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Sequence Exercises


Q1. Answer: a & f
A linear resistor is characterized by i=v/R, for a positive value of R for passive
resistors. Thus, both (a) and (f) are correct answers. Note that (f) has a higher
resistance compared to (a).

Q2. Answer: d
An ideal voltage source is characterized by v=V regardless of the current, thus d
shows its ivcharacteristics.

Q3. Answer: b
An ideal current source is characterized by i=I regardless of the voltage around it,
thus b shows its iv characteristics.

Initial Values: Vs=10V and R=50Ω
Q1. PL=V2/RL=102/50 = 2W

Q2. Psource= -PL= -2W

For Initial values: P=16W and R=6Ω

Q1. Since power is given by P=iv and for a resistor i=v/R, thus P=v2/R.
Therefore with initial values of P=16W and R=6Ω, then v=9.8V.

Q2. iR=v/R=9.8/6=1.633; However the current shown on the schematic i = - iR

(Note: By definition, current flowing through an element is from the positive
voltage node to the negative voltage node. Thus iR = - i)

Initial values: v(t) = 120*sqrt(2)*cos(2*π*60*t), R=110Ω, Vconstant= 120V

Q1. Answer: 261.8W


Q2. Answer: 130.9W

Paverage=Pmax*1/T*int (cos2(2*pi*60*t)*dt)=Pmax/2=130.9W

Q3. Answer: 130.9W


Initial values: v1=0.4V, v2=0.3V

Q1. Answer: 0.7V


Initial values: v1=0.4V, v2=0.3V

Q1. Answer: 0.7V



To find i2, we first look at the overall system. We know that i3 goes into the voltage
source, and the two contributing factors to i3 are i5 and i4. This is because the
total current at a node must equal zero. Thus, we first find i5 with the following: i5
= i4+i3, as i5 goes into the node, while the other two go out. From there, we know
that i5 + i1+i2 = 0. Thus, i2 = -(i4 + i3)-i1.


Q1. Because we know that at a node, the total current going in must equal the total
current going out, we know that i4 = i2 – i3.

Q2. Similarly, i5 = - ( i4 + i1), which means i5 = i3 - i1- i2.

Q3. Thus, i6 is i3-i5, which is -(i1+i2).


Q1. Use KCL (sum of current flowing into a node is 0): (V1-V)/R1 + (V2-V)/R2 = 0. Since
V1 and V2 are the same, we know that V must be equal to V1 and V2.

Q2. When you short circuit it, we have to have a current over each resistor that gives
V = IR. For R1, we have I1 = V/R1, and for R2, we have I2 = V/R2. Thus, we know
that the total current going through the short circuit is I1 + I2.

Q3. There are 2 ways to find the answer to part 3.

a. Use V1 divided by the I found in part 2: R = V/I. Note that this is the equivalent
resistance of a Thevenin equivalent circuit.
b. The equivalent resistance can also be found by removing the current and voltage
sources from the circuit. To remove voltage sources, short the voltage sources
(to remove current sources, open the current sources): so, Rtotal = R1 parallel with
R2, which means that 1/Rtotal = 1/R1+1/R2.

Q4. The difference in voltages is V2-V1. Current will flow from the high voltage battery
to the low voltage one, and thus, the two resistors will be in series (Rtotal=R1 +
R2). We thus know that the current must be (V2-V1) / (R1+R2).


Q1. Count the nodes that are unique (in this case, all the labeled nodes). There are a,
b, c, and d.

Q2. There is always one more node than there are independent KCL equations. You
can find the last node’s equations with a combination of the previous 3 nodes’ (in
this case).

Q3. To find out how many loops there are, just take every combination (that is not just
a reverse of a previous loop). There should be 7.

Q4. To do this problem, you look at the circuit, and draw out the maximum number of
loops you can have without having another loop that is not encompassed by a
combination of previous loops. There are 3 in this problem: Going through a, b, c;
Going through a, d, c; and going through a, d, b, c. Of course, there are other
variants you can choose, but those will still give you only 3 loops.


Let’s say that the numbers given for voltage and resistance are 6 V and 18 ohms.

Q1. We know the voltage of the battery (from the text and from the image). In this case,

Q2. The voltage across the resistor must be the same as the voltage across the
battery, 6V.

Q3, Q4. I will combine the next two parts. The current measured entering the battery is
found by finding the current going through the resistor, which is v2 / R. However,
the current going into the battery is opposite in sign to the one going into the
resistor, since current flows from the positive terminal (of the voltage source) to
the negative. Thus i1 is -1/3, and i2 is 1/3.

Q5. Since P = V*I, simply do the math. In this case, P1 is -2W and P2 is 2W.
Q6. Do the second part similarly. Since this time, the voltage is measured in the
opposite way (with the negative and positive terminals switched), we have -6V for
the voltage across the battery and the resistor.

Q7, Q8. The current i3 is measured going from the positive terminal of the battery to the
negative terminal, so the current is calculated in the same way as in parts 3 and
4, which gives, in this case i3 to be 1/3. It is the opposite with i4, which is going
the opposite direction, -1/3.

Q9. The power, therefore, is V*I, which, in this case, is -2W and 2W for P1 and P2,


Let us use the numbers V = 2.0V, I = 3.0A, R1 = 4.0 ohms, and R2 = 5.0 ohms.


Using KVL and KCL:

We know that –V + V1 + V2 = 0, and i1 + i2 + I = 0, V1 being the voltage drop over

R1 and i2 being the current through the R2. Thus, we solve the two equations -2 +
V1 + V2 =0 and V1 / R1 + V2 / R2 +3 = 0, and we have V2 = 7.78 V.

Using superposition:

Split this problem into two circuits. The first circuit has the battery, and two
resistors. Thus, we can find that the current through the resistors is i1 = V /
(R1+R2). Thus, i1 for this circuit is 2/9. The voltage across the resistor due to this
loop is therefore i1*R2 = 10/9. The other loop has the current source, R1, and R2.
The resistors are in parallel, so we find Rtotal to be 1/Rtotal = 1/R1+1/R2 = 0.45. The
Voltage across both resistors due to the current source is therefore 1/.45 * 3 =
6.67. Adding the two together (6.67 + 10/9) will get you the total voltage, v2 =
7.78 V.

Q2. P = v*i = V2 / R (since I = V/R), thus, we find P = 7.78^2 / 5 = 12.099.


Using KVL and KCL:

We know that V1 is 2 – 7.78, so we can easily find i1 with V1 / R1=-1.44.

Using superposition:

Using the previous method of splitting the problem into two circuits, we find that
i1 is a combination of the current coming through the battery, and the current
coming from the current source. The current coming through the battery is 2/9, as
found earlier. For the current coming from the current source, we know that the
voltage drop over the resistor is 6.666666, and so we know that the current is
V/R, 6.67/4 = 1.67. However, this current flows in the opposite direction of the
current of the other circuit, so we must subtract. We thus have .22 – 1.67 = -1.44.

Q4. The power dissipated by this resistor is therefore P = v*i = i2 *R = (-1.44)^2 * 4 =


Q5. The power supplied by the voltage source is therefore P = I*V, with I = i1, which is -

Q6. The power supplied by the current source is therefore P = I*V, with V being v2,
which is 23.33.

Initial values V = 2.0V, R1 = 6.ohms, R2 = 6ohms, R3 = 3ohms, and R4 = 3ohms

(R1//R2 means R1 in parallel with R2, which means ( 1/R1 + 1/R2 )-1

Q1. R3 + R4 = 6 = R34

Q2. R34*R2/(R34+R2) = 36/12 = 3

Q3. R1 + R2//R34 = 9

Q4. Rtotal = 9; V = 2v
i = V/Rtotal = 2/9 = 0.22 A

Q5. Current divider at center node

iR2 = i *(R3 + R4)/(R2+R3+R4) = 0.22*6/12 = 0.11A
VR2 = iR2*R2 = 6 * 0.11 = 0.66

Q6. The rest of the current from the current divider flows through R3 and R4
so current flow through R4 is also 0.11A (0,22-0.11 = 0.11A)
VR4 = iR4*R4 = 0.11 * 3 = 0.33A
using initial values V = 5V, I = 3.0A, R1 = 10ohms, R2 = 12ohms

Q1. E1 = 5 touches battery

Q2. (e2-e1)/R1 + e2/R2 = I ; so e2 = R2(IR1 + e1)/R1+R2

Q3. Voltage across R2 = e2 – e3 = e2 -0 = e2 = R2(IR1 + e1)/R1+R2

Q4. E3/R2 + e1/ R1 + I = 0

Solving for e3 yields e3 = -(V1 /R1+ I)R2R1/(R2 +R1)

Q5. Again, voltage across R2 = e2 – e3 = 0 – e3 = (V1 /R1+ I)R2R1/(R2 +R1)

say distance from house to barn = 172 feet to supply 1000 watts at 240V and
resistance of copper wire = 1.59ohms

Q1. Total resistance of transmission line = resistance per feet * length of line =

Q2. Let resistance of transmission line = R and resistance of the load = r

Power = IV hence I = power/V =1000/240
I = V/Rtotal = 240/(R + r) = 1000/240
So r = 2402/1000-R = 2402/1000 - 1.588*172*2/1000

Q3. current through line I = V/Rtotal = 240/(R + r) = 1000/240

So voltage drop = I * R = 1.588*172*2/1000*1000/240

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