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Demonstration Method
I. Objectives:
Given the demonstration, the students with 70% accuracy should be able to:
1. Define table setting,
2. Determine and differentiate the different kind of table setting
3. Show a sample demonstration from the different kinds of table setting
4. Appreciate the beauty of setting a table.

II. Subjects matter:

Topic: Table Setting
Skills: Listening and observing, ability to apply the principles of embroidering
Values to be developed: knowledge, creativity, innovativeness, appreciation.
III. REFERENCE: The Emily Post Institute Incorporation
Materials: silverware Equipment, plate, napkin, flowers, and glass, a sample outputs
of different table setting.

IV. Procedures:
1. Introduction
(The Teacher will show a picture of the different kinds of table setting design and
expected to answer these questions)
a. From what have you seen, do you find it interesting to do a work like these?
b. What do you think is the way of making these things?
c. What do you mean by table setting?
2. Development
A. Setting of Standards
1. The Teacher will conduct a short discussion about what is table setting all about.
2. The Teacher shows an expository demonstration regarding on the basic style of
setting a table.
3. The Students are expected to observe very keenly
B. The Teacher directed demonstration proper.
The different kinds of table setting are being demonstrated from its different kinds
of design. (Formal, non-formal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
C. Execution
After the demonstration, the students will perform a return demonstration on the
style that they want to execute, and will graded accordingly to the design and right
procedures on how they execute the demonstration proper.

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