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Educational Philosophy Statement Rubric

Criterion Undocumented Minimal 1 Basic 2 Proficient 3 Advanced 4 Comments

0 Unacceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Idea The Statement Statement Using Using sound

Developm statement expresses logically generally assumptions
ent does not the author’s develops sound and arguments, Your
address the views the author’s assumptio the statement educationa
author’s about the views about ns and logically l principles
views about purposes of the arguments develops the
are clear.
the education, purposes of , based on author’s views
purposes of guiding education, practical about the You
education, educational guiding experience purposes of specified
guiding principles, educational , the education, what it is
educational understandi principles, statement guiding you will
principles, ng of understandi logically educational
offer to the
understandi learning, ng of develops principles,
ng of and/or the learning, the understanding students in
learning, most and/or the author’s of learning, your class.
and/or the appropriate most views and/or the most You also
most strategies appropriate about the appropriate
listed the
appropriate for strategies purposes strategies for
strategies teaching, for of teaching.
for but is teaching. education, Statement strategies
teaching. ambiguous However, guiding includes sound you will be
The or not the educationa ethical or using.
statement is connected. statement is l psychological
Your goals
incoherent not always principles, arguments and
or consistent understan not just of what
extremely and/or ding of practical ones. you hope
brief or convincing. learning, to
contains and/or the accomplis
major most
logical appropriat
h when
inconsisten e teaching
cies. strategies are easy
for to identify
Illustra No Supportin Examples Supporti Specific
tive illustrati g in support ng examples
Exampl ve examples of points example from the You
es example are are relevant s from writer’s discussed
s are inadequat but general the personal previous
included e or of or not writer’s experience,
. unclear based in experien academic
relevance experience. ce are work, or s working
. specific field with
and experience children
pertinent illustrate and how it
. points in a
vivid or
memorable your
way. decision to
teach and
your life.
Qualit The The The The In addition to
y of statement statement, statement statement being clear,
Writin is very though is is clear, well Just a few
g difficult to comprehe understand well organized, free grammatic
read nsible, has able plus organized, from errors of al or
because of obvious two of the free from mechanics and
its style, problems following: errors of usage, and
usage, in two of 1) organized, mechanics written in an structure
mechanics the and usage, appropriate errors.
2) free
, or following and academic Some
organizati areas: written in style, the sentences
errors of
on. style, an statement 1)
mechani seemed
usage and appropriat has a single,
cs and very long
mechanics e unifying theme
, or academic and 2) is and a bit
3) in an
organizati style. strongly hard to
on. suggestive of
e follow due
the writer’s
to length.

Additional Comments:
Additional Comments: Your educational philosophy statement paper was a good read. You have a great way
with words. I loved how you expressed your thoughts with more sophisticated words. You took simple
sentences/statements and made them so much more interesting to read. There were a few sentences that I felt
were harder to understand because they were so long. I know using complex and compound sentences is what
is expected at college level but sometimes it is better to split them into two separate thoughts that can be
better understood. You were clear about your strategies and approach to teaching your students.

Reviewee: Jaylyn Thrower Date: 7-22-20

Evaluator: Heather Smith Date: 7-22-20

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