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CHAPTER 5: Discovering the Self: The Physical Self

(the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale)

Self-esteem, for me is a very hard topic to talk about, as it requires deep

understanding about oneself and having that understanding to accept who you are. At a
young age I’ve become aware of what attributes I have that the society does not
approve of or it just does not conform to the standard that they created. All those things
that they consider perfect and beautiful made me lose my confidence. As I’m answering
the scale, I still have a lot to improve on how I see myself.

I feel that I am a person of worth. Although I have a low self-esteem I still believe
that I am just as worthy as everyone else, because I strongly believe that every person
has a purpose and they have the chance to find that purpose and succeed in their own
way. I do have qualities that I am confident about and proud of especially dancing and
singing, but there are times when people offer me a compliment I would feel like I don’t
deserve it because I

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