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The branch of biochemistry that deals with the explanation of nature is


a) Qualitative b) Descriptive c) Dynamic d) Quantitative

2. Which scientist showed that organic molecule could be formed in reducing atmosphere:

a) Fredrick Wohler b) Miller Urey c) Lavoisier d) Edward Buchner

3. DNA is made up of how many kinds of simple monomeric subunits:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

4. Which of following is absent in RNA:

a) Adenine b) Thymine c) Cytosine d) Guanine

5. Structural and functional unit of all living organisms is:

a) Organelle b) Atom c) organs d) Cell

6. Liquid part of cytoplasm is called:

a) Cytosol b) Cyclosis c) organelle d) Hydrolysis

7. Cell wall is absent in:

a) Plants b) Animals c) Bacteria d) Fungi

8. Energy transformers of cells in animals is:

a) Chloroplast b) Golgi complex c) Lysosomes d) Mitochondria

9. Double membrane bounded organelle is/are:

a) Chloroplast b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Mitochondria d) Both a & c

10. The building block of proteins are:

a) Fatty acids b) Steric acid c) Amino acid d) None of these

11. Simple sugars are:

a) Oligosaccharides b) Polysaccharides c) Disaccharides d) Monosaccharides

Qno. 1 What is open simple sugar? Draw open chain and close structure of
pentose and hexose sugar?
Monosaccharides are the simplest carbs, in that your body cannot break them down further.

This allows your body to absorb them quickly and easily, with the exception of fructose.

Empirical formula is (CH2O)n....where the n=3,4,5 or 6...where simple sugar containing three carbon are
called Trioses. Four carbons are called Tetroses. Five carbon called Pentoses and six carbon called Glucose, Fructose.

Qno.2 How many types of Cytoplasm filament are known? Describe their function?
In cell biology, the cytoplasm is a highly viscous (gel-like) substance enclosed within the cell membrane.
It is composed of water (about 85 percent), proteins (10 to 15 percent), lipids (2 to 4 percent), nucleic
acids, inorganic salts and polysaccharides in smaller amounts.

There are three general types of cytoplasm

a) Actin filament
b) Microtubules
c) Intermediate filaments

Actin filament:
Several biological processes related to cell shape and movement depend on actin filaments
(reviewed in [1]). Some keys functions are.
 To allow cell motility. For example, through the formation and function of Filopodia or
 During mitosis, intracellular organelles are transported by motor proteins to the daughter cells
along actin cables.
 In muscle cells, actin filaments are aligned and myosin proteins generate forces on the filaments
to support muscle contraction. These complexes are known as ‘thin filaments’.
Microtubules are hollow, fibrous shafts whose main function is to help support and give shape
to the cell. They also serve a transportation function, as they are the routes upon which
organelles move through the cell. They are most often found in all eukaryotic cells and, together
with the microfilaments and intermediate filaments, form the cytoskeleton.
Intermediate filaments:
In some cells, there are as many as ten times the number of intermediate filaments as there are
other microfilaments or microtubules. This abundance of IFs means they serve several
important roles in the cell.
All cells have intermediate filaments, and some cells have several different types. Some
intermediate filaments are closely linked to specific cell types. Microfilaments’, as the name
suggest, are found exclusively in neurons. Muscle cells contain a type called desmin filaments,
and keratins are present in the epithelial cells. Other types of intermediate filaments are found
more widely distributed in various types of cells.

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