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College of Criminal Justice Education


DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2019

The Civil Security Office is our Second agency, which we the student of Criminal Justice
Education in Negros Oriental State University Bais City rendered our 10 days with 40 hours of
duty as compliance to our subject PRACTICUM 141.

The office that enforces discipline managed by well trained personnel responsible in
safeguarding government properties as well as enforcing traffic laws and ordinances, and in line
with the city’s core values to support the total development of the city as a premier Agro
Ecotourism center in the Philippines.

Develop and enforce an effective system of providing security services that ensures the
protection and preservation of life, government properties and assets, and Coordinate and links
with other government and NGOs on matters related to effective delivery of Security and
Intelligence services.

It was our first day in our On-The-Job Training (OJT) here in Civil Security Office (CSO) and it is
our fourth year agency where we can render our internship this first semester. I start our duties
at around 7:00 am. We proceed to our formation at the same time we signed the logbook for
attendance. While in the formation waiting for the instruction, a few minutes later told to our
leader to after that informative instruction we proceed to our respective area where we
assigned. First day of our OJT I assigned here at entrance of the Evacuation Center Multipurpose
Bais City, our task is to observed the area if they have a vehicle enter in the exit way, they have
motorcycle parking in vehicle parking area so as an OJT our task to stop them and also the
identified vehicle or person as must as possible we report it to our head of task force, after that
time together with co-inter waiting for dismissal at 11:00 am.

Second day in our On-The-Job Training (OJT) here at Civil Security Office (CSO) I arrived at
exactly 6:36 o’clock in the morning at that time waiting co-intern and signed in the attendance
after that proceed to our respective area here in front of the Evacuation Center, our task are the
same on the first day of our OJT after that matter signed out the log-book and prepare for
dismissal at 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

Third day in our On-The-Job Training (OJT) here at Civil Security Office (CSO) I arrived at exactly
6:33 o’clock in the morning after 20 minutes proceed to signed in for attendance after that
matter proceed to our respective area where we assigned to doing our task after that we
prepare for dismissal at exactly 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

Fourth day in our On-The-Job Training (OJT) here at Civil Security Office (CSO) I arrived at exactly
6:43 o’clock in the morning, and few minutes later signed in for attendance after we proceed to
our respective area and doing the same for first day until to fourth day of our assigned task and
that is our last day of our duty here in front of the evacuation center because on coming
Monday October 21, 2019 we proceed to our next task here at exit way in Municipal Hall Bais
city, after that preparation for dismissal at exactly 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

On October 18, 2019 Fifth day our On-The-Job Training we don’t have duty because it’s a holly

Sixth day of our On-The-Job training (CSO) here at Civil Security Office (CSO) I arrived at exactly
6:42 o’clock in the morning, the leader call our attention to make formation for the instruction
for the next task on that matter we signed in the attendance after that informative instruction
we proceed our respective are here at exit way in municipal hall bais city, first as we observed
on that morning the put-put driver and the tricycle driver will pass on the exit way so as our
duty to stop them and will say them to pass the proper way at the entrance in order to followed
the city ordinance, after that our co-intern and leader call our attention to come at the office of
task force to signed the attendance at exactly 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

Seventh day of our On-The-Job training (OJT) here at Civil Security Office (CSO) I arrived at 6:44
o’clock in the morning we wait until the office is open a few minutes later the office had open
we signed the attendance after that we proceed to our respective area. The second day on our
OJT here in exit way in Municipal Hall Bais City together with co-intern Cabusog and Ebesa, as
we observed the put-put driver and tricycle driver will attempt to pass in the exit way but we
can stop them because any vehicle not allowed on enter in the exit way after that we come to
the task force office to signed out at 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

On October 23, 2019 I did not around because of heavy rain here in Bindoy.

Ninth day of our On-The-Job Training (OJT), here in Civil Security Office (CSO), I arrived at exactly
6:42 o’clock in the morning. We signed in the log book for attendance after that matter, we
proceed to our respective area here at Municipal Hall Bais City exit way, as we observed they
don’t have put-put driver and tricycle driver to enter in exit way not the same on the past few
days, after that matter we come to the office of task force office to signed out for dismissal at
exactly 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

Last day of our On-The-Job Training (OJT), here at Civil Security Office (CSO), I arrived at exactly
6:48 o’clock in the morning signed in of attendance after that we proceed to our assigned area,
on the last day of our OJT as we observed in the exit way they don’t have any vehicle to enter in
exit way, after that at around 10:00 we come on task force office for the instruction and picture
taking after that proceed to formation for dismissal at 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

I would like to thank Executive Assistant 111, MR. FERNADO B. EREJIL for
your support and sharing your experience and knowledge, and also thank you for
coaching during my OJT and all the member of Civil Security Office, thank you to your
good companionship.

Thank you once again for your great support in the successful of my OJT.
Prepared by:


Criminology Intern

Noted by:



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