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Hypertension is a condition in which blood flow to the heart is reduced because of

blockages in the arteries.


The BEST exercise that targets your tricep muscles are your _____.

= Tricep Extensions

A health-related fitness component that is directly related to the skill-related

fitness component of power.

= Muscular Strength

The ability to retain the center of mass above the base of support in a stationary

= Static Balance

Jaime did the stork test and found that he cannot stand straigth with one leg for a
prolonged period. When he performed this test, he wanted to know his body's
ability to _____.

= Balance

The Sit and Reach Test is used to evaluate the of your hamstrings.

= flexibility

_____ refers to a subjective assessment of effort or intensity.

= Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

Lack of oxygen delivery to the brain could result to a condition known as ______.

= Stroke

Body Mass Index is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms to your height
in meters.


It is the ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or stationary.


Maximal Heart Rate is the difference between your Heart Rate Reserve and Resting
Heart Rate.

The skill-related fitness component greatly related to muscular strength and
endurance is _____.


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