH criteria. buildings in the world to date. The steps taken
Preetam Biswas
As senior structural engineer, Preetam Biswas develops
the central core and the perimeter of the mezzanine between the first basement floor for the seismic design and approval of the
the structural design for individual projects in The overall project was a competition that was
Tower via the outrigger truss system. and the ground floor. Total below-grade area is Main Tower will be the primary focus of this
coordination with the architectural and building services awarded to the Chicago office of Skidmore,
approximately 64,000 square meters. These

McElhatten & Preetam Biswas

teams and incorporates the structural engineering design
Owings and Merrill (SOM) in 2004. The paper.
concepts within project requirements. The projects he has
floors contain retail, mechanical systems, hotel
been involved with include Lotte Super Tower and the schematic design and design development
Integrated Terminal at Chhatrapati Shivaji International support, loading docks, car parking, and bike
Airport. phases along with the seismic review process
parking (see Figure 1.)
Figure 2. Main Tower Lateral System

36 | Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main Tower | 37

“This cumulative seismic design effort has resulted in one of

the tallest structures in the world to date and represents the
state-of-the-art in performance-based evaluation.”
Charles M. Besjak, page 36

Visit for more on the global tall building

industry and the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Content | 3

Case Study: Nakheel Tower – The Vertical City

"The Nakheel Tower is a feat of design

intelligence on all levels and across all
disciplines – it truly is a mark of the epoch. It is
an example of the resilience of the human spirit
Mark Mitcheson-Low
to overcome the forces of nature to create a
monument dedicated to past, present and future
generations of the Gulf.”

Ahmad Rahimian Dennis O'Brien Nakheel Harbour & Tower, Dubai’s new experience centre and observation
capital, will be a beacon of inspiration for facilities along with a special sky
Authors the region and the world, incorporating function space – creating a vertical
Mark Mitcheson-Low, Regional Managing Director, elements from Islamic culture. Encom- community of over 15,000 people (see
Woods Bagot, Middle East
Ahmad Rahimian, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., President, WSP Cantor
passing more than 270 hectares, this Figure 1).
Seinuk, USA mixed-use development will be located
Dennis O'Brien, Regional Director, Norman Disney & The lessons learned from the Nakheel
in the heart of New Dubai, and will
Young, Middle East Harbour Tower hold implications for
include the world’s tallest building, a
Woods Bagot future buildings of this magnitude.
harbour, cultural podium and residential
Level 3, Suite 313 Although the technical difficulties
Sheikh Zayed Road districts. Nakheel Tower in itself will be a
Dubai, UAE associated with such a large project are
vertical city, accommodating residents
e: many, none are insurmountable. This
in an efficient LEED rated, sustainable
WSP Cantor Seinuk 3
Norman Disney & Young provides optimism for the future of tall
building. This is the world’s first true,
228 E 45th Street PO Box 212828 building design and demonstrates the
New York, NY 10016, USA Dubai, UAE very tall mixed use development e: d.o' possibilities in building towers that
combining offices, a 5 star hotel, luxury
reach higher than any that have come
Mark Mitcheson-Low residential and serviced apartments, an
Mark has an expansive portfolio of major projects in all before.
sectors of design across the world in his 30 years of
experience in Architecture. Projects include mixed use
developments of commercial, retail, hospitality and Figure 1. Nakheel Harbour & Tower
residential sectors and major projects in transportation,
education, and infrastructure developments. Mark has
been a director since 1998 and joined Woods Bagot in
1986. His role has included the development of new
markets and the procurement and design management of
a diverse range of projects across the globe.
Ahmad Rahimian
With over 28 years of experience, Ahmad, an internationally
recognized expert in tall buildings, is president of WSP
Cantor Seinuk, a leading structural engineering firm based
in New York and part of WSP Group PLC. He is the recipient
of 2007 AISC Special Achievement Award, 2005 ASCE-CERF
Charles Pankow Award and ENR -Top 25 Newsmakers
Award of 2003. Among many notable projects, he directed
the structural engineering of the Trump World Tower and
Hearst Tower, New York; and Torre Mayor, Mexico City.
Dennis O'Brien
Dennis O’Brien is the Deputy CEO for the International
Group and Regional Director for Middle East. Dennis
established the office in Dubai following NDY,
appointment as Building Services Consultants for the
Nakheel Tall Tower. In addition to roles on the Board of the
Company, he is responsible for areas of Quality Assurance
and Risk Management for the International Group. He is
also active in assisting international offices in concept
design and design reviews for major projects.

16 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II

Global design practice Woods Bagot were
appointed as the Architects for the Nakheel
Tower and Masterplanner for the harbour
precinct in 2006.
Building on the theories of past visionaries
such as Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright and
Paolo Soleri, the Nakheel Tower is the first, true
realisation of a vertical city. Over 15,000
inhabitants will live, work and socialise all
within a footprint smaller than a New York City
block. With the ever-changing global
environmental climate affecting not only
Dubai, but the world as a whole - The Nakheel
Tower seeks to reduce the human impact on
the environment by being a beacon of passive

Figure 2. Nakheel Harbour & Tower Plan

ESD initiatives, striving to counteract and wind forces. In contrast, the Nakheel Tower
minimise its carbon footprint by intelligent deals with the issues of wind by allowing the
design solutions and reducing urban sprawl wind to pass through the tower, rather than
(see Figure 2). around it. This is achieved by incorporating
Reaching heights of over one kilometer was two slots through the height of the tower
made possible by implementing a design which effectively creates four separate towers,
concept that divided the Tower into four each with their own core and structurally
separate towers. Typical tall buildings are linked at every 25 levels by "skybridges". Each
usually planned around a single, central core of these skybridges acts as a "podium" for each
and taper towards the top to mitigate the of the tower sections above it. The end result is
large floor plates at high levels as the tower
does not taper as it gets taller (see Figures

Figure 3a. Tower Components Figure 3b. Slots through Nakheel Tower allow wind to
pass through

CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower | 17

Figure 4a. Arabic Pattern Base Figure 4b. Concentric Circles Figure 4c. 16 points

is a regular geometric shape that symbolises circle of the plan they created crescents, and

equal radiation in all directions from a single the intersection of these crescents, in turn, form
In the concept stages point. This is a fitting symbol for the spread of the shape of the columns. As they fan out from
of the design, the architects the teachings and influence of Islam the base of the tower, these larger circles
searched for cultural and throughout history. When the star motif is inform the geometry of the surrounding areas,
replicated and radiated, it creates junctions at reinforcing the importance of the tower’s
regional inspiration. A key the points where they meet. This, in turn, geometry and the way it sits in its context (see
element that came up time and defines further points of a circle, creating a Figure 5).
time again from an engineering series of concentric circles all emanating from There are many buildings that claim to offer
perspective was that a building the centre point, again reinforcing Islamic vertical communities. However, the Nakheel
that was symmetrical would principles (see Figures 4a-c). Tower will far exceed the existing paradigm of
evenly distribute the massive In developing the Nakheel Tower, the circle has vertical living with the inclusion of ‘sky bridges’
been adopted as the essential form of the plan. in the proper sense of the term. The sky bridges
loads. This was keyed into
The locations of the columns supporting the perform multiple roles, offering community
Arabic pattern-making, which tower represent the points of a 16-point star. and public spaces where visitors and residents
is the same notion about Instead of forming the star from straight lines, alike can interact - the Village Squares for the
symmetry, harmony and the circles were used. As these circles crossed the building inhabitants. They will also serve
centre point. From a cultural
point of view and from an
engineering point of view
there is an overlap that
basically tells the same
” Alf Seeling, Principal, Woods Bagot

The design essence of the Tower is thus deeply

routed in the regional influences of pattern-
making and geometry, stemming from the
harmony, unity, order and balance of the
radiating circle and 16 pointed star often seen
in regional designs. The 16-pointed star, from
which the Nakheel Tower draws its inspiration,

Figure 5. Pattern informing tower plan

18 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II

Figure 6a. Skybridge section

Figure 6b. Skybridge link Figure 6c. View to Skybridge dome from glass elevator Figure 7. Diagram of the planning and stacking of the 156
tower lifts

functionally as the transfer point between lifts, The express lifts use the highest lift technology
the refuge zones in an emergency, and the available to reach the 560m high sky lobby and
structural link between the four tower legs, transfer floors. From the sky bridges, residents,
acting as a ‘belt truss’ that binds the tower tenants and guests can commute in local lifts
together (see Figure 6a-c). for the 25-level community above. All 156 lifts
Fire and life safety design is paramount in tall can be used for fire evacuation to refuge zones
building design. The design team made a on sky bridges or complete evacuation.
priority of incorporating multiple levels of Delivery to the tower is also via remote loading
in-built redundancy within the Nakheel Tower’s and docking with a logistics handling system
design. The concept of four legs means that not unlike an airport terminal (see Figure 7).
there are four separate towers that offer four Due to the sheer scale of the Nakheel Tower
distinct means of exiting in an emergency. For and the time projected to build it, a key Figure 8. Facade Panelisation
example, if one of the tower cores were consideration during the design process has
disabled due to an emergency, it is possible to been to maximise the repetition of façade whilst providing shading co-efficiencies and
travel either up or down to the nearest sky elements, to keep construction time and cost U-Values to withstand direct sunlight and high
bridge and safely cross to an unaffected tower down as much as possible. The curtain wall and humidity levels. The Titanium panels proposed
and exit from there. titanium cladding follow a modulation that are 100% recyclable – including all fixing plates
The logistics of servicing a population of over panelises the entire façade – essentially making and connections. The panels are manufactured
15,000 people vertically requires innovative the panels used on every level exactly the same in a process similar to that utilised by the
design solutions. The tower is serviced by 156 (see Figure 8). aerospace industry.
lifts using the latest technology of double-deck The façade incorporates the very latest in glass In a region such as the Middle East with its
and express lifts - the equivalent of a vertical technology, including advanced nanotech- harsh climate, sustainability is of the upmost
mass transit system. nology, to allow maximum light transmission importance. The design teams are working 

CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower | 19

to achieve LEED Gold rating for the Nakheel
Tower. Also, original and forward-thinking ...super-talls
sustainability initiatives are being developed

and incorporated in parallel to contemporary
standards to ensure that it is ‘future proofed’. The primary difference between a super-tall tower and two
When holistically considered, all these efforts towers half its size is not the cost per square meter – it is the time it
will offer ‘green’ capability above and beyond takes to build the tall one versus two shorter ones, and the loss of
the existing advisory standards. The current
revenue through lost rent. This makes most super-tall buildings

sustainability model for super tall buildings is
being challenged at every level on a financially unfeasible.
continuous basis, the physical example
becoming the Nakheel Tower . Many forms of Adrian Smith, Principal, Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture on why most super-tall buildings
environmental strategies have been applied to are financially unfeasible for developers. From ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ Cityscape. February/March 2009
the building design. These include everything
from the use of high-performance facades to
low energy-use servicing. traditionally that broad footprint would taper systems of all kinds – structural, mechanical,
and narrow at higher elevations. Generally, electrical, fire egress, life safety, etc…
this approach has the beneficial effect of And of course, this design maximizes the most
Structure reducing the lateral wind and seismic loads on valuable real estate at the top of the building.
the building. Unfortunately, the tapering
WSP Group has been appointed as structural
reduces the most valuable real estate that the
consultant for the Tall tower. Structural Structural Form
building possesses – the area towards the top.
engineering of the Tall Tower were managed
by WSP Cantor Seinuk as lead structural To gain an adequate footprint for stability, the Beyond practically a constant form from top to
engineer in collaboration with LERA and VDM tower extends to nearly 100m in diameter, bottom, the tower is also characterized by its
Group. resulting in an approximately 10:1 aspect ratio. symmetry. This provides two very important
Still, despite being quite a slender tower, the benefits for the structure. Firstly, there are no
central area of such a floor plate cannot be transfers of vertical elements through the main
Building Form body of the tower. Secondly, it allows for a
reasonably utilized as lettable area, as it is too
The building form steps forward beyond the far from the natural light of the façade. uniform distribution of gravity forces through
traditional approach to high-rise construction, the structure. These characteristics allow for a
This fact led to creating a central void space in more efficient structure. Further, they address
and does so in a holistic way that harmonizes
the tower, which pushed all of the usable area an important design consideration for
the structure and architecture. For any
to the perimeter. This in turn afforded the super-tall buildings – axial shortening.
high-rise building, a broad footprint gives the
opportunity to create vertical slots in the
structure the stability that it needs; and Maintaining a uniform distribution of load
tower, allowing wind to pass directly through
the center of the throughout the structure was one of the
building. In effect, driving forces in developing the structural
the tower essentially systems, given that the building would likely
tapers from the shorten more than 400mm at its observation
inside out to dramat- level. However, the structural characteristics
ically reduce the that address this issue are one in the same as
overturning wind those that address the core issues of efficiency,
forces on the redundancy, and economy.
structure. There is no separation between the gravity
system and the lateral system, as can often be
the case in high-rises. The vertical structure is
The 4 quadrant organized in such a way that the elements are
approach also all sized based on strength considerations,
provided the while at the same time providing sufficient
opportunity for lateral stiffness. Every element of the structure
independent and is interconnected as will be described below.
redundant building This creates an extremely efficient structure
Figure 9. Typical Wall Layout

20 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II

where the materials perform double-duty be constructed with structural steel.
(gravity and lateral support). Multiple load Outrigger trusses at the special function
paths are created to give added redundancy levels will provide support to the floor
and by placing material only where it is systems as well as stabilize the spire by
required for strength. This structure creates a engaging the arch elements.
uniform distribution of load, so as not to have The last main element is the floor system,
differential shortening. which is a conventional concrete on metal
Though the building may function architec- deck supported by composite steel beams.
turally as several groups of 25-story buildings, With 10 million square feet of area, the floor
structurally it functions as a single entity. designs are meant to reduce complication.
Given that there is a tremendous amount of
repetition and that its erection can run
Primary Structural Elements independently of the concrete operation, the
Figure 10. Isometric View of Belt Trusses
All of the vertical elements of the building are system is easily erected.
cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The wall
system consists of a Drum Wall, which is
essentially analogous with a typical building’s Structural Materials
central core wall. From the Drum, Hammer As important as the simplicity of the floor
Walls spring outwards to engage the structure framing is, its weight is equally as important.
at the perimeter of the building and Fin Walls Reducing the overall weight of super-tall
spring inward primarily to support the core buildings is always a principal goal, since the
area (see Figure 9). weight and costs tend to compound
themselves in the vertical elements. In this
case, nearly half of the vertical structure’s
The Hammer Walls connect directly to eight capacity went towards simply supporting its
Mega-Columns situated at the perimeter. own self-weight. Therefore, a lightweight
At each skybridge, the balance of the floor system is key.
Mega-Columns are interconnected to the Of course high strength concrete is imper-
Hammers by means of the 3 story high steel ative in achieving a building of such
Belt Trusses (see Figure 10). In addition to unprecedented height. Although there is a
increased lateral stiffness, the Belt provides a ready supply of concrete in Dubai, placing
level of redundancy and added robustness to concrete above an 80MPa strength is not
the structure by creating alternate load paths. believed to have been attempted. For the
Also at each skybridge are Link Walls, which Nakheel Tower, concrete in excess of 100MPa
tie the Drum Wall segments together. This strength is required with Young’s Modulus of
produces a completely interconnected nearly 50,000MPa.
structural system that behaves as a single Again, beyond simply the strength of the
tower rather than separate quadrants. To material, constructability is at the forefront of
transfer the tremendous shear forces, steel the design approach. The concrete must be
plate shear walls, up to 80mm thick encased workable in a very hot environment,
with up to 1300mm of concrete, are used. pumpable to great heights, and above all Figure 11. Finite Element Model of Spire and Crown
The top of the building is characterized by a reliable.
series of 8 arches that extend upward to a To this end the design team worked together
center spire that supports several special with concrete technologists, Ancon Beton of
function levels (see Figure 11). To put this Australia, developing design mixes. This was
portion of the tower in perspective, the seen as a crucial element in the structural
arches are taller than the Eiffel Tower. design of the building and work on the
The spire itself is a cylindrical concrete form concrete design was undertaken during
that is supported from the 7th skybridge with schematic design. 
a series of concrete walls. The arches are to

CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower | 21

to wind. Aeroelastic model testing, high
frequency pressure integration studies, and
large-scale tests at high Reynolds Number
(Re) were also performed to provide
additional pieces to the puzzle (see
Figure 14).
The strategy for addressing lateral accelera-
tions of the tower was always to look for an
aerodynamic solution first. This required a
very good understanding of the wind
behavior and extensive testing (as intimated
above). The wind engineering is substantially
completed at present. The building’s
performance in terms of lateral accelerations
is good and no supplemental damping is
Figure 12. CFD Analysis
necessary. However, provisions for a liquid
mass damper has been included in the
Wind Engineering With a constant cylindrical form, the tower design to account for possible variations in
Wind was perhaps the single greatest was susceptible to vortex shedding, which is the building’s as-built stiffness and inherent
adversary for the engineers on this project. why the slots are such a crucial design damping.
Rowan Davies Williams & Irwin (RWDI) are the element. The slots serve to mitigate the
wind engineers for the project with peer vortex-shedding phenomenon and reduce
review work being performed by the Alan G. the overall wind load on the building by
three fold. One lesson learned in the design Building Services
Davenport Wind Engineering Group of the
University of Western Ontario and MEL was that very subtle changes in the slot or Norman Disney & Young has been appointed
Consultants. The wind engineering, structural internal void geometry can substantially to design Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic
engineering and the architecture of the tower impact the aerodynamic behavior. and Fire Services for the Nakheel Harbour
were very closely intertwined in the devel- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) were Tower. A significant amount of research and
opment of the project. Numerous building used to study many small variations in development has been undertaken for this
forms were studied throughout the tower’s geometry (see Figure 12) together with project. The product of this effort has
development. Ultimately, many of the dozens of high frequency force balance significant implications for the engineering of
refinements to the tower’s architectural (HFFB) tests (see Figure 13). However, the other tall towers.
concept were driven by aerodynamics. CFD modeling and HFFB tests were only
initial indicators as to the building’s response

Figure 13. High Frequency Force Balance Test Figure 14. Large Scale High Re Test

22 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II

Stack Effect impossible or dangerous to open.
Stack effect is one the main difficulties Measures being considered to mitigate the ...retrofit
associated with tall tower design. The problems created by stack effect include:

problem has traditionally been encountered t Use of revolving doors at pedestrian
in cold climates in North America, during They’re showing the
winter, where temperature differences rest of the city that existing
approaching 40°C are common. Many of the t Providing multiple stages to entries. buildings, no matter how tall
world’s early tall towers were constructed t Isolating loading docks from goods lifts. they are, no matter how old
tProviding an anti-room with sequenced they are, can take steps to
A warm building in a cold climate behaves operation of doors and pressure control significantly reduce their

like a chimney, with warm air rising to the top for goods access.
of the building. This results in the internal
energy consumption.
A similar use of anti-rooms is proposed for
pressure at high level becoming well above
maintenance access at the top of the Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, New York City,
atmospheric and at low level becoming well
building. who has made sustainability a theme of his
below atmospheric. Somewhere near the
In general, stair shafts serve from skybridge to administration, quoted on the
middle of the building there will be a neutral environmental retrofit plans for the Empire
point, where the internal and external skybridge only, opening onto safe havens at
State Building. From ‘Empire State Building
pressures are equal. each skybridge. Likewise, lifts serving limited Plans Environmental Retrofit’ The New York
parts of the tower do not present major Times, April 6, 2009
In the past decade, the world’s new breed of
high rise towers has been built in the hotter
climates of Asia and the Middle East. High rise lift shafts will be temperature the tower. The concern with this arrangement
Problems occur during hot weather, with the controlled to align pressure differentials to is the very high pressures in the system.
pressure gradient operating in reverse. The those existing elsewhere in the building.
Shafts will be required to be warmer in Option 1 is favoured, with the most signif-
result is high pressures at ground level and
summer than the general space temperature, icant concern being the potential for a leak in
low pressures at high level. The tallest towers
to provide the same pressure gradient. the heat exchangers between stages. This
in Asia have been approximately
would result in a doubling of pressure in the
500m high. Temperature differences tend to
lower parts of the stages and subsequent
be no more than 15°C (say 36°C ambient and
Pressure Staging failure of all heat exchangers below these
21°C internal). The Nakheel Harbour Tower is
stages. Resultant damage would be
over 1,000m high and the temperature Tall buildings create the need to pump water
enormous, and the potential for injury
difference in summer is 25°C (46°C ambient in stages up the building, to limit the pressure
less 21°C internal). This results in a pressure in any part of the pipework to the pressure
difference between the top and bottom of an rating of the available pipework, valves and This is likely to be overcome by the use of an
open shaft of 780 Pa. This is expected to result equipment. oversized venting system. Whilst this seems
in a positive pressure on the order of 390Pa at likely to prevent a rapid pressure build up,
In the case of chilled water, this issue
the ground and a negative pressure of 390 Pa computer modeling is to be undertaken to
becomes more complicated. The number of
at the high level. To put this into perspective, ensure the design can cope with any
stages is limited by the practicalities of
most fire codes limit the pressure difference transient pressures due to a sudden failure.
permissible temperature rise in the chilled
across a fire escape door, due to stair water to the top of the tower.
pressurisation, to 50 Pa. This is due to the Environmental Initiatives
Two broad options presented themselves.
force needed to open the door.
Option 1 had a pressure stage at each The project brief requires high standards of
The pressure created by stack effect causes air skybridge. This kept the pressure ratings low environmental performance. Most initiatives,
infiltration into the building at the high level, but resulted in unacceptably high chilled which are widely considered best practice in
resulting in energy loss and loss of capacity of water temperatures at the top of the tower. modern buildings, are being incorporated as
HVAC systems. At the bottom of the tower, Air-cooled chillers would be required at high a matter of course and are not covered in this
the high pressure will cause high loss of levels in the tower. paper.
conditioned air to the outside.
Option 2 had a pressure stage at every The project has a high component of
The pressures will result in high air velocities second skybridge. This limited the stages to 5 residential and hotel space and therefore a
across doors connecting to the outside. This (including a stage at the basement chiller high need for hot water on a continual basis.
will cause lift doors to jam and subsequent level) and eliminated the need for chillers in The Dubai climate creates the need for
loss of lift service. It will make doors either cooling, even during the winter months. 

CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II Nakheel Harbour & Tower | 23

Several alternative cogeneration strategies handlers complete with mounting frames, thoughts and innovations behind the design
are being considered. valves, electrical panels and control panels.All involves becoming a futurist and not
The project requires its own District Cooling will be pretested offsite and will use propri- accepting current norms. Research into future
Plant. This provides the opportunity to gain etary-bolted assembly pipework. trends and means of providing for them has
the advantages of efficient operation from a Replacement of system components, during been an important part of the design teams’
large chiller plant. It also enables the design the life of the building, includes equipment approach.
of the load side (air handling plant) to be that can be broken down to components and In these uncertain financial times, Dubai and
optimised to increase chiller efficiency and catered for in a goods lift. Where this is not the Nakheel Tower have not been immune to
reduce pumping needs. feasible, the dimensions of the component the effects of the Global Financial Crisis.
Water conservation is by means of black must be within the dimensions of the lift Currently, the design team have completed a
water treatment, storm water harvesting, and shaft, which can be temporarily used for substantial portion of the project design and
reuse of fire test water. hoisting. documentation, enabling extensive
Services risers must be planned, to allow foundation work to be completed at the site.
Phase change material is being considered The decision by the developer to temporarily
for thermal storage in chilled water and hot replacement and additional services to be
run. This requires spatial planning not only for suspend site-work has not impacted the
water systems as well as in building enthusiasm of the team, who are still excited
construction, where an increase in thermal the riser but also for access during instal-
lation. about the day this boundary-pushing tower
mass can contribute to either energy savings will rise out of the sand. 
or reduction in peak demand.
Facing the Future Naming all the professionals involved and
The use of high voltage power distribution instrumental in advancing a project of this scale
enables reduced transmission losses. In order to develop a tower of this scale and requires more space than available here.
distinction, the design team has had to However, this article will not be complete
project its design strategies without acknowledging the contribution and
Logistics forward into the future by dedication of the following individuals:
During construction, the time taken to hoist using the latest design
techniques of today and Cris Johansen, Peter Read and Neil Woodcock,
equipment to such heights is considerable.
creating flexibility to Nakheel. Alf Seeling, Garry Marshall, Richard
The time taken for labour to go to and from
embrace the trends and Marshall, Nik Karalis, Peter Miglis and Matthew
the upper parts of the building is also
technology of the future. Gaal, Woods Bagot; Kamran Moazami, Bart
considerable. This dictates the need to look
Children of the Emirates will Sullivan, Samer Wattar, Andy Veall and Patrick
closely at prefabrication offsite.
see this tower constructed Chan WSP cantor Seinuk; Leslie Robertson and
Internal lift shafts are to be used for SawTeen See, LERA; Anil Hira, VDM; Kevin
and will be the future
construction lifts, to reduce the reliance on Winward, Winward Structure; Peter Irwin and
occupiers, tenants and
external cranes. Therefore, components that Derek Kelly, RWDI; Nick Isyumov and Peter Case,
guests of the building. The
fit in the lift shaft and can be quickly BLWTL; Bill Melbourne, MEL Consultant. Max
team has been designing
assembled onsite are preferred. Ervin & Chris Haberfield, Golder Associates; Ian
this tower for future
Examples of preassembly include prewired generations and future Ullah, Fugro; Harry Poulos, Coffey Geotechnics.
electrical and communication systems with vertical communities. Soletanche-Bachy / Intrafor JV Michel Percak
plug-in connections, fan coil units and air Future-proofing the Khalil Ibrahim; Rick Barker and Paul Bennett,
Barker Mohandas.

24 | Nakheel Harbour & Tower CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II

CTBUH Organizational Members

SUPPORTING CONTRIBUTORS Rosenwasser/Grossman Consulting CPP Inc.

Arup Engineers, PC CS Associates
Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. CTL Group
W. S. Atkins & Partners Overseas Dagher Engineering
Bovis Lend Lease S.r.l. Solomon Cordwell Buenz & Associates, Inc.
Dar Al-Handasah (Shair and Partners)
Buro Happold Ltd. Studio Gang Architects Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects &
CB Richard Ellis Ltd Thornton Tomasetti Inc. Engineers (HK) Ltd.
Davis Langdon LLP Walter P Moore Dunbar & Boardman
Winward Structures Pty. Ltd. Edgett Williams Consulting Group, Inc.
DeSimone Consulting Engineers Emirates Specialities Co. LLC
Emaar Properties PJSC Woods Bagot
Gale International Faithful + Gould
Illinois Institute of Technology, College of
CONTRIBUTORS Fortune Consultants Ltd.
AKF Engineers Gold Coast City Council
Kohn Pedersen Fox American Iron and Steel Institute Gorproject (Urban Planning Inst. of Residential and
KONE Oyj Broadway Malyan Public Buildings)
Mori Building Co., Ltd. Canary Wharf Group Guangzhou Scientific Computing Consultant
NBBJ CB Engineers Gulf Glass Industries.
Remaking of Mumbai Federation Continental Automated Buildings GVK–ECS, Inc.
Samsung Corporation (Engineering & Haynes Whaley Associates, Inc.
Association (CABA) Heller Manus Architects
Construction) C.S. Structural Engineering Hilson Moran Partnership Ltd.
Schindler Elevator Corporation DeStefano + Partners Ltd. Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects
Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP DHV Bouwen Industrie HOK,Inc.
Turner Dong Yang Structural Engineers Hong Kong Housing Authority
Viracon (Apogee) Goettsch Partners Horvath Reich CDC Inc.
Halvorson and Partners International Union of Bricklayers and
Allied Craftworkers
Irwinconsult Pty. Ltd.
American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. JCE Structural Engineering Group, Inc. JBA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Blume Foundation KHP Konig, Heunisch und Partner John Portman & Associates
BMT Fluid Mechanics Ltd. Lobby Agency Lerch Bates Inc.
DLA Piper UK LLP MulvannyG2 Architecture Limitless LLC
The Durst Organization Nakheel Lucien Lagrange Architects
NFPA Magnetek, Inc
Hongkong Land Ltd.
Norman Disney & Young Margolin Bros. Engineering & Consulting Ltd.
KLCC Property Holdings Berhad McNamara/Salvia, Inc.
Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Perkins+Will MechoShade Systems
Sciences Riggio / Boron, Ltd. Middlebrook & Louie
Saudi Ogers Ltd. The Steel Institute of New York Murphy/Jahn
Tishman Speyer Properties Structal-Heavy Steel Construction Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Studio Daniel Libeskind, Architect LLC Nishkian Menninger
Webcor Builders
T.R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd. Arkitek O’Connor Sutton Cronin
Weidlinger Associates, Inc. Option One International W.L.L.
Tekla Corporation
Zuhair Fayez Partnership Otis Elevator Company
TSNIIEP for Residential and Public Buildings
Palafox Associates
DONORS WSP Group Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture Perkins Eastman Architects
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory
PARTICIPANTS Plannungsgruppe Droge Baade Nagaraj
Aedas Limited PPG Industries
(U. Western Ontario) Al Jazera Consultants Ramboll Whitbybird
Built Form Allford Hall Monaghan Morris LLP Stanley D. Lindsey & Associates
Gensler APH Capital Partners Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.
Halcrow Yolles Arabian Aluminum Co. LLC Taylor Thomson Whitting Pty Ltd
Hughes Associates, Inc. ARC Studio Architecture + Urbanism TFP Farrells Limited.
Hyder Consulting Archstudia P.M. TPS Consult Ltd Centre
Architectural Institute of Korea Traynor O’Toole Architects
Larsen & Toubro Limited Arquitectonica United States Gypsum Company
Leslie E. Robertson Associates BG&E Pty Limited University of Nottingham
Magnusson Klemencic Associates Bouygues Construction Vanguard Realty Pvt. Ltd.
W. L. Meinhardt Group P/L Building Design International Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd.
Nabih Youssef & Associates Callison LLP Walsh Construction Company
Pan Arab Consulting Engineers The Calvin Group, LLC Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
Canderel Management, Inc. WOHA Architects Pte. Ltd.
Pickard Chilton Architects
CBM Engineers Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd.
RISE International Chicago Committee on High-Rise Buildings World Academy of Sciences for Complex Security
RMJM Hillier Code Consultants, Inc. WSP Cantor Seinuk Group Inc.
Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc. Contract Glaziers Inc. WSP Flack + Kurtz
COWI A/S Y. A. Yashar Architects
Supporting Contributors are those who contribute $10,000; Patrons: $6,000; Donors: $3,000; Contributors: $1,500; Participants: $750.

CTBUH Journal | 2009 Issue II CTBUH Organizational Members | 55

About the Council
The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban
Habitat, based at the Illinois Institute of
Technology in Chicago, is an international
not-for-profit organization supported by
architecture, engineering, planning,
development and construction professionals.
Founded in 1969, the Council’s mission is to
disseminate multi-disciplinary information on
tall buildings and sustainable urban
environments, to maximize the international
interaction of professionals involved in
creating the built environment, and to make
the latest knowledge available to
professionals in a useful form.
The CTBUH disseminates its findings, and
facilitates business exchange, through: the
publication of books, monographs,
proceedings and reports; the organization of
world congresses, international, regional and
specialty conferences and workshops; the
maintaining of an extensive website and tall
building databases of built, under
construction and proposed buildings; the
distribution of a monthly international tall
building e-newsletter; the maintaining of an
international resource center; the bestowing
of annual awards for design and construction
excellence and individual lifetime
achievement; the management of special
task forces / working groups; the hosting of
technical forums; and the publication of the
CTBUH Journal, a professional journal
containing refereed papers written by
researchers, scholars and practicing
professionals. The Council actively undertakes
research into relevant fields in conjunction
with its members and industrial partners, and
has in place an international ‘Country
Representative’ network, with regional CTBUH
representatives promoting the mission of the
Council across the globe.
The Council is the arbiter of the criteria upon
which tall building height is measured, and
thus the title of ‘The World’s Tallest Building’
determined. CTBUH is the world’s leading
body dedicated to the field of tall buildings
and urban habitat and the recognized
international source for information in these

Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

Illinois Institute of Technology
S. R. Crown Hall
3360 South State Street
Chicago, IL, 60616
Phone: +1 (312) 909 0253
Fax: +1 (610) 419 0014
ISSN: 1946 - 1186

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