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Congratulations on your classes!

Please send me 3 days class next week first (like this: May 15 Mon: 7pm – 11pm……) and after
you finish it well, more slots can be opened for you! Please be well known some important notes
as below:
a. Your first week performance is very important! Please be on time and be active in every class,
which will leave a good impression to your students and students will keep booking your
b. Please remember to clock in 10-30 minutes before the class starts. And add the students ahead
of class to avoid lateness. And never leave early before class ends, each class must last over
25 minutes, otherwise students may complaints and they will never book your class again.
c. If you encounter with any problem during class, such as student is absent/late/missing or you
can't hear the student etc. click "CS ASSITANCE" for help. And also keep me informed after
class about this problem. (Take a screenshot if you could, it will be helpful as a proof).
d. Please remember to complete class remark in detail after each lesson on time! Only finished
class with class remark is regarded as valid class time, which will be calculated in the salary.

A reminder for any problems (e.g. connection/software/website etc) while taking class, please
*Click “CS Assistance” immediately*
*Click “CS Assistance” immediately*
*Click “CS Assistance” immediately*

Please send "I am ready" to me the first day before the class!
Please send the message to me after your first class!

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