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Health Education

Fourth Quarter
Lesson 3
1. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. define stalking, extortion and gang and youth violence
B. become aware on stalking, extortion and gang and youth violence
C. make a platform on how to avoid or stop stalking, extortion and gang and youth

11. Subject Matter

A. Topic : stalking, extortion and gang and youth violence
B. Materials: Pictures of stalking, extortion and gang and youth violence , video,
C. References: Learner’s Material for P.E and Health Grade 9 pp.14-16 - Facebook Stalking - Stopping Gang Violence - Program to Prevent Gun and
Violence | VI Scholars Social Impact Project

111. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
“ Definition of Terms”
Students will have to define the following terms:
* Suicide
* Parasuicide
* Domestic violence
* Bullying
B. Lesson Proper
1. Priming
“Picture Analysis”

Analyze the pictures given; the answer of the students will lead to

2. Activities
a. “PowerPoint Presentation”
Discuss the signs and symptoms of drug use

b. “Video clip Presentation”

Students will watch a video clip about Facebook Stalking
Stopping Gang Violence, Program to Prevent Gun and Gang
Violence | VI Scholars Social Impact Project

3. Analysis
What can you say on the video clips? In your own opinion what are
you going to do if you experience the same way inside the school?

4. Abstraction

I learned that…..
I realized that …
I hope that…

5. Application

Group the students into four groups. Each group will make a
platform on how to avoid or stop stalking, extortion and gang and youth
violence among teenagers.

1V. Assignment
A. What is illegal fraternity and related violence?
Learner’s Material for P.E and Health Grade 9 pp. 17

Prepared by:

Jheanne T. Vidad
V. Mapa High School

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