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Apologizing & Handling Complaint

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Apologizing & Handling Complaint

(gambar orang sedang meminta maaf)


“to offer an apology or excuse for some fault, insult, failure, or
Guests expect an apology to be delivered promptly, so
responding to a problem as quickly as possible is critical to
guest satisfaction. For this reason, hotel staff cannot wait until
checkout to offer their apology since it may be too late to turn
around the guest’s impression of the hotel.

(gambar tentang meminta maaf)

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Ways to express honest apology

- I’m really sorry
- Please forgive me
- I apologize


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Handling complaint

Guest Complain cycle:

- Listen
- Empathize
- Apologize
- Take Action
- Follow up

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When expressing a complaint, the guest may be quite angry.
Front office staff members should not make promises that
exceed their authority.
Honesty is the best policy when dealing with guest complaints.
If a problem cannot be solved, front office staff should admit
this to the guest early on.
Front office staff should be advised that some guests complain
as part of their nature. The staff should develop an approach
for dealing with such guests.
Top Ten ways of handling guest Complaints:
1. Listen with concern and empathy.
2. Isolate the guest if possible, so that other guests won't
3. Stay calm. Don't argue with the guest.
4. Be aware of the guest's self-esteem. Show a personal
interest in the problem, Try to use the guest name
5. Give the guest your undivided attention. Concentrate on
the problem, no on placing blame. Do NOT Insult the
6. Take notes. Writing down the key facts saves time if
someone else must get involved. Also, Guest tends to slow
down when they see the front desk agent trying to write
down the issue.
7. Tell the guest what can be the best done. Offer choices.
Don't promise the impossible, and don't exceed your
8. Set an approximate time for completion of corrective
actions. Be specific, but do not underestimate the amount
of time it will take to resolve the problem.
9. Monitor the progress of the corrective action.
10. Follow up. Even if the complaint was resolved by
someone else, contact the guest to ensure that the
problem was resolved satisfactorily.
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Handling Complain Dialogues

*This dialog happened after the guest has ordered the food.
(Dialog ini terjadi setelah tamu memesan makanan).
Waiter : These are your orders Sir, a chicken steak with
mushroom sauce and a glass of avocado juice. (Ini pesanan –
pesanan anda Pak, sebuah steak ayam dengan saus jamur dan
segelas jus alpukat).
Guest  : Excuse me, waiter. (Maaf, pelayan).
Waiter : Yes, Sir. What can I do for you? (Ya, Pak. Ada yang bisa
saya bantu?).
Guest  : I am sorry but this is not like what I have ordered.
Would you mind telling me who’s the chef? (Maaf makanan ini
tidak seperti yang saya pesan. Bisakah anda memberitahu siapa
Waiter : I am so sorry Sir. Is there any problem with your
order? (Saya minta maaf Pak. Apakah ada masalah dengan
pesanan anda?).
Guest  : Yeah. I think there is something wrong about the
food. Do you still remember what I’ve ordered? (Ya. Saya rasa
ada sesuatu yang salah dengan makanannya. Apakah anda
masih ingat dengan apa yang telah saya pesan?).
Waiter : Okay Sir, let me repeat your order. You ordered a
chicken steak with mushroom sauce and a glass of avocado
juice. (Baik Pak, persilahkan saya untuk mengulangi pesanan
anda. Anda memesan sebuah steak ayam dengan saus jamur
dan segelas jus alpukat).
Guest  : Yes, but as you can see, I ordered a chicken steak with
mushroom sauce but that is a black pepper sauce and also the
chicken is not well-cooked. (Ya, tapi seperti yang anda lihat,
saya memesan sebuah steak ayam dengan saus jamur tetapi itu
adalah saus lada hitam dan juga ayamnya tidak matang).
Waiter : I really apologize for this inconvenience Sir. Allow me
to get you the new one. (Saya sungguh meminta maaf atas
ketidaknyamanan ini Pak. Persilahkan saya untuk memberi
anda yang baru).
Guest  : That’s alright. This restaurant has been running for so
long, I just don’t expect that such things happen here.
(Baiklah. Restoran ini sudah berjalan begitu lama, saya hanya
tidak menyangka hal – hal seperti itu bisa terjadi disini).
Waiter : I’m sorry Sir. I apologize on behalf of my chef. (Saya
minta maaf Pak. Saya meminta maaf atas nama koki saya).
Guest  : Okay, no problem. Just make sure that such things will
not happen again. (Oke, tidak masalah. Hanya pastikan hal –
hal seperti itu tidak terjadi lagi).
Waiter : Alright Sir. Thank you for your kindness. (Baik Pak.
Terima kasih atas keramahan anda).
Guest  : I would appreciate if you can replace it with the new
one. (Saya akan menghargai apabila anda dapat menggantinya
dengan yang baru).
Waiter : Absolutely Sir, please wait a moment. (Tentu saja
tuan, tolong tunggu sebentar).
Guest  : Ok, thanks. (Ok, terima kasih).
Waiter : You are welcome Sir. (Terima kasih kembali Pak).

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Sekian…Thank you….Hatur Nuhun

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