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March 16, 2020

UTS11 MWF 12:00-1:00 Dr. Marietta D. Subida


As a citizen of our country, it is very worrying, horrifying and grief moment for the all of us.
Although I expect this kind of situation will come to our country, you want to know why? Simply,
because from the beginning of the CoVID-19 where it started in the province of Wuhan in China, we all
know how hypocrite our President is, and I am aware of that and I am disappointed about the actions of
our President also. I’ve been hearing news about how other foreign countries acted upon the spreading
Coronavirus, while compared to our government which was too slow and weak as they act upon on it. It is
really alarming how our transportation of airline was very open in allowing such foreign and local
passenger from abroad back and forth. They weren’t be able to detected and assessed such enormous
counts of passengers in relation to the COVID-19. And now, we may think about how our government
officials are doing right now especially our Pres. Duterte but we should look after for ourselves first. I
maybe a student only to say such things like these but I am confident as I graduated at PUP Senior High
School allowed me to be exposed to what is the reality in the political and local settings. Our government
should be the one to put in blame for they didn’t act as fast as they can and think about what will happen
to our country and to the Filipinos instead of be so friendly and kind to foreign countries especially to
China. But it was too late for all the blaming moment.
Yes, we cannot deny the fact that it is a sudden grief for the rising positive cases in our country
and also the death rates being recorded. It is truly the exact idea and expectation I have in my mind that
when COVID-19 enters our country, it would be a disaster greater than the past crisis we experienced in
the past few years. As an individual, a daughter and citizen, we should act personally. Safety should start
from ourselves then to other people. We should cooperate to any safety measure of our government for
more effective solution to this pandemic disease. Aside from that, the most important thing to do is pray
to our God. We should not forget to pray for the protection and healing from our Almighty Healer and
Father, God and his son Jesus, together with Holy Spirit. Our God has mercy on us. He will not let us
suffer things that we cannot overcome.



Physical self refers to our body in which both physical extremities and internal organs work
together for the body to perform many of its functions such as breathing, walking, eating and sleeping
among others. The body’s ability to perform its functions gradually changes through an individual’s
aging. And, that the body performs least during infancy and old age. Our physical efficiency peaks in
early adulthood between the ages of the 20 and 30, and then slowly declines into the middle age.
Basically, coronavirus attacks our respiratory system more often that other body systems.
Implications of this virus to the physical self maybe few but definitely can affect such physical activities
that we do in our daily lives. In this kind of situations, we are in community quarantine that also includes
self-quarantine. It means we should only stay at home if we don’t have any necessary or urgent
appointments and errands to do outside or far from our home. It also implies we are limited in terms of
time and chance to go out for a walk, jog, exercise and workout a bit to maintain our body shape and
more. We may develop such sedentary lifestyle which may affect our behaviour and health that also have
and effects in our physical self. This moment we should taking care of ourselves that we are not able to
dress up normally, and we should wear personal protective equipment and be alert always. As physical
self also includes our appearance especially our faces, we should be aware and avoid in touching our
faces not just because it might get dirty but also viruses in your hands from things you’ve been holding
for a long time may be contaminated or infected by the viruses and get into you face and travel to your
lungs through mouth and airways. This pandemic crisis is very stressful and yet full of negativity that it
can affect such concentration of our minds that can also affect our physical self. Don’t panic for what will
happen. Think positively and pray for in the following days and weeks, great news will come in our way.

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