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PRELIMINARY ROUND 1 – 7 MAY 2020 (Thursday) - 9:00pm to 10:00pm

Moderated by Dr Casey Broadway
Time & Score Keeper Athirah
Team A Team B
Yi Man (Team Leader) Kanesh (Team Leader)
Carmen Larry
Alden Sylvester
Mingle Krista

PRELIMINARY ROUND 2 – 13 MAY 2020 (Wednesday) - 9:00pm to 10:00pm

Moderated by Dr Casey Broadway
Time & Score Keeper Krista
Team C Team D
Athirah (Team Leader) Nana (Team Leader)
Waldo Rebecca
Kane Erin
Aaron Dillon

FINAL ROUND – 14 MAY 2020 (Thursday) - 9:00pm to 10:00pm

Moderated by Dr Casey Broadway
Time & Score Keeper
Team Team
Start of Game

Moderator will ask a question and each team leader will fight to get the correct answer. Team
leader that answers correctly will get 5 points and to start the first Set.

Set 1 Rules
1. Question Topic: Iconic Character from A Musical
- The person who asks the question will sing a short excerpt no shorter than 10
seconds and no longer than 20 seconds from the character’s song. The opponent has
to guess the character from the musical that sing the song.
- Has to be from either a Broadway musical or an Off-Broadway Musical ONLY.
- Select song which is sung by only a single character. (Has to be a solo song)
2. 4 Player on each team
3. 5 points allotted for each round of question.
4. Player Team A1 will ask Player Team B1
5. Player Team B1 answer Correctly scores 5 points, Answers Wrongly demerit 5 points and
Credit Team A 5 points, Open to Team Players if answer correctly scores 3 points & if
answers wrongly demerit 3 points, 1 mark automatically given to Team A.
6. Player Team B1 ask question to Player Team A2
7. Player Team A2 ask question to Player Team B2
8. Player Team B2 ask question to Player Team A3
9. Player Team A3 ask question to Player Team B3
10. Player Team B3 ask question to Player Team A4
11. Player Team A4 ask question to Player Team B4
12. Player Team B4 ask question to Player Team A1
13. Total Points for Set 1

Set 2 Rules
1. Question Topic: Songs from the 80’s
- The person who asks the question will sing a short excerpt no shorter than 10
seconds and no longer than 20 seconds from a pop song from the 80’s.
- The opponent has to guess the title of the song.
2. 3 players on each team
3. 5 points allotted for each round of question.
4. Player Team A1 will ask Player Team B1
5. Player Team B1 answer Correctly scores 5 points, Answers Wrongly demerit 5 points and
Credit Team A 5 points, Open to Team Players if answer correctly scores 3 points & if
answers wrongly demerit 3 points, 1 mark automatically given to Team A.
6. Player Team B1 ask question to Player Team A2
7. Player Team A2 ask question to Player Team B2
8. Player Team B2 ask question to Player Team A3
9. Player Team A3 ask question to Player Team B3
10. Player Team B3 ask question to Player Team A1
Set 3 Rules
1. Question Topic: Character Impersonation
- The person who asks the question will act out an iconic line from a famous
blockbuster movie.
- The opponent must guess the title of the movie and the character.
2. 2 players on each team
3. 5 points allotted for each round of question.
4. Player Team A1 will ask Player Team B1
5. Player Team B1 answer Correctly scores 5 points, Answers Wrongly demerit 5 points and
Credit Team A 5 points, Open to Team Players if answer correctly scores 3 points & if
answers wrongly demerit 3 points, 1 mark automatically given to Team A.
6. Player Team B1 ask question to Player Team A2
7. Player Team A2 ask question to Player Team B2
8. Player Team B2 ask question to Player Team A1

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