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Lesson Plan Assignment Collins

Author: Caroline Collins

Lesson Title: Heart Healthy for the Whole Family

Subject/Topic/Skill Nutrition/Cardio-Protective Eating/Meal Planning Strategies

Activity Goals/Objectives Goal 1: Students will understand the connection between heart health and diet.
Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to identify
dietary risk factors that affect heart health. Students will be able to summarize the
MyPlate eating pattern.

Goal 2: Increase student knowledge of cardio-protective eating strategies, such as the

DASH Diet and Mediterranean Diet.
Objective: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to identify key
concepts that make the DASH and Mediterranean diet plans healthy options for heart

Goal 3: Students can apply knowledge of cardio-protective eating strategies and plan
heart healthy meals and snacks for themselves and their families.
Objectives: At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to modify their
own diets based on recommendations from the DASH Diet, Med diet, and MyPlate
Guidelines, by participating in simple meal planning activity. Students will give
examples of heart healthy meals, snacks, and eating patterns

Presentation Outline o What does a typical day of eating look like for you?
o Introduction/Reflection
o Risk factors
 Uncontrollable Risk Factors
 Modifiable Risk Factors
o Diet Linked to Heart Health
o Heart Healthy Diet: The Basics
o Whole VS Processed Foods
o MyPlate
o DASH Diet
o Mediterranean Diet
o Kitchen Staples & Meal Planning
o Healthy Cooking Methods
o Portion Sizes
o Meal Ideas
 Breakfast Ideas
 Lunch Ideas
 Snack Ideas
o Meal Planning Activity
o What did you change?
o Final Thoughts
o Exit Ticket: What did you learn?

1. Before arriving to class, the students will be asked to fill out a diet log,
describing what a typical week of eating is like for them and their family.
They are asked to fill out at least 3-4 typical days. This will be sent out via
email 5-days prior to class day.
Lesson Plan Assignment Collins
Author: Caroline Collins
2. During introduction, the teacher will introduce the topic then ask a reflective
question to prompt thinking  students can share if they choose to.
3. During the presentation the teacher will ask reflective questions and prompt
group discussions.
4. The meal planning activity will begin at the end of the presentation. The
students will be divided into groups of 3-4, and each will be given a printed
colored diet guideline/chart. Instructions are to take their old diet and
edit/make changes that they see fit  what can you change to make you and
your families diet more heart healthy? Group set up will aid learning.
5. Students to fill out exit ticket/mini quiz before leaving class.

Measuring Learning The teacher will measure learning while asking questions and listening to student
answers during the presentation.
The teacher will measure learning during meal planning activity, walking around,
observing discussions, and answering questions.
The teacher will measure learning after the meal planning activity, asking students
what changes they made to their meal plans.
The teacher will evaluate learning through the exit ticket at the end of class.

Resources/Materials Needed PowerPoint/Projector

for the Lesson Pencils/Pens
Colorful Meal Planning Charts
Exit Tickets

Summarizing Strategy: Students will complete an exit ticket independently at the end of class. The exit ticket
assesses students’ knowledge of cardio-protective eating and meal planning. The exit
ticket will help guide further instruction if need be.

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