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Десислава Петкова
Яна Спасова


Десислава Петкова
Яна Спасова


ISBN 978-954-01-4002-5

Цена 9,00 лв. • FOR THE 11th– 12th GRADES
Десислава Петкова
Яна Спасова

B1.1 CEF

FOR THE 11th–12th GRADES

Може да свалите тестовете към книгата за учителя за 11. и 12. клас заедно с отговорите
и текстовете за слушане от следните линкове след безплатна регистрация:
TEEN ZONE B1.1. Тестове за 11. клас към книгата за учителя
TEEN ZONE B1.1. Аудиофайлове за 11. клас към тестовете в книгата за учителя
TEEN ZONE B1.1. Тестове за 12. клас към книгата за учителя
TEEN ZONE B1.1. Аудиофайлове за 12. клас към тестовете в книгата за учителя
Може да свалите примерни годишни тематични разпределения от следните линкове:
TEEN ZONE B1.1. Примерно годишно тематично разпределение по английски език за 11. клас
TEEN ZONE B1.1. Примерно годишно тематично разпределение по английски език за 12. клас

© Десислава Петкова Петкова, Яна Михайлова Спасова, 2020 г.
© Бояна Иванова Павлова – художник на графичния дизайн, 2020 г.
© Симеон Николаев Николов – художник на корицата, 2020 г.
© „Просвета – София“ АД, всички права запазени.

ISBN 978–954–01–4002–5

СТРУКТУРА НА ЕЗИКОВАТА СИСТЕМА .................................................................................................... 5

ПОДХОДИ ПРИ ВЪВЕЖДАНЕТО НА ГРАМАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА.............................................................. 6

СТРАТЕГИИ ЗА ПРЕПОДАВАНЕ НА ЛЕКСИКА................................................................................ 7

СТРАТЕГИИ ЗА ПРЕПОДАВАНЕ НА ГРАМАТИКА........................................................................... 8

РАЗВИВАНЕ НА УМЕНИЯТА ЧЕТЕНЕ, СЛУШАНЕ, ГОВОРЕНЕ И ПИСАНЕ............................................... 9

ОБЩИ ПРЕПОРЪКИ................................................................................................................................... 11


TEEN ZONE B1.1 ЗА 11. КЛАС................................................................................................................................ 13

GRAMMAR CHECK........................................................................................................................... 13

Unit 1 IDENTITY..................................................................................................................................................... 15

Unit 2 GOING PLACES............................................................................................................................................ 20

Unit 3 BACK IN TIME.............................................................................................................................................. 25

Unit 4 THE WORLD IS ON FIRE.............................................................................................................................. 29

Unit 5 THE CHOICE IS YOURS................................................................................................................................ 34

REVISION 1....................................................................................................................................... 38

TEEN ZONE B1.1 ЗА 11. КЛАС, WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY.......................................................... 40

TEEN ZONE B1.1 ЗА 12. КЛАС............................................................................................................................... 48

Unit 6 ENJOY YOUR MEAL..................................................................................................................................... 48

Unit 7 DEALING WITH EMOTIONS......................................................................................................................... 52

Unit 8 SHOPPING THE WAY YOU LIKE IT!............................................................................................................. 55

Unit 9 WITH RESPONSIBILITY COMES MATURITY................................................................................................. 59

Unit 10 SPREAD YOUR WINGS............................................................................................................................... 63

REVISION 2....................................................................................................................................... 69

TEEN ZONE B1.1 ЗА 12. КЛАС, WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY.......................................................... 71

Скъпи колеги,
Добре дошли на територията на TEEN ZONE – съвременна езикова система по английски език, която
създадохме, за да мотивираме учениците и да улесним учителите. Вярваме, че ключът към успешното
учене на чужд език е интересното съдържание, което пренася света на тийнейджърите в класната
стая, както и забавните комуникативни и интерактивни дейности. Постигнали сме това с помощта на
героите и техните реални истории, съвременните текстове, блог постовете, живия разговорен език,
полезните рубрики, занимателната културна информация, тестовете за личностно развитие, игрите,
проектите, съобразени с най-новите тенденции в Европа, песните и моделите за писане. Езиковата
система е създадена специално за неинтензивно и неразширено обучение по английски език в българските
училища и е съобразена с типичните трудности, които срещат българските ученици. Новите знания се
въвеждат плавно, като сме осигурили много възможности за преговор и разширяване на изучения мате-
риал. Постигнали сме оптимален баланс между познатото и новото и сме използвали ефективни методи,
които да помогнат на учениците да развият така наречените умения на XXI век. Убедени сме, че сме
подбрали най-необходимата лексика, за да може учениците уверено да говорят, четат, слушат и пишат
по всички изучавани теми. Граматиката също е важна за успешната комуникация, но често затруднява
учениците, затова сме я поднесли на малки порции във всеки урок, с прилагане на откривателския подход.
Сайтът на проекта и имейл адресът ще ни помогнат
заедно да създаваме, съхраняваме и споделяме материали за всеки урок, както и да поддържаме постоян-
на връзка с вас.
Вярваме, че с учебната система TEEN ZONE ще откриете път към вашите ученици и че той ще е осе-
ян с вдъхновение и мотивация!

Десислава Петкова и Яна Спасова

СТРУКТУРА • Секция GRAMMAR REFERENCE, която представя
граматичните структури в табличен вид.
НА ЕЗИКОВАТА • Подробен поурочен речник с фонетична тран-
скрипция и превод на български език.
Езиковата система TEEN ZONE B1.1 за 11. и 12. клас
е разработена съгласно учебната програма, която Учебният комплект TEEN ZONE B1.1 съдържа две
влезе в сила през 2017 г. Уроците са предвидени за учебни тетрадки, съответно за 11. и 12. клас. Вся-
72 часа годишно по чужд език в 11. клас и 62 часа – в ка тетрадка съдържа 5 урока и се използва за ра-
12. клас. бота в клас и вкъщи. Упражненията са предвидени
за затвърждаване на лексиката и граматиката, за
STUDENT’S BOOK разширяване на отделни аспекти от изучавания
материал и за развиване на умението писане. Всеки
урок включва четири постоянни рубрики: VOCABU-
Учебникът съдържа:
• 10 УРОКА, всеки от които се състои от 3 части
то се състоят от задачи за попълване на пропусна-
– А, B и C. Всяка част е разположена на един раз-
ти думи в контекст, за ограждане/подчертаване
твор в учебника. Всеки урок съдържа рубрики,
на верен отговор, за разкриване на скоби, за попъл-
които развиват четирите умения – слушане,
ване на отговори на въпроси, за свързване на думи
четене, говорене и писане. Те са в различен ред
и дефиниции, за подреждане на фрази в диалози, за
и с различна тежест според сюжета и особе­
съставяне на свързани текстове по модел/опора и
ностите на темата.
т.н. Всеки урок съдържа и обяснение на граматич-
• Рубрика SMART SKILLS във всеки урок, която съ-
ните понятия на български език, което улеснява
държа разнообразни по жанр съвременни позна-
учениците при усвояването на учебния материал
вателни текстове. В тази рубрика учениците
и изпълнението на домашната работа. 
се запознават с интересни културни феноме-
В учебните тетрадки са поместени и страни-
ни и неусетно преговарят изучения материал,
ците PROGRESS REVIEW след всеки урок, които се
обогатяват общата си култура и дискутират
състоят от упражнения по лексика и граматика и
по важни за тях теми. Част от SMART SKILLS
дават възможност за допълнителна практика и са-
мооценка. Чрез PROGRESS REVIEW учениците могат
да проверят какво са научили, и да попълнят про-
BOOK CLUB, които дават възможност за разви-
пуските си при подготовката за тест.
ване на уменията на XXI век – умения за общува-
В края на всяка тетрадка е приложен и подро-
не на чужд и роден език, социални и граждански
бен списък с неправилни глаголи.
компетентности, културна компетентност и
творчество, както и за здравословен начин на
• Два обобщителни преговорни урока REVISION с
упражнения за самостоятелна работа. Те съдър- Книгата за учителя представя нашата концепция,
жат разнообразни задачи, които проверяват предлага разработки на различните типове уроци
четирите езикови умения, лексиката и грама- и практически съвети, текстовете към упраж-
тиката. В началото на учебника с урока GRAM- ненията за слушане и отговорите на задачите в
MAR CHECK се прави бърз преглед на основната учебника и учебните тетрадки. В нея ще намери-
граматика, изучена в нива A1–A2. те и допълнителна културологична информация
• Секция WRITING FILE с модели за създаване на към някои задачи.
текст към уроци 1, 3, 5, 7 и 9. Те помагат на Към книгата за учителя сме предвидили безплат-
учениците да съставят различни типове текст ни онлайн ресурси в секцията „БЕЗПЛАТНИ РЕСУРСИ“
(описание на процес, биография на историческа към съответния клас на сайта
личност, попълване на медицински формуляр, • Четири теста за 11. клас и три теста за 12.
кратък разказ по преживявано, електронно пис- клас в Word формат, които съдържат задачи
мо). Отделно от това всеки урок в учебните за проверка на слушането, четенето, грамати-
тетрадки включва рубриката WRITING, в която ката, лексиката, комуникативните умения и за
са предложени разнообразни задачи за развиване създаване на писмен текст. Там ще намерите
на умението писане по изучаваните теми. отговорите и аудиозапис към задачите за слу-
• Секция PROJECTS с 5 проекта, разработени спо- шане.
ред най-съвременните тенденции в чуждоезико- • Примерни годишни тематични разпределения и
вото обучение. процентно разпределение на задължителните
• Секция TRANSCRIPT с текстовете към подбрани учебни часове за годината – нови знания, прего-
упражнения за слушане. вор и тестове.

Всички тези ресурси може да намерите на лин-
ковете, посочени на стр. 1 в книгата за учителя. NB! Предложените в учебника и книгата за учи-
теля уебсайтове са внимателно проверени и
към момента на издаване на учебния комплект
ОНЛАЙН ЗАПИСИ не съдържат ненадеждна информация или не-

ЗА СЛУШАНЕ подходящи материали от каквото и да било

естество. Издателството не носи отговор-
ност, ако това вече не е така.
Файловете са достъпни на адрес:


За да сме актуални в контекста на дигитализира- Електроният учебник предлага интерактивни за-
ната класна стая, създадохме сайт с материали за дачи, с които преподаваното съдържание се зат-
учителите, работещи с езиковата система. На върждава, обобщава, систематизира и разширява.
този сайт може да споделяте създадени от вас он- Включените ресурси са от типа анимирана грама-
лайн ресурси към уроците. Целта на сайта е неп­ тика, попълване на липсващи думи, избор на верен
рекъснато обогатяване и осъвременяване на мате- отговор, свързване на понятия с изображения, под-
риалите, включени в учебния комплект. Ресурсите реждане на параграфи, откриване на грешки и т.н.
са достъпни на адрес: Всяко упражнение дава възможност за самооценка
и проверка на верния отговор. Електронният учеб-
ник съдържа всички аудиозаписи към упражненията
за слушане в хартиения учебник.

ПОДХОДИ ПРИ • Всеки урок в учебната тетрадка съдържа

подробно обяснение на граматичните понятия
ВЪВЕЖДАНЕТО на български език, което улеснява разбирането
на граматиката и изпълнението на домашната
• В някои случаи може по ваша преценка да въве-
И ЛЕКСИКА дете граматиката, която се преподава в даде-
ния урок, още в началото на урока и след това
да преминете към текстовете за слушане и че-
• Граматиката се въвежда постепенно – придър-
жали сме се максимално към принципа във всяка
част (A, B, C) на урока да представяме само една ЛЕКСИКА
нова граматична функция.
• Новата граматика се представя в контекст – в • Лексиката е тематично групирана и се въвеж-
текст за четене, задача за слушане с разбиране да на едно или повече места в урока. Най-често
или в друг вид задача. уроците започват с лексикално поле по изучава-
• Учениците прилагат откривателския подход ната тема, което помага на учениците да се
и попълват липсващи граматични форми в сек- справят по-лесно с текстовете за слушане и
цията GRAMMAR въз основа на ясни примери. четене.
След това веднага правят справка със секцията • Новата лексика се въвежда в контекста на реал-
GRAMMAR REFERENCE в края на учебника. на комуникативна ситуация, интригуващи тек-
• Рубриката REFRESH YOUR MEMORY припомня стове и конкретен илюстративен материал.
вече изучени граматични конструкции по син- • Трайното запаметяване на лексиката се осъ-
тезиран и добре организиран начин. Така учени- ществява чрез разнообразни дейности в учебни-
ците са по-уверени при работата с новия гра- ка и учебните тетрадки.
матичен материал. • Лексиката се упражнява и преговаря многократ-
• Рубриката IMPORTANT! съдържа примери, срав- но във всички рубрики в урока.
нения и съвети за по-лесно усвояване на особе- • Учениците се учат да отгатват значението на
ностите на граматиката, които затрудняват непознати думи и да прилагат компенсаторни
българските ученици. стратегии.
• Граматиката се затвърждава на страниците • Част от лексиката е обяснена на английски
PROGRESS REVIEW след всеки урок, поместени в език, което развива усета за структурата на
учебните тетрадки. В уроците REVISION също английското изречение и допълнително създава
има задачи за проверка на граматиката. компенсаторни стратегии за справяне при го-

СТРАТЕГИИ преподаването по-забавно: може да дадете инфор-
мация за произхода на думата, да я свържете със
ЗА ПРЕПОДАВАНЕ ситуация или друга сродна дума, да илюстрирате
значението с рисунка на дъската или да обсъдите
НА ЛЕКСИКА от какви части се състои.
Преценете какъв брой думи учениците могат
да усвоят за един час. Ако в урока има голям брой
В следващата част предлагаме някои от нашите
нови думи, преподайте само част от тях или се
изпитани стратегии за преподаване на лексика и
фокусирайте върху ключовите думи за разбиране
граматика. Може да ги прилагате директно или да
на текста. Следващия час въведете останалата
ги адаптирате според нуждите на вашите ученици.
• Възползвайте се, че работите с клас със смесе­
• Работа с активна и пасивна лексика
ни способности
При подбора на лексиката, която трябва да
Учениците в почти всички класове са с различни
преподадете, обръщайте внимание на това дали
знания и способности за усвояване на езика. Затова,
съответната дума е активна, или пасивна лексика
преди да въведете дадена лексика, проверете дали
за ниво B1.1. Приоритет има активната лексика,
учениците знаят новите думи или част от тях.
а пасивната превеждайте в движение и не фокуси-
Например, ако преподавате лексикалното поле
райте вниманието на учениците върху нея. Обяс-
„мебели“, посочете стол и попитайте: „What’s
нете на учениците, че не е необходимо да разби-
this?“. Ако някои ученици знаят думата, ги помо-
рат всяка дума в изречението, а по-скоро общия
лете да я спелуват. За останалите ученици дума-
смисъл. Разбира се, за целта трябва да знаят кои са
та е непозната, затова я запишете на дъската и я
ключовите думи в изречението (подлог, сказуемо,
номерирайте. Например: 1. chair /tʃeər/. След това
допълнение). Може да възлагате на по-бързите уче-
кажете превода на думата на български език. Уче-
ници да проверяват пасивната лексика в речника
ниците записват в тетрадката си номер, дума,
в края на учебника или в онлайн речник и да дават
транскрипция и превод.
пример за употребата на думата. Препоръчваме
Друг начин за преподаване на нова лексика в
по-бавните ученици да се фокусират само върху ак-
смесени класове е достигането до значението на
тивната лексика.
непознатата дума в контекст. Учениците, които
знаят думата, може да измислят изречение с нея
• Затвърждаване и проверка на наученото
или да намерят пример в интернет. Учителят
По време на следващия урок проверете усвоя-
може да предложи на учениците онлайн речник, в
ването на новите думи в различни видове задачи
който те да намерят примерни изречения.
– четене, говорене, слушане и писане. Оценявайте
старанието и напредъка на учениците. Използвай-
• Класическият начин за учене на думи работи
те всяка възможност за преговор и разширяване
Повтаряйте на учениците, че усвояването на
на лексиката – обсъждайте предстоящи празници,
лексика е много важна част от ученето на език.
любими книги, филми и песни, текущи събития и
За да научат една дума, е необходимо да положат
всичко, което е интересно на учениците. При нали-
усилия. Затова е важно да я напишат 10 пъти за
чие на интернет връзка може да намерите снимки,
домашна работа. Писането не бива да става ме-
с които да илюстрирате съответната дума.
ханично – ученикът пише думата на английски,
произнася я и казва българския превод. След всяка
дума се оставя по един празен ред за прегледност.
Уверяваме ви, че след като изпълнят задачата по Направете постер заедно с вашите ученици,
този начин веднъж и видят колко е полезна, учени- който да закачите на стената.
ците сами ще започнат да прилагат този метод. HOW TO LEARN VOCABULARY
Уговорете се с учениците, които знаят думата, да 1. Find examples of how the word is used.
напишат само изречение/я с тази дума. 2. Learn one meaning at a time.
3. Use the word in a phrase or in a sentence: e.g.
• Събудете асоциативното и логическото мис­ dance beautifully/dance at a party.
лене на учениците 4. Stick notes with new words around your house.
При първото споменаване на думата попитай- Change the words every week.
те учениците дали има нещо особено в нейния пра- 5. Make new words into a picture, a story or a song.
вопис и произношение. Ако вие или някой от уче- 6. Read books, listen to songs, play games, and watch
ниците се сетите за по-лесен начин за запомняне, films in English.
го обсъдете с всички. Тук е мястото да направите

СТРАТЕГИИ Ученето наизуст е добър подход за подсъзнателно
(без обяснения) учене. Учениците запомнят употре-
ЗА ПРЕПОДАВАНЕ бата на лексиката в контекст и използват готови
граматични конструкции, които при натрупване
НА ГРАМАТИКА се превръщат в активни модели за говорене и пи-
сане. Заучаването на диалози развива комуникатив-
ните умения на учениците, а разиграването им в
Макар да е придобила статута на безинтересна и
час внася разнообразие и творчество в учебния
откровено трудна заради множеството правила
и изключения, граматиката е важна за успешната
комуникация. За да са убедени в това, учениците
• Поправяне на грешки
трябва да видят приложимостта є. Затова сме се
Когато ученикът прави грешка при говорене
погрижили да въвеждаме всяка граматична единица
или при проверка на упражнение, поправяйте само
в реален контекст. Истината е, че не съществува
грубите грешки и се фокусирайте предимно върху
лесен начин за учене на граматика. Дори ученици-
грешките при граматиката, изучавана в момента.
те веднага да разберат правилото, са необходи-
Винаги първо давайте възможност на ученика сам
ми многократни повторения: да виждат и чуват
да поправи грешката си, след това – тези на парт-
граматичната структура в контекст, след това
ньора, на останалите ученици от класа, и чак след
– множество упражнения и използване в собствени
това вие поправете грешките. Може да повтори-
изречения, преди съответната граматика да бъде
те сгрешеното изречение с препоръка ученикът да
помисли отново и да се поправи. Този процес може
да ви се струва бавен и трудоемък, но той се от-
• Преподаване на граматични правила
плаща, защото активира процесите на усвояване
Прилагайте заложения в учебника откривател-
на граматични модели, които се извършват в мозъ-
ски подход, т.е. оставете учениците сами да из-
ка. При усвояване на нова граматика първоначално
влекат правилата от дадените примери. Когато
не осъзнаваме, че сме сгрешили. На следващ етап
учениците сами правят изводи за употребата на
казваме нещо неправилно и усещаме, че грешим, но
граматичните единици, по-лесно и трайно усвоя-
не знаем как да се поправим – очакваме корекция
ват закономерностите на граматиката. Старай-
отвън. На по-следващ етап казваме нещо грешно,
те се да илюстрирате правилата със запомнящи
осъзнаваме, че сме сгрешили, и сами се коригираме.
се примери – изречения, които илюстрират ситу-
Накрая започваме да използваме съответната гра-
ации от всекидневието на учениците. Окуражете
матика правилно – поправяме грешката в движе-
учениците да научат наизуст по един или два при-
ние, преди да сме я направили, или направо избира-
мера, вместо да заучават правилата. Като сравня-
ме граматически правилния модел.
ват заучените примери с конкретната ситуация,
учениците ще развият усет кога да използват съ-
• Прилагане на научената граматика
ответната граматична структура.
В началото на следващия учебен час задайте
въпроси към учениците, използвайки вече позната
• Упражняване на граматика
граматика. Създайте подходящия контекст, за да
Осигурете достатъчно практика в час. Винаги
може и учениците да използват граматичните
давайте време на учениците да изпълняват упраж-
структури. Коригирайте грешките по гореописа-
ненията самостоятелно или по двойки, след което
ния начин.
проверявайте с целия клас. Обяснете, че проверка-
Задачите за писане са добър показател дали уче-
та на упражненията е добра възможност да запом-
ниците са усвоили новата граматика. Въпреки че
нят новата граматика, и ги окуражете да слушат
проверката на писмени работи е трудоемка и от-
отговорите на съучениците си, а не просто да
говорна задача, възлагайте редовно задачи за писа-
чакат своя ред. Затова ви препоръчваме, когато
не (в учебника и работните тетрадки сме пред-
проверявате изпълнението на граматично упраж-
ложили достатъчно на брой разнообразни задачи).
нение, да посочвате различни ученици, за да сте си-
Ако нямате възможност да проверите всички ра-
гурни, че останалите внимават и следят провер-
боти, нека учениците работят по двойки, като си
ката на задачата. Друг работещ подход е водене
разменят тетрадките, прочетат писмената ра-
на записки и докладване пред класа след работа по
бота на своя партньор и се опитат да поправят
двойки или групи.
някои грешки. Наблюдавайте работата и следете
Стар, но работещ метод е заучаването на
за масово допуснати грешки, които след това об-
цял диалог или част от диалог наизуст. Обяснете
съдете с целия клас.
на учениците, че не е необходимо да рецитират
Алтернативен вариант е всеки час да проверя-
диалога, а по-скоро да са наясно със структурата
вате по няколко работи, като обсъдите основни-
на текста, както и на отделните реплики. Доста-
те грешки пред класа, без да споменавате техни-
тъчно е с малко помощ или при зададен въпрос да
те автори. Може да напишете типични грешки на
могат да възпроизведат определена информация.
дъската и учениците да ги поправят. Вероятно и
други ученици са ги допуснали и ще имат полза от на песни или откъси от филми, които съдържат
обясненията. Насърчавайте учениците да препис- съответната граматика (има много такива при-
ват коригираните работи. Не приемайте текст, мери в книгата за учителя). Ако учениците харе-
напечатан на компютър. сат песента, нека научат текста. Окуражете уче-
ниците да слушат активно, когато гледат филм, и
• Граматиката може да бъде забавна да се опитват да чуят репликите в оригинал, а не
Покажете на учениците, че ученето на грама- само да четат субтитрите.
тика може да бъде забавно. Използвайте текстове

НА УМЕНИЯТА Учениците слушат английска реч в следните случаи:
ЧЕТЕНЕ, СЛУШАНЕ, когато учителят говори на английски език винаги,
когато е възможно; когато съучениците, с които
ГОВОРЕНЕ работят по групи, изказват мнение или предста-
вят информация на английски език; когато слушат
И ПИСАНЕ аудиозаписите към учебния комплект; когато слу-
шат външни източници, като песни или филми.
Текстовете за слушане в учебника имат дължина
ЧЕТЕНЕ между 160 и 180 думи. Основният фокус при задачи-
те за слушане е разбирането на обща информация
Текстовете за четене в учебния комплект TEEN и детайли. Всеки урок съдържа един или два основ-
ZONE са с обем 200 – 220 думи в частта за 11. клас ни текста за слушане, сред които са: представяне,
и 220 – 240 думи – за 12. клас. Предложили сме раз- радиопредаване, интервю, реклама, разписание,
нообразни по вид текстове – публикации в блогове прогноза за времето, разговор в аптеката, в мага-
и форуми, статии от онлайн списания, електронни зина, на летището, в кафенето/ресторанта, диа-
писма, кратки разкази, легенди, научнопопулярни лози на съвременен английски език между връстни-
текстове, автобиографии, интервюта, обяви, ме- ци на учениците и др. Освен в упражненията за
нюта, резюмета на книги, тестове за личностно слушане с разбиране учениците имат възможност
развитие, анекдоти и др. По-голямата част от да чуят автентична английска реч и в отговорите
текстовете са базирани на реални хора, места и на много от задачите в учебника. Така те упражня-
събития. Това ги прави интригуващи и увлекател- ват произношението си и затвърждават новата
ни и учениците лесно се асоциират с героите или лексика. Слушането често е комбинирано с други-
описаните случки. Дейностите при четене разви- те умения – четене, говорене и писане.
ват уменията на учениците да разбират основна-
та идея на текста, да откриват темата, да нами-
рат конкретна информация, както и да определят ГОВОРЕНЕ
изразените в текстовете намерения и чувства.
Говоренето е основна част от концепцията на
Текстовете за четене, включени в учебния ком- TEEN ZONE и за нас е най-важното от четирите
плект, са: умения, затова е застъпено в почти всяка част
• подходящи за възрастта и нивото на ученици- A, B и C на уроците и допълнителните рубрики.
те; Дейностите са подбрани много внимателно, за да
• с послание към младите хора, което ги прави ин- могат учениците постепенно да изградят умения
тересни, но и развиващи личността и критич- за говорене. В началните уроци учениците слушат
ното мислене на учениците; и повтарят думи и изречения, като използват ос-
• добър инструмент за развиване на уменията за новно готови модели за говорене. Рубриката TEEN
междукултурна комуникация, групова работа, TALK фигурира в повечето уроци и помага на учени-
толерантност, както и за изграждане на меж- ците да преминат от контролирано към свободно
дупредметни връзки. говорене.
Изученият материал се индивидуализира непре-
Други особености на рубриката READING: къснато, докато ученикът говори за себе си – спо-
• Четенето винаги е комбинирано с другите уме- деля преживяванията си, препоръчва забележител-
ния – слушане, говорене и писане. ности, изказва съгласие или несъгласие и т.н. Освен
• Рубриката POCKETBOOK представя в лесен за за- това упътва, отправя покана, описва празници и
помняне и справка вид разговорните изрази от традиции, говори за задълженията си, описва про-
живота на тийнейджърите, които са използва- цес и участва в дебати. Илюстративният мате-
ни в текстовете. риал, текстовете за четене и слушане и другите
задачи предоставят интересни теми и са стимул

2. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 9

за учениците да изказват лично мнение и да раз- ват изучената лексика и граматика. Учениците ги
виват своята креативност и критично мислене. виждат в контекста на дадена комуникативна си-
Говоренето винаги се комбинира с останалите туация и се убеждават в тяхната приложимост и
езикови умения. Задачите за говорене затвържда- важност.

КОНКРЕТНИ ват, а да им дадете възможност да се отпуснат

и да се опитат да комуникират на английски. Ако
ПРЕПОРЪКИ ЗА избягвате да възлагате работа по двойки, за нача-
ло може да използвате упражненията за граматика
РАЗВИВАНЕ НА или проверката на домашната работа като лесен
начин учениците да свикнат с идеята за работа с
УМЕНИЕТО ГОВОРЕНЕ партньор. Вашата задача тук е да следите изпъл-
нението и да водите записки, ако откриете пов-
Както казахме, умението говорене е най-важното тарящи се неточности, неясноти и грешки. След
от четирите умения и препоръчваме да го препо- това проверете и обобщете на дъската. Когато
давате мотивирано и систематично. Разбира се, вие и учениците се почувствате уверени в начи-
не може да го правите, без да започнете със слуша- на на изпълнение на задачите по двойки, може да
не. И нямаме предвид само слушане на записите в преминете към същинските дейности за говорене.
учебника. Вие, учителят, сте най-важният източ- Поредността е от контролирано към свободно го-
ник на модели за говорене. Затова използвайте ворене. Използвайте диалозите в учебника и тези
всяка възможност да говорите на английски. Поз- в рубриката TEEN TALK, които са създадени за осъ-
дравявайте, проверявайте присъствията и от- ществяването на тази задача. При всяка дейност
съствията, давайте инструкции, проверявайте е важно да обясните ясно каква е целта є, и да я
домашната работа, изпитвайте и правете прего- демонстрирате.
вор на наученото на английски. Когато учениците Важен момент при развиване на умението гово-
са свикнали английският език да е основният език рене е още в началото да се въведат две основни
на комуникация, те несъзнателно се опитват също понятия: „правилно говорене“ и „свободно говоре-
да го използват. не“ (accuracy and fluency). При всяка задача е добре
Не забравяйте да използвате максимално ресур- вие и учениците да сте наясно кое от двете е
сите за слушане в учебника. Знаете, че в края на целта на дейността за говорене. И следователно
учебника са поместени голяма част от текстове- изпълнението на задачата да е подчинено на тази
те към упражненията за слушане. Окуражавайте цел. Ако задачата е за упражняване на определена
бавните ученици, и не само тях, да ги използват граматична конструкция, т.е. правилно говорене,
при второто слушане на текста или диалога, как- следете за грешки и поправяйте в движение. Ако
то и да слушат и четат едновременно упражнени- е за свободно говорене, тогава окуражавайте уче-
ята вкъщи. Този подход е изключително ползотво- ниците да говорят така, че да бъдат разбрани,
рен за заучаване на правилното произношение на като следите само за груби грешки, които после
думите. Той дава и спокойствие на учениците, че обобщете на дъската, без да посочвате кой ги е
могат да разберат това, което слушат. направил.
Друг важен източник на материали за слушане
са интернет и онлайн ресурсите, предложени като
идеи в книгата за учителя. Окуражавайте ученици-
те и сами да намират подходящи видеофилми и
Умението писане се развива във всеки урок чрез
да ги споделят с вас и съучениците си. Така те ще
задачи в учебника и учебните тетрадки. Всички
бъдат по-мотивирани да учат, защото ще чувст-
задачи за писане в учебника са илюстрирани с при-
ват, че имат принос към създаването на уроците.
мерни текстове в секцията WRITING FILE в края на
Освен това учениците ще бъдат допълнително
учебника. Всеки урок в учебната тетрадка съдържа
мотивирани, когато използват материали от ре-
задача за създаване на писмен текст по зададени
алния свят.
опорни въпроси и думи. Предложили сме и препоръ-
Следващата стъпка е да използвате възмож-
ки и стратегии за писане на структуриран текст.
ностите на работата по двойки и групи, за да
Текстовете за писане са с обем 150 – 160 думи в 11.
включите всички ученици в дейностите за говоре-
клас и 160 –170 думи в 12. клас.
не в рамките на всеки учебен час. Тук целта е не
да контролирате всяка дума, която учениците каз-

Учебникът съдържа пет проекта по изучаваните
теми, отговарящи на най-съвременните тенден- Не е тайна, че за много учители работата с
ции в езиковото обучение в Европа. Когато е въз- класове със смесени способности е предизвикател-
можно, изисквайте от учениците да представят ство. Спазвайте следните важни принципи: оце-
проекта пред класа. Това е много важно умение – нявайте напредъка на всеки ученик; избягвайте да
не го пропускайте. Непременно дайте критерии- коментирате кой ученик е бърз и кой – бавен; до-
те за оценка предварително. Препоръчваме да из- пускането на грешки е естествена част от проце-
ложите успешни проекти в класната стая или на са на овладяване на езика; ученето трябва да бъде
друго определено за това място в училището. При забавно и да се извършва в спокойна атмосфера.
изпълнение в електронен вариант споделете про- За да разнообразите учебния процес и да го пре-
ектите в общата група на класа или училището в несете извън класната стая, направете блог на
социалната мрежа. Авторите могат да ви помог- класа или затворена група в социалната мрежа. Там
нат да осъществите реален проект на английски може да публикувате помощни материали, напри-
език с партньори от други държави. Може да се мер любопитни статии по изучаваните теми, лин-
свържете с нас чрез сайта на TEEN ZONE. кове със задачи за самостоятелна работа, забавни
материали – песни, игри и др. На бързите ученици
давайте допълнителни задачи – ще намерите кон-
ИЗПОЛЗВАНЕ НА НОВИ кретни предложения в разработката на уроците.

ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Някои от задачите в електронния учебник също

са подходящи за по-бързи ученици. Ако приключат
по-бързо, тези ученици могат да помагат на съуче-
Важен фокус в езиковата система TEEN ZONE са ниците си, които работят по-бавно. Поставяйте
използването на ИКТ и развиването на дигитални- им задачи да създават онлайн ресурси и да ги споде-
те умения на ученици и учители. Новите техноло- лят в обща платформа или група на класа.
гии са неделима част от живота на тийнейджъри- Работете внимателно с бавните ученици. Из-
те, затова въвеждането им в учебния процес питвайте ги на малък брой думи или им давайте
непременно води до повишаване на мотивацията по-лесни задачи, за да имат усещане, че се справят
на учениците. Някои задачи в учебника изискват и напредват. Поощрявайте ги за малкото неща,
от учениците да търсят информация онлайн, да я които са научили. Насърчавайте ги да се опитват
коментират и представят пред съучениците си. да учат по различни начини и да разберат кой ме-
Насърчавайте учениците да използват своите те- тод е най-лесен и подходящ за тях. При групова ра-
лефони, таблети и компютри, за да учат по прия- бота понякога е необходимо да отделите бавните
тен и забавен начин. За изпълнението на проекти и ученици в една група и да им обърнете повече вни-
домашни задания може да използват различни ком- мание.
пютърни програми. За всички ученици, независимо от техните спо-
собности, са подходящи реални онлайн проекти, в
NB! Ползването на лични телефони, таблети които те комуникират и работят по общи теми
и лаптопи с учебна цел трябва да бъде много със свои съученици от други европейски държави.
внимателно прецизирано и планувано според Ако ви е необходима помощ, свържете се с авто-
конкретната ситуация и клас, за да се избегнат рите, които ще ви помогнат да се включите в по-
поводи за дискриминация. добен проект.

Направете портфолио на класа в електронен
или в хартиен вариант. Събирайте снимки, про-
екти и други резултати от индивидуални или
общи дейности.

TEEN ZONE B1.1 за 11. клас
Grammar check 2 2
Entry test 1 1
Unit 1 10 6 4
Unit 2 12 8 4
Project 1 2 2
Test 1 (U1–2) 1 1
Test 1 correction 1 1
Unit 3 12 8 4
Unit 4 12 8 4
Project 2 2 2
Test 2 (U3–4) 1 1
Test 2 correction 1 1
Unit 5 10 6 4
Revision 2 2
Final test 1 1
Final Test correction 1 1
PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100% 51% 44% 5%
NB! 1 час от годишния брой часове е предвиден за компенсиране на учебно съдържание, пропуснато по-
ради празници, ваканции и др. и/или за допълване на часове към определени уроци към учебния материал.

TEEN ZONE B1.1. за 12. клас

Unit 6 10 7 3
Project 3 2 2
Unit 7 10 7 3
Test 3 (U6–7) 1 1
Test 3 correction 1 1
Unit 8 10 7 3
Project 4 2 2
Unit 9 10 7 3
Test 4 (U8–9) 1 1
Test 4 correction 1 1
Unit 10 8 3 5
Project 5 2 2
Revision 2 2
Final test 1 1
Final Test correction 1 1
PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100% 50% 45% 5%


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of Answers:

1. yourself 2. itself 3. herself
4. myself 5. himself 6. ourselves
1. isn’t 2. are 3. aren’t 10. Complete the sentences with the comparative or
4. are, aren’t 5. am not, am 6. is, is superlative form of the adjectives in bold.

2. Underline the correct option. Answers:

1. the most popular 2. more difficult
3. more exciting 4. the youngest
1. their 2. your, It’s 5. better 6. the most talkative
3. his 4. They’re, Their 7. worse

3. Complete the sentences with has (’s) or have (’ve). 11. There are 9 mistakes in the use of articles in the
sentences below. Cross out the wrong article and
Answers: add an article where needed.
1. have, have 2. has 3. have
4. have 5. has, has
1. The Netherlands is a small country in Europe.
4. Complete the sentences with there is or there are. 2. The Thames is a famous river in the United
Answers: 3. Pavel and Eva don’t live in the Czech Republic.
They live in the Poland.
1. there is 2. there are
4. The Mount Fiji is the highest mountain in Japan.
3. there are 4. there is
5. The Balkan Peninsula is a geographical region of
the Southeast Europe.
5. Complete the sentences with some, any or a/an.
6. Sozopol is a charming old town on the Black Sea.
12. Underline the correct form.
1. an 2. a, some 3. a
4. any 5. some 6. any Answers:
7. any, some
1. must    2. have to    3. have to
4. must not    5. shouldn’t    6. has to
6. Underline the correct indefinite pronoun.
7. doesn’t have to
13. Correct the mistakes in the use of the Present
1. Everyone 2. something 3. everywhere Simple or the Present Continuous.
4. Anywhere 5. Nobody
7. Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of.
1. Do you know the new girl?
2. I am trying to finish my homework.
3. My parents don’t understanding me.
1. much 2. many 3. many 4. Petya is writing a new article this week.
4. a lot of 5. much 5. When Eva and Pavel go to London, they usually
stay with their cousins.
8. Complete the sentences with a little or a few. 6. Granny watches Indian TV shows every afternoon.

Answers: 14. Circle the correct auxiliary verb.

1. a little 2. a few 3. a little
4. a few 5. a few Answers:
1. b 2. b 3. b
9. Write the correct reflexive pronoun. 4. A: c; B: a 5. c 6. a

15. Complete the sentences with the correct form of 19. Underline the correct verb form.
the verbs in brackets: will or be going to.
1. was calling, saw
1. will carry 2. arrived, was dancing
2. are going to visit 3. was helping, was having
3. A: are you going to do; B: are going to invite, 4. was packing, was posting
spend 5. heard, was watching
4. am going to recycle
5. will people live 20. Read the sentences. Are they about the past, the
present or the future?
16. Complete the sentences with whose, where, when,
who and which. Answers:
1. present 2. past 3. future
4. past 5. present 6. future
1. whose 2. when 3. which 7. present 8. future 9. future
4. where 5. who
21. Underline the correct word.
17. Use the correct Past Simple form of the verbs in
brackets. Then ask questions about the underlined Answers:
1. since 2. yet 3. for
4. already 5. for 6. just
1. wore 22. Circle the correct question tags.
What did she (Diana) wear to the party?
2. became Answers:
When did he become a famous actor?
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b
3. didn’t keep
5. b 6. a 7. b
What didn’t he (Karim) keep?
4. had
23. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense to
Who had a car accident yesterday morning?
make Type 1 conditional sentences.
5. lost
What did he (Todor) lose two days ago?
6. didn’t visit
Who didn’t we visit last summer? 1. ’ll miss, don’t hurry up
7. sank 2. ’ll be, join
Where did Titanic sink into? 3. doesn’t phone, ’ll send
8. arrived 4. comes, ’ll give
When did some of the guests arrive? 5. won’t pass, don’t study
9. didn’t see 6. rains, won’t go
What didn’t the tourists see during the safari
tour? 24. Write an email to a friend. Tell him/her what you
did last week and about your plans for the winter
18. What were these people doing at 8:00 am holidays.
yesterday? Use the words to write sentences.
Suggested answers:
Answers: Dear George,
1. Kate was making breakfast. Thanks for your email. I’m glad you’re having a good
2. Mr and Mrs James were drinking coffee. time.
3. Eva was taking a shower. I’m also having fun. Last week, I went to a friend’s
4. My classmates were having a Literature class. birthday party. I had a great time. Now I’m
5. Pierre and Fiona were waiting to board the flight gathering my bag for a hike in the mountains with
to London. my best friends.
6. Monica was chatting with her neighbour. During the winter holidays, my parents and I are
going skiing in Pamporovo. I’m going to learn to
snowboard. We’re going to spend a week there.
What are your plans for the winter holidays?
Write back soon.
Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous (revision); action and state verbs; Present Perfect (revision);
present simple passive; cardinal and ordinal numbers: large numbers and fractions
Vocabulary: collocations (languages); countries, nationalities and languages; verbs related to the making of chocolate
Functions: expressing opinion; agreeing and disagreeing; making friends; taking notes;
describing a process; writing about something grown in Bulgaria

is to make language-learning a part of your lifestyle.

1A LEARNING A NEW Find a language habit, like reading or listening to
music, that you can follow even when you’re tired,
LANGUAGE ill or madly in love.
Petya: Thanks! That’s a great tip!
Petya: Hey, Tim. Could you tell us something more
1. Match the phrases with the definitions. Listen and about you?
check. Tim: Hi, I’m 19 and I’m an ordinary teenager.
Припомнете на учениците, че за да говорим сво- Petya: Ordinary? But you’re fluent in five languages!
бодно и естествено на английски език, е необходи- What’s your secret?
мо да ползваме колокации (устойчиви словосъчета- Tim: There’s no secret! I love languages and I love
ния) в речта си. technology. So I combine the two. For example, I
Предложените изрази в рубриката Vocabulary usually reset the language on my phone and I start
предлагат точно такива устойчиви словосъчания: enriching my vocabulary right away. I also love
verb + language. improving my language skills with online games and
grammar apps.
Transcript and answers: Petya: Thanks, Tim. I’ll start using your ideas straight
• to pick up a bit up of English – to learn English by ***
watching or listening to other people Petya: And here’s Anna. She’s French and she speaks
• to brush up on my English – to practise and … how many languages?
improve my skills or my knowledge of English Anna: Just seven!
• to be proficient in English – to be skilled and Petya: Just seven! You’re kidding me! So what are
experienced in English your tips for learning a foreign language?
• to improve my speaking skills – to make my skills Anna: It’s to make new friends. I think the key is
better to interact in the new language and express your
• to enrich my vocabulary – to make my vocabulary thoughts intuitively. This is much better than just
better and more extensive mentally translating word for word.
• to master English – to acquire complete Petya: Thanks, Anna.
knowledge of English Anna: And something very important. Don’t worry
• to speak English fluently – to speak English easily, about making mistakes. The more you speak, the
quickly and well more fluent you become. In the end, what matters
• to make myself understood – to make what I say is to make yourself understood. 
clear to other people
LISTENING 1. Judith: b. thinks that learning a language should
be a daily activity. e. never stops learning even
За въвеждане на темата за European Day of
when she is ill.
Languages може да използвате някои от ресурсите
2. Tim: d. is fluent in five languages. f. is keen on
на сайта:
language apps.
3. Anna: a. says that if you practise, you become
more fluent. c. loves making new friends with
2. Listen to Petya interviewing the polyglots. Then
whom she can speak.
match the people with the sentences.

Transcript: SPEAKING
3. Read and listen to the dialogue. Underline the
Petya: Hi, Judith. What’s your secret of learning
phrases we use to agree and disagree. Then
foreign languages?
practise in pairs.
Judith: It’s very simple! In my opinion, the best way
4. In pairs, discuss the language tips in 2. Follow the Thailand Thai a Thai
model above and use the phrases in Teen Talk.
Обърнете специално внимание на изразите в каре- Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese
то Teen Talk. Настоявайте учениците да ги полз- Switzerland Swiss a Swiss
ват активно при обсъжданията. По-нататък (в Britain British a Briton
Unit 4) предлагаме още полезни изрази, които може
France French a Frenchman/
да бъдат използвани в дискусиите.
Spain Spanish a Spaniard
The Dutch a Dutchman/
Answers: Netherlands/ woman
1. PC 2. PS 3. PS 4. PS 5. PC 6. PC
a. 5 b. 3, 4 c. 6 d. 1 e. 2 Denmark Danish a Dane
Finland Finnish a Finn
GRAMMAR Poland Polish a Pole
Answers: Sweden Swedish a Swede
Turkey Turkish a Turk
1. Present Simple, Present Continuous
2. Present Simple
3. Present Continuous Idea:
Обърнете внимание на някои особености при
5. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. употребата на имената на националностите,
описани в карето Important! на стр. 5 в учебна-
Answers: та тетрадка.
2. believe, see
3. is writing, thinks READING
4. knows
5. smells, are you trying 2. Do the quiz. How well do you know the English
6. have, are having language?
7. don’t think
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a
В UNIT 1 се използват различни бройни и редни
VOCABULARY числителни имена. Тяхната употреба е разгледа-
1. Complete the table. Listen, check and repeat. на по-обстойно в учебната тетрадка на стр. 4.
От 8. клас учениците знаят наименованията на
няколко страни и националности. Преговорете ги: 3. Now read the article and underline three new or
Brazil – Brazilian, Bulgaria – Bulgarian; China – interesting facts about the English language.
Chinese, Italy – Italian, Japan – Japanese, Poland –
Polish, Russia – Russian, South Africa – South African, Idea:
UK – British, USA – American. Ако имате време, изгледайте видеото с един от
След като изпълните първата задача, поискайте най-уважаваните езиковеди на нашето време
от учениците да предложат варианти за третата – Дейвид Кристъл, който отговаря на въпроса
колона (някои вече са дадени като an American, a What do you most enjoy about the English language?
Briton, a Pole). Линк:
Transcript and answers:
4. Now read the article again and complete the
Country Adjective Person (noun)
Australia Australian an Australian
America/the American an American Answers:
1. Germanic 2. grammar 3. flexible
Norway Norwegian a Norwegian 4. vocabulary 5. French
Greece Greek a Greek

5. Match the words in bold in the text with the correct Make a new friend! Use the information you’ve got
meaning. and your own ideas.
При по-бавни класове обсъдете предварително
Answers: кои части на диалога трябва да се сменят, и запи-
шете идеи на дъската.
1. roots 2. flexibility 3. existing
4. adopt 5. cuisine
REFRESH YOUR MEMORY 8. Play the game. Your teacher will give you a set
of questions. Work in small groups. Take turns to
answer a question. Give some extra details. You
have known, has known can tell the truth or a lie. Then the others guess
haven’t known, hasn’t visited whether you’ve told the truth or lied. If they’re
have … known, has … visited right, they get a point. If they’re wrong, you get a
point! Set a time limit to play the game.
6. Underline the correct form. Играта е чудесна възможност да се упражнява
Present Perfect. Направете комплекти с въпросите
Answers: на картончета. Разделете учениците по групи от
1. lost, ’ve found 4 или 5 души. Раздайте по един комплект въпроси
2. lived на всяка група. Проверете дали всички знаят думи-
3. ’ve just had те, използвани във въпросите, например: ostrich,
4. haven’t chatted scream, walk into/bump into, shoplift, trap, lamppost,
5. became faint. Назначете отговорник, който да записва
6. lives, ’ve lived точките. Поощрете бързите ученици да отгова-
рят, като дават подробности, дори да се наложи
на места да използват български. Бавните ученици
SPEAKING може да отговарят само с „да“ и „не“.
7. Read and listen to the dialogue. Then practise in Един ученик тегли въпрос и решава кой от гру-
pairs. Choose a personality on p. 7. Work in pairs. пата да отговори. Играта приключва, когато из-
тече времето. Всяка група излъчва своя победител.

Have you ever been Has anyone ever thrown Have you ever been in What sports have you
a guest at a surprise a surprise party for you? a fist fight? played?
What is the best place What’s the craziest What interesting foods Have you ever screamed
you have ever been to? thing you have ever have you eaten? at someone in public?
What have you done What is the best and What have you done What is the longest you
a lot this week? worst restaurant you too many times? have been awake for?
have eaten at?
Have you ever walked Have you ever built Have you ever had Have you ever shoplifted
into something while a snowman? a horrible haircut? anything?
you were texting?
Have you ever been Have you ever been to Have you ever broken Have you ever called
on TV? a theatre? a bone? your boyfriend or
girlfriend by the wrong
Have you ever cheated Have you ever driven Have you ever driven Have you ever eaten
in an exam? a sports car? a truck? in a restaurant and
realised you had no
money on you?
Have you ever eaten Have you ever fallen Have you ever forgotten Have you ever forgotten
frog legs? in love at first sight? your mother’s birthday? your boyfriend’s/
girlfriend’s birthday?

3. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 17

Have you ever been Have you ever been Have you ever been Have you ever made
hiking? skiing? surfing? cheesecake?
Have you ever eaten Have you ever baked Have you ever met Have you ever played
Chinese food? bread? a celebrity? a joke on one of your
Have you ever played Have you ever received Have you ever ridden Have you ever ridden
a joke on one of your a gift that you really a horse? a motorcycle?
classmates? hated?
Have you ever said yes Have you ever slept in Have you ever talked Have you ever told
when you meant no? a tent? to a famous person? a big lie to someone
you love?
Have you ever ridden Have you ever shaken Have you ever received Have you ever seen
a camel? hands with a monkey? a love letter? a tornado?
Have you ever had a Have you ever ridden Have you ever milked Have you ever built
power cut while taking an ostrich? a cow? an igloo?
a shower?
Have you ever tried Have you ever sung Have you ever Have you ever fainted?
an extreme sport? in public? hitchhiked?
Have you ever been Have you ever walked Have you ever travelled Have you ever bumped
trapped in a lift? into a window because without paying for the into a lamppost?
it was too clean? ticket?


Използвайте ресурсите в електронния учебник
READING на стр. 20, за да визуализирате как изречение в
деятелен залог се трансформира в страдетелен
1. Match the verbs with the pictures.
залог. В третия ресурс е разгледана разликата в
употребата на made of/from/out of/with.
От горе надолу, от ляво надясно: LISTENING
e. spread out b. ferment a. harvest
c. roast d. grind f. dry 4. Listen and put the steps of the process of making
ice cream in the correct order.
2. Now read the text and answer the questions. С по-бавни класове преподайте предварително
новите думи: harmful, flavourings, whip, freeze – froze
Answers: – frozen, pipe.
Като алтернатива използвайте видео от
1. At least 4000 years.
интернет, за да илюстрирате процеса, преди да
2. Because the hot and humid climate there is ideal
изпълните задачата за слушане.
for growing cacao trees.
3. They made a bitter and very spicy drink.
4. Spain.
5. Not really. They thought it was bitter so they
Whether it’s made in your kitchen, at a local
added sugar and even milk to it.
homemade ice cream shop, or in a factory, the
6. Cocoa beans are harvested, left to ferment, dried
process of making ice cream is basically the same.
out, transported.
First, you need an ice cream mix. You can make your
own mix or buy it commercially made. Ice cream
GRAMMAR factories usually make their own mix by combining
milk, cream and sugar. The mix is then pasteurised,
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
or heated, to kill any harmful bacteria.
the verb: active or passive.
The next step is adding flavourings to the mix. There
are thousands of varieties of ice cream. From vanilla
to strawberry, chocolate to peanut butter, it is all
1. is produced 2. produces 3. is made blended in. Pieces of sweets and other goodies are
4. make 5. are roasted 6. roasts added later.
The next step is where an ice cream making machine
comes into play. The mix is simultaneously whipped
and frozen. In a factory, this happens in a giant tube
surrounded by pipes.  1. The ice cream mix is made and pasteurised to kill
Once the ice cream has come out of the ice cream any harmful bacteria.
maker, the process isn’t finished. At this point, the 2. Various flavourings are added.
mixture is frozen, but still soft. Large pieces of fruit, 3. The ice cream mix is frozen and whipped.
chocolate and biscuits are now added. Then the ice 4. Pieces of fruit and sweets are added.
cream is placed into containers. 5. The ice cream is placed into containers.
Now the ice cream temperature needs to be 6. The temperature of the ice cream is lowered to
reduced to -18°C or below. Factories make it even -18°C.
colder since they need the ice cream to stay frozen 7. The ice cream is ready to be eaten.
while it is packaged and loaded onto lorries and
delivered to shops. 5. Listen again and take notes. Add more details
Now the ice cream is taken to the shops where it is about each step.
ready to be tasted and enjoyed! 


The mix Flavourings Other ingredients The ice cream

is made are added are added is placed in
The ice cream is
frozen and whipped containers

from where at the same time

large pieces
milk , cream,
sugar fruit, containers –
them (vanilla, chocolate , loaded onto
chocolate, biscuits lorries

at at the in a ice cream –

ice cream – temperature
home ice factory delivered to
- lowered
cream shops

SPEAKING Kahoot е безплатна платформа за генериране на

онлайн игри, създадена за употреба в класната
6. Work in pairs. Go to p. 114. Student A describes a стая. Играе се на компютър или мобилно устройс­
process to Student B. Then change roles. тво. Може да използвате предложените от нас
Важно е да напомните на учениците да използват игри, да намерите готова игра или да направи-
present simple passive. Задължително демонстри- те нова. Създаването на играта става в сайта
райте или помолете по-бързи ученици да съставят и се показва на проектор.
няколко изречения. За да играят, учениците влизат в сайта https://, въвеждат номер, който се генерира ав-
Идея: томатично, и име, с което желаят да участват.
Учителят стартира играта за всеки клас.
Игра Kahoot
За да направите своя игра, разгледайте презен-
Двете игри за present simple passive са специално
тацията на адрес
създадени за този урок. За да играете, си напра-
Недостатък на Kahoot е, че въпросите се
вете безплатна регистрация или влезте с регис-
виждат само на екран, а не на телефоните на
трацията си в социална мрежа.
4d3c-97cb-32d9378c7054 WRITING
7. Describe the process of making instant coffee. Use
the steps in 6 on p. 114, and the Writing File on
p. 107 as a model.

Изпълнението на упр. 6 е подготовка за писмената Използвайте въпросите в рубриката Discussion
задача. Ако работите с много бавни класове, може за дискусия с целия клас или по групи. За бързите
да поискате да препишат модела на стр. 107 или ученици може да ги зададете като опори за есе на
да им помогнете с образуването на формите и тема Online translators.
къде да сложат свързващите думи, като first, then,
after that и т.н. LIFE SKILLS
3. Read the text and match the headings with the
SMART SKILLS 1 correct paragraphs.


1. When is the best time to drink tea?
1. Do the quiz about chocolate.
2. What is eaten while drinking tea?
3. Is milk added to tea?
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 4. Now read the text again and circle the correct
2. Read the text about online translators.
Преди да възложите задачата, поговорете с класа Answers:
дали са използвали онлайн преводачи и какъв е опи-
1. c 2. b 3. c
тът им с тях.
След като учениците прочетат текста, може
да ги разделите на две групи и да проведете дебат. Answers:
Едната група изтъква предимствата на онлайн Tea idioms
преводачите, а другата – недостатъците. Учени- 1. c 2. b
ците могат да използват идеите от текста, свои
собствени идеи или да потърсят в интернет.


Grammar: Future Simple (revision); can and could for requests (revision); will for requests;
adverbs of probability; the Imperative
Vocabulary: travelling and holidays; types of transport; places in town; prepositions with
vehicles (get into/out of; get on(to)/get off); airport and air travel (collocations verb + flight)
Functions: talking about holidays; making predictions; understanding weather forecasts;
asking for and giving directions; getting around; checking-in at the airport; writing tips for foreign travellers
Project 1: A travel brochure

2A A CITY BREAK Transcript:

VOCABULARY Eva: I love travelling. I enjoy sightseeing and

exploring the local places of interest. When I’m
1. Work in groups of four. What words and phrases visiting a place for the first time, I usually join a
related to travelling and holidays do you know? guided tour. It’s an opportunity to be shown around
Make a list. and take great photos.
Todor: Bulgaria is a popular holiday destination.
Suggested answers: There are beautiful holiday resorts along the Black
Sea coast. A lot of foreign tourists come on package
От 8. клас: digital camera, credit card, selfie stick,
holidays and stay in all-inclusive hotels or self-
package holiday, backpacking, sightseeing package,
catering apartments.
touring, skiing, camping
James: Last summer, I went for a long weekend to
Brighton, in the south of England. I went with a friend
2. Read and listen to the paragraphs and try to guess
and we had a great time. We stayed in a youth hostel
the meaning of the words and phrases in bold.
and met some really nice people. The only thing I
didn’t like were the hordes of tourists. So I decided
that next time I’m going to Brighton out of season!

SPEAKING 5. Listen again and underline the correct answers.

3. Work in pairs. Take notes of your partner’s answers Answers:

and then report to the class. 1. a hostel 2. warm and rainy
3. the weather 4. travel insurance
LISTENING 5. suitcase 6. annoyed
4. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
Transcript: Answers:
Eva: I can’t believe it! This time next week we’ll be won’t be
in Sofia! will you be
Pavel: Yes, we will. Have you booked a hotel yet?
Eva: In fact, we’re staying at a hostel together with 6. Make predictions about your next holidays. Use
Todor and Dimiter. the ideas below and will or won’t.
Pavel: Cool! What will the weather be like in Напомнете на учениците, че може да използват
Bulgaria? съкратената форма ’ll.
Eva: It’ll be warm but with a high chance of rain in
the afternoon. It’ll spoil our holidays if it rains! LISTENING
Pavel: It’s no big deal! We’ll take our rain jackets
and umbrellas. You should worry about getting sick 7. Write the weather words below the symbols.
instead. Have you taken out travel insurance yet?
Eva: Ooops, I forgot! I’ll take care of that now. You Answers:
know, little bro, you’re a genius! sunny, sunny spells, cloudy,
Pavel: That’s me! rainy, thunderstorm, windy

Eva: Done. Now, it’s time for packing. 8. Listen to the weather forecast and fill in.
Pavel: Now? We’re leaving in five days!
Eva: I’ve got so much to pack. Where’s my suitcase? Transcript:
Pavel: Eva, don’t be silly! We’re only going for a long
weekend! A backpack will do. Welcome to the weather forecast. Let’s see what the
Eva: I’ll still need my clothes, shoes and .... weather’s like the next four days. Today it’s very windy
Pavel: As you wish! Keep your fingers crossed your and cold. There is a chance of showers too, so don’t
luggage doesn’t get lost! leave home without your umbrella! The temperature
Eva: No worries! The insurance covers that, too. If is around 10 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow it’ll be rainy
the suitcase gets lost, I’ll make a claim. all day, I’m afraid. There may be a thunderstorm in
Pavel: But you’ll spend the entire holidays wearing the afternoon. The temperature will be a bit higher,
the same clothes! at around 13°. On Friday, the weather will be dry, but
Eva: Give me a break! cloudy. So no rain for you, but it’ll be quite windy and
the temperature will be just 10°. The best weather
Answers: this week will be on Saturday. It’ll be sunny for most
Eva; Pavel of the time. The temperature will be around 15°. The
rain will return on Sunday and the temperature will
again drop to 11°.



rainy sunny spells, windy and rainy, a dry/no rain, sunny rainy
cold cold, some thunderstorm cloudy, windy

Идея: Сайтът предлага забавен на-

чин за подобряване на уменията за слушане чрез
Използвайте песента на Rihanna, за да припомни-
попълване на липсващи думи в текстовете на
те лексика, свързана с времето:
популярни песни. Не изисква задължителна регис-
UMdGuRFPqM#b7w .

Може да поставяте задачите за работа в клас, the National Gallery, the National Theatre, the
ако искате да наблегнете на някаква специфична Archaeological Museum… Once you get to the city
лексикална или граматична единица, както и за centre, you can see everything in a few hours.
домашна работа. Pavel: Fantastic. So how do we get to the centre?
Receptionist: It’s a thirty-minute walk from the hostel
so you’ll probably want to take the underground.
2B GETTING AROUND Pavel: Whatever you think is best.
Receptionist: So we’re here and the closest station
VOCABULARY is just a few hundred metres away. When you get
out of the hostel, go right. Cross the street at the
1. Make a list of the types of transport you know. traffic lights and then turn right. Walk for about two
hundred metres and you’ll see the underground
Suggested answers: sign to your left.
Pavel: Where can we get tickets?
От 8. клас: aeroplane, Underground, tram, coach,
Receptionist: They’re sold at the station. Perhaps
boat, airship
it’ll be best to get a one-day travel card. The pass is
valid on all types of transport in Sofia.
2. Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check
Pavel: Thanks a lot! 
and repeat.
Receptionist: Have a lovely time!
Transcript and answers:
От горе надолу, от ляво надясно 1. The receptionist is
h. ship g. camper van a. giving directions.
a. motorcycle e. train b. giving advice.
i. trolleybus c. scooter c. being polite.
f. ferry d. lorry b. bicycle
2. Pavel is
3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. d. asking for directions.
e. asking for advice.
Answers: c. being polite.
1. ship, camper van, motorcycle, trolleybus (елек-
5. Listen again and write who says the sentences
трически мотор), scooter, ferry, lorry
below: the receptionist or Pavel.
2. trolleybus, train
3. motorcycle, trolleybus, trolleybus, bicycle
4. trolleybus, camper van, train, ferry, lorry, ship
1. Pavel 2. Pavel
3. the receptionist 4. the receptionist
5. the receptionist 6. Pavel
Обърнете внимание на разликата в употребата 7. the receptionist
на get into/get out of и get on (to)/get off, разгледа-
на в учебната тетрадка на стр. 12. REFRESH YOUR MEMORY
1. a 2. b
4. Listen to part of a conversation and match the
people with the correct options.
Pavel: Hello! 1. R 2. FS
Receptionist: I hope everything is OK?
Pavel: Yes, it is. Thanks. 6. Decide if the questions below are about requests
Receptionist: I’m glad. How can I help then? or future situations.
Pavel: Have you got a map of the city? We’d like to
do some sightseeing this afternoon. Answers:
Receptionist: Of course. Here you are.
1. request 2. future situation
Pavel: Thanks. And will you tell me what places of
3. future situation 4. request
interest we can visit?
5. future situation 6. request
Receptionist: Sure. Let me show you on the map. All
7. future situation
the sights are here. The Alexander Nevski Cathedral,
GRAMMAR Обърнете внимание, че baggage allowance не озна-
чава непременно „безплатен лимит“, а просто поз-
Обърнете внимание на учениците при избора на воленото количество багаж, което пътник може
подходящо наречие, че perhaps е малко по-офици- да вземе със себе си на самолета.
ално и може да се използва в средата и в края на
изречението, освен в началото. LISTENING AND SPEAKING
7. In your notebooks, put the words in the correct 2. Listen to the announcements and circle the correct
order to make sentences. answers.

Answers: Transcript:
1. It will probably rain tomorrow. 1. This is an announcement for passengers of flight
2. Perhaps Eva and Pavel will enjoy their trip to LO347 to Warsaw. The flight is now ready for
Bulgaria. boarding. Passengers are kindly asked to proceed to
3. Maybe Pavel won’t enjoy the book. Gate 33. All passengers flying to Warsaw on flight
4. Eva probably won’t take a suitcase. LO347 please proceed to Gate 33.
5. Perhaps we will be home earlier tomorrow. 2. Attention, please! The intercity train to Krakow
6. She probably won’t be able to come to the party. leaves at 15:05 from Platform 6. The 15:05 intercity
train to Krakow leaves from Platform 6.
8. Read and listen to the dialogue. Then practise in
pairs. 1. b 2. b
Work in pairs. Make a similar dialogue. Replace the
phrases in bold with your own ideas. 3. Read and listen to the dialogue. Underline the
Преди да изпълните упражнението, преговорете ду- correct answers.
мите, които учениците знаят от предишните нива
на системата за places in town: monument, square, Answers:
cathedral, city hall, exchange bureau, bridge, art gallery, 1. isn’t
palace, tower, park, museum, castle, stadium. Използвай- 2. is
те ресурса на стр. 27 в електронния учебник.
Също така преговорете употребата на повели- 4. Make similar dialogues. Replace the words and
телното наклонение в учебната тетрадка на стр. 13. phrases in bold with the information in the schedule
on p. 28 and your own ideas.
Идея: Учениците четат диалога по роли. По-бързите
Игра Learningapps правят нов диалог устно или писмено, като проме-
Играта е специално създадена за този урок – за нят изреченията в получерно с нова информация.
упражняване на will за молба, бъдещ факт или По-бавните ученици може да го направят на части
предвиждане. Няма нужда от регистрация. Уче- без промени или след като предварително обсъди-
ниците трябва да „завлекат“ изречението в по- те идеите им и ги запишете на дъската.
лето до съответната употреба.
5. Read Pavel’s post in a travel blog. Fill in the chart
with the information about the places he has
2C FLYING BACK HOME visited and is going to visit soon.

1. Check your knowledge about airports and air travel Bulgaria UK USA
and underline the correct answers. Natural site Magura The Lake Mount
Cave District Rushmore
Answers: National National
Park Memorial
1. get on 2. late What to go to walking, outdoor
3. a check-in desk 4. airport security do: concerts at hiking, adventure
5. an aisle 6. baggage allowance Christmas climbing, and
7. the baggage reclaim and Easter swimming, sightseeing
time kayaking

Curious big home to a huge
fact: stalagmites England’s mountain Разделете учениците на групи по петима, като
and highest sculpture всеки ученик прочита по един текст в каретата
stalactites, mountain of four US на стр. 31. След това бързите ученици разказват
cave art and presidents, информацията накратко на останалите от група-
dating back deepest work on та. Бавните ученици подчертават и прочитат
thousands lake the project най-важните изречения. Дайте възможност на уче-
of years took 17 ниците да кажат дали тези правила за етикета
важат и за България.
Като продължение на тази задача направете
Idea: дискусията или задайте на учениците да направят
Използвайте ресурса на стр. 29 в електронния подобен списък със съвети за посещение в България.
учебник, за да запознаете учениците с четири- Попитайте ги какво означава пословицата When in
мата американски президенти, чиито лица са Rome, do as Romans do, и поискайте превод (Кога-
издълбани в скалата Mount Rushmore Memorial. то си в Рим, прави като римляните./ Когато си на
гости, уважавай обичаите на домакините./Когато
Idea: човек се намира на ново място, в нова ситуация, в
чужда държава и пр., е необходимо да се приспосо-
Ако имате време, с бързи класове и ученици може би към новите обичаи и поведение).
да изпълните следната задача: Може да позволите мозъчната атака да се про-
Work in groups of four. Tell each other about the веде на български, а после групата заедно да запи-
four places of interest. Express your opinion. Do you ше идеите на английски. С ваша помощ бързите
like the place? Why? Why not? How is it special? ученици може да направят изреченията, а бавните
Have you visited it or would you like to go there? да ги препишат.
Would you recommend it to tourists?
LIFE SKILLS 3. Go to p. 112.
Учениците изпълняват заданието на стр. 112.
1. Read the airport information below and answer Дайте възможност за избор на учениците – да
the questions. направят проекта на лист хартия или в електро-
Уверете се, че учениците знаят значението на нен вариант. Предварително представете скала-
hold/hand luggage = carry-on baggage (ръчен багаж), та за оценка.
checked luggage/baggage (чекиран багаж).
How good are your classmates’ presentations?
Answers: Add up the scores for each!
1. No, you can’t. 1. The student uses correct vocabulary. – 1 point
2. Only one. 2. The student uses grammar properly. – 1 point
3. No, you can’t. 3. The student has clear pronunciation. – 1 point
4. Liquid medicines, baby food, food for special 4. The other students listen carefully and like the
dietary requirements. presentation. – 1 point
5. In your hold baggage.
Дайте достатъчно дни на учениците да се под-
готвят за презентацията. Добре е предварител-
TRAVEL BUG но да поставите ограничение за времето, в което
2. Read the blog post and circle the correct answers. да предстяват проекта си пред класа. Може това
дори да стане част от критериите по-горе. Ако
Answers: има нужда, проверете написания текст. Напомне-
те им да се упражнят вкъщи.
1. b 2. b 3. b В деня на представянето отново припомне-
4. b (Finland, England, Wales, US) те критериите. Окуражете всички, които са се

Grammar: present simple passive (revision); past simple passive; Past Simple and Past Continuous (revision);
Past Perfect; passive sentences with two objects
Vocabulary: historical and cultural background; knights and castles; years, dates and names of monarchs
Functions: talking about past events; talking about historical people and sites; writing a biography of a historical person;
describing a historical place

of England. The Normans built impressive castles

3A THE BEGINNINGS and imposed a feudal system. The end of the period
in 1485 also saw the end of the Wars of the Roses, a
VOCABULARY series of civil wars that lasted for 30 years.
The same year, the Welsh noble Henry Tudor
1. Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check claimed the English crown and became Henry VII,
and repeat. the first of the five Tudor monarchs. During Tudor
times, England became richer than ever before. Arts
Transcript and answers: and crafts flourished. England was home to great
painters, writers and musicians.
От горе надолу, от ляво надясно
b. standing stone  a. stone circle c. artefact Answers:
f. mural    e. tomb    d. settlement
c. 800,000 Humans probably first arrive in Britain
c. 500 BC Celts begin to colonise the British Isles
2. Listen and fill in the years on the timeline. 43 AD Romans occupy Britain under Emperor
NB! Обърнете внимание на учениците, че в ли- 450 Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain begins 
нията на времето (timeline) е по-естествено
да се използва така нареченото сегашно исто- 792 Viking raids of Britain begin
рическо време (historical present). 1066 The Normans invade England under
William the Conqueror
1485 Henry Tudor claims the English crown
Transcript: and becomes Henry VII

The story of prehistoric Britain began one million

years ago and ended with the Roman conquest.
The first humans probably arrived in Britain across NB! В учебната тетрадка на стр. 16 е описано
the land bridge joining it with continental Europe. как пишем и произнасяме години, дати и имена
Prehistoric people were skilled builders whose на монарси.
artefacts, monuments and tombs have survived
until today. 3. Listen again and say true or false.
The Celts arrived from Central Europe around 500
BC. They were farmers and lived in small village Answers:
groups. They were also warriors who fought against
the people of Britain and other Celtic tribes. 1. T
In 43 AD, the Romans invaded Britain. They built 2. F (with the arrival of the Romans)
roads, bathhouses, sewers, and large villas. They 3. F (Prehistoric people were skilled builders.)
also built a wall to protect themselves from the Celts 4. T
in northern Britain. They finally withdrew in 410.  5. F (from the language of the Anglo-Saxons)
Around 450, Germanic peoples known as Angles, 6. T
Jutes, and Saxons began invading. The Angles gave 7. T
their name to England, and English people became
known as Anglo-Saxons.  READING
The Viking Age in Britain began in the 9th century.
Thanks to the Vikings the independent kingdoms of 4. Read the text about Stonehenge and underline the
England and Scotland were formed. correct answers.
The Middle Ages started with the Norman Conquest
in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King

4. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 25

Answers: exciting periods in British history.
The Tudors brought peace to England after 30 years
1. 3000 BC 2. the inner circle
of civil war for the English throne, known as the Wars
3. 3,500 years ago 4. the bluestones
of the Roses. The battles were fought between the
5. Certain
rival Houses of Lancaster and York. The name Wars
of the Roses came from the crests used by the two
Ако в класа има ученици, които се интересуват от
warring families, the white rose of York and the red
история или са гледали филми за Stonehenge, може
of Lancaster.
да ги попитате: Do you know of any theories about
At the end of the war, Henry Tudor, a Lancastrian
how the stones were transported to Stonehenge?.
supporter, was crowned as Henry VII. He married
Elizabeth of York, the niece of the leader of the
GRAMMAR Yorks. Their marriage united the two families and
created the Tudor rose which included both the red
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
and the white rose.
the verb: active or passive.
1. The battles were fought between the rival Houses
1. built 2. was built 3. was occupied
of Lancaster and York. It was a civil war for the
4. occupied 5. ruled 6. was ruled
English throne.
2. The name Wars of the Roses comes from the
SPEAKING crests used by the two warring families, the white
rose of York and the red of Lancaster.
6. Choose a historical site from the pictures. Ask and
3. At the end of the war, Henry Tudor, a Lancastrian
answer in pairs.
supporter, was crowned as Henry VII.
4. Henry VII married Elizabeth of York, the niece of
NB! Снимките са от Перперикон и Казанлъшка- the leader of the Yorks. Their marriage united the
та гробница. Може предварително да възложи- two families and created the Tudor rose which
те на учениците задача да намерят информа- included both the red and the white rose.
ция на английски език, която да организират по
следния начин, за да могат после да отговарят 2. Now read the second part of the text and complete
на въпросите в час: the sentences which follow it.
1. when it was built
2. who built it Answers:
3. what materials were used
1. Henry VIII was Henry VII’s (second) son.
4. what it was used for
2. Henry VIII was crowned King as a teenager.
3. Henry VIII had six wives.
4. Henry divorced two of his wives.
И д е я : И г ра L e a r n i n g a p p s
5. Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard were
За домашна работа дайте следната задача (cloze beheaded.
test) върху текста за четене за Stonehenge на 6. From his marriages, Henry VIII only had three
стр. 33. Обяснете на учениците, че целта е да children.
проверят доколко добре се справят с отгатва- 7. Henry’s children were brought up by Henry’s last/
нето на липсващи думи, и че няма смисъл да пре- sixth wife.
писват от учебника.
Линк: 3. Now read these sentences which have been taken out of the text in 2. Then read the text quickly
again and match the sentences with the gaps.

3B TWO TUDORS Answers:

В реда, в който се появяват в текста:
LISTENING AND READING While Henry was looking for a way to separate from
Catherine, he was secretly courting Anne Boleyn.
1. Listen to the first part of the text about the Tudors
In March 1536, Henry was courting Jane Seymour.
and answer the questions.
People were celebrating the birth of the king’s son
when the news of Jane’s death came.
She restored Henry’s court as a family home for his
The Tudors ruled over England, Wales and part of
Ireland from 1485 until 1603. It was one of the most

Answers: 6. Discuss the questions below.
We use the Past Simple to talk about completed
actions and habits in the past. We often use the Past
Simple to the main events in a story. Създайте допълнителни възможности за трени-
a. Just 10 days after Anne Boleyn was executed, ране на умението говорене със следните игри:
Henry married Jane Seymour.
We use the Past Continuous to talk about an activity
happening around a certain time in the past. queen-elizabeth-ii-card-game.html
b. In March 1536, Henry was courting Jane Seymour.

We use the Past Continuous to say that two 3C THE LEGEND OF KING
activities were happening at the same time in the
past. ARTHUR
d. While Henry was looking for a way to divorce
Catherine, he was secretly courting Anne Boleyn. VOCABULARY
We use the Past Simple to say that a short action 1. Label the pictures.
happened in the middle of a longer action, which is
in the Past Continuous. Answers:
c. People were celebrating the birth of the king’s son
1. armour 2. sword 3. helmet
when the terrible news came.
4. shield 5. moat 6. drawbridge
7. fortress 8. lance 9. turret
READING 10. flag
4. Read the text and match the paragraphs with the
headings. READING
Обърнете внимание на цитата в началото на
2. Read the first part of the legend and complete the
текста. Попитайте: Who said this?. Помогнете на
учениците с превода и предложете тълкуване на
цитата: Elizabeth I was not a lion because she was a
woman. But her father was a lion and she was as brave
as he was. 1. Arthur was raised in a secret place because he
was the king’s heir.
Answers: 2. Merlin had set a sword in a stone that could only
be pulled out by the true King of England.
D. Birth and parentage
3. Arthur wanted the sword so it could be used in
A. Childhood
a tournament.
C. Coming to the throne
4. Arthur and his knights fought against the Saxons.
E. Reign
5. The Saxons were stopped when Arthur won the
B. Conclusion
battle at Mount Badon.
5. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. She was an unwanted child, her mother was
beheaded when Elizabeth was two and she spent
hadn’t heard
her childhood in the shadow of her father’s court.
2. She was unwanted because her father was
obsessed with having a son.
Had you heard
3. Two – a brother and a sister.
No, I hadn’t.
4. At the age of 25.
5. Because her reign saw the birth of Shakespeare,
3. Underline the correct form.
the defeat of the Spanish Armada, and the
emergence of England as a world power.
6. No, she didn’t. She was known as the Virgin
Queen. 1. hadn’t met 2. hadn’t done 3. had phoned
4. had left 5. had read

4. Read the second part of the legend and underline Answers:
the correct answer.
2. Ann was asked a difficult question (by the
3. His friends were told the story hundreds of times
1. Equality 2. a valuable object (by James).
3. the Lady of the Lake 4. Arthur’s 5. died 4. The students were shown the way to the station
(by the policemen).
5. A note was sent to John’s parents (by the
Идея: teacher).
6. You were brought some flowers (by Alan).
Игра Кahoot за Past Simple и Past Perfect
GRAMMAR 6. Go to p. 108. Read about Queen Victoria, another
famous British Queen. Then write about a famous
NB! Поради пропуск в учебните програми за historical person.
нива A1 – A2 учениците не познават глаголите Работете по познатия начин. Ако имате много
с две допълнения. Тази граматична категория е бързи ученици в класа, може да им възложите да по-
обяснена в учебната тетрадка на стр. 17 – 18. търсят информация за български владетел, който
Задължително я въведете, преди да пристъпи- е оставил траен отпечатък в нашата история.
те към разглеждането на изречения в страде-
телен залог с две допълнения. Използвайте ре-
сурса на стр. 36 в електронния учебник, за да SMART SKILLS 3
онагледите допълнително двете употреби.
Обсъдете с учениците какво знаят за Уилям Шекс-
Subject = Verb Direct Indirect пир. Прочетете текста. Попитайте учениците:
Doer of the object object What is Shakespeare famous for, apart from his plays?
The Lady of gave a sword to Arthur. William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet,
the Lake
playwright, and actor born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-
Avon. His birthday is most commonly celebrated on
Subject = Verb Indirect Direct
Doer of the object object
23 April, which is also believed to be the date he
action died in 1616.
Shakespeare was a prolific writer during the
The Lady of gave Arthur a sword. Elizabethan and Jacobean ages of British theatre
the Lake
(sometimes called the English Renaissance).
A direct object answers the question what? or who? Shakespeare’s plays are perhaps his most enduring
An indirect object answers the question to whom? or legacy, but they are not all he wrote. Shakespeare’s
for whom? poems also remain popular to this day.
Shakespeare’s works include 38 plays, 2 narrative
Passive poems, 154 sonnets, and a variety of other poems.
Subject = Verb Direct Indirect Doer
Object object object of the
of the action 1. Read the phrases and match them with the
active explanations. How do we translate these phrases
sentence into Bulgarian?
A sword was – to Arthur by the
given Lady of Answers:
the Lake.
1. break the ice (from The Taming of the Shrew)
Arthur was a sword – by the
разчупвам леда
given Lady of
the Lake. to do or say something that makes people feel
less shy or nervous in a social situation
2. have a heart of gold (from Henry V) имам злат-
5. Make a passive sentence as in the model. но сърце
to be a very kind person

3. vanish into thin air (from Othello) изчезвам като 1878 March Treaty of San Stefano is signed by Russia
(яко) дим and the Ottoman Empire, which recognises an
to disappear suddenly and completely in autonomous Principality of Bulgaria.
a mysterious way 1878 July Treaty of Berlin creates a smaller Bulgaria.
4. wild-goose chase (from Romeo and Juliet) (да те Eastern Rumelia remains under Ottoman rule.
пратят) за зелен хайвер 1885 Eastern Rumelia is merged with Bulgaria.
a situation where you are looking for something 1908 Bulgaria declares itself an independent
that does not exist or that you are very unlikely to kingdom.
find, so that you waste a lot of time 1914 – 18 World War I. Bulgaria allies itself with
5. your own flesh and blood (from Hamlet) собст- Germany.
вената ти плът и кръв 1939 – 45 World War II. Soviet army invades Bulgaria
someone who is part of your family in September 1944.
6. love is blind (from The Merchant Of Venice) любо- 1946 Monarchy is abolished in referendum and
вта е сляпа republic is declared.
a person in love cannot see any imperfections in
the person they love
CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS Поставете за домашна работа на учениците да
гледат видеото за историята на САЩ. Задай-
2. Complete the timeline with the correct years/
те въпроси за разбиране, например: When were
dates. Use your knowledge of Bulgarian history
the United States founded? Who were the Founding
and search the Internet.
Fathers? When did the Civil War start? Who won?, и
NB! Обърнете внимание на учениците, че в Линк:
Timeline са използвани сегашно историческо
време и present simple passive, защото това е
по-естествената употреба. MOVIE CLUB
Когато разказваме за минали събития, независи- 3. Read the text and discuss the questions below.
мо че не сме били свидетели, използваме минало Ако учениците не са гледали сериала Game of
просто време и past simple passive. Така че, ако Thrones, обсъдете следните въпроси.
искате от учениците да разказват за българска- 1. Do you watch TV shows (сериали)?
та история по този Timeline, следете да използ- 2. Which is your favourite show?
ват past simple passive и минало просто време. 3. What kind of show is it? (a comedy, a romance, a
historic show, a crime investigation show – тази лекси-
ка е позната на учениците от 8. клас)
Answers: 4. Who are the main characters?
681 Bulgarian state is established. 5. What do they do?
890s The earliest form of the Cyrillic alphabet is 6. When is it on?
created by Bulgarian scholars. 7. Do you recommend it?
1018 – 1185 Bulgaria is part of the Byzantine Empire.
1396 Тhe Ottoman Empire completes conquest of Идея:
Bulgaria. Ако имате време, гледайте в час подбран от
1876 April Nationwide uprising against Ottoman rule вас епизод от сериала Henry VIII или откъс от
is violently suppressed. филмите King Arthur (2004), Shakespeare in Love,
Elizabeth I. Направете дискусия в клас за идеите
на филма, героите, историята и т.н.


Grammar: nouns in groups; noun phrases and determiners; noun phrases and modifiers; comparative and superlative adjectives (revision);
comparative and superlative adverbs; must/mustn’t and have to/don’t have to (revision); need to/don’t need to; cannot
Vocabulary: natural disasters; building materials; global warming and climate change
Functions: talking about extreme weather and natural disasters; talking about advantages and disadvantages; discussing ideas (global
warming and climate change); describing a natural disaster
Project 2: My dream green home

4A RAGING NATURE our house, and we were told by the fire department
that we had to leave. Oh god, this was real!

1. Check your knowledge of words related to extreme 1. Olivia, Toshi, Pedro 2. Toshi and Pedro 
weather. Match the definitions with the words. 3. Olivia and Toshi 4. Olivia 
5. Pedro
1. hurricane 2. flood 3. heatwave READING
4. drought 5. storm
5. Read the text and underline the correct answer.

Идея: Answers:
1. a major volcanic eruption
Игра Quizlet за natural disasters
2. February
3. melted water
4. less than
2. Match the words with the pictures.
5. A hundred thousand
6. hitting another plane
Transcript and answers:

От горе надолу, от ляво надясно: SPEAKING

f. earthquake c. landslide    b. wildfire
6. Discuss the questions below. 
e. tornado a. volcanic eruption  d. flash flood
Ако искате да подготвите учениците за тази за-
дача, предварително им поставете задача да по-
LISTENING търсят в интернет или в печатни медии новини
за природни бедствия по света и в България.
3. Listen to three eyewitness accounts of natural
disasters. Match the accounts with the people and
the natural disasters in 2.  GRAMMAR
В учебната програма е посочено, че учениците
4. Listen again and answer the questions.
трябва да се запознаят със следните синтактич-
ни модели: determiner + noun: the villagе, our friends,
those houses; quantifier + noun: some people, a lot
of money; determiner + adjective + noun: our closest
Olivia, USA: 
friends; a new hоusе; adjective in front of a noun: They
I was in high school in Joplin, Missouri, when the
have a beautiful house; атрибутивна употреба на
tornado hit. My friends and I were on the highway
съществителни (noun + noun: table manners).
driving home and the storm was right behind us.
Тези граматични конструкции се разглеждат ед-
We flew down the highway going 90 miles per hour
новременно в учебника и в учебната тетрадка – в
and then barricaded ourselves in our friends’ cellar.
учебника се демонстрира тяхната употреба и/или
When we came out, everything was flat and our
се разглежда част от граматичната тема, която
high school had been destroyed completely.
след това се доразвива, обяснява и систематизира
в учебната тетрадка на стр. 22 – 24. Горепосоче-
Toshi, Japan:
ните структури са изучавани на ниво A1–A2 с из-
It was mid-afternoon. We were preparing for an
ключение на атрибутивната употреба на същест-
afternoon nap when the house started shaking. I’ve
вителните имена.
felt a lot of earthquakes, so I immediately knew it
was bad. I jumped up, grabbed a pair of jeans and
7. Write it in another way.
told my wife to evacuate. We got the kids out of the
house and escaped into a nearby field. From there,
we could see the whole neighbourhood swaying. It
was surreal. 2. train station 3. sports journalist
4. women’s magazines 5. strawberry ice cream
Pedro, Spain:  6. adventure stories 7. cow’s milk
We’ve recently had some devastating wildfires here
in the south of Spain. The whole day, I kept telling
myself everything was going to be fine. There was
no way the fire could get from the mountain peak
to the city. Then I heard fire engines approaching

READING Песен от
Слушайте песента The Hardest Word на Елтън
1. Read the text and complete the chart. Джон.

Answers: GRAMMAR
Type of house Building Benefits 3. Complete the sentences with the comparative or
materials superlative form of the adverbs in brackets.
earth houses earth, straw very durable
straw houses straw the cheapest material, Answers:
excellent insulation, 1. worse
great way to recycle 2. harder
tiny houses green environmentally- 3. the most carefully
building friendly, heated 4. more loudly
materials and cooled more 5. the most beautifully
or recycled efficiently, can be 6. more efficiently
supplies easily moved to a
different location
earthship bottles, tin eco-friendly housing, SPEAKING
cans, car great way to recycle 4. Work in groups of four. Choose one of the houses
tyres materials
in 1 and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
Make a list and report to the class.
Обърнете внимание на двата начина, по които се
пише tyre (BrE) – tire (AmE). Идея:

REFRESH YOUR MEMORY Видео за sustainable houses

Учениците гледат видеото, като водят записки
Answers: за три от къщите, които им харесват. В клас
обсъдете най-предпочитаните къщи и защо са
Comparative такива.
smaller, more durable Линк:
the easiest, the most durable


В този урок учениците ще се запознаят с Грета Глобално затопляне е повишаването на средната
Тунберг, основателка на Fridays for Future (Петъци за температура на атмосферата и Световния оке-
бъдещето), глобално движение на млади хора, чиято ан на Земята, което се наблюдава от 50-те годи-
цел е да мобилизират по-активни действия за спра- ни на ХХ век насам. Често като синоним на „глобал-
вяне с климатичните промени. Учениците ще бъдат но затопляне“ се използва „изменение на климата“.
провокирани да мислят критично за причините за За периода 1906 – 2005 г. е установено повишаване
климатичните промени, ученическите стачки на на средната глобална температура в близост до
Грета Тунберг и действията на политиците. земната повърхност средно с 0,74 ± 0,18°C.
Препоръчваме ви да запознаете учениците с две- Официалното становище на Рамковата конвен-
те гледни точки относно причините за глобалното ция на ООН за изменението на климата (IPCC –
затопляне и климатичните промени. Може да въз- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) е, че
ложите проучване по темата, преди да започнете „основната част от наблюдаваното от сре-
урока, за да постигнете пълноценна дискусия. дата на ХХ век увеличение на глобалните сред-
ни температури много вероятно се дължи на
READING наблюдаваното нарастване на концентрации-
те на антропогенни парникови газове“. Макар
1. Read the text below. What opinions exist about някои изследователи да изразяват несъгласие с
climate change and global warming? What is your някои заключения на IPCC, според официалната
opinion? информация от същата организация голямото

мнозинство от учените, работещи върху про-
мените на  климата, са съгласни с основните Answers:
Съществуват и възгледи, че някои от научни- must
те изследвания, според които антропогенните mustn’t
фактори са причина за глобалното затопляне, have to
са манипулирани. Според тях има доказател- don’t have to
ства за това, че учени от Европа и Северна
Америка, извършващи климатични изследвания GRAMMAR
в продължение на близо 13 години, систематич-
но са фалшифицирали представените в различ- 6. Complete the sentences with don’t/doesn’t need to
ни доклади и научни статии данни и изводи за or mustn’t.
климата на Земята през последните 2000 годи-
ни с цел да се представи съвременният отно- Answers:
сително топъл климат като уникално явление 2. don’t need to 3. mustn’t
в рамките на посочения период, причинено от 4. mustn’t 5. don’t need to
човешката дейност. 6. mustn’t 7. doesn’t need to
2. Now read an online article about Greta Thunberg,
a Swedish teen climate activist and choose the best 7. Have a discussion about climate change. Your
title. teacher will give you a set of conversation cards.
Work in groups. Discuss each question. Use the
Answers: conversation helpers below.
Направете комплект от карти с въпросите, пред-
b. The Swedish 16-year-old who misses classes to ложени долу. Разделете учениците на групи по три-
fight climate change ма или четирима така, че във всяка група да има и
бързи, и бавни ученици. Раздайте по една карта на
3. Match the definitions with the words and phrases всяка група. Дайте време на учениците да обмис-
in bold. лят отговорите си и дори да потърсят информа-
ция в интернет, ако това е позволено. Помогнете
Answers: на всяка група да обобщи отговорите си и да ги
a. strike представят пред класа.
b. stand Напомнете на учениците, че докато обсъждат,
c. too little, too late е важно да използват изразите в карето Teen Talk.
d. skip 1. Do you 4. Do you use 7. Are
e. on fire believe in environmentally- governments
climate change? friendly doing enough
4. Read the article again and circle the correct If so, why do products? Have to fight climate
answers. you think it is you gone green? change? Give
happening? If Give examples. examples.
Answers: no, explain why.
2. What do we 5. Do you think 8. The world is
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c
need to do to climate change addicted to fossil
stop climate can destroy life fuels. Are there
Според учебната програма учениците трябва да се change? on Earth? Discuss any alternatives
запознаят със следните модални глаголи и тяхната a best-case and to fossil fuels?
употреба: задължение, необходимост (need); заб­ a worst-case Discuss ideas.
рана (cannot); молба (will, вече разгледан в Unit 2B). scenario. Make a list.
В учебника на стр. 45 се разглеждат need to/ 3. Do we need 6. Do third-world 9. How can
needn’t. Преди да се въведе тази употреба, се пра- to worry about countries need you reduce
ви преговор на must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to. climate change? to make similar your carbon
По този начин учениците имат възможност да съ- Explain. efforts as rich, footprint?
поставят употребите на тези модални глаголи. industrialised Discuss ideas.
Учениците знаят от нива A1–A2, че can се из- countries to fight Make a list.
ползва за позволение, а употребата на отрицател- global warming?
ната форма cannot най-лесно се разбира, като се
съпостави с употребата на mustn’t – това е напра-
вено в учебната тетрадка на стр. 25, където зна-
нията на учениците се систематизират.
1. Do the quiz. Sometimes more than one answer is 4. Discuss the questions.
possible. Винаги когато има обсъждане, напомняйте на уче-
ниците да използват готовите фрази от карето
Answers: Teen Talk на стр. 45. Ако е необходимо, ги напишете
на дъската. При по-бързи класове може да разшири-
1. The answer is coal, natural gas and oil. те списъка.
2. The answer is carbon dioxide and methane.
3. The answer is solar power, wind power and
geothermal heat.
4. Generally, all four pollute our oceans but cigarette 5. Read these idioms and match them with the
butts are the major source of trash. explanations. How do we translate these idioms
5. The answer is eating local, driving less and into Bulgarian?
switching off lights. The fashion industry creates
more carbon emissions than some airlines.  Answers:
1. earth-shattering: extremely surprising and very
Idea: important (от огромна важност)
2. Mother Earth: used to refer to the world as the
Използвайте ресурса на стр. 46 в електронния place where everything comes from (майката
учебник. земя)
3. hell on earth: an extremely unpleasant situation
SMART TEENS or place (ад на земята)
4. how/what/why on earth: used when you are
2. Read the article and answer the question: What extremely surprised, confused, or angry about
does the title mean? something (къде (защо, как) по дяволите (за
Suggested answers: 5. come down to Earth: to start normal life again
Not to be connected to the power or water supply after a time of great happiness or excitement
networks. (слизам на земята)

6. Listen to the Earth Song by Michael Jackson. What
Викторина с лексика за опазване на околната сре- is the message of the song? Search the Internet for
да other songs about the environment.
Задачата е подходяща за обогатяване на лекси- Ето още няколко предложения за съвременни песни
ката на бързите ученици. Възложете на желае- за опазване на околната среда:
щите да направят викторината за домашна ра- After Forever by Equally Destructive
бота. Обсъдете резултатите и новата лексика Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
в час. Another Way to Die by Disturbed
Линк: https: //
3. Read the article again and circle the correct 7. Go to p. 112.
answers. Работете по вече познатия начин.
1. b
2. a
3. c. При проверката на отговорите насочете
вниманието на учениците към подзаглавие-
то, което съдържа част от отговора.
4. b. При проверката на отговорите насочете
вниманието на учениците към подзаглавие-
то, което съдържа част от отговора.
5. c
6. b

5. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 33

Grammar: the gerund; type 1 conditional (revision); type 2 conditional; get/take + noun; verb + sports
Vocabulary: keeping fit; health care; sleeping and waking
Functions: talking about sports and keeping fit; talking about unreal or impossible things;
at the chemist’s; writing a hospital admission form

5A KEEPING FIT Transcript:

VOCABULARY Ben: I love keeping fit. I visit my local gym four times a
week. It has everything you need to keep fit: treadmills,
1. Are you a couch potato? Do the quiz and find out. dumbbells and exercisers for different muscle groups.
Go to p. 114 to check your answers. When I do a good workout, I feel really great.
Учениците вероятно не знаят идиома couch potato Chris: I enjoy doing all kinds of sports. I go swimming
(човек, който се излежава и гледа много телевизия, at least twice a week. I swim for an hour and do
без да върши нищо полезно). Поканете ги да от- about 40 lengths. I also cycle to school every day.
гатнат значението му, като им дадете пример: And I play football with my friends when I can.
Jack spends all his time watching TV. He’s a real couch I think it’s really important to keep fit because it
potato. makes you feel good and energised for your studies.
couch potato: someone who spends most of their Lora: Well, I always say I’m going to take up exercise
time watching television and does not exercise or have and try to get into shape but I never seem to get
any interesting hobbies (Collins Cobuild Dictionary) started. I sometimes wonder if I need a personal
trainer who will sort out a fitness plan for me. I
2. Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check don’t mind exercising as long as I have company. 
and repeat. Tina: I go to the sports centre twice a week,
sometimes more often. It’s just a really fun place
Transcript and answers: to be and there’s a good social side to it all. You
can meet up with other people who want to do the
От горе надолу, от ляво надясно: same sports. I can’t stop trying new sports to find
a. gym b. kettlebell e. weight out what I really enjoy. I’ve tried Tabatha, Zumba,
d. dumbbell c. treadmill yoga, Pilates. Once I heard some people talking
about training to run a marathon and I’ve decided
3. Match the phrases with the definitions. Listen and to give it a try, too.
Transcript and answers:
Ben, Chris and Tina or speaker 1, 2 and 4
1. to do regular exercises to improve personal fitness
5. Listen again and circle the correct answers.
and health: to keep fit
2. t o start exercising regularly: to take up exercise
3. to get into good physical condition: to get into
shape 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. a
4. to take part in a running event: to run a marathon
5. to have a session of exercise or practice to improve GRAMMAR
fitness: to have a workout
В учебната тетрадка на стр. 30 сме обяснили под-
Idea: робно какво представлява gerund. Важно е ученици-
те да разберат, че герундият се образува от глагол
В учебната тетрадка припомняме на учениците
+ -ing, но има значение на съществително име.
лексика, свързана с видове физически упражнения,
и колокациите verb + sports на стр. 28 – 29.
6. Write it in another way. Use a gerund.

4. Listen to four people explaining how they keep 2. Tina is very good at swimming.
fit. Tick the names of the people who exercise 3. It’s better to avoid overtraining.
regularly. 4. My sister can’t stop eating chocolate.
5. I don’t mind waiting a little longer.

7. Finish the sentences with a suitable gerund. Make Pavel: Phenomenal! Eva and I visited a lot of cool
them true for you. places. I’m going to write about them in my blog.
Поканете ученик или ученици да записват отгово- But the holiday hasn’t finished yet! 
рите на дъската. По-бавните ученици преписват Dimiter: You said you were flying back last Sunday.
идеите в учебника. Did you miss your flight? 
Pavel: No, I had an accident and now I’m in hospital. 
SPEAKING Dimiter: What happened? 
Pavel: I went rock climbing while we were visiting
8. Discuss in groups of four. Take notes about your Mount Rushmore. I slipped and broke my leg. I had
classmates. One of you reports to the class. an operation and now I’m in plaster. I have to stay
Дискусията може да бъде и на ниво клас, като под- in hospital till the end of the week. 
берете само някои от въпросите според времето, Dimiter: What a shame! And such a waste of time! 
с което разполагате. Pavel: Well, not really. There’s this girl in the next
room. Her arm is in plaster, too. She’s gorgeous! 
Dimiter: That’s cool, man. What’s her name? 
5B AN EMERGENCY Pavel: I don’t know. 
Dimiter: What? You don’t know her name? If I were
VOCABULARY you, I’d talk to her! 
Pavel: I’ll think about it... What should I say? 
1. What parts of the body do you know? Make a list. Dimiter: Ask her how she broke her arm. 
Pavel: That’s a good idea. 
Suggested answers: Dimiter: And don’t forget to add her on social
От 9. – 10. клас: head, neck, arm, hand, leg,
Pavel: Sure I won’t! Thanks, mate! 
stomach, knee, foot, finger, chest, back, elbow,
shoulder, tongue
1. In the USA, in hospital.
Idea: 2. He slipped and broke his leg while rock climbing.
Може да ползвате ресурса на стр. 50 в електрон-
5. Listen again. Who says these sentences: Pavel or
ния учебник.
2. What health problems and symptoms do you
know? Make a list.
1. Pavel 2. Dimiter 3. Pavel
Suggested answers: 4. Pavel 5. Dimiter 6. Dimiter
7. Pavel 8. Pavel
От 9. – 10. клас: flu, sore throat, headache, cough,
runny nose, temperature
3. Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check
Препоръчваме ви да преговорите образуването и
and repeat.
употребата на първи тип условно изречение, пре-
ди да въведете втори тип.
Transcript and answers:

От горе надолу, от ляво надясно
a. plaster cast b. pills h. nasal spray don’t exercise, won’t get
d. wound g. capsule    will, exercise; won’t
f. effervescent tablet c. plaster
j. prescription e. lozenges i. cough syrup GRAMMAR
4. Listen and answer the questions.
didn’t keep, wouldn’t run
would you run; wouldn’t
Dimiter: Hey, mate. What’s up? 
Pavel: I knew you would call! 
Dimiter: I would. I haven’t talked to you for ages.
How was your holiday in the US? 

6. Underline the correct form.
Presenter: Hello and welcome to Teen Health, the
1. would 2. ’d send 3. didn’t
programme that examines healthy lifestyle for
4. had 5. ’d tell 6. wouldn’t
teens. I’m your host Lina Bonetesta and today we’re
going to look at the problems teenagers have with
7. Discuss the questions in pairs. Take notes about
sleep. Our guest this morning is sleep expert Dr
your partner and report to the class.
Martha Richardson. Welcome to our show!
Поканете ученик да запише най-интересните от-
MR: Thank you, Lina. I’m happy to be here.
говори на дъската.
Presenter: Dr Richardson, here’s my first question:
Why don’t teens get enough sleep?
MR: Well, teens often get a bad reputation for
1. Игра Kahoot за Type 2 Conditional staying up late, oversleeping for school, and falling
Линк: asleep in class. But teen sleep patterns are different
conditional/d8e26c9c-d450-4ce8-961f-65c6f14f0b7d from those of adults or younger kids.
2. Гледайте видеото If I were the president Presenter: What do you mean by sleep patterns?
Линк: MR: During the teen years, the body’s internal
conditional-if-i-were-president.html biological clock is reset and it tells teens to fall asleep
later and wake up later. This can make it harder for
SPEAKING them to fall asleep early.
Presenter: So how does this affect teens’ life?
8. Match the symptoms with the complaints. MR: Well, this change in a teen’s body coincides
with a busy time in life. Most teens need to do
Answers: well in school so they study hard. And there’s a lot
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. e outside school – everything from sports and school
clubs to working a part-time job. Using electronics
such as phones, tablets, and computers also makes
Идея: it hard to fall asleep. Many teens stay up late texting
friends, playing games, and watching videos.
Може да упражните правописа на тези думи Presenter: I know what you’re talking about! And
чрез ресурса на стр. 51 в електронния учебник. then you have to get up early for school! 
MR: That’s true. Teens who fall asleep after midnight
9. Read and listen to the dialogue. Then practise in still have to get up early for school. This means they
pairs. Make similar dialogues. Use the expressions get only 6 or 7 hours of sleep. A few hours of missed
in 8 and your own ideas.  sleep a night may not seem like a big deal, but it can
Работете по познатия начин. create a significant sleep deficit over time.

WRITING Answers:

10. Go to p. 109. Fill in the hospital admission form. c

Обяснете, че за по-голяма четливост е добре та-
кива документи да се попълват с печатни букви (in 4. Listen again and circle the correct answers.
block letters).
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a
5. Listen to the second part of the radio programme
VOCABULARY and complete the sentences. 

1. Read the sentences and explain the difference in Transcript:

meaning of the phrases in bold.
Учениците често бъркат sleep in/overslept/stay up. Presenter: But why is sleep so important?
MR: There are many reasons. First of all, sleep is
LISTENING AND READING important for you to be at your best. Teens need
sleep to pay attention and learn at school. If you
2. Read the paragraph. Circle the answer true for you. don’t get enough sleep, you can’t concentrate and
can even fall asleep during class! Getting enough
3. Listen to the first part of a radio programme and sleep helps you to be healthy and grow and develop
answer the question. normally. 

Presenter: What problems can lost sleep lead to?  8. Write take or get.
MR: Oh, the list is long and scary! Lost sleep can
lead to poor grades, relationship problems, and Answers:
falling asleep while driving. People who regularly
1. take 2. take 3. get   4. get
lose sleep can have health problems, like heart
5. take 6. get 7. get   8. take
disease and obesity as well as emotional problems,
like depression.
Presenter: I’m afraid that’s all we have time for today. NB! Вероятно учениците знаят колокацията
Thank you! You can read more on the problem in Dr make a decision. Обяснете, че в английския език
Richardson’s blog съществуват и двата варианта (make/take a
MR: Thanks, Lina. And goodbye to our listeners! decision). Take a decision има по-формална упот­
Get a good night’s sleep tonight, everyone! You реба.
deserve it!


1. Sleep is important for you to be at your best.
2. If you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t SMART TEENS
3. If you get enough sleep, it helps you to be 1. Read about basic first aid and match the paragraphs
healthy. with the pictures below.
4. People who regularly lose sleep can have health
problems like heart disease and obesity. Answers:
5. People who regularly lose sleep can also have A B   C
emotional problems like depression.

6. Read the blog and write T (true) or F (false). Correct

the false sentences.

White noise: White noise refers to sounds that

mask other sounds that might occur naturally in an LIFE SKILLS
environment. If you live in a city, for example, white
noise could help block out noises associated with 2. Read the information about EHIC and match the
traffic.  frequently asked questions with the answers.
Specific sounds might be used to help encourage
sleep regardless of environmental noises. Examples Answers:
include rainforest or soothing beach sounds. How can I get a card?
You can get a card by contacting your local health
Answers: authority.
2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F
What information is on the card?
The only personal information on the European
7. Discuss the questions below.
Health Insurance Card is the cardholder’s first name
and surname, personal identification number and
date of birth.
Гледайте видеото The importance of sleep.
Линк: How long is the card valid for? Your European Health Insurance Card is valid for up
to 5 years. You will need to renew your card after this
GRAMMAR time for future travel.

Answers: Is the EHIC an alternative to travel insurance?

The card is not an alternative to travel insurance. It
take a bus; get in touch; get dressed; take a break;
will not cover any private medical healthcare or things
take a decision; get the door
such as mountain rescue or lost or stolen property.

3. Match the idioms with their meanings.

Answers: Възложете на по-бързите ученици да измислят
свои изречения с идиомите, а на по-бавните – да
1. to cost (somebody) an arm and a leg
преведат изреченията на български с подходящи
to be very expensive (струвам много скъпо)
2. to give (somebody) a hand
to help (someone) do something (помагам)
3. to be head over heels in love FUN TIME
to be deeply in love (лудо влюбен)
5. Read these jokes. Why are they funny? Try telling a
4. my lips are sealed
joke of your own in English.
to promise to keep a secret (държа си езика зад
Обяснете на учениците, че когато разказваме виц/
анекдот на английски език, често използваме се-
5. to have a sweet tooth
гашно просто време, за да постигнем по-голяма
to love sugar or sweet things (обичам сладко)
експресивност. Не е грешка, ако се използва и ми-
нало време.
4. Complete the sentences with the idioms in 3.
Песен в
1. My new phone is really cool but it cost me an
Слушайте песента на Енрике Иглесиас Hero и уп-
arm and a leg.
ражнявайте Type 2 Conditional.
2. Can you give me a hand with these suitcases?
3. Pavel is head over heels in love with his American
4. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody about the party.
My lips are sealed.
5. I have a sweet tooth, so I find it really difficult to
give up sugar and chocolate.

REVISION 1 I started my expedition in May 2005. Since then, I’ve

visited more than 90 countries and territories. I’ve
1. Listen to Juan Villarino, an Argentinian hitch-hiker, ridden in nearly 1,200 vehicles and have covered over
travel blogger and author and write T (true) or 100,000 miles. In a world, often seen as a dangerous
F (false). place to live, the road has turned me into a believer
in empathy and intercultural understanding.
Hi, I’m Juan Villarino. Since 2005, I’ve travelled the
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
world by hitchhiking. You’ll be surprised to know
5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F
that lots of people enjoy taking you for a free ride
and talking to you! By now, I’ve spent 13 years – on
and off – travelling along the small roads of Europe, READING
the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America,
2. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
and I’ve even managed to explore several bases in
Antarctica! I’ve mostly kept to a travel budget of 5
to 8 dollars per day as a way to make myself meet
people and depend on their help.  1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b

My travel style is based on the following rules: VOCABULARY

1. Hitchhiking
2. Using small roads and visiting small towns along 3. Underline the correct word.
3. Depending on local hospitality instead of tourist Answers:
facilities like hostels and hotels 1. picked up 2. proficient 3. improve
4. Camping 4. enrich 5. understood
5. Studying the history and social problems of the
area I visit 4. Cross out the word which is different and say why
you think so.
Answers: GRAMMAR
1. treadmill (a machine) 10. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or
2. long weekend (not a kind of accomodation) Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
3. settlement (the other three are monuments/
structures made of stone) Answers:
4. get out of shape (the opposite of getting/being 1. am having
fit) 2. are you thinking
5. nasal spray (it’s for the nose, not the mouth) 3. do you mean
4. smell
5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 5. don’t believe, you are saying, do you think
Be careful – there are two extra words!  6. look
7. has, want
1. baggage reclaim 2. security check 11. Underline the correct form of the verb: active or
3. customs 4. check-in-desk passive.
5. aisle 6. baggage allowance
6. Match the opposites. 1. is sometimes asked
2. leave, are never stolen
Answers: 3. are spread
1. pleased b. disappointed 4. produces
2. marry c. divorce 5. is made
3. attractive d. distasteful 6. is still delivered
4. queen e. king
5. victory f. defeat 12. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets: Past Simple, Past Continuous
7. Find 8 natural disasters, horizontally and vertically. or Past Perfect.

Answers: Answers:
1. got, had already started
2. ate, had made
3. fell, was running
4. was she studying
5. hadn’t seen
6. arrived, had already gathered

13. Change the sentences into past passive.

8. Circle the correct answer. 1. Pierre was given a cake for his birthday (by Fiona).
2. I was asked a difficult questions (by the teacher).
Answers: 3. The whole truth was told to me (by Helen).
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 4. Our car was sold to a neighbour (by my dad).
5. c 6. b 7. b 5. The book was lent to Annie (by James).
6. All clients were sent greeting cards (by the
9. Complete the sentences with the idioms in the company).
box. Be careful – there are two extra idioms!
14. Complete the Type 2 conditional sentences.
2. heart of gold
3. vanished into thin air 1. If I could live anywhere on Earth, I would still
4. wild goose chase choose Bulgaria.
5. flesh and blood 2. If it was sunny, I would go for a walk.
6. slept like a log 3. If I were you, I would work harder at school.
7. come down to earth 4. If I had Ivailo’s number, I would phone him

5. I would be a famous pianist if I could play the Tourist: Have you got a free map of the city?
piano. Tourism Officer: Sure. Here you are. The map of the
6. If my brother spoke English, he would get whole city is on this side and on the other side you
a better-paid job. can see the tourist centre.
Tourist: What can I do in a day?
15. Complete the sentences with the comparative and Tourism Officer: All the sights are marked on the
superlative forms of the adverbs in brackets. map. Just have a look. And you can join a guided
tour from here.
Answers: Tourist: That’s in front of the cathedral, right?
Tourism Officer: Yes, that’s right.
1. more carefully 2. worse
Tourist: And where can I exchange some money?
3. harder 4. later
Tourism Officer: There’s an exchange bureau in the
5. the fastest 6. more slowly
main square. There’s also a cash machine across the
16. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets: the
Tourist: Thank you.
gerund or the infinitive.

Answers: WRITING
1. watching 2. flying 3. doing 19. Finish the story. It can be an everyday, amusing or
4. to talk 5. crying 6. asking sad story, or have an unexpected ending (about
7. to meet 8. answering 9. playing 150 words).

17. Complete the sentences with get or take. Suggested answers:

Last Saturday, my friend Ivailo and I were in the park.

We were riding our bikes and chatting about our plans
1. take 2. take 3. take for the summer holidays. Then we saw a little boy who
4. get 5. take 6. get was crying on a bench. The boy was completely alone
and we realised he had got lost. So I just put him on
COMMUNICATION my bike and we started looking for the boy’s parents.
We had ridden for fifteen minutes when we saw a
18. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the family who looked really worried. They were stopping
box. everyone they met and they were showing them a
picture. We rode towards them. When they saw us,
Answers: they cried happily and ran towards us. The woman
Tourist: Hello. hugged the boy and started crying. The man thanked
Tourism Officer: Hello. How can I help you? us for helping him find his son.
After that, Ivailo and I said goodbuy and went home.
I felt quite tired but happy.


UNIT 1 IDENTITY 300,000 three hundred thousand
1,000,000 a million
VOCABULARY 10,000,000 ten million

1. Write the numbers in words. 2. Circle the correct word.

102 a hundred and two 1. harvested 2. spread out
287 two hundred and eighty-seven 3. dry 4. roasted 5. ground
1,300 one thousand three hundred
1,600 one thousand six hundred 3. Complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the
4,891 four thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one box in the correct tense.
2,000 two thousand 1. A: Wow, your English is really good! B: Thanks. I
5,001 five thousand and one brushed up on it while I was visiting my cousins
26,781 twenty-six thousand, seven hundred and in the USA.
2. It’s not easy to master a language. Experts say COMMUNICATION
you need a lot of practise if you want to speak
fluently. 10. Put the sentences in the correct order to make
3.  A great way to enrich your vocabulary in a dialogues.
foreign language is to read books and listen to 1.
music. A: Where are you from?
4.  When we were in Italy, I picked up a bit of B: I’m from Edinburgh.
Italian: ciao, ragazzi, buongiorno. А: Really? I was there last year.
5.  My sister is proficient in English, German and B: Did you like it?
Spanish. A: Yes, I did. It’s a lovely city and I had a great time.
6. A: I’d like to improve my speaking skills in 2.
English. I understand what people say but I A: Do you like travelling?
want to make myself understood. B: Oh, yes.
B: Try thinking in English. This has helped me a lot. A: What countries have you been to?
B: I’ve been to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria…
4. Read the rules and complete the sentences with What about you?
the correct form: the country, the noun (person A: I’ve only been to Greece. Have you ever been to
or language) or the adjective. Put a or the where Bulgaria before?
necessary. B: No, I haven’t. This is my first time here. 
2. The British 3. Greek
4. a Portuguese 5. Dutch
6. Swiss 7. a Pole, Polish
8. Spaniard, Spanish 11. Write about something grown in Bulgaria. Search
the Internet for ideas. Write about 100 words.
5. Fill in the correct preposition: over, as, of, in, like, in.
1. in 2. of 3. in Suggested answers:
4. over 5. as 6. like
Lavenders are small evergreen shrubs which have
got purple flowers. The plants are grown for their
GRAMMAR production of essential oils which in turn are used
6. Underline the correct form. in the perfume industry and cosmetics. Lavender
2. is making 3. are doing is even used in the production of paints. The dried
4. takes 5. reads, is listening flowers are used in wardrobe freshener bags and air
6. is telling 7. drives, is cycling fresheners.
In Bulgaria, lavender is grown in the region of
7. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets: the Dobrudzha and the Valley of Roses. Lavender is
Present Simple or the Present Continuous. harvested at the beginning of July. It is picked by
2. are travelling 3. tastes hand or with machinery. Lavender essential oil is
4. love/don’t like 5. are having, are writing exported to France, Germany, USA, Japan, and
6. Do you understand, want Dubai, to name but a few.
7. looks, is thinking
8. Tick the correct sentences in each pair.
1. I’ve known my best friend for 10 years. VOCABULARY
2. Has Karim moved out yet?
3. My grandparents have never flown in 1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
an airplane. 1. French 2. function
4. The guests haven’t arrived yet. 3. treat 4. frozen 5. Briton
5. It hasn’t rained for two months.
6. Jane hasn’t eaten meat since she was 17. 2. Complete the sentences with the words below.
7. They have just finished classes. 1. pick up 2. understood
3. proficient 4. improve 5. fluently
9. In the following pairs of sentences, make the
second sentence passive.  GRAMMAR
2. The classrooms are cleaned every day.
3. Worms and ants are eaten by some people. 3. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets: the
4. The best students are given prizes by the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
headmaster. 1. doesn’t want, owes
5. Only local food and drinks are served in this 2. A: are you looking
restaurant. 3. B: are wearing
6. A lot of coffee is drunk by Italians. 4. forget, remember

6. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 41

4. Underline the correct option. 4. Look at the collocations of the noun flight. Then
1. has worked, since complete the sentences with the correct verb in the
2. lost,’ve found appropriate tense.
3. ’ve just woken up 1. missed 2. was delayed
4. hasn’t chatted, since 3. catch 4. booked
5. has known, for 5. was changed 6. booked
7. was cancelled
5. Make the sentences passive. Use by where
necessary. Учениците още не са учили минал страдетелен
1. Some ingredients are added to cocoa to make залог, но от тях се иска да променят само
the chocolate we know. формата на глагола be в минало време.
2. Bananas are grown in tropical areas like Africa
and Latin America. 5. Write the means of transport in the correct column.
3. Some of the best Belgian chocolate is produced Some belong to two columns.
by this factory.
4. Tea is made from the leaves of the tea plant. BY IN ON
5. Vineyards are usually planted on south-facing BY bike, IN a car, a boat, ON a bus,
slopes by farmers. motorcycle, a taxi a ferry, a plane,
car, lorry, train, a train, a tram,
6. Write the correct form: active or passive. plane, bus, a trolleybus, the
ship, tram, Underground/
1. is spoken
boat, Tube/ the Tube
2. serve Underground a bicycle/
3. is grown motorcycle/boat
4. are manufactured
5. includes
6. Complete the sentences with the correct
7. Fill in the correct prepositions: over, as, of, in, like. preposition: in, on, by.
1. over 2. of 3. in 4. like 5. as 1. by 2. on 3. on 4. in
5. by 6. on

UNIT 2 GOING PLACES 7. Fill in the correct preposition: into, out of, on, off.
1. into 2. off 3. out of 4. on
5. into 6. on 7. off
1. Мatch the two parts of the phrases. Then use GRAMMAR
them to complete the sentences. Be careful – some
words are plural! 8. Decide if the sentences below are about a request,
1. a guided tour a future fact/prediction or a spontaneous decision.
2. a holiday destination 1. a future fact/prediction
3. a holiday resort 2. a request
4. a package holiday 3. a future fact/prediction
5. an all-inclusive hotel 4. a spontaneous decision
6. a self-catering apartment 5. a request
7. a long weekend 6. a future fact/prediction
8. a youth hostel 7. a future fact/prediction
8. a spontaneous decision
1. a guided tour 9. a request
2. holiday destination, holiday resorts.
3. package holidays, all-inclusive hotels 9. Tick the correct sentences. Then correct the wrong
4. self-catering apartments sentences in the space provided below.
5. a long weekend, a youth hostel 1. Perhaps they will be too tired to go sightseeing.
2. Eva will probably book a youth hostel.
3. Maybe Eva’s suitcase will get lost. correct
Important! 4. E va and Pavel probably won’t have a great time
От ляво надясно: 3, 2, 1 in Bulgaria.
5. M aybe the tourist centre will be closed
3. Match the words with their definitions. tomorrow.
1. g 2. d 3. b 4. c 6. M y parents probably won’t be happy with my
5. a 6. f 7. e  exam results.
7. I think you probably won’t like this self-help book.

10. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct imperative 4. Write a request for the situations below. Use will,
form. can or could. Sometimes there is more than one
2. Tell (tell) 3. Be (be) option.
4. Turn (turn) 5. Don’t forget 1. Could/Can you explain the exercise, please?
6. Try 2. Can/Will you make pizza?
3. Can/Will you give me a lift to school?
COMMUNICATION 4. Can/Will you call me in an hour?
5. Could you move your bike, please?
11. Match the phrases with their meanings. Then use
them in the dialogues below. 5. Put the words in the correct order to make
1. d 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. a sentences.
1. Perhaps it will be sunny tomorrow.
1. Oops! 2. You probably won’t enjoy the film.
2. No worries! 3. Maybe they won’t arrive on time.
3. As you wish! 4. W e will probably visit a lot of museums in
4. It’s no big deal. London.
5. Give me a break! 5. I probably won’t be able to visit granny this
6. Write the correct use of the imperative forms
12. Write tips for foreign travellers coming to Bulgaria. below: order, advice, invitation, and instruction.
Give reasons. 1. instruction 2. order
3. instruction 4. advice
Suggested answers: 5. invitation
3. Learn the Cyrillic alphabet. Street names are often
7. Fill in the correct preposition: in, on, at, by.
written only in Bulgarian.
1. on 2. by 3. in 4. in
4. Learn the basics of the Bulgarian language/Pick
5. by 6. on
up some Bulgarian – a lot of young people speak
English but most people don’t!
5. Yes and no: don’t get confused. Bulgarians shake
their heads to say ‘yes’ and nod to say ‘no’.
6. Always carry some cash with you. There are places
that don’t accept credit cards. VOCABULARY
7. When eating out, remember to leave a tip. This is
1. Answer the questions. Write the dates in numbers
and words.
8. Go skiing in winter and sunbathing at the beach
2. In eighty sixty-one (861). 1
in summer.
3. In nineteen oh eight (1908).
9. Try Shopska salad, tarator and lyutenitsa. They are
4. On the third of March (3rd March).
5. On the eighteenth of July, eighteen thirty-seven
10. Learn the basic facts of Bulgarian history! They’ll
(18 юли 1837).
tell you a lot about the country’s present.
2. Write the words next to their definitions.
PROGRESS REVIEW 2 1. settlement 2. tomb 2
3. monument 4. artefact
VOCABULARY 5. standing stone 6. stone circle
1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
3. Now complete the sentences with the words in 2.
1. spells 2. lorry 3. travelling
Some words are in the plural.
4. arrivals 5. tourist
1 artefacts 2. settlement
3. stone circles 4. standing stones 3
2. Underline the correct word.
5. monument 6. tomb
1. hordes 2. destination 3. interest
4. gate 5. an aisle 6. security
4. Choose the correct preposition.
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b
GRAMMAR 5. a 6. b 7. a
3. Write the correct use of the verb will. Write (R) for 4
request and (F) for future.
1. F 2. R 3. R 4. F 5. R

B: O
 h, well. He divorced two of them and beheaded
GRAMMAR two other… he really wanted to have a son!
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of A: Wow, he sounds very determined!
the verb: active or passive. B: He was! And he lived in very interesting times.
1. was created 2. created
3. invaded 4. was invaded WRITING
5. introduced 6. were introduced
7. was destroyed 8. destroyed 11. Describe a historical place. It could be anywhere in
9. defeated 10. were defeated Bulgaria. Search the Internet and write about 120
6. Underline the indirect object in each sentence.
Then rewrite the sentence, using the prepositions Suggested answers:
to or for. Aleko Konstantinov’s House and Museum is located
2. Granny cooked a delicious lunch for us. in Svishtov. The great Bulgarian writer was born
3. The queen gave the sword to him. there and spent his childhood and teenage years in
4. Don’t forget to send John’s number to me. town. You can get there by train, by coach, by car
5. My parents will buy a new mobile for me. and on foot depending on your starting point.
6. Ivan offered some help with the painting to me. Aleko Konstantinov’s father was a rich merchant
who built the house in the Bulgarian Renaissance
7. Make a passive sentence as in the model. style of the 19th century. The place was turned into
2. I was given some instructions (by the teacher). museum in 1926. You can see Aleko Konstantinov’s
3. Fionna was bought some flowers (by Pierre). possessions such as photos, letters and postcards, as
4. Petya was taught some Spanish (by Ana Isabel). well as copies of his works. Visitors can walk around
5. The seat was offered to the elderly woman (by the author’s restored house and attend a talk about
Karim). his life and work. One of the most valuable exhibits
6. Lina was brought some scones (by the waiter). is the writer’s heart itself.
7. An email was sent to my parents (by the
8. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets: the
Past Simple or the Past Continuous. VOCABULARY
1. fell, was 1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
2. was showing, was talking 1. tournament
3. was watching, received, left, appeared 2. knight
4. was living, fell, died 3. mystery
4. Tudors
9. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets: the 5. reign
Past Simple or the Past Perfect. 6. stepmother
2. went, had bought
3. started, had packed 2. Underline the correct word.
4. phoned, hadn’t left 1. heir 2. disappointed
5. watched, had had 3. evidence 4. equals
6. had read, saw 5. accused 6. Conqueror
7. brought, had not eaten
3. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets: the
10. Put the conversation in the correct order. Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
A: What are you doing? 1. watched
B: I’m watching a TV show. 2. came, were fighting
A: Which show are you watching? 3. were travelling, shot
B: Henry VIII. It’s quite exciting. 4. was watching, got
A: H m. I don’t know much about Henry VIII. When 5. was courting, was trying
did he live?
B: I don’t know exactly. I think during the 16th 4. Write the Past Perfect forms of the verbs in the
century. box.
A: What is he famous for? 1. hadn’t had 2. had eaten
B: Mainly for his six wives. 3. hadn’t met 4. had set
A: Six wives? That’s impressive! Anything else? 5. hadn’t booked

5. Make the sentences passive. Start with the given 5. Write sentences as in the model.
word(s). 2. Their house is taller than ours.
1. Arthur’s body was never found. 3. City streets are noisier than country roads.
2. Elizabeth I was called ‘Good Queen Bess’. 4. Stone houses are more durable than cob houses.
3. A formal invitation to all the parents was sent by 5. Straw houses are cheaper than concrete houses.
the headmaster. 6. A road is narrower than a motorway. 
4. The students were given useful advice.
5. I was given a great gift for my birthday by Mark. 6. Complete the sentences with the superlative form
of the adjective in brackets.
6. Fill in the correct preposition: in, for, against, from. 2. the worst 3. The funniest
1. against 2. for   3. for  4. from   5. in 4. The most intelligent 5. The cosiest
6. the least

UNIT 4 THE WORLD IS ON FIRE 7. Complete the sentences with the comparative or
superlative form of the adverb in brackets.
VOCABULARY 2. the most efficiently 3. the hardest
4. the worst 5. longer
1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 6. more carefully
Be careful – some words are in the plural.
1. landslide 2. volcanic eruptions 8. Tick the correct sentence.
3. flash floods 4. tornado 1. Notice: You must not light a fire here.
5. earthquake 6. wildfire 2. Policeman: You can’t park here, sir.
3. Friend: You don’t have to complete your project
2. Match the two parts of the compound nouns. Then tonight.
use them to complete the sentences.  4. N otice at the museum: You must not take
1. environmental footprint pictures.
2. eco-friendly housing
3. building materials 9. Complete the sentences with the correct form:
4. recycled supplies need to/needs to or don’t/doesn’t need to.
5. climate change 2. need to 3. need to
6. global warming 4. doesn’t need to 5. needs to
6. doesn’t need to 7. don’t need to
1. eco-friendly housing
2. global warming COMMUNICATION
3. environmental footprint
4. climate change 10. Put the conversation in the correct order. 
5. building materials A: Do you believe climate change is man-made?
6. recycled supplies B: What do you mean?
A: Do you think we humans are responsible for the
GRAMMAR increase in temperature and the greater number
of natural disasters.
3. Correct the mistakes in the noun phrases below. B: Ah, I see. You mean global warming!
Delete or add determiners, or change their order. A: Global warming is just a part of climate change.
Then translate the noun phrases into Bulgarian. The situation is much more complicated.
3. any of these books; any books, these books B: I don’t know much about that. Can you tell me
4. my phone, the phone more about climate change?
5. both my sisters; my sisters, both sisters A: Well, scientists have different opinions. Some
6. the next three weeks believe we’re responsible for climate change and
7. his six wives the others say it’s a natural cycle.
B: Sounds very confusing. I’m wondering which side
4. Match the nouns in the two boxes to make is right.
compound nouns. Be careful – some words are A: I guess you should read more on the subject if
written as a single word, others as two words. you’re curious.
Then translate the nouns into Bulgarian. B: I definitely will. But what do YOU think?
headteacher, postcard, air ticket, policeman, ice
cream, firefighter, handbag, sunrise, toothpaste, WRITING
football, car park, earthquake, bus stop, pencil case
11. Describe a natural disaster you experienced, heard
about or saw on the news in your area/country.
The questions below will help you. Write about
120–130 words.
Suggested answers: UNIT 5 THE CHOICE IS YOURS
In 2019, Australia was hit by the worst wildfires
seen in decades. 29 people died across Australia VOCABULARY
and more than 3,000 homes were destroyed or
damaged. The worst damage was in New South 1. Write the words under the pictures.
Wales, the country’s most populated state. От ляво надясно:
Animals were also affected by the fires. It is kettlebell dumbbell
estimated that about half a billion animals were weight gym
killed across New South Wales. These include birds, treadmill
reptiles, mammals, insects and frogs. Almost a
third of the koalas in New South Wales died in the Do you remember these words? Write them under
fires and a third of their habitat was destroyed. the pictures.
According to scientists, the total number of animals lunge
affected by the disaster came to one billion push-up
nationwide. pull-up, sprinting
A lot of people volunteered as firefighters or squat
donated money to help the victims of the fires –
both people and animals. 2. Circle the correct phrase.
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b

PROGRESS REVIEW 4 3. Circle the correct answers.

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c
VOCABULARY 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. c
1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
1. rain 2. byproduct 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
3. green home 4. flash flood Sometimes there is more than one option.
5. pollution 6. close 1. pills, prescription, effervescent tablets/capsules
2. wound, plaster
2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 3. nasal spray, lozenges, cough syrup
1. skip 2. cost 3. provide 4. efficiently 4. plaster cast
5. stand 6. strike 7. durable
GRAMMAR 5. Decide if the -ing form is used as a noun (N) or
3. Choose the correct phrase. a verb (V).
1. the top of the page 2. ticket office 1. I look forward to seeing you again next week. N
3. a biology teacher 4. airline industry 2. Dad’s giving me a lift to school. V
5. cow’s milk 6. horror stories 3. Your article really needs rewriting. N
7. women’s clothing 4. They’re meeting us in front of the cinema. V
5. Exercising for hours every day can dangerous. N
4. Write the comparative or superlative form of the 6. Hey, are you listening to me at all? V
adverbs. 7. Walking to school was a great idea. N
1. faster 2. more loudly 8. M
 y cousins were living in New York when the
3. the best 4. later, longer 11/9 happened. V
5. more slowly
6. Write it in another way. Use a gerund.
5. Write the correct modal verb: must/mustn’t, have 2. She apologised for interrupting the meeting.
to/don’t have to, need to/don’t need to. 3. He looks forward to starting a new job.
Sometimes more than one option is possible. 4. Lucy can’t stop thinking about James.
1. don’t have to, don’t need to 5. Peter is responsible for walking my dogs.
2. mustn’t 3. have to, must 6. I suggest taking the bus.
4. have to 5. must 7. It’s no use worrying about money.
6. need to
7. Complete the sentences, using the first conditional.
6. Fill in the correct preposition: above, in, on, out of, Use short forms where possible.
than. 2. exercise, will get
1. out of 2. above  3. than 4. in 5. on 3. snows, will go
4. doesn’t fill in, will not receive
5. am, will stay up

6. listen, will learn
7. will miss, don’t hurry water and food. Then I would return to the beach
for more swimming and sunbathing.
8. Complete the sentences, using the second If I had a mobile, I would take some selfies to show
conditional. Use short forms where possible. my friends. I would also send a message to my
2. lost, I’d feel 3. did, she’d be friends to tell them where I was. I would probably
4. would they do, took 5. used, wouldn’t be feel a bit lonely because I would have no one to talk
6. would call, needed 7. wouldn’t refuse, sent to. But I would still enjoy it, because I would be in a
8. would eat, weren’t lovely place.

9. Write take or get. Use the correct tense. PROGRESS REVIEW 5

2. get 3. take 4. take 5. get
6. taken 7. get 8. took VOCABULARY
1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
COMMUNICATION 1. gym 2. be a couch potato
10. Put the conversation in the correct order in the 3. prescription 4. go to bed
space provided. 5. plaster
A: Good morning, can I help?
B: Yes, I need something for a blocked nose. I can 2. Underline the correct word.
hardly breathe. 1. accident 2. killing, painkiller
A: Do you have a cough, too? 3. log 4. fit
B: Yes, I do. It’s a wet cough I think. 5. shape 6. run
A: Well, we have this nasal spray and these
lozenges. GRAMMAR
B: Oh, well … I’ll take the spray. How do I use it?
A: Spray once into each nostril three to four times 3. Put the words in the correct order to make
a day. sentences.
B: Can I get some antibiotic nose drops, too? 1. Stop making so much noise.
A: I’m afraid you need a prescription for that. 2. A
 void exercising the same muscles two days in
Anything else? a row.
B: No, thanks. 3. I can’t stop thinging about my girlfriend.
A: That’ll be £4.20 then, please. 4. I prefer keeping fit to being a couch potato.
5. We are good at doing yoga.
6. It is no use having a personal fitness plan.
11. What would happen if one Saturday morning you 4. Write the correct form to make Type 2 Conditional
woke up alone on a tropical island. What would sentences.
you do? How would you spend your weekend? 1. would feel, were 2. were, would go
Would you enjoy being alone? Write about 150– 3. would be, lost 4. would travel, lived
160 words. 5. would learn, wanted 6. did, wouldn’t be

Suggested answers:
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs take and get.
If one Saturday morning I woke up alone on a 1. take 2. take 3. get 4. get
tropical island, I would be very surprised but happy. 5. take 6. get
First, I would walk around the whole island and see
if there were other people out there. If I didn’t find 6. Fill in the correct preposition: before, between, for,
anyone, I would go to the beach. I would check if from, into, of, to.
there were any sharks in the sea. If there weren’t, 1. from, to  2. into     3. for
I would go for a swim. Then I would relax on the 4. to, before   5. to, between, of
beach. At some point, I would try to find some

Grammar: to-infinitive (after would love/like/hate/prefer and stop); linking verbs;
type 2 conditional (revision); type 3 conditional
Vocabulary: eating facilities; adjectives describing food
Functions: ordering food and drinks; describing food; talking about impossible things in the past;
describing a favourite place to eat out
Project 3: A restaurant menu


3. Which of the places above do you often go to?
VOCABULARY What do you usually order? 
Now listen to four conversations. Match each
1. Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check conversation with the place where you can hear it.
and repeat.

Transcript and answers: Transcript and answers:

От горе надолу, от ляво надясно 1. A sandwich bar

a. fast-food restaurant c. sandwich bar* Shop assistant: Hello! How can I help you?
d. coffee house e. pizzeria Customer: I’d like a ham and cheese sandwich,
f. cafeteria b. pub please.
g. all-you-can-eat buffet Shop assistant: Anything to drink?
Customer: An orange juice, please.
* Може да въведете и burger bar.
2. A cafeteria
Shop assistant: Next, please.
2. Complete the sentences with the words in 1. Listen
Customer: I’d like the Spaghetti Bolognaise and
and check.
the Green Salad, please.
Shop assistant: Would you like a large or a small
Transcript and answers:
Customer: Hm. Small, please.
A pizzeria is a type of Italian restaurant where you
Shop assistant: Here you are. We’ve got strawberry
can eat mainly pizzas and calzones. 
cheesecake and ice cream for dessert today. Help
A cafeteria is a place where you serve yourself
from a counter, pay before eating and take the
Customer: Thank you. That’ll be enough.
food to the table yourself.
An all-you-can-eat buffet is a self-service restaurant 3. A coffeehouse
where you pay a fixed price no matter how much Barista: Good morning! How can I help?
or how little you eat. Customer: Morning! I’d like a double espresso,
A pub is a place, especially in Great Britain or please.
Ireland, where alcoholic drinks can be bought and Barista: Would you like some milk?
drunk and where food is often available. Customer: Some cold milk, please.
A fast-food restaurant is a place that serves fast 4. An all-you-can-eat buffet
food such as hamburgers.  Hostess: Good afternoon. All-you-can-eat buffet
A coffee house is a place focused on coffee or for two, right? 
tea but which also serves other refreshments and Customer: Yes.
baked goods such as rolls or muffins. Hostess: Help yourselves at the counters. We’ve
A sandwich bar is a small shop where you can buy got delicious seafood specials today.
sandwiches, especially to eat during the working Customer: Thanks.
day. Hostess: Would you like anything to drink? You
know drinks other than water are not included in
the price.
Customer: No, thanks. Water will be fine.

GRAMMAR Customer: I’d like a sausage pizza.
Order taker: Would you like a sauce with that?
Answers: Customer: No, but I’ll have the salad, please.
Order taker: Anything else?
Do you like dancing? (= Do you enjoy dancing?) Customer: No, that’s all, thank you.
Would you like to dance? (= Do you want to dance Order taker: Delivery time will be approximately 30
now?) minutes.
Kate prefers walking to taking the bus. (= Kate likes Customer: OK.
walking more than taking the bus.) Order taker: That’ll be £13.50. Please have the
Kate would prefer not to take the bus. (= Kate correct change for the deliveryman.
doesn’t want to take the bus.) Customer: I will, thank you.
I’ve stopped drinking coffee. (= I don’t drink coffee
anymore.) Answers:
I stopped to drink coffee. (= I stopped so that I can
drink coffee.) Conversation 1: at a coffee bar ordering cappuccino
and a chocolate blueberry cupcake
4. Underline the correct form. Conversation 2: on the phone ordering a sausage
pizza and a salad
1. to stay 2. to let 3. to try Idea:
4. hates 5. to visit 6. reading
Използвайте ресурса на стр. 63 в електронния
5. Listen to two conversations and answer the
questions. Then go to p. 120 and practise the 6B THE FIFTH TASTE
conversations in pairs. Make similar dialogues. Use
the menus below. VOCABULARY
Transcript: 1. Read and listen to three people talking about food.
Underline the words describing food. 
Barista: Good morning! How can I help? Transcript:
Customer: Morning! I’d like a large cappuccino,
please. Ian: I love oily and salty foods, so my all-time
Barista: Sure. Would you like to add a flavour? favourite is chips. I love them when they’re fresh
Customer: That sounds good. What flavours have off the frying pan and crispy. Well, I know it’s not
you got? the healthiest of foods so I only eat chips when my
Barista: We’ve got chocolate, vanilla, hazelnut and mum makes them at weekends.
caramel. What would you like? Diana: The most disgusting dish I’ve ever tasted
Customer: I’ll have hazelnut, please. is snails. They were really well cooked and looked
Barista: Would you like a pastry with that? delicious. But when I tried one, it was horrible! It
Customer: I’d like a chocolate blueberry cupcake, was rubbery and tasted very bland! Yuck!
please. Samuel: The strangest thing I’ve ever eaten is orange
Barista: A great choice. That’ll be £5.49. Is this for chutney; it’s a traditional Indian food. It was quite
here or to take away? fragrant so I was willing to try it. When I tasted it,
Customer: To take away, please. Here’s ten pounds. my taste buds just exploded! It was salty, and sour
Barista: Thank you very much. Here’s your change and really spicy all at once. But I quite liked it after
and your receipt. the initial shock.
Customer: Thanks.
B. Ian: oily, salty, fresh, crispy, healthiest
Order taker: Hello, Carlo’s Pizza. Diana: disgusting, well-cooked, delicious, horrible,
Customer: Hello, I’d like to order a pizza, please. rubbery, bland
Order taker: Sure. Let’s start with your address and Samuel: strangest, traditional, fragrant, salty, sour,
phone number. spicy
Customer: My address is 23 Wood Street, Edgebury.
My phone number is 430-7896.
Order taker: OK, thank you. What pizza would you
like to order?

7. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 49

kitchen: a room or area where food is prepared and
Използвайте ресурса на стр. 64 в електронния cooked.
учебник, за да затвърдите новата лексика.
cuisine: a style or method of cooking, especially
2. Complete the chart with the adjectives in the as characteristic of a particular country, region, or
box. Listen and check. establishment.

Transcript and answers:


delicious salty crispy pleasant
tasty sweet tender fragrant READING
disgusting sour creamy burnt
awful bitter oily smelly 1. Read the article and answer the question.
horrible spicy rubbery stinky
bland Answer:
The man was banned from the sushi restaurant
READING because he had eated too much.
3. Read an article in a food blog and choose the best
title. 2. Read the article again and write T (true) or F (false).
Correct the false statements.
A n s w e r s : 
b. The fifth taste – myth or fact?
1. F. He’s a former bodybuilder.
4. Read the article again and circle the correct 2. T
answers.  3. F. The last time he ate more than he had eaten
A n s w e r s :  4. T
5. T
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. b 6. F. He wasn’t allowed to tip because he had eaten
too much.
The body responds strongly (adverb) to the Answers:
presence of fat in food. didn’t eat, would
The snails looked delicious (adjective) but they were would, didn’t; wouldn’t
rubbery (adjective) and tasted bland (adjective).
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form to
Обърнете внимание на учениците как да разпозна- make Type 2 Conditional sentences.
ват дали даден глагол изпълнява службата на свърз-
ващ глагол в изречението. Това е описано подробно Answers:
в учебната тетрадка на стр. 6.
1. went, wouldn’t feel
5. Underline the correct word. 2. would be, ate
3. didn’t do, would give
Answers: 4. would throw, won
5. would buy, had
1. delicious 2. happy 6. lost, wouldn’t be
3. pleasant 4. tender, bland
5. hungry, quickly 6. good, politely
6. Work in groups of four. Discuss the questions below. Negative
hadn’t known, wouldn’t have helped

NB! Думите kitchen и cuisine /kwɪ'zi:n/ често се Questions

бъркат. Обърнете внимание на разликата: would you have helped; wouldn’t have

4. Read the sentences and decide if they are about час да обсъдите какво очакват да се случи в края
the present or the past. Write present or past next на разказа.
to them. Предварително преподайте следната лексика:
beckoning, luncheon, flatter, incline, startled, salmon,
Answers: caviar, my heart sank, digestion, mutton chop (агнешки
котлет), champagne (да се обърне внимание на про-
1. present 2. past 3. past
изношението), asparagus, my mouth watered, panic
4. present 5. past 6. present
seized me, tickle, nostril, revenge.
5. Underline the correct form.
1. Read the first part of the short story and answer
the questions.
1. would have been  2. hadn’t left Answers:
3. would have found out   4. had told
1. How did the woman know the narrator? Why
5. would have met  6. wouldn’t have passed
did she want to meet him?
She had read a book by the narrator and had
written a letter to him saying that she was in Paris
and would like to have a chat with him. She asked
Игри за Type 3 Conditional him if he could take her out to lunch.
Предложените игри може да се изпълнят в час 2. What was the narrator’s impression of the
или за домашна работа. woman when he met her?
Линкове: He expected her to be younger, he didn’t find her rather attractive, she had large and even teeth,
conditional/02f8bdc2-3521-4372-b233-2065e3aa74f3 and she was talkative. 3. While they were having lunch, how did the
quiz/5e20ba79ac086b001ff00175 narrator feel?
He was worried that the prices were much higher
FUN TIME than he had expected.

Прочетете шегата. Уверете се, че всички да раз- 2. Now read the second part of the short story and
брали хумора. Може да поканите учениците да раз- answer the questions.
кажат любимите си шеги на български, и да обсъди-
те коя би могла да се преведе успешно на английски Answers:
език. Поставете за домашна работа на бързите
1. Why did the narrator panic while they were
ученици да преведат шегата.
waiting for the asparagus to be cooked?
Because he wasn’t sure he had enough money to
PROJECT 3 pay the bill.
2. What did the narrator plan to do if he didn’t
6. Go to p. 113.
have enough money to pay the bill?
Работете по познатия начин.
He decided to put his hand in his pocket and with
a dramatic cry say that someone had stolen his
SMART SKILLS 6 money. If the woman didn’t have enough money
to pay the bill, he would leave his watch and say
he would come back and pay later.
BOOK CLUB 3. In the end, did the narrator have enough money
to pay the bill?
W. Somerset Maugham (born Jan. 25, 1874, Paris, Yes, he had. He even had enough for a quite
France – died Dec. 16, 1965, Nice), was an English inadequate tip.
novelist, playwright, and short-story writer whose 4. How did the narrator get his revenge?
work is characterised by a clear unpretentious style, Presently/Nowadays, the woman weighs a
cosmopolitan settings, and a keen understanding of hundred and thirthy-three kilograms (because she
human nature. had eaten too much).
The short story The Luncheon was published in 1924
Which of the following statements do you think
in Nash’s Magazine.
sums up the main aim of the writer?
c. To narrate how he was embarrassed once in a
Задайте разказа за самостоятелно четене вкъщи restaurant.
на силните ученици. Слабите ученици може да про-
четат само първите два параграфа и в следващия

Допълнителен въпрос: 4. I had eighty francs d. if she would have
If you were in the situation of the narrator, how would something while the
you have responded to the letter from the woman? salmon was being
a. You would have agreed to take her out even if you cooked.
didn’t have enough money. 5. The waiter asked her e. that she never ate
b. You would have thought of a good reason to turn anything for lunch.
down her invitation.
c. You would have been honest and would have told her Answer:
you didn’t have enough money.
1. е 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d
Може да поставите следната задача на бързите
ученици, докато все още работите по текста с
Read part one again and match the two parts of Преговорете граматиката в урока с песните If
the sentences. Today Was Your Last Day на Nickleback и If I Were a
Boy на Beyonce в
1. She reassured me a. to live on till the end of Линкове:
the month.
If Today Was Your Last Day
2. The prices were a great b. when the menu was
deal higher brought. was-your-last-day/HFPTX6wm3F#b7w
3. I was startled c. than I had expected. If I Were a Boy


Grammar: reported speech 1: statements; reported speech 2: reporting verbs say and tell;
changing words; make/let + object + infinitive without ‘to’
Vocabulary: feelings and emotions; verbs + anger; adjective + preposition
Functions: talking about one’s feeling and emotions; reporting other people’s words;
describing a conflict and an embarrassing situation; writing about an embarrassing moment; writing about the last time you were angry


ME? Helen: Hi, James.

James: Hey, Helen. How are things?
VOCABULARY Helen: Hm. So so. How are you?
James: Splendid. Listen! Here’s something to lift
1. Match the feelings with the emoji. Listen, check your mood. My parents are away and I’m throwing
and repeat. a party on Friday. Do you want to come?
Helen: Sorry, James. I can’t. My parents are mad
Transcript and answers: with me and I’m banned from partying for a month.
James: A month? Helen, what have you done?
От горе надолу, от ляво надясно Helen: Nothing much.
a. bored b. angry c. happy James: Come on. Spill it out.
h. curious d. surprised i. disappointed Helen: Alright. I got this tattoo but I somehow forgot
e. sad f. confused g. nervous to tell mum and dad and when mum found out...
James: Was she mad with you?
2. Work in small groups. Answer the questions below. Helen: Well, she said she was very disappointed
with me. And that she had expected me to be more
LISTENING responsible...
James: Oh, my. That’s bad.
3. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Helen: That’s not all! Then my dad came in. When
he heard what had happened, he was furious. He
said he wouldn’t give me any pocket money till the
end of the month.
James: Oh, he really went through the roof!

Helen: And then mum joined in. She told me I was Answers:
banned from going to parties for a month.
James: I’m sorry, Helen. 2. My cousins said that they were going to the USA.
Helen: Yep, you know it’s just not fair. 3. Tom said that he hadn’t tried snails.
James: Sure it isn’t. 4. Alex said that his parents were quite angry.
Helen: You know, once mum told me that when she 5. Sarah said that she had seen Helen at the tattoo
was my age, she got a nose piercing without asking studio.
Granny. But Granny is a kind soul and she didn’t say 6. ‘Ronnie said that we mustn’t be late again.
a word! And now she’s doing this to me!
James: It’s so easy for parents to forget they were NB! Обърнете внимание на учениците, че въп­
young once! реки че в непряка реч must се превръща в had to,
Helen: I promise I’ll never do that to my kids! отрицателната форма mustn’t не се променя.
James: Neither will I.

Answers: 7. Now change the reported speech into direct

To invite Helen to a party.
Because she is banned from partying (for a month). Answers:
4. Listen again and complete the sentences. 2. ‘I’m/am going to become a teacher.’
3. ‘I love trying out new recipes.’
Answers: 4. ‘I can programme any computer.’
5. ‘I’ve/have never been grounded.’
1. James’ parents are away. 6. ‘I’m/am talking on the phone.’
2. James is throwing a party on Friday.
3. Helen is banned from partying for a month.
4. Helen got a tattoo. Идея:
5. Helen’s mum is mad with her.
6. Her dad is furious. Игра Kahoot за reported statements
7. James and Helen agree that Helen’s punishment Линк:
isn’t fair. of-reported-speech/e5535c99-8eac-41ce-a337-
5. Read the conversation on p. 120 and then the
sentences below. Decide who said each sentence SPEAKING
– Helen’s mum (M) or Helen’s dad (D).
8. Work in pairs. Answer the questions below.
Answers: За да сте сигурни, че учениците слушат събеседни-
ка си, поставете задача да си водят бележки. След
1. ‘I’m very disappointed with you.’ M като изпълнят упражнението, поканете няколко
2. ‘You’re banned from going to parties for ученици да разкажат за своя партньор.
a month.’ M
3. ‘I expected you to be more responsible.’ M
4. ‘I won’t give you any pocket money.’ D 7B DEALING WITH EMOTIONS
Според учебната програма учениците трябва да 1. Complete the table with the corresponding
се запознаят с бъдеще време в миналото (Future in adjectives. Listen, check and repeat.
the Past). Тъй като това време е рядко използвано,
двете форми: would и was/were going to, са дадени Transcript and answers:
само в карето Important! в учебника на стр. 71. На
практика на това ниво времето е необходимо, за
да могат учениците да правят трансформацията NOUN ADJECTIVE
от пряка в непряка реч. boredom bored
happiness happy
6. Change the direct speech into reported speech.
surprise surprised
sadness sad
confusion confused
curiosity curious

disappointment disappointed
nervousness nervous Обърнете специално внимание на учениците как се
променят местоименията и наречията за време.
anger angry Логиката е, че всичко вече се разглежда от гледна-
та точна на минал, отдалечен момент.
2. Complete the sentences with the nouns or
adjectives in 1. Идея:

Answers: Може допълнително да упражните превръщане-

то от пряка в непряка реч на стр. 73 в електрон-
1. I was disappointed with my poor test results. ния учебник.
2. To our great surprise, our team won the match!
3. I was very angry with my brother for breaking my 6. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, using the
favourite mug. words in brackets. Make changes where necessary
4. The teacher explained the grammar really well – that table above will help you.
but I’m still confused.
5. You can not understand happiness if you haven’t Answers:
experienced sadness.
6. Anna has a low tolerance for boredom and she’s 2. Tom told me (that) he wanted to throw a party
always busy doing something. for his birthday tomorrow.
3. The teacher said (that) they were learning
Idea: 4. My mother said (that) she was disappointed with
my exam results.
Обърнете внимание на правилната употреба на 5. Pavel and Todor told me (that) we could go to a
прилагателните и правилния предлог на стр. 11 dance club together that day.
в учебната тетрадка. 6. Kate told Rita (that) she had a nice chat with
James night before.
3. Read the article and answer the question: What is Идея:
the main idea of the article?
1. Ако имате време и желание да разнообразите
Answer: работата върху непряка реч, може да използ-
вате линка по-долу. В него ще намерите песни,
That all emotions are part of our nature but it’s подходящи за учене на непряка реч. Разпечатай-
important how we express them. те текста на песента, за да могат учениците
да попълнят липсващи части от изреченията в
4. Read the article again and answer the questions непряка реч. След това поканете учениците да
below. научат думите на песента, ако им харесва.
Suggested answers: english/teaching-reported-speech-through-s/
1. happiness, love, surprise, interest, gratitude
2. anger, fear, shame, sadness, worry 2. С по-бързи класове направете видео урок за
3. Emotions we experience for a longer period. Loneliness.
4. No, there aren’t. It is fine to experience all kinds Линк:
of emotions but there are good and bad ways to g3g-mA
express them.
5. That we can manage our emotions and we can lesson.html
choose how to react.
6. You will later feel sorry about something you
have said or done. 7C HE WENT THROUGH THE
5. Listen to some sentences from the dialogue in 7A. ROOF!
Write the missing words. Listen again and check.
Transcript and answers:
1. Work in pairs. Think about the last time you
Mum said she was very disappointed with me. were angry with someone or you felt offended
She told me I was banned from going to parties or annoyed. Tell your partner about it. What
for a month. happened? What did you say? What did the other
person say? Use reported speech where necessary.
Слушайте и помагайте, където е необходимо. Пре- Report to the rest of the class.
ди да поставите задача, може отново да прегово- Работете по познатия начин.
рите трансформациите.
Toni Morrison is one of the most celebrated authors in
2. Now read the text and circle the correct answer.
the world. In addition to writing plays, and children’s
books, her novels have earned her countless prestigious
awards including the Pulitzer Prize and the Presidential
b Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama. As
the first African-American woman to win the Nobel
3. Read the text again and circle the correct answers. Prize in Literature, Morrison’s work has inspired a
generation of writers to follow in her footsteps.
Answers: Източник:
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c

4. Match the words in bold in the text with the correct SMART SKILLS 7
Прочетете въведението. Дайте инструкции на
1. to express your feelings of anger very strongly:
учениците как да направят теста. Всеки работи
give vent to one’s anger
самостоятелно, като огражда или запълва с молив
2. to take action in order to deal with a difficult
кръгчето, което съответства на верния отговор.
situation: handle
След това по двойки учениците поставят точки
3. to imagine that you are someone in a difficult
на отговорите си. Например отговор Not at all на
situation, and imagine how that person feels:
въпрос 1 носи 1 точка, а на въпрос 2 носи 5 точки.
in somebody’s shoes
Учениците събират точките и обсъждат в коя
4. the air that goes in and out of your body through
група попадат. По желание споделят с класа.
your nose or mouth: breath
5. to gradually disappear: fade away
6. forget something: let it go MINDFULNESS
1. Read the article and circle the correct answers.
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of let
or make. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a

Answers: Сигурно някои от учениците ще забележат, че ори-

гиналното време е запазено при непряка реч. Обяс-
2. let 3. let 4. made   5. don’t let 6. make
нете, че това е изключение от правилото, когато
фактите все още са верни или се отнасят за бъде-
Тъй като правилната употреба на двата глагола
е доста трудна, кажете на учениците първо да
решат кой глагол да използват, и след това да го
поставят в правилното време и форма. DISCUSSION
2. Read these quotes. Which one appeals to you
SPEAKING most? Why? Which one do you completely disagree
with? Why?
6. Read the quote. Then discuss the questions below
Работете по познатия начин.
in groups of four. Take notes about your classmates.


Grammar: indirect questions; reported speech 3: yes/no questions; reported speech 4: wh-questions
Vocabulary: types of shops; types of markets; online shopping
Functions: shopping; returning a product to a shop; being polite; reporting other people’s questions;
haggling; writing about the pros and cons of traditional shopping
Project 4: Black Friday vs Buy Nothing Day

8A WHAT KIND OF GIFTS DOES this year’s models.
Sarah: Hm. These are too expensive. Have you got
SHE LIKE? cheaper boots?
Shop assistant: Sure. Have a look at last year’s
models. They’re all at a discount. The prices are
VOCABULARY really good.
1. What words for shops do you know? What can you
4. Electronics store
buy there? Make wordwebs.
Dimiter: Еxcuse me.
Shop assistant: How can I help?
Suggested answers:
Dimiter: I’d like to buy this mobile.
shops selling food: baker’s, supermarket, market; Shop assistant: A great choice. It’s got a two-year
shops selling other things: clothes shop, shoe shop, warranty. And you can also buy a care plan. This
sports shop means that if you break the screen or lose the
От предишните нива на системата: clothes phone, we’ll replace it at our expense.
shop, market, grocer’s, baker’s Dimiter: Sounds great. How much is the care plan?

2. Match the words with the pictures. Listen, check 4. Listen to some sentences from the conversations in
and repeat. 3. Write the missing words.

Transcript and answers:

Transcript and answers:
От горе надолу, от ляво надясно
a. bookshop h. electronics store I wonder if you can help me.
b. gift shop f. butcher’s What kind of gifts does she like?
c. fishmonger’s d. newsagent’s Do you know what kind of books he likes?
g. second hand shop e. outdoor store
Непреките въпроси (indirect questions) затрудня-
3. Now listen to four conversations. Match each ват дори по-напредналите ученици, защото често
conversation with the place where you can hear it. забравят да обърнат словореда. Тяхното усвоява-
не ще улесни учениците при трансформирането на
Transcript and answers: Yes/No questions и wh-questions от пряка в непряка
1. Gift shop
Shop assistant: Hello. 5. Change the direct questions into indirect questions.
Pierre: Hi, I wonder if you can help me. I’m looking Use the cues in brackets.
for a gift for my girlfriend.
Shop assistant: What kind of gifts does she like? Answers:
Pierre: She likes handicrafts, like bags and scarves.
2. Do you know where my keys are?
Shop assistant: We’ve got a great selection of bags
3. Can you tell me if you are seeing Eva tomorrow?
over there. If you just come with me, I’ll show you.
4. Do you know if he likes reading?
5. Do you know if Dimiter can speak English
2. Bookshop
Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?
6. Can you tell me why she can’t come with me?
Pavel: I’m looking for a gift for a friend.
Shop assistant: Do you know what kind of books
he likes? SPEAKING
Pavel: He loves sci-fi and fantasy. His favourite
6. Read and listen to the two conversations. Then
author is Brandon Sanderson.
practise in pairs. Now make similar dialogues. Use
Shop assistant: Hm. That’s a tough one. Let me
the phrases in Teen Talk and your own ideas.
show you a couple of books he might enjoy.
Работете по познатия начин.
3. Outdoor store
Sarah: I’m looking for hiking boots.
Shop assistant: What kind of boots do you need?
Summer or winter?
Sarah: I’d prefer all season boots.
Shop assistant: We’ve got a few models. Here are

THIS WAS HIS BEST OFFER 1. Work in groups of four. Each choose a letter from
B to E. Only read the text for your letter and then
complete the table below. In your groups, take
People watching or crowd watching is the act of turns to share the information you have read. The
observing people and their interactions, usually other students take notes and complete the rest of
without their knowledge. It involves picking up on the table.
idiosyncrasies to try to guess at another person’s Въдедете предварително лексиката, която би за-
story. This includes speech in action, relationship труднила разбирането.
interactions, body language, expressions, clothing
and activities. 2. Now read all five texts to check the information
Източник: you have completed in your table.

A. Chandni B. St. Lawrence C. Queen Victoria D. Pike Place E. Camden Lock
Chowk Market Market Market
When mid-17th century 1803 1878 17 August 1907 1974
What’s on clothing, shoes fresh produce fresh produce, books and vintage clothing,
offer to art, jewellery and artisan great coffee and antiques, lots hand-made jewellery
and antiques, cheese, baked food from around of fish, artisan and artwork, gifts,
from sweets to products and the world; art and food and bakery music and more,
electronic goods organic meat, clothing, leather goods a large variety of
antiques goods and auto cuisine from foraway
accessories places
What else visit the visit the art enjoy live music enjoy busy attend concerts and
to do surrounding and cultural and entertainment,nightlife with art shows
Buddhist exhibitions festive bars and craft beer bars,
temples, specialty shops live cabaret
mosques and and stand up
monuments comedy
When to every day from Tuesday through Tuesday, Thursday, аll days of seven days per week,
visit 10 am to 7 pm Saturday Friday, Saturday the week 364 days a year
and Sunday/all days but different
without Mondays vendors open at
and Wednesdays various times

3. Read and listen to Eva talking on the phone to her Преди да пристъпите към новата граматика, от-
friend and answer the questions. ново преговорете основните правила за превръ-
щане на пряка в непряка реч: съгласуване на време-
Answers: ната и промяна на местоименията и наречията.
Припомнете и словореда на непреките въпроси.
To Camden Market.
She got two amazing designer tops for 34 pounds.
5. Complete the reported yes/no questions.
4. Listen again to some sentences from the
conversation in 3. Write the missing words.
2. My mum asked if I was hungry.
3. Alex asked me whether Kathy was watching TV.
Transcript and answers:
4. Pavel asked Eva whether she had seen the art
show the day before.
I told him it was a total rip-off.
5. The shop assistant asked Petya if she/he could
I asked him whether this was his best offer.
help her.
6. Pavel asked Karim if they would help them with
the presentation.

8. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 57

LISTENING 1. Упражнете превръщането на въпроси в неп­
ряка реч с ресурс на стр. 82 в електронния учеб-
1. Read and listen to Eva’s conversation at Camden ник.
Market and answer the questions. Then practise in 2. Игра Kahoot за reported Yes/No questions/wh-
pairs. questions
Answers: questions/3bda6e14-a987-4bba-85af-98aa6099b404
3. Игра с карти за упражняване на reported Yes/
She wants to buy a top. She pays £34 for two tops.
No questions/wh-questions
2. Now listen to another part of Eva’s telephone
conversation with her friend, Sonia, and answer
the questions.
5. Now report the conversation in 1. Change the
statements and questions into reported speech.
Тази задача може да затрудни доста ученици. Дай-
те възможност на учениците да работят по двой-
Sonia: What happened next?
ки или в групи, като поставяте в една група по-бър-
Eva: I said I was going to check other stalls and he
зи и по-бавни ученици. Друг вариант е всяка група
agreed to lower the price a bit. In the end we shook
да трансформира различна част от диалога.
hands at £34.
Обяснете на учениците, че формата have got/
Sonia: I had no idea you were such a good haggler!
haven’t got в непряка реч се превръща в had/didn’t
Last time I was at Camden, I fell in love with a
T-shirt. The lady asked if I wanted to try it on but I
said I didn’t. I just asked how much it cost and paid
the outrageous price.
Eva: You should never do this. These prices are Eva asked if that top came in any other colour.
meant for tourists! The man said that he had it in red and blue and that
Sonia: I know! I guess next time we should go he also had that other style in pink.
together. Eva asked how much the blue one was.
Eva: Sure thing. The man told her that it cost £21.
Eva said that it was a total rip-off. She asked the
Answers: man if/whether he could do it for £15.
The man told her that it was a designer top and it
No, Sonia isn’t a good haggler. To go shopping
was good quality. He said it was a bargain at that
Eva asked if/whether that was his best offer.
3. Listen again to some sentences from the
The man told her that was the best he could do.
conversation in 2. Write the missing words.  Now
Eva said that she didn’t know and she would shop
listen again and check.
The man asked if/whether £20 was a good price.
Transcript and answers:
Eva told him that was still more than she had
wanted to spend. She asked how much it would
The lady asked if I wanted to try it on.
cost if/whether she took the blue one and the red
I said I didn’t.
I just asked how much it cost.
The man told her that he would give her both of
them for £38.
GRAMMAR Eva said that she didn’t have that money.
Eva asked if/whether £32 was OK for both.
4. Complete the reported wh-questions.
The man said that she drove a hard bargain and
the best he could do was £36. He told her that she
wouldn’t find it cheaper anywhere else.
2. My mother asked me where my father was. Eva asked why they didn’t split the difference and
3. Granny asked me when I was leaving. make it £34.
4. The man asked James when he would be 19. The man told her she had a deal.
5. Lina asked Eva how many designer tops she had.
6. Sonia asked Eva where she had got that top.

READING 3. It’s easy but it’s not a good idea because you
basically invite other to access your accounts.
6. Read the advertisements and circle the correct 5. If it has a little key or lock or the internet address
answers. begins with https://.
6. The site is probably fake if the prices are too good
Answers: and the reviews are all 5-star or 1-star.
Advertisement 1
1. b 2. a DISCUSSION
Advertisement 2 3. Classroom debate: Traditional or online shopping?
3. b 4. b Divide into two groups. One group thinks that
traditional shopping is better. The other group
7. Read the article and match the paragraphs with supports the idea that online shopping is better.
the headings. Each group makes a list of arguments and presents
them to the class. Use the ideas below and add
Answer: more.
Друг вариант е да разделите учениците на равен
b. What is Black Friday? брой групи „за“ или „против“ от по 4 или 5 ученици
и да им възложите заедно да напишат доводите
SMART SKILLS 8 си. След това да ги сравнят с идеите на останали-
те групи, които защитават същата позиция. Вся-
ка група, която е „за“ традиционното пазаруване,
SHOPPING SKILLS например изготвя плакат и го представя пред гру-
па, която е „за“ онлайн пазаруването. След края на
1. Read part 1 of the text and match the two parts of представянето учениците гласуват кой е победи-
the sentences тел в дебата. Намесете се само ако е необходимо.
Напомнете им за вече изучените изрази, които се
Answers: използват при дискусия (виж стр. 17, 43, 45 в учеб-
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a ника). Обобщете резултатите за целия клас.

2. Read part 2 of the text and answer the questions. Идея:

Гледайте филма You’ve Got Mail в клас. Направете
Answers: дискусия.
1. Never give any personal or financial information,
never click on suspicious links or open unknown PROJECT 4
2. Online hackers can easily access your computer or 4. Go to p. 113.
smartphone via public Wi-Fi. Работете по познатия начин.


Grammar: have/do/make + noun; adverb clauses and subordinating conjunctions (where, unless, as if); that-clauses
Vocabulary: household chores; responsibilities; rites of passage; traditions
Functions: talking about household chores and responsibilities; talking about rites of
passage and related traditions; inviting, accepting and refusing; writing about a celebration or a festival

2. Now read what three people think about their

9A YOUNG ADULTS AND household chores. Write the chores each person does.
Listen and check.
Karim vacuums, dusts his room, cleans the bathroom,
1. Read the list of household chores. Tick the ones you and does the washing-up.
are responsible for at home. Look up the words you James does the grocery shopping, washes the car,
don’t know in the Wordlist in your Student’s Book. sorts out the rubbish, and takes out the rubbish.
Diana does the grocery shopping, vacuums, does
the laundry, and does some yardwork.
3. Listen to Todor and Lina having an online В учебната тетрадка на стр. 23 е обяснено под-
conversation and answer the questions below. робно в кои случаи се използват глаголите have, do
и make. Опитали сме се да систематизираме упо-
Transcript: требите, за да улесним учениците.

Todor: Hey, Lina. 6. Write make, do or have. Use the correct tense form
Lina: Ciao, Todor. where necessary.
Todor: How are you? I haven’t heard from you in
ages! Answer:
Lina: I’m alright.
2. do 3. made 4. am having
Todor: You sound sad. Why aren’t you out on Friday
5. does 6. make 7. had
Lina: I’ve got a chore to do. Why aren’t YOU out?
7. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Use full sentences
Todor: I need to study. I have to sit an exam
in your answers.
tomorrow. So what is it?
За да сте сигурни, че учениците слушат отговори-
Lina: I have to look after my little brother.
те на своя партньор, нека да водят записки. След
Todor: Is he a naughty kid?
това посочете различни ученици да споделят ин-
Lina: No, he’s no trouble, I just hate chores! I’m so
формацията за партньора си, като следите да из-
busy with school and all!
ползват правилните колокации с глаголите have, do
Todor: Come on! You don’t know anything about
и make.
Lina: Don’t I?
Todor: Of course you don’t. Now that I’m at
university, I live on my own. I rent a room at the
university campus so I have to do all the chores − I
clean my room, I make my bed, I do the laundry, I LISTENING AND SPEAKING
fold and put away clean clothes…. It’s a lot of work
1. Listen to four people answering a question. What
and, believe me, I have a lot more to study than
do you think the question is?
you do.
Lina: Hm, I haven’t thought of that. But still…
Todor: You know, in my family we see chores as
things we do for each other because we’re family.
1. Adam: Great question! I felt like an adult at age
Lina: That sounds like a cool way of looking at
26. At 26, I got a studio apartment in a big city and
paid rent through my own efforts. Living alone for
the first time was my entry into true adulthood.
2. Samantha: I really felt like an adult when I
1. She has to look after/take care of her little started paying my first utility bills while I was at
brother. university. This was my very first apartment. I’d seen
2. Yes, he does. He cleans his room, makes his bed, my parents paying bills but it was something I was
does the laundry, folds and puts away clean never involved in. So doing it myself made me really
clothes. feel like an adult.
3. Lucy: I don’t think I’ve become an adult just yet.
4. Listen again and write who says the sentences I’m a 21 year-old American student who lives almost
below: Lina (L) or Todor (T). entirely off of my parents’ salaries.
4. David: When are you an adult? When you make
Answers: your own doctor appointment. Yes, there are
defining moments in life that will make you feel
1. I haven’t heard from you in ages! T
like an adult: having kids, owning a home, holding
2. Why aren’t you out on Friday night? T
a steady job, marriage, divorce. Once one of these
3. I have to look after my little brother. L
occurs, in my opinion, is when you become an adult.
4. I’m so busy with school and all! L
5. You don’t know anything about chores! T
6. I clean my room, I make my bed, I do the laundry,
I fold and put away clean clothes. T How do you know you’ve become an adult?
7. We see chores as things we do for each other
because we’re family. T 2. Listen again and write the names of the people in
the sentences that refer to them.

1. Samantha felt like an adult when he/she started
paying utility bills. READING
2. Lucy still doesn’t feel like an adult.
1. The events below are called rites of passage – they
3. David thinks you become an adult when you
mark an important change in one’s life. How do
make your own doctor appointments.
Bulgarians celebrate these events? Are there any
4. Adam felt like an adult when he/she rented an
special ceremonies, rituals or festivals?
apartment for the first time.
В този урок се разглежда темата „Популярни праз-
ници и традиции“ през призмата на традиции,
READING свързани със съзряването. Препоръчваме ви първо
да извлечете от учениците знанията им (включи-
4. Now read the article and write the correct heading
телно лексиката) за изучените празници и тради-
above each paragraph.
ции в България и англоезичните страни, тъй като
те са разгледани задълбочено и систематично в
предишните нива на системата Teen Zone. Пър-
d. Studies вото упражнение на урока дава тази възможност,
c. Future Planning а може да използвате и предложените ресурси
f. Chores на стр. 90 в електронния учебник (1. Festivals and
a. Employment and Financial Planning traditions, който преговаря названията на популяр-
b. Volunteerism ни празници и традиции; 2. Old traditions from around
e. Decision-Making and Facing Consequences the world, който запознава учениците с традиции
в Обединеното кралство, САЩ и България под фор-
5. Read the article again and match the two parts of мата на cloze test).
each sentence.
2. Now read about five rituals from around the world
Answers: and answer the questions: What is common to all
of them? How do they differ? Listen and check.
1. c 2. g 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. e 7. b
Предложените текстове за четене запознават
учениците с традиции, свързани със съзряването.
REFRESH YOUR MEMORY Кажете на учениците да подчертаят всички думи и
изрази, които са свързани с празнуване. Изяснете зна-
ченията им, преди да поставите задачата в упр. 2.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
Clauses are groups of words with a subject and Transcript and answer:
a verb.
Conjunctions are words such as and, but, or used All five rituals celebrate the coming of age or the
to connect clauses or sentences. transition to adulthood. Some rituals are all about
fun, partying, gifts, and beautiful clothes, others
GRAMMAR involve painful experience and hardship.

Answers: 3. Now read these sentences which have been taken

Unless you live on your own, you can’t understand out of the texts in 2. Then read the texts quickly
what it is to be an adult. Under what condition? again and match the sentences with the gaps.
Sometimes adults behave as if they were children. In
what way? Answers:
When you’re an adult, you can live where you like. В реда, в който се появяват в текстовете.
Where? 1. Sweet 16 Friends and family gather to celebrate
the event and are usually required to bring gifts.
6. Complete the sentences with the correct 2. Seijin no Hi The coming-of-age ceremonies are
subordinating conjunctions: where, unless and as if. organised at the offices of local authorities.
3. The Walkabout You learn a lot about survival and
Answers: your surroundings as well as about yourself.
2. unless 3. as if 4. where 4. The bullet ant initiation To become men, the
5. unless 6. where 7. as if boys mustn’t cry or show signs of weakness.
5. Lazarouvane According to tradition, a girl who
hasn’t gone through the ritual may not get
married or engaged.

Идея: Answers:
Възложете на учениците за домашна работа да May 23rd, Ronnie’s, TEEN ZONE
изгледат следното видео: 6. Now go to Writing File on p. 111. Write and email
to accept or refuse Dimiter’s invitation.
В следващия час обсъдете как се чувстват момче-
тата, които говорят във видеото. Каква е била
реакцията на учениците, докато са гледали виде- SMART SKILLS 9
ото? Съгласни ли са с репликата на един от геро-
ите: If you live your life without suffering, without any BOOK CLUB
kind of effort, it won’t be worth anything to you?
J.D. Salinger, in full Jerome David Salinger, (born
GRAMMAR January 1, 1919, New York, New York, U.S. – died
January 27, 2010, Cornish, New Hampshire),
4. Write one sentence out of the two.
American writer whose novel The Catcher in the Rye
(1951) won critical acclaim and devoted admirers,
especially among the post-World War II generation
2. I’m sure that you’ll know a lot of people there. of college students. The novel’s central character, a
3. I knew that something bad had happened. sensitive, rebellious adolescent, relates in authentic
4. Mum was worried that I was going to be late. teenage idiom his flight from the “phony” adult
5. It was complete nonsense that she couldn’t world, his search for innocence and truth, and his
manage on her own. final collapse on a psychiatrist’s couch. Nine Stories
6. The guard warned us that it was dangerous to (1953), a selection of Salinger’s short stories, added
walk across the bridge. to his reputation.
7. You can’t deny that fact that they’re a great Източник: Encyclopaedia Britannica
Може да запознаете учениците със сюжета на
5. Listen to the conversation and complete the романа The Catcher in the Rye с видеото:
missing information in the invitation below.

Transcript: 1. Read the book review and circle the correct

Dimiter: Hi, Pavel. Did you get my email?
Pavel: No, I don’t think so. What was it about? Answers:
Dimiter: It’s my graduation in May and I’m throwing 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b
a huge party. I’ve invited all of our TEEN ZONE
friends. I’d be very happy to see you.
Pavel: Sounds cool. When is it? CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS
Dimiter: It’s on May 23rd. 2. Read the article and discuss the question.
Pavel: 21st of May? Hm, I’m sure I had something to Работете по познатия начин.
do then. Предложените цитати са от съвременни мла-
Dimiter: No, it’s 23rd. Will you make it then? ди певци (Laura Marling) и актьори (Saoirse Ronan,
Pavel: I’ll check my school schedule and let you Kristen Stewart, Francois Arnaud).
know asap. Where’s the party going to be?
Dimiter: At Ronnie’s. Do you remember that bar Идея:
where I took you and Eva to listen to some live
music? За домашна работа кажете на учениците да
Pavel: Sure I do. We had a great time … гледат една от двете версии на филма Great
Expectations (1998 и 2012) или пуснете в клас под-
брани откъси. Обсъдете идеята на филма, те-
мите и героите.

Grammar: revision of tenses; revision of reported speech; revision of conditional sentences
Vocabulary: education; jobs; interpersonal skills
Functions: talking about plans after leaving school; understanding a job advertisement; filling in a CV
Project 5: A letter to yourself

Уроците в Unit 10 основно преговарят най-важна- 2. Read the text again and circle the correct answers.
та граматика (систематизиране на всички изучени
глаголни времена – форми и употреби; съгласуване Answers:
на времената и превръщане от пряка в непря-
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c
ка реч, условни изречения от 1, 2 и 3 тип), взета
през двете учебни години, покриващи ниво B1.1. По
3. Now listen to three young people answering the
ваша преценка може да направите бърз преговор
question What are you going to do after you leave
на сегашния и миналия страдателен залог и на ге-
school? and circle the correct answer for each

10A WHAT ARE YOU Transcript:

Pierre: I finished school two years ago. Then I had a

GOING TO DO AFTER gap year in order to decide what I wanted to do with
GRADUATION? my life. While I was travelling around Europe with
my girlfriend Fiona, I met a lot of interesting young
people. When we returned to France, I had already
READING decided I didn’t want to go to university. I wanted,
and I still do, to work for the family business. We’ve
1. What words for jobs do you know? Make a list.
got a bakery and a restaurant, you know. When I
От предишните нива на системата учениците
was at school, I worked part-time as a waiter but
знаят много думи за професии. Преговорете някои
now I’m training to be a restaurant manager.
от тях, като изискате от учениците да дефини-
Lina: I’ll definitely go to university. I want to be a
рат думите (например: lawyer – someone who has
fashion designer so I’m going to study in Milan. I’ve
studied law and represent people in court).
wanted to be a fashion designer ever since I was
a little girl so now I’m looking forward to finally
Suggested answers:
starting university. I know it’s a lot of hard work
lawyer, teacher, doctor, photographer, career advisor, and it’s much harder than school but I guess that’s
builder, accountant, vet, manicurist, game designer, always true when you want to follow your dream.
journalist, army officer, hairdresser, policeman, James: That’s a very difficult question. I want to
dentist, nurse, receptionist, driver, IT specialist, become a musician. I play the guitar and I’ve been
singer, engineer, scientist, mathematician, physicist, in a band for a couple of years. But my parents
futurist, explorer, TV/radio presenter, shop assistant are engineers so they want me to follow in their
footsteps and study engineering. So what should I
Now read the text. The sentences below summarise do? A tough choice, don’t you think?
each of the paragraphs below. Put them in the correct
order. Answers:
По ваша преценка въведете лексиката, която
1. b 2. a 3. b
би възпрепятствала разбирането.
След прослушването задайте въпроса What are
you going to do after you leave school? на учениците.
1. Be ready to answer a difficult question. Запишете на дъската предложенията.
2. Share your immediate goals instead of your
whole life plan. GRAMMAR
3. Be honest about your doubts.
4. Explain your career goals and choices so that your Fill in the tenses or verb forms.
relatives can understand.


Present Simple I usually go to school by bus. a. a habit
Dimiter loves photography. b. a state, feeling or sense
The Earth moves around the Sun. c. a fact
The train leaves at 5:00 pm. d. a timetable
Present Pavel is texting his girlfriend. a. an activity now
Continuous I’m staying at Eva’s for one month. b. an activity happening over a short period of time
They’re meeting us today at 7:00 pm. c. a future arrangement
Present Perfect I’ve never lived alone. a. experience (never/ever)
Dimiter has known Pavel for three b. a past activity continuing up to the present (for/
years. since)
We’ve already decided to apply to c. a recent past activity with a result in the present
university. (just/already/yet)
Past Simple I took an online course last week. a. a finished activity
Eva was happy with her exam results. b. a past state
Past Continuous At 10:00 am I was doing an English a. an activity happening over a short period of time
test. in the past
Laura was cooking pasta while Karim b. two activities were happening at the same time in
was laying the table. the past
They were having a party when the c. an activity in progress when another action
police arrived. happened
Past Perfect When my parents came home, we had a. an event that happened before another event in
cleaned up after the party. the past
will I will finish school in May. a. a future fact
People will live on Mars in 2100. b. a prediction
I’ll have the steak with mashed c. spontaneous decision
Stop complaining! I’ll help you fill in the d. a promise/an offer
be going to Lina is going to study in Milan. a. a plan and a decision
Future in the Pavel promised he would call later. a. an activity which was in the future at a past
past (past form of will call) moment
Petya told me she was writing a new
(past form of is writing)

4. Go to p. 122 in your Student’s Book. In the When we returned to France, I had already decided
transcript of 3, underline all tense forms and then I didn’t want to go to university. an event that
match them with their uses. happened before another event in the past
По-бавните ученици може да се опитат само да I wanted, and I still do, to work for the family
кажат в кое време е глаголът в съответното из- business. a state, feeling or sense in the present
речение. We’ve got a bakery and a restaurant, you know.
a state, feeling or sense in the present
Answers: When I was at school, I worked part-time as a waiter
but now I’m training to be a restaurant manager.
a finished activity; a past state; an activity
I finished school two years ago. a finished activity
happening over a short period of time
Then I had a gap year in order to decide what I
wanted to do with my life. a finished activity;
a past state
I’ll definitely go to university. a future fact
While I was travelling around Europe with my
I want to be a fashion designer so I’m going to
girlfriend Fiona, I met a lot of interesting young
study in Milan. a state, feeling or sense; a plan and
people. an activity in progress when another action
a decision

I’ve wanted to be a fashion designer ever since I astronaut Georgi Ivanov flying into space. I told my
was a little girl so now I’m looking forward to finally mum that I wanted to be like him.
starting university. a past activity continuing up to Petya: So you made a compromise when you
the present; a future arrangement became a pilot!
I know it’s a lot of hard work and it’s much harder Bilyana: You could say that!
than school but I guess that’s always true when you Petya: But how did you actually become a pilot?
want to follow your dream. a state, feeling or sense; Bilyana: It’s a long story. I studied Aviation
a fact Engineering and Technology at the Technical
University in Sofia. During my studies, I flew a
James: Zlin Z43, which is a four-seat aircraft. Then I did
That’s a very difficult question. a fact a semester in Berlin, where I joined an aviation
I want to become a musician. a state, feeling or club. There I flew glider planes and had my first
sense independent flight.
I play the guitar and I’ve been in a band for a couple
of years. a habit; a past activity continuing up to Answers:
the present
1. Petya thanks Bilyana for accepting her invitation.
But my parents are engineers so they want me to
2. Bilyana is 40 and comes from Sofia.
follow in their footsteps and study engineering.
3. Her husband is also a pilot.
a state, feeling or sense
4. She loves extreme sports.
So what should I do? A tough choice, don’t you
5. When Bilyana was little, she wanted to be an
think? a state, feeling or sense
6. She studied Aviation Engineering and Technology
in Sofia.
7. While she was studying in Berlin, she joined an
Игра Kahoot за упражняване на времената aviation club.
Линк: 8. She did her first independent flight with the club
revision/79e68a3a-a2eb-4050-bc80-22b23de6818f in Berlin.

2. Read the second part of the radio interview

10B THE SKY’S THE LIMIT and write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false
Урокът е добра възможност да поговорите за това
дали има мъжки и женски професии (male-dominated Answers:
vs female-dominated occupations/careers/jobs). Биляна
1. F. She was a co-pilot of a cargo plane.
Кръстева действително е пилот в националния
2. F. She became a pilot in command.
превозвач. Също така може да припомните на уче-
3. T
ниците подвига на друга жена пилот – командир
4. T
Райна Косева, която приземи успешно самолет на
5. F. You need to be fluent in English.
летище Хийтроу по време на супербурята „Киара“
6. F. He told her that she had to be motivated and
през февруари 2020 г.

1. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete
Fill in the correct verb form.
the sentences.
Petya: Hi, Bilyana and thanks for accepting my
invitation. Present Simple Past Simple
‘I love extreme sports.’ She said she loved
Bilyana: Hi. You’re welcome. I’ll be happy to answer extreme sports.
some questions for the TEEN ZONE channel. ‘You don’t look very He said I didn’t look very
Petya: Thank you. Could you introduce yourself happy.’ happy.
briefly? ‘I’m married to a pilot.’ She said she was married
Bilyana: Sure. I’m 40 and I come from Sofia. I’m to a pilot.
married and my husband is also a pilot. I love extreme ‘Do you love your job?’ I asked her if/whether
sports like skiing, windsurfing and snowboarding. she loved her job.
Petya: How did you decide to become a pilot? ‘Where do you live?’ We asked them where
Bilyana: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be they lived.
an astronaut. At age 7, I saw the first Bulgarian

9. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 65

was also a pilot. She said that she loved extreme
Present Continuous Past Continuous
sports like skiing, windsurfing and snowboarding.
‘We’re revising reported They said that they were
speech.’ revising reported speech. Petya: How did you decide to become a pilot?
‘I’m not taking an online She told me she wasn’t Petya asked Bilyana how she had decided to become
course.’ taking an online course. a pilot.
‘Are you listening to me?’I asked if/whether she Bilyana: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be
was listening to me. an astronaut. At age 7, I saw the first Bulgarian
‘What are you doing with They asked me what I astronaut Georgi Ivanov flying into space. I told my
your life?’ was doing with my life. mum that I wanted to be like him.
Past Simple/Present Past Perfect Bilyana told her that when she had been a little girl,
Perfect she had wanted to be an astronaut. She said that
‘I wanted to study He said he had wanted at age 7 she had seen the first Bulgarian astronaut
medicine.’ to study medicine. Georgi Ivanov flying into space. Bilayan said that she
‘We haven’t made They told me they hadn’t had told her mum that she wanted to be like him.
a career choice.’ made a career choice. Petya: So you made a compromise when you
‘Did he find a good job?’ I asked him if/whether became a pilot!
he had found a good
Petya said that Bilyana had made a compromise
‘What did you do during She asked me what I had when she had become a pilot.
your gap year?’ done during my gap year. Bilyana: You could say that!
‘Have you made He asked me if/whether I Bilyana agreed.
a decision?’ had made a decision. Petya: But how did you actually become a pilot?
‘Where have you left I asked him where he Petya asked Bilyana how she had actually become
your mobile?’ had left his mobile. a pilot.
Future simple Future in the past Bilyana: It’s a long story. I studied Aviation
‘Lina won’t finish school Petya told me that Lina Engineering and Technology at the Technical
next year.’ wouldn’t finish school University in Sofia. During my studies I flew a
the following year. Zlin Z43, which is a four-seat aircraft. Then I did
‘Will people live on Mars My brother asked me if/ a semester in Berlin, where I joined an aviation
soon?’ whether people would club. There I flew glider planes and had my first
live on Mars soon. independent flight.
‘When will he give you He asked when he would Bilyana told her that it was a long story. She said she
an answer?’ give me an answer.
had studied Aviation Engineering and Technology at
the Technical University in Sofia. She said that during
3. Now go back to the second part of the radio her studies, she had flown a Zlin Z43, which was a
interview with Bilyana Krasteva. In your notebook, four-seat aircraft. Bilyana said that then she had
rewrite it into reported speech. done a semester in Berlin, where she had joined an
Тъй като учениците не са учили reporting verbs с из- aviation club. She said that there she had flown glider
ключение на say/tell, им помогнете с трансформа- planes and had had her first independent flight.
цията на някои от репликите.
4. Read and listen to the dialogues. Then practise in
Petya: Hi, Bilyana and thanks for accepting my
Petya said hi and thanked Bilyana for accepting her
5. Make similar dialogues. Use the phrases in Teen
Talk and your own ideas.
Bilyana: Hi. You’re welcome. I’ll be happy to answer
Работете по познатия начин.
some questions for the TEEN ZONE channel.
Bilyana said that she would be happy to answer
some questions for the TEEN ZONE channel.
Petya: Thank you. Could you introduce yourself
Petya asked Bilyana if she could introduce herself READING AND LISTENING
Bilyana: Sure. I’m 40 and I come from Sofia.
I’m married and my husband is also a pilot. I Гледайте видеото The Last Job on Earth. Задайте
love extreme sports like skiing, windsurfing and въпросите: What predictions about the future does
snowboarding. the video make? Are these predictions realistic?.
Bilana said that she was forty and she came from Линк:
Sofia. She said that she was married and her husband

1. Read the job advertisement and answer the 3. Listen to the conversation again and tick the correct
questions. statements.

Answers: Answers:
1. Junior Java Developer 1. Todor has applied for a job at an IT company. 
2. Develop and debug programme code, design 2. He hasn’t passed the technical test yet. 
system architecture, research into the newest 3. He is worried because he doesn’t know what
software technologies and development tools; they’re going to ask him at the interview. 
Participate in one or more software development 4. Eva explains that interpersonal skills are
projects, working in a team of 3 to 10 developers; someone’s communication skills. 
Take part in project activities: requirements 5. She knows about interpersonal skills because she
analysis, code review. has read a psychology book. 
3. 3 to 10 developers 6. Todor isn’t sure he’ll be successful at the
4. Solid knowledge of fundamental data structures interview. 
and algorithms;
Knowledge of design patterns, experience in
system architecture development; Идея:
Knowledge of Java programming language;
Игра в LearningApps
English: upper-intermediate level or above
Упражнете диалога с игра, създадена специално
5. A responsible, proactive, self-dependent person;
за урока.
Good communication skills, readiness for
2. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.
4. Read the article. Make a list of the interpersonal
skills mentioned. Look up the ones that are not
Eva: Hi, Todor.
explained on the Internet or in a good dictionary.
Todor: Hi, Eva, how are you?
Eva: Great. What’s up with you?
Todor: Hmm, nothing much.
Eva: Are you still looking for a job? communication, empathy, leadership, listening,
Todor: Yes, I am. In fact, that’s why I’m calling you. positive attitude, teamwork, problem-solving,
You know … I’m in a bit of a hole. conflict resolution; negotiation, constructive
Eva: Oh, that sounds serious. How can I help? listening, flexibility, responsibility, tolerance
Todor: I’m applying for this IT company. I’ve passed
the technical test but they say there’ll be another GRAMMAR
one. It’s an interview to check my interpersonal
skills. What on earth is that? Answers:
Eva: Well, your interpersonal skills are skills that …
help you interact better with people, like leadership CONDITIONALS Example Usage
skills, communication skills and negotiation. Zero If I am late routines and
Todor: How do I know if I have any of these skills? conditional for class, my habits
Eva: Take it easy! I did something on that in my teacher gets
psychology class. I can help you find out what your angry.
interpersonal skills are. And we’ll do some exercises If you heat facts
so you can get an idea of how to behave at the water, it boils.
interview and demonstrate your skills. Type 1 If the weather real or possible
Todor: Phew! Thanks a million! With your help, I conditional is sunny, they’ll conditions
hope I won’t be a total disaster! go for a walk.
Eva: I’m sure you’ll do great! With some help from Type 2 If I had Jenny’s unreal or
a friend. So, let’s get down to work … conditional email, I would impossible
write to her. conditions
Answer: Type 3 If I hadn’t past unreal
conditional overslept, I conditions
Because he needs help. wouldn’t have
missed the
history class.

7. In the pairs of sentences below, complete the
second sentence. Use conditional sentences. NB! Обяснете на учениците, че в британската
Преди учениците да изпълнят задачата писмено, образователна система терминът year съот-
нека по двойки да обсъдят кой вид условно изрече- ветства на „клас“.
ние е всеки пример. Проверете. След това учени-
ците се фокусират върху използването на правил-
ните форми. 2. Now read about the US education system and fill in
the chart.
1. If you get enough sleep, you won’t be so tired.
2. If I had money, I would buy a new laptop. The US Education system
3. If Eva hadn’t lost her mobile, she wouldn’t have
School level Grade Students’
missed her plane.

4. I always walk to school if the weather is fine.
5. You wouldn’t have failed your English test if you Pre-school N/A 3–4
had studied hard enough. Elementary/ 1st 5 – 10
6. If you need a car tomorrow, I’ll lend you mine. Primary school (kindergarten)
7. He would be a good tennis player if he trained – 5th
every day. Middle/Junior high 6th – 8th 11 – 13
8. If they had taken a taxi, they would have arrived school
on time. High school 9th – 12th 14 – 18
9. If I hadn’t known the answer, I wouldn’t have
raised my hand.
College Bachelor’s 18 – 22
(undergraduate degrees
SMART TEENS 10 study)
University Master’s Varies
(graduate study) degrees
1. Read the text about the UK education system and 3. Compare the British and US education systems
fill in the chart. with the system in Bulgaria. Use the information in
the charts above as a model.
Answers: Възможно е учениците да се затруднят с термино-
логията. Може да им предложите този линк:
The UK Education system
School Curriculum Year Students’
level stage Age

Думата „матура“ може да отговаря на: A-levels (UK

Pre-school Foundation N/A ages 3 and Wales), final school examination, exit examination
Stage to 5 (the USA), matriculation examination.
Primary Key Stage 1 Years ages 5
school 1–6 to 7
Key Stage 2 ages 7 to
11 Идея:
Secondary Key Stage 3 ages 11 to 1. Попитайте учениците: What would you do if
school Years 14 you had a magic talking frog?.
Key Stage 4 7 – 11 ages 14 to 2. Завършете урока с песента We Are the
16 Champions на Queen в сайта
Sixth Form N/A Years ages 16 Линк:
College 12 – 13 to18 the-champions-live/HDLkEvrm1D#b7w
University N/A ages 18 to
(Higher 22 4. Go to p. 113.
education) Работете по познатия начин.

LISTENING 5. Circle the correct preposition.

1. Listen to a radio advertisement and circle the Answers:

correct answers.
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
6. Find 9 words describing emotions. Search àâ.
Write them in the space provided.
Want recipes that are easy to follow and quick to
satisfy your sweet tooth? Want to learn how to
make crispy apple pie or tender melting chocolate
cake? This cookery book is the one for you!
Cooking made easy! comes with 365 recipes from
all around the world, full-colour photographs of the E Y L B M N Z I L Z X R W O Y I D R
finished products, and suggestions for setting the J Q A A N G E R I E U E F R V Y N P
table for special occasions. D I S A P P O I N T M E N T M S E R
The cookery book offers enough recipes to help you C A C T Q J H X E T O U B P Q V S I
make delicious desserts to surprise your family every I N Z V C U R I O S I T Y C F M S S
day and make them proud of you! Y X O H O Z O P I F Y W O A U X V E
This cookery book will also help you make and keep Q C E J A F E H A P P I N E S S V O
friends. Why don’t you practise the recipes on your H F R X D T L F W P L B V D I E Y L
friends? They’ll just keep on asking you for more of Y D Y X N C O N F U S I O N M Q H P
your creations! K E D R Y C A J K N Z M G E Y F P M
For a limited time, we are offering Cooking made
easy! at a fantastic price! To order, just visit our
website and fill in the order form. 7. Match the words in the two columns to make
phrases. Use them in the sentences below.
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c
1. A fake website can look just like a company’s real
2. Identity theft happens when someone uses
2. Write the text and circle the correct answers. information about you without your permission. 
3. You are advised to secure your shopping account
Answers: with a two-step authorisation.
4. This website gives useful tips on what to do if you
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a
have accidentally clicked on a suspicious link.
5. Don’t give out any personal information on the
VOCABULARY phone, through the mail or over the Internet.
3. Write in the correct column.
8. Circle the correct answers.
Places to shop Places to eat 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b
fishmonger’s, gift shop, fast-food restaurant, pub,
outdoor store, butcher’s, sandwich bar, coffee GRAMMAR
bookshop, second hand house, pizzeria, cafeteria,
shop, electronics store, all-you-can-eat buffet 9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
newsagent’s the verb in brackets: to-infinitive or -ing form.

4. Underline the correct word.
1. to learn  2. to leave  3. answering
Answers: 4. to help  5. to have   6. walking
7. hanging, doing
1. bitter  2. oily 3. crispy 4. rubbery

10. Underline the correct word.
Answers: 1. The boy asked if/whether he/Ted liked swimming.
2. George asked if she was coming with them.
1. tidy 2. loudly 3. nervous
3. She asked if/whether he had enjoyed the trip.
4. smoothly 5. delicious 6. bland
4. Pavel asked if/whether he/Dimiter had milked
a cow.
11. Complete the sentences with make or let in the
5. Martha asked if/whether he/Paul could help her
correct tense.
open that can.
6. Miss Martins asked if/whether if the class was/
were listening to her.
1. let  2. let   3. made 4. make 5. let
Complete the sentences with the correct
conjunctions: unless, where or as if. 17. Complete the dialogue with the sentences below.

Answers: Answers:
1. Unless 2. where 3. as if Barista: Good morning! How can I help?
4. where 5. unless 6. where Customer: Morning! I’d like a large latte, please.
Barista: Sure. Would you like to add a flavour?
13. Identify the type of conditional. Write type 0, Customer: That sounds good. What flavours have
type 1, type 2 or type 3. you got?
Barista: You can choose from vanilla, caramel,
Answers: cinnamon and orange. What would you like?
Customer: I’ll have caramel, please.
1. type 1 2. type 2 3. type 0
Barista: Would you like a pastry with that?
4. type 3 5. type 1 6. type 0
Customer: I’d like a carrot cake, please.
7. type 3
Barista: A great choice. That’ll be £7.49. Is this for
here or to take away?
Complete the sentences, using the third
Customer: To take away, please. Here’s ten pounds.
conditional. Use short forms where possible.
Barista: Thank you very much. Here’s your change
and your receipt.
Customer: Thanks.
1. wouldn’t have run, hadn’t seen
2. wouldn’t have missed, had packed WRITING
3. had listened, wouldn’t have gone
4. had been, wouldn’t have broken 18. Write an email to a friend (about 160–170 words).
5. wouldn’t have got, hadn’t haggled Write about what you have done recently and
6. hadn’t trained, wouldn’t have set what you are going to do during your gap year.

15. Change these statements into reported speech. Suggested answers:

Use the words in brackets. Make changes where
Thanks for your email. It’s so good to hear from
you. You asked what my news was. Well, my life has
changed a lot since I last saw you three years ago.
I’ve almost finished high school. Now I’m preparing
1. They told me they had visited the National Gallery for my final school exams and the school prom!
in the morning. I’ve also learned to drive! I’ve broken up with Siana
2. My sister said that she was going to study because we didn’t get on very well. But I’m not
medicine. looking for a new girlfriend. I’ve got other plans!
3. Todor said Kamen cycled to school every day. I’ve decided to take a gap year and get a job.
4. Elena said her grandma would be 90 the I’m going to travel around Asia with a friend. I’m
following day. going to try and find work on the way. My parents
5. Spas told me he hadn’t finished my book. promised to give me some money but it won’t be
6. The doctor told Niya she had to stay in bed for enough. I’ll try to spend at least nine months on the
a few days. road.
Then I’m going to come back home and apply for
16. Change these Yes/No questions into reported university. I’m not sure what I want to study yet but
speech. Make changes where necessary. I hope I’ll decide while I’m travelling.

7. In the sentences below, decide if the verb is a
UNIT 6 ENJOY YOUR MEAL linking verb (LV) or an action verb (AV).
1. During his driving test, Karim appeared quite
VOCABULARY calm and focused. LV
2. The car appeared suddenly right in front of me.
1. Complete the sentences below with verbs in the AV
box. 3. I looked at the girl next to me. AV
1. look 2. choose 3. see 4. take 4. You look beautiful in this dress. LV
5. have 6. order 7. ask 8. leave 5. Can I taste this seaweed soup? AV
6. W ithout spices food often tastes bland and
2. Where do the conversations below take place? unappetising. LV
Write the type of place in the space above each
conversation. 8. Complete the sentences, using the third conditional.
1. pizzeria 2. all-you-can-eat buffet Use short forms where possible.
3. fast-food restaurant 4. sandwich bar 2. hadn’t visited, wouldn’t have broken
5. cafeteria 6. coffee house 3. had given, wouldn’t have divorced
7. pub 4. had stopped, he would have avoided
5. hadn’t won, he wouldn’t have been
3. Describe the dishes below. Include the ingredients 6. would have helped, she had known
and two adjectives describing food. 7. wouldn’t have refused, had asked
Suggested answers:
1. mashed potatoes: butter, milk, potatoes and salt; 9. Comment on each situation, using the third
creamy, salty and delicious, tasty, conditional. The words and phases in brackets will
2. Shopska salad: cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, help you.
cheese and olives; salty and delicious 2. If the bus had arrived on time, I wouldn’t have
3. chicken soup: chicken, carrots, potatoes, peppers, missed my first class.
cream, eggs, black pepper; delicious, tasty, oily 3. If you had reminded me about her birthday, I
would have bought Tina a present.
GRAMMAR 4. If they hadn’t opened the box, they wouldn’t
have found the kitten.
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of 5. If she hadn’t had a toothache, she would have
the verb in brackets: to-infinitive or gerund. slept well.
2. to study 3. organising 6. If Ikeda hadn’t been curious, he wouldn’t have
4. taking 5. to travel discovered the fifth taste.
6. to go 7. argueing 7. If there had been some milk, mum would have
made crѓme caramel.
5. Tick the correct sentences. Correct the wrong
sentences in the space provided below. COMMUNICATION
2. I’d hate to be in his shoes.
3. The waiter didn’t want to accept my tip.  10. Complete the conversation with the lines in the
4. Ikeda was curious to know more about this box.
specific taste. Barista: Good morning! How can I help?
5. We decided to go out to a sushi bar. Customer: Morning! I’d like a mocha latte, please.
6. We’d like to thank our teacher for what she did.  Barista: Sure. Would you like to add a flavour?
7. My parents were so happy to hear that I had Customer: That sounds good. What flavours have
passed my exam. you got?
8. I was surprised to see her at Ben’s party. Barista: We’ve got chocolate, vanilla, rum and
9. The climbers were hungry so they stopped to caramel. What would you like?
have a bite.  Customer: I’ll have vanilla, please.
Barista: Would you like a pastry with that?
6. Underline the correct linking verb. Customer: I’d like a cheesecake, please.
1. sounds 2. felt 3. smells Barista: A great choice. Is this for here or to take
4. getting 5. feel 6. turned away?
Customer: To take away, please.

Barista: That’ll be £7.99. How would you like to 5. Complete the sentences with the correct word:
pay? adjective or adverb.
Customer: By credit card. 1. sad 2. hungrily 3. bad
Barista: Thank you very much. Here’s your receipt. 4. strange 5. delicious 6. quickly
Customer: Thanks.
6. Fill in the correct preposition: at, from, in, to, until.
WRITING 1. at  2. in, to 3. to, in 4. from  5. until

11. Pavel and Eva are coming over at the weekend

and you want to take them to your favourite UNIT 7 DEALING WITH
restaurant. Write them an email of about 140–150
words, describing the place. EMOTIONS
Suggested answers: VOCABULARY
Hi Eva and Pavel,
1. Make nouns out of the adjectives below and write
How are you doing? Have you packed your suitcases
them in the respective column.
yet? I can’t wait to see you!
In your last email you wanted to know where we No suffix -ion -ness
could have our farewell dinner. Well, I’ve decided to fury
take you to my favourite place in the town centre. surprise happiness
It’s within walking distance of your hostel. curiosity satisfaction sadness
The place is the best burger bar in town. worry nervousness
I’m sure you’ll love the modern decoration and the anger
open space.
They serve the best burgers in the whole world. Eva, -ment -dom
you can order delicious vegetarian burgers as well.
They use only products from local farms. confusement
I believe you’ll like the place very much because the disappointment
food is at a reasonable price and they offer fast service. excitement

2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives and
VOCABULARY nouns in 1. The first letter of the word is given for
1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
1. disappointed 2. curious
1. counter 2. stinky 3. delicious   4. sour
3. nervousness 4. confusion
5. burnt
5. bored 6. sad
2. Underline the correct word. 7. angry 8. surprise
1. away 2. tastes 3. receipt
4. homemade 5. well 6. plates 3. You can say how you feel using a number of
idiomatic expressions. Look at the list of idioms
below and try to match them with their meanings.
GRAMMAR Translate them into Bulgarian.
3. Underline the correct form. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. e
1. to go 2. eating out, to try 3. drinking 5. a 6. d
4. to meet 5. to offend, being
Now complete the sentences with a suitable
4. Write the correct form to make Type 3 Conditional idiom.
sentences. 1. I’ve studied hard all day and now I am at the end
1. wouldn’t have felt, hadn’t had of my tether.
2. would have been, had managed 2. M y parents will go bananas if I tell them that I
3. wouldn’t have been, had behaved want a car.
4. would have eaten, hadn’t put 3. My little sister is over the moon with her new
5. had ordered, wouldn’t have cooked scooter.
6. wouldn’t have failed, had written 4. Granny kept a stiff upper lip when the policeman
broke the news.
5. Martin is down in the dumps because he failed
his driving test.
6. Leila’s party was a disaster – most of the people
were bored to tears/to death.
4. Study the list of adjectives + prepositions above. A: I’m splendid. Listen! Here’s something to lift
Then complete the sentences below.  your mood. I’m throwing a surprise party for my
1. about 2. with 3. of 4. about girlfriend on Friday. Do you want to come?
5. by/at 6. with 7. with 8. with  B: S orry, I can’t. My parents are mad with me and
I’m banned from going out for a week.
5. Look at the collocations of verb + emotion. Then A: A week? What have you done?
complete the sentences below with the verbs B: Never mind.
in the wordweb. Sometimes more than one A: Come on. Spill it out.
option is possible. B: A lright. I took my mum’s car without asking.
1. control, hide, handle, deal with When she found out she was furious. She told
2. experience, feel me I was grounded for a week.
3. express A: Oh, my. That’s bad.
4. shows B: T hat’s not all! She also said she wouldn’t give me
5. deal with, handle, control, hide any pocket money till the end of the month.
6. overcome with A: Oh, she really went through the roof!
B: She did!
GRAMMAR A: I’m sorry. What are you going to do?
B: I don’t know.
6. Change the direct speech into reported speech A: Hey! I’ve got an idea!
and complete the second sentence. Be careful – B: What is it? I’m all ears!
you need to change the personal pronouns and
possessive adjectives. WRITING
2. Boris told us that his parents were very happy
about the award. 10. Think about the last time you were really angry.
3. Rita said that she had met her friends in the The questions below will help you. Write about
park. 140–150 words.
4. Eva told me that Pavel was writing his blog.
5. They said they had lived in Sofia since 2005. Suggested answers:
6. Alex told me they were cleaning up after the
Last night, I had an argument with my parents. It
all started while we were having dinner. I asked
7. The teacher told us that Merlin had set a sword
them to let me go on a summer vacation with my
in a stone.
friends. My father is very strict so I had feared that
8. Ivo’s father said that he would finish classes at
he would say no and so he did. They both stopped
1 pm.
eating and stared at me. Dad told me that I should
9. Bob said he couldn’t give me a lift.
simply forget about it. Of course, I went bananas.
I told them that I would be 18 the following July
7. Change the reported speech into direct speech
and then I would be able to do whatever I wanted
and complete the second sentence. Be careful –
to. Dad said that I still lived in their house and I
you need to change the personal pronouns and
should follow their rules. I started crying, rushed to
possessive adjectives.
my room and slammed the door. It wasn’t fair, why
1. ‘I’m very disappointed.’
were they doing this to me? Later that night, Mum
2. ‘I love old films.’
came to my room and told me that she would help
3. ‘I’ll be happy to join you.’
me convince Dad. She’s always been such a kind
4. ‘I’m reading a book.’
5. ‘We have completed our projects.’
6. ‘We’re going to organise the party.’
7. ‘I went to the doctor on Monday.’ PROGRESS REVIEW 7
8. ‘I must/have to study harder.’
8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
make or let.
1. happy 2. surprised 3. gratitude
1. made 2. lets 3. let 4. makes
4. emotion 5. nervous
5. make 6. let 7. let 8. make
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word or
1. take a deep breath 2. give vent
9. Complete the conversation with the sentences in
3. in my shoes 4. go through the roof
the box.
5. handle 6. influence
A: Hey! How are things?
B: It’s not my day. And you?

10. TEEN ZONE B1.1. Teacher’s Book – Д. Петкова и др. 73

GRAMMAR 4. butcher’s a shop that sells meat
5. fishmonger’s a shop that sells fish
3. Underline the correct word. 6. newsagent’s a shop where you can by
1. excited 2. confusion newspapers, magazines, sweets and cigarettes
3. happy, sadness 4. nervousness 7. second hand shop a shop where you can buy
5. surprise second hand clothes, shoes or accessories
8. outdoor store a big shop that sells outdoor
4. Change the sentences into reported speech. Use equipment such as hiking shoes, clothing or tents
the words in brackets.
1. Dimiter said that he had been nervous before the 3. Write the correct word in each gap.
exam. 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a
2. I told Vicky that I was going hiking at the
3. Pavel told me that he often argued with his GRAMMAR
sister. 4. Change the direct questions into indirect Yes/No
4. Diana said that she had chatted with her questions. Complete the second question.
boyfriend for an hour. 2. Do you know if Simeon will be 19 soon?
5. Helen said that her mum had expexted her to be 3. Do you know if she has the receipt?
more responsible. 4. D
 o you have any idea whether we are going
6. Complete the sentences with make or let + one of 5. Could you tell me if I can have a refund?
the verbs below. Use the correct verb form. 6. Do you have any idea if this top cost a lot?
1. make me laugh 7. Do you know whether they have had lunch?
2. let me borrow
3. make you feel 5. Change the direct questions into indirect wh-
4. makes me take out questions. Complete the second question.
5. let me throw 2. D
 o you have any idea why Dad is so angry with
6. let you leave me?
3. Can you tell when the train arrives?
6. Fill in the correct preposition: about, at, from, up to, 4. Could you tell how much this jacket costs?
with. 5. Do you have any idea where they have met?
1. with 2. up to 3. from 6. Do you know who Eva was talking to?
4. about 5. at 7. C
 an you tell me what things you can find at the
farmer’s market?
UNIT 8 SHOPPING THE WAY 6. Write indirect questions with Do you know ...?
2. Do you know where the electronics store is?
YOU LIKE IT 3. Do you know if it will rain tonight?
4. Do you know if Dimiter can speak German?
VOCABULARY 5. Do you know why the bookshop was closed?
6. Do you know how long it takes to get a refund?
1. Write the words under the pictures. 7. Do you know what Eva bought at Camden Market?
От ляво надясно, от горе надолу:
bookshop, gift shop 7. Complete the reported Yes/No questions. Make all
electronics store, butcher’s necessary changes.
fishmonger’s, newsagent’s 2. M
 y mother asked me if spoke English outside
second hand shop, outdoor store class.
3. T
 odor asked if they had visited the farmer’s
2. Read the definition of the word below. Write market.
similar definitions for the other types of shops in 1. 4. T
 he student asked if our world would become a
Use a good dictionary if necessary. warmer place.
5. T
 he teacher asked if I had been to an English-
Suggested answers:
speaking country.
1. a gift shop a shop that sells souvenirs and small 6. Boyan asked if he had made a mistake.
items suitable for giving as presents 7. My friend asked me if I had enjoyed haggling.
2. bookshop a shop that sells books
3. electronics store a store/a big shop that sells 8. Complete the reported wh-questions. Make all
electronic equipment such as computer and necessary changes.
televisions 2. My aunt asked where I would live in London.

3. My friend asked what we were doing at the
weekend. shopping are that you can’t shop any time you like.
4. The shop assistant asked which T-shirt I In contrast to shopping online, you can’t compare
preferred. prices easily, not to mention check out reviews. At
5. Mira asked when they had celebrated Buy the same time you are wasting time standing in
Nothing Day for the first time. queues.
6. My mother asked me how long I had had my
7. The reader asked how he/she/they could learn
to spot fake sites. VOCABULARY
1. Underline the word or phrase which is different.
COMMUNICATION 1. speak 2. market 3. customer
9. Complete the conversation with the lines in the 4. rip-off 5. outdoor store
A: Do you have this bag in any other colours? 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
B: Yes, I’ve got it in brown and red. 1. discount 2. haggle 3. bargain 4. rip-off
A: How much is it? 5. exchange 6. refund
B: It’s £80.
A: £80? That’s a total rip-off! Can you do it for £50? GRAMMAR
B: This is a designer bag and it’s good quality. It’s a
bargain at that price. 3. Underline the correct phrase.
A: Is that your best offer? 1. it is 2. if there is 3. you went
B: That’s the best I can do. 4. you have cooked 5. if you can
A: Well, I don’t know. I think I’ll shop around. 6. my sunglasses are
B: Okay, how about £70?
A: I haven’t got that money. How about £55? 4. Write reported Yes/No questions.
B: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is 1. Anna asked if I had been born in Sofia.
£65. You won’t find it cheaper anywhere else. 2. A
 ndrey asked whether I was going to the party
A: Why don’t we split the difference and make it on Friday.
£60? 3. E
 va asked if I would be at university the
B: Okay, okay. You’ve got a deal. following year.
4. R
 ennie asked if I had managed to finish the
WRITING 5. Dominic asked if I could speak German.
10. Think of the pros and cons of traditional shopping. 6. Tania asked us if we were having an argument.
Write two paragraphs of about 70 words each.
The first paragraph should offer arguments for 5. Put the words in the correct order to make
traditional shopping, the second paragraph should sentences.
present arguments against it. 1. Peter asked where his backpack was.
Before you start writing, make a list of the 2. Y
 ana asked what Boyan and I were doing after
advantages and disadvantages of traditional class.
shopping. Each paragraph should have a topic 3. Todor asked us where we usually hung out.
sentence which is followed by supporting details 4. Ben asked me how well I could speak English.
(these are the arguments for or against). Use the 5. James asked what I liked doing in my free time.
words in the box below.
6. Fill in the correct preposition: in, into, on, over, to,
Suggested answers: with.
1. over 2. with 3. in
The pros of traditional shopping 4. into, on 5. to
I think that traditional shopping is an option for
people who like face-to-face communication/who
love shopping the old way, etc. In the first place,
you can see the design up close and try on those
gorgeous skinny jeans you’ve always wanted to buy.
In addition, you know where the product comes
from and can check the material. Finally, you get the
product immediately after you pay.
The cons of traditional shopping
On the other hand, the disadvantages of traditional

UNIT 9 WITH RESPONSIBILITY 8. Combine the two sentences to make one.
2. T he ancient Central American civilisations
COMES MATURITY believed that the precious cocoa beans were a
gift from the gods.
3. T here is archaeological evidence that Stonehenge
VOCABULARY was used as a burial site.
4. It comes as no surprise that there are several
1. Write these household chores under the pictures.
idioms and expressions referring to tea in the
От ляво надясно, от горе надолу:
English language.
make one’s bed, do yardwork
5. T he Mawѓ are convinced that any boy who
do the laundry, fold clean clothes
wants to become a man must experience the
feed family pets, do the grocery shopping
sting of the bullet ant.
sweep, wash the dishes
6. It is clear that the body responds strongly to the
lay the table, cook dinner
presence of fat in food.
take out the rubbish, wash the family car
7. It’s a well-known fact that young people are
babysit siblings, vacuum
more likely to change their mind.
8. I don’t agree that online translators can be used
3. Match the words with their definitions.
to learn languages.
1. custom 2. event
9. I decided that next time I’m going to Brighton
3. parade 4. ceremony
out of season!
5. traditional 6. carnival
7. gather 8. costume
4. Complete the sentences with the words in 3. Be
9. Complete the conversation with the lines in the
careful – some words are in the plural.
1. carnival 2. gather 3. ceremony 4. events
A: H i, how are you? I haven’t heard from you in
5. parade 6. costumes 7. custom 8. traditional
B: I’m alright.
GRAMMAR A: Why aren’t you out on a Sunday afternoon?
B: I’ve got a chore to do. Why aren’t you out?
5. Write make, do or have.
have a snack make a noise A: I need to study. I have to sit an exam tomorrow.
do the laundry do the housework So what is it?
have a shower have a picnic B: It’s my turn to do the cleaning. My sister did it
make a mistake do well last week.
have a meeting have a break A: So what’s the problem?
have an interview make a comment B: I hate chores! I’m so busy with school and all!
make a plan make one’s bed A: C ome on! You don’t know anything about
have dinner have toothache chores!
do sb a favour make a phone call B: Don’t I?
have a discussion do one’s homework A: O f course you don’t. Imagine you lived on your
make a suggestion make an apology own, like I do! You’d have to do all the chores!
have a party have a chat And believe me, I have a lot more to study than
do the cooking make friends you do.
make a complaint have fun B: Hm, I haven’t thought of that. But still…
do yardwork make fun of someone A: C ome on. Look on the bright side! You’ll finish in
do the ironing have an argument an hour and then we can hang out!
B: That’s a great idea!
6. Write make, have or do. Use the correct verb form.
1. make 2. have 3. make 4. made, do WRITING
5. do 6. have 7. make 8. does
10. Think about an event, a celebration or a festival
9. make 10. do 11. was having
you attended. Follow the steps below and write
about 160 words.
7. Complete the sentences with the correct
subordinating conjunctions: where, unless and as if.
1. where 2. unless 3. as if 4. unless
Suggested answers:

5. where 6. unless 7. as if 8. where Introduction

9. as if Surva is an international folk festival of masquerade
games. The first Surva Festival was held in 1966.
The Games take place in the town of Pernik every
January and last for three days.

6. Fill in the correct preposition: about, from, in, on, to,
The Games are popular all over the world and more
than 6,000 participants from about 100 international
1. on 2. about 3. until 4. from, in 5. to
masquerade troupes take part in the festival. The
most interesting part is the two-day parade of
masquerade companies. Visitors from various parts
of Bulgaria and abroad gather on the streets of
Pernik to see the show.
1. Write the verbs in the wordwebs. Some of the
The masquerade dance celebrates the change
verbs go with more than one noun.
of seasons, health, fertility and good harvest.
a job: have, get, take, look for, find, apply for, seek,
Performers from Europe and the rest of the world
keep, lose, be offered
join in the parade to present their customs, songs
a career: have, make, pursue, change
and dances. The Bulgarian participants are called
‘kukeri’. They are usually men who wear scary masks
Complete the sentences with suitable verbs from
and costumes and make a lot of noise.
the wordwebs. Sometimes more than one option is
1. pursue 2. lose 3. be offered
The games usually take place at the weekend so it is
4. apply for 5. change 6. make
a great opportunity to take a trip to Pernik and have
fun. Moreover, you’ll learn a lot about folk traditions
2. Match the interpersonal skills with the definitions.
and you’ll be able to touch the masks for good
1. communication 2. empathy
health and luck.
3. leadership 4. listening
5. positive attitude 6. teamwork
3. Read these requirements which have been taken
VOCABULARY out of job advertisements. Copy them into the
correct column.
1. Complete the sentences with the correct verb.
1. lay 2. babysit 3. take 4. feed Professional skills Interpersonal skills
5. wash 6. vacuum 7. fold • еxceptional problem • you should help the
solving skills whole team remain
2. Underline the correct word. • English level B2 – happy and productive
1. grown up 2. moved out 3. taking fluent spoken and • you should be happy
4. ground 5. face 6. chores written English interacting with others
• excellent attention to and presenting your
detail ideas
GRAMMAR • IT literate • excellent
3. Complete the sentences with have, do and make. • valid driving licence communication and
Use the correct tense form where necessary. • degree in computer interpersonal skills
applications, information • positive attitude and
1. have 2. made 3. do 4. make
technology or equivalent genuine willingness to
5. have • a recognised electrical help others
qualification or being • team player and
4. Write the correct subordinate conjunction: where, trained in this field positive thinker
unless or as if. • previous experience of • self-motivated and
1. where 2. unless 3. as if testing databases  enthusiastic
4. where 5. Unless 6. as if • ability to work under
pressure and multi-task
5. Combine the two sentences to make one.
1. I’m sure that we’ll have enough money to go to
the restaurant. GRAMMAR
2. Helen knew it was stupid to throw a tantrum 4. Complete the conversation with the correct form
about her poor grades. of the verbs in brackets: the Present Simple or the
3. I was worried that I was going to miss the class. Present Continuous.
4. It’s a certain fact that teenagers and their Todor: This food smells awful!
parents disagree about most things. Marcus: Yes, it smells bad and it tastes even worse.
5. It’s a pity that you didn’t manage to come to the Todor: I don’t understand why this cafeteria serves
party. such terrible food. Why does the cook use so much
oil? And why does everything take so long to cook?

Marcus: Well, if you don’t like oily, rubbery food, Type 2 Conditional
this place isn’t the right place to eat. Today, they 1. would like, weren’t 2. would you feel, were
are serving their saucy meat again. You are lucky 3. understood, wouldn’t break
if you manage to cut the meat, especially with this 4. didn’t haggle, wouldn’t get
plastic knife. 5. would you take, had 6. wouldn’t catch, left
Todor: I don’t want to eat here anymore!
Marcus: I have an idea! How about going Type 3 Conditional
somewhere else? I know a sandwich bar behind 1. had asked, would have told you
the library building. They use only local products 2. wouldn’t have met, hadn’t broken
and the prices are good. 3. had known, would have visited
Todor: Deal! 4. hadn’t complained, wouldn’t have received
5. had been born, would have been
5. Complete the sentences with will or be going to. 6. would have saved, had arrived
1. will study
2. will do 10. Change the questions and statements into
3. A: are you going to do; B: am going to play reported speech.
4. A: will lend; B: will ride; A: won’t break 3. M y brother asked me where I had put his new
5. A: are you going to invite; B: will be hiking boots.
4. M um told Dad (that) Mike had spent the whole
6. Complete the conversation with the correct form weekend on the computer playing games.
of the verbs in brackets: the Past Simple or the Past 5. M y teacher asked what the right job for me was.
Continuous. 6. Greg said (that) he was learning how to skate.
Lina: What were you doing at about 7 am? 7. Kate told me (that) she would sign up at the
Francesca: I was sleeping. Why? local gym.
Lina: Did you feel the earthquake? 8. D imiter’s dad told me (that) he/Dimiter hadn’t
Francesca: Hm, I didn’t feel anything. come home yet.
Lina: Well, there was an earthquake. I was drying 9. Liza said (that) Helen had left her phone there.
my hair when suddenly the floor started to shake. 10. Jack asked when I had spoken to Alice.
It lasted for about ten seconds. 11. The customer said (that) he/she was looking for
a hairdryer.
7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of 12. Karl told me (that) he had decided to help
the verbs in brackets: the Past Simple or the Past Molly because her dog had run away.
Perfect. 13. The shop assistant asked me how he/she could
Yesterday, I had a terrible day. I overslept and help me.
missed my bus. When I got to school, the chemistry 14. Paul said (that) he really had to clean the flat.
class had already begun. The teacher didn’t let me 15. The detective asked who I could see in that
in so I went to the school cafѓ. There I realised that picture.
I had left my wallet at home. I didn’t buy anything
so I went to take a walk in the school yard. It was COMMUNICATION
quite cold and the school yard was icy. Suddenly, I
fell over and broke my arm. I reached for my phone 11. Write the correct lines in each conversation.
but …. it wasn’t in my pocket. I knew I had lost it Conversation 1
somewhere. I felt rather miserable! A: How’s life? You look sad.
B: I’m alright really. But it’s my parents. They want
8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of me to study medicine.
the verbs in brackets: the Past Simple or the Present A: Why don’t you want to do that?
Perfect. B: I want to pursue a career in graphic design.
 : ’ve done; B:’ve just cooked, was, made;
1. A I don’t think I’ll be a good doctor.
A: baked A: Have you explained that to your parents?
2. A: have you ever failed; B: have; A: did you last fail B: I have but they insist I should study medicine.
3. started, has worked, has learnt I think it’ll be a waste of time.
A: D o you think you can easily find a job as a
9. Complete the sentences using the first, second or graphic designer?
third conditional. Use short forms where possible. B: I’m sure I will. I’ve got friends who work as
Type 1 Conditional graphic designers and they all do very well.
1. will be, get 2. sees, will be
3. come, will have 4. take, will be able Conversation 2
5. will find, get 6. won’t cope, don’t build A: W hat are we doing tomorrow after school?
B: I don’t know about you. I’m going to have a
drawing lesson.

A: So you’ve finally decided you want to study PROGRESS REVIEW 10
B: I think so. What about you? Have you decided
what you want to do yet?
A: I’m still thinking. I’m sure I want nothing to 1. Put the words in the correct column.
do with law or economics. I’ll go for IT or
B: Have you consulted the career advisor at the SKILLS
career’s office? communication collaborate manager
A: N o, not yet. It never crossed my mind. That’s a listening encourage machine operator
good idea. Thank you. leadership communicate software engineer
teamwork motivate truck driver
problem-solving express
WRITING negotiation listen
12. Think of the pros and cons of taking a gap year.
Write two paragraphs of about 70 words each. The
first paragraph should offer arguments for taking 2. Underline the correct word.
a gap year, the second paragraph should present 1. punch 2. graduated 3. pursue
arguments against it. 4. lack 5. in writing 6. expressing
Before you start writing, make a list of the
advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap GRAMMAR
year. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence
which is followed by supporting details (these are 3. Find and correct 5 mistakes in the use of tenses in
the arguments for or against). Remember to use the sentences below.
transitional words (go to Unit 8, p. 20). 1. usually go
You can start like this: 2. I’m trying to
3. No mistake
Suggested answers: 4. did
5. you had left
The pros of taking a gap year 6. I’m going to be
I think that taking a gap year is a chance to learn
about the real world outside the four walls of a 4. Find and correct 5 mistakes in the use of conditionals
classroom. In the first place, it’s a great opportunity (type 0, 1, 2 and 3) in the sentences below.
to learn how to live on your own and to take 1. we will stay
responsibility for your choices. Being able to get a 2. she would have waited
job is equally important, not to mention that you 3. he would tell
can develop new skills and gain real-life experience. 4. We are late
Another positive aspect of taking a year off is that 5. No mistake
you can travel and make lots of foreign friends. 6. I had
The cons of taking a gap year 5. Find and correct 5 mistakes in the use of reported
On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages speech in the sentences below.
to taking a gap year. First, you will be one year 1. was going to finish
behind your peers. In addition, you may find your 2. my homework
break very insteresting and decide not to go back to 3. I was
your studies. At the same time, travelling abroad for 4. No mistake
long periods can be difficult and uncomfortable, not 5. I was going to do
to mention you may get injured or ill. In the end, 6. he spoke/he speaks
you may realise that your gap year simply didn’t
meet your expectations. 6. Fill in the correct preposition: across, at, during, for,
1. during 2. in 3. in
4. for, at 5. across

Десислава Петкова Петкова
Яна Михайлова Спасова



Редактор Яна Михайлова

Художник на графичния дизайн Бояна Павлова
Художник на корицата Симеон Николов
Художник редактор Бояна Павлова
Технически редактор Мариана Димитрова
Коректор Жана Ганчева

ISBN 978–954–01–4002–5

Българска. Издание I/2020 г. Формат 60х90/8. Печ. коли 10. Изд. коли 10.
Код 41115101406.

Издателство „Просвета – София“ АД – София 1618, ул. „Земеделска“ № 2;

Печат „Монт“ ООД – София

Десислава Петкова
Яна Спасова


Десислава Петкова
Яна Спасова


ISBN 978-954-01-4002-5

Цена 9,00 лв. • FOR THE 11th– 12th GRADES

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