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Student Name: Moin uddin Ahmed Student Id: 11925

Q.1 Your generation will change jobs 10 to 14 times by age 38.

Purpose of Description

Understanding Millennials’ work wants is fundamental for agent support since of the number

of Period X pros who are unfit to fill the work openings that Child Boomers take
off purge when leaving from workforce. The reason of this subjective, phenomenological consider was
to examine the work wants of Millennial Period people. Male and female people of the
Millennial Time who were born between the a long time 1981 and 1990, held a bachelor’s degree, and
had at scarcest 1 year of work association taken portion inside the consider inside the Baltimore-
Washington metropolitan area.

Focus on marginalized voices

Here already mentioned that by age 38 switch jobs 10 to 14 times. As per the study mentioned here.

Inductive method

25 per cent of workers leave their current job within a year, according to the U.S. Department of

Labor. Within 5 years, 50 per cent of employees quit their current employment. Therefore they

would most likely have moved to 10 to 14 jobs by the time they hit age 38.

Phenomenological Validity

As we can see the trend in job switching has become more of a kind of style than a necessity

Q.2 One in eight couples married in the United States in 2007 met online.

Purpose of description

This statement is describing and showing the results that how many couples met online

before their marriages.

Focus on Marginalized Voices

The Marginalized Voice is “One in eight Couples” is showing and paying attention in order

to bring the fact to the reader

Student Name: Moin uddin Ahmed Student Id: 11925

Inductive Method

With the help of qualitative method we explore how the efficiency of Internet search is changing the

way Americans find romantic partners by open ended text as well as closed ended question.

Phenomenological Validity:

Human Resource Management – Health & Safety in an Organization In my opinion this statement is valid

because, online dating is most popular way couples meet.

Q.3 If Myspace were a country, it would be the 11th largest in the world

Purpose of Description:

People are using different source to get information and Google is considered the best and the most

visited site for searching. But Myspace is the one that since its launch has many subscribers that are

growing in number. As Myspace has been operating 6 before Google people prefer it more as they are

into its user interference.

Focus on Marginalized Voices:

Marginalized Voices in this statement is “11th Largest by population” which quantifying the
statement that how much it would be large, in terms of population

Inductive Method:

If we talk about Inductive methods, the researchers studied the data of incoming new users on
Myspace periodically.

Phenomenological Validity

Phenomenological Validity is based on the research which has been done by the researchers on
the above mentioned statement.
Student Name: Moin uddin Ahmed Student Id: 11925

Q4: The number of text messages sent each day exceeds the population of the planet.

■ Purpose of description:

Is that since the first commercial text of 1992 now people send so many messages that it has exceeded
the total population of the planet. It is evident as an average person sends and receives around 250,000
text and emails by the age of 21 as 70% of children of 4 have access to internet.

■ Focus on marginalized voices:

Is the exceeding use of text messages.

■ Inductive method:

Inductive method is the text message usage for communication and age of people using it.

■ Phenomenological validity:

Phenomenological validity is that people are now communicating through message in large number and
so much that the total number of message is more than the population of the planet

Q.5 The average teenager spends 6.5 hours per day engaged with media (Internet,

television, phone, or radio) outside of school time.

Purpose of description

Gen Xers are more attractive with internet and other sources of entertainment such as video

games and text messages.

Gen Xers’ likings are getting changed. instead of reading books and social gathering, online

chatting and spending more time with video games and learning and getting information on one

click have become a trend.

Focus on marginalized voices

Gen Xers who spent more time with internet television and video games outside of school time.

Inductive method

Thought based on living style of Gen Xers.

Student Name: Moin uddin Ahmed Student Id: 11925

Phenomenological Validity

Assessment of Gen Xers of this era with old generation and their preferences

Q6. Information is increasing so rapidly that what a college student learns in his or her first year of
college will be outdated by his or her third year.

■ Purpose of description:

People have exposure to internet more so they are able to learn and give more information o0n
different aspects more over people can easily access any information and also share them and verify
them. So due to this a large number of information is being generated and many books are being
published as compared to the previous times when around 3,000 were publish now every 72 hour new
10 information is generated and so are large number of books published. It also because people want to
learn more and are aware of their educational needs that they demand from educational institutes too.

■ Focus on marginalized voices:

It changes in the curriculum of colleges based on the information updates.

■ Inductive method:

It will be is the different college student’s majors, changes in the information available and educational

■ Phenomenological validity:

Many books are being publish in large number and new information is being generated on web. So it
has also impacted the outdating of information as new is being generated rapidly



Purpose of Description:

The purpose of this statement is to explain that time period for which the information is transferred to
the students and is kept in their brains.

Focus on Marginalized Voices:

“Outdated Information” Inductive Method: In my opinion, increase learning and teaching through

Human Resource Management – Health & Safety in an Organization

Student Name: Moin uddin Ahmed Student Id: 11925

Phenomenological Validity:

In my opinion this statement is valid because, students are more focus in technologies rather than

There are 2.7 billion searches on Google each month.

■ Purpose of description: Is that many people have got access to internet now. People use it for
information as there is rapid need of content as every 72 hour there is new content generated. People
are more into learning and Google is the source to many.

■ Focus on marginalized voices:

is the users of Google for searching information.

■ Inductive method:

is that usage of Google for search, availability of information and user friendliness

■ Phenomenological validity:

is that Google is preferred by large popluatio9n due to its access and user interference

Q.8 There are 2.7 billion searches on Google each month.

Purpose of description

People interest and agility towards change and technological advancement as2.7 billion searches

performed on Google each month before there was my-space; whose visitors are more than 50

million now. The number of Google operators are increasing based on the increasing need.

Focus on marginalized voices

Google search engine operators.

Inductive method

Is that usage of Google for search, availability of information and user friend lines

Phenomenological Validity

Is that Google is preferred by large population due to its access and user interference

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