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February 11,2023
Time frame: 2 hours

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to be able to:
Assess physical activity, exercise, and eating habits.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Starting Not From Scratch
Materials: Visual aids LPP presentation, Projector

III. Teaching Strategy:

A. Pre-activities
Checking of Attendance

The teacher asks the students about the previous lesson,
“How do art Nouveau, Art Deco, and the Bauhaus movement utilize the elements
and principles of art?


From groups of six. As a group, list as many physical activities, exercises, or
healthy food that start with the letters of the world physical education. Words that
are repeated more than once will be crossed out. The group with the most number
of answers wins.
Answer the following. Share your thoughts with your group mates.
1. How will you describe your current fitness?
2. In what areas do you need improvement
3. What steps are you taking to improve your fitness level?
4. Are you participating in any of these physical activities and doing any of these exercise?
5. Are you eating healthy food?

B. Lesson proper
In this unit, continuous assessment of your physical activity participation, exercise
regimen, and tips on healthy eating habits will be provided. Different sports and
recreation activities will also given for you to appreciate the health and fitness that
comes with it.
Assessing your physical activity participation, exercise regimen, and eating habits
enables you to keep track of the different factors that affect your health. It should not
only be done at the start of the school year.

C. Application
The teacher give an activity
Activity 1: My Own Pyramid
Think about the physical activities (including exercises) that you have done in the
Past week. Write the physical activities and exercises you have done that fit in the
Pyramid’s recommended frequencies. Which levels or parts are filled with
answer’s? which are lacking? Why do you think so? Should there be modifications
done? Share your answers with your classmates.
Activity 2: My good Log and Eating Habits List
Start your food log one week at a time. Take note of the food you consume every meal.
Evaluate you food log then make list of your eating habits based on the given situations.
Examples are given as guide. Evaluate your answers and identify the healthy eating habits by
marking with “H” and poor eating habits with “P” add another situation in the space provided.
Share your answer with the class.

Meals Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

PM snack

Situations Eating habits Healthy Situations Eating habits Healthy poor

or Poor
Usually eating at Eating healthy snacks
fast food chains available at home
Cooking with mom or
Eating out Weekend H
with s at home
Meal time Bringing
in school homemade lunch
or baon

D. Generalization
How do you assess your physical activity and exercise participation?

IV. Evaluation
Read properly and write the correct answer.
1. Collection of information to establish whether, and to what extent, some thing has been
attained or achieved what is it?
2. What specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international
public health?
3. What diseases not passed from person to person; they are of long duration and generally
slow progression; includes diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease
as the four major NCDs according to WHO?
4. Also called dietary habits, refer to those habitual decisions you make. When choosing
which food to eat, why you eat, and the things you do that are related eating; are influenced
by many factors like your family and culture, and these develop over time what is it?
5. What do you called record of food consumed very meal?
V. Assignment
Write a reflection on the things you learned in this lesson and their relevance to you. Tell
how you can apply what you have learned in your daily life and cite specific instances in
which you feel these learning will come handy.


February 11,2023
Time frame: 2 hours

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to be able to:
Determine risk factors related to lifestyle diseases (Obesity, diabetes, heart disease)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Taking It Seriously
Materials: Visual aids LPP presentation, Projector

III. Teaching Strategy:

A. Pre-activities
Checking of Attendance

The teacher asks the students about the previous lesson,
“How do you assess your eating habit?”

List as many risk factors that may affect your health (e.g. being inactive, smoking etc.) share
your output in class.
Reflect on the following question.
1. Are you at risk of acquiring chronic diseases? Explain.
2. What can you do to lower your risk in acquiring diseases?

B. Lesson proper
Participating in regular physical activity gives numerous benefits to your health. Other than
making your body fit to the demands of physical activities, this can also aid in disease or illness
prevention and treatment. The risk of disease can be greatly reduced among individuals who
participate in regular physical activity and achieve good physical fitness level. Regular exercise
and good fitness have been effective in alleviating symptom and aiding rehabilitation.

C. Application
Activity 1: Alter Station
Think of ways on how you can reduce your risk by altering your lifestyle.
Factors that can be altered Way to alter risk factors
Regular physical
Body (fitness)

Activity 2: Heart Disease Risk

Based on your answer in activity 1, make a commitment from that reminds you of your pledge to
live a healthy living. Identify your activity goals and your activity plan. Indicate the amount of
physical activity you plan to do each week, as well as the days and time you plan to do it. Show
your work in class.
D. Generalization
“How can regular physical activity reduce your risk of developing hypokinetic disease?

VI. Evaluation
Read properly and write the correct answer.
1. Which much of the risk factors associated are related to how one lives; that is, one’s
2. What patterns of behavior or ways one typically lives; the things one does, the actions
and choices one makes, and the way one live his or her life?
3. What those that increase one’s chances of developing a disease?
4. What those associated with lack of physical activity or too little regular?
5. What poor metabolic fitness characterized by the elevated blood pressure, blood sugar
level, blood triglyceride, low blood HDL level, and / or high abdominal circumference?
V Assignment
Create a poster that promotes living a healthy lifestyle. Then, post it around your school


February 11,2023
Time frame: 2 hours

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to be able to:
Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Taking It Seriously
Materials: Visual aids LPP presentation, Projector

IV. Teaching Strategy:

A. Pre-activities
Checking of Attendance
The teacher asks the students about the previous lesson,
“How can regular physical activity reduce your risk of developing hypokinetic disease?



The teacher will show you different photos of various sports. In groups, determine the
equivalent associated with the given sports. The group with the most number of correct wins.

Answer the following.

1. If you are to choose any sport, what sport would you like to play? Why?

2. How is participating in sports beneficial to you?

B. Lesson proper
Participating in sports is a great way to become more active. Sports are usually forms of
competitive activities that involve physical exertion and skill. Because of the movements
involved in the different skills necessary in specific sports. Sports can be utilized as a
form of exercise that helps improve your physical fitness.

C. Application:
Fill the table with sports that you are interested to participate in or already participating in. Place
a check after the sports you are already participating in. Complete the table by answering the
factors mentioned. Use the given examples as guide.
Factors sports
Skills and Knows basic
abilities dribbling and
Willingness and Highly
motivation to motivated to
learn learn crossover
and reverse
Access to sports School gym,
facilities and PE class,
availability of available court
sports equipment in the
and have own
ball at home.

D. Generalization:

“what does moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity mean?

VI Evaluation:
Read properly and write the correct answer.
1. What are usually forms of competitive activities that involve physical exertion and skill?
2. What those activities that involve physical exertion and large body movements such as
running, throwing, or jumping?
3. The weight of effort required to perform an activity or exercise?
4. What those activities equivalent to brisk walking or bicycling?
5. What those activities that is much more intense, such as most sports?
V assignment:
Look at your physical activity log. Identify which physical activities you do in school and those
outside in school. Take note as well of the intensities at which you perform these physical
activities. Makes sure that these physical activities are done with moderate-to-vigorous-intensity
levels. Make necessary adjustment to address the physical activity recommendations by WHO.
This week, log in the physical activities you will do in and out of school. Indicate the intensity
levels of these physical activities. Try to include physical activities outside school that involve
your family, friends, or the community.

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