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2017 F3 Bio Revision Exercise – Suggested answers

Section A: Multiple Choices

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. B

11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C

Section B: Short Questions

1. (a) Triglycerides



(b) cellulose; glucose; shape/support/protection (any two); epidermal/mesophyll/vascular

(c) (i) The different side chains/functional groups of the amino acids. (1)
(ii) No. (1)
Proteins can be of different length. So there is much more combinations that can be
formed from A, B and C. (1)
(d) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (1)
(e) energy reserve; insulating layer; buoyancy (3)

Structures Onion leaf E. coli Human sperm

cells cells
1. DNA    (1)
2. Ribosome    (1)
3. Chloroplast  x x (1)
4. Cell wall   x (1)
5. Cell membrane    (1)

(a) organ
(b) tissue
(c) organism

4. (a) E (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) A

5. (a) B (b) D (c) A (d) C (e) E

Section C: Structural Questions

(a) Nitrogen/ Sulphur (1m)
(b) (i) F (1m)
(ii) D (1m)
(iii) E (1m)
(iv) C (1m)
(c) (v)  (iii)  (iv)  (ii)  (i)
(d) (ii). Temperature of the water bath should be mentioned. i.e. 100°C
(iii). Mention the volume of solution added to the test tube. i.e. 2ml
(a) Any one of the following: (1)
1. To prevent the specimen from drying because of evaporation.
2. To flatten the specimen so that they can be seen easily in one plane of focus for the
objective lens.
3. To prevent the objective lens from getting dirty by touching the specimen or the
mounting medium.
(b) Air bubble (1)
(c) (iris) diaphragm (1)
(d) Chloroplast (1); contains chlorophyll to absorb light for photosynthesis (1)
(e) Title + correct magnification 400x (1); Drawing (2);
Labels @ 0.5 each: cell wall / cytoplasm / chloroplast / cell membrane (2)

(a) Advantage: higher resolution (1)
Disadvantage: black and white image only / only dead specimens can be viewed (1)
(Accept other reasonable answers)
(b) A is mitochondrion (1). It releases energy from organic food substances by aerobic respiration
B is nucleus (1). It controls all activities of the cell (1).
(c) Similarity: Both are double membrane (1)
Difference: There are pores on membrane of B but there is none on membrane of A / The inner
membrane of A is highly folded while that of B is not (1).
(d) Ribosome; for protein synthesis / rough ER; for transport of protein / smooth ER; for lipid
synthesis / any other correct answer (1+1)
(e) 1/1.5 * 0.9 (1) = 0.6µm (1)

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