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NIM : 1900004

Assignment : Please make three paragraph consisted of your planning after your graduation from

stifar using FUTURE TENSE formula.

My name is Annisa Azzahra. You can call me rara. I want to tell you about my plan after

graduation from STIFAR. But before that, I will tell you another plan before entering pharmacy.

When I was in senior high school, I want to be a doctor. But because I know to become a doctor

shall have a lot of money, I canceled the plan. And I choose plan B, which I am going to became

a pharmacist. But god said otherwise, I entered pharmaceutical diploma.

Back to my future after graduation, I want to be civil servant. Because after to be a civil

servant, I will be paid event trough I have tired I have retired. And of course, I want to see the

proud smile of my parents and how happy they are to have a child like me. Plant drawn up

sometimes fail in their application in real life. So I shall have plan B as the backup plant.

If everything I planned didn’t happen. I will continue my education to become a

pharmacist. I want to work in a hospital. I will dedicate my ability fully to the community. Later,

after I have a lot of money I will open medicine store. And of course if I get it , I will give half

salary to my parents. I want to repay all the result of their hard work, And also, I will pay my

brother’s college.

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