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A Seminar Report entitled

“Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System”

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by

Arjun Sanghvi

Guided by

Dr. H. B. Naik
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

2018 - 2019
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
Surat – 395 007, Gujarat, India


This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “Thermoacoustic Refrigeration

System” submitted by Arjun Sanghvi (U15ME226) in fulfilment for the award of the
degree in Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering during the academic year
2018 - 2019, of the Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat is a
record of his own work carried out under our supervision and guidance.

Place: SVNIT, Surat

Guide Head, MED

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
Surat – 395 007, Gujarat, India


This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “Thermoacoustic Refrigeration

System” submitted by Arjun Sanghvi (U15ME226) in fulfilment for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering during the academic year
2018 – 2019, at the Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat is
hereby approved for the award of the degree.






I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide Dr. H. B. Naik

(Professor, MED, SVNIT, SURAT) for his valuable guidance, motivation and for his
extreme cooperation to complete this report. I appreciate all my colleagues whose
direct and indirect contribution helped me a lot to accomplish this report. I would also
like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staffs for cooperating with me and
providing valuable advice which helped me in the completion of this work.

Finally, I would like to express my thanks to all the members of my lovely family,
without whose support I would have never been able to aspire for this level of

Arjun Sanghvi


The phenomenon of thermoacoustics has been known to us for many years but its

use to develop engines and pumps is recent. Thermoacoustic refrigeration is one

such phenomenon which uses sound waves and a non-flammable mixture of inert

gas or a mixture of gases in a resonator tube to pump heat from one place to other to

produce refrigeration effect. Thermoacoustic systems are growing popular among

researchers because of the various advantages it provides over conventional systems

such as simplicity, absence of moving components, minimal or no maintenance etc.

Also, this system completely eliminates the need for lubricants and results in about

40% less energy consumption. All this makes thermoacoustic systems an ideal

candidate for an eco-friendly alternative to the conventional refrigeration systems.

The present study includes discussion on the basics of thermoacoustic refrigerator,

its principle and functions.

Key words: Thermoacoustics, refrigeration, resonator tube, inert gas

1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................8

1.1 Background................................................................................................................8

1.2 Thermoacoustics........................................................................................................8

1.3 Types of thermoacoustic refrigeration systems..........................................................9

2 Functioning of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator........................................................................11

2.1 Working Cycle.........................................................................................................11

2.2 Working of thermoacoustic Refrigerator.................................................................13

3 Important formulas................................................................................................................15

4 Components of a thermoacoustic refrigeration system.........................................................17

4.1 Working gas.............................................................................................................17

4.2 Stack.........................................................................................................................18

4.3 Driver or speaker......................................................................................................19

4.4 Resonator tube..........................................................................................................19

4.5 Heat Exchanger........................................................................................................20

5 Performance Measurements of a thermoacoustic refrigerator..............................................22

5.1 Effect of Frequency..................................................................................................22

5.2 Effect of COP...........................................................................................................23

5.3 Effect of heating load...............................................................................................23

6 Comparison of thermoacoustic refrigeration system with other conventional


7 Applications of Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System........................................................26

8 Merits of the technology.......................................................................................................28

9 Challenges before the project................................................................................................29

10 Improvements made............................................................................................................30

11 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................31

12 References...........................................................................................................................32

List of Figures
Figure 1 Standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator.....................................................10
Figure 2 Travelling Wave thermoacoustic Refrigerator.................................................10
Figure 3 The first step of a thermoacoustic cycle...........................................................12
Figure 4 The second step of Thermoacoustic cycle.......................................................12
Figure 5 Steps 3 and 4 of a thermoacoustic cycle..........................................................13
Figure 6 Working of thermoacoustic refrigerator system..............................................14
Figure 7 Parallel plate and spiral stack...........................................................................18
Figure 8 Loudspeaker.....................................................................................................19
Figure 9 Resonator tube..................................................................................................20
Figure 10 Heat Exchanger..............................................................................................21
Figure 11 Graph between temperature difference and frequency for different stack
Figure 12 Graph between COP and heating load for different acoustic powers............23
Figure 13 Graph between Temperature difference and heating load for different stack
Figure 14 Thermoacoustic refrigerator used for ice-cream storage...............................26
Figure 15 Space Thermoacoustic Referigerator.............................................................26

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Refrigeration in thermodynamics refers to a cycle in which heat is pumped out of a
system by doing work on it. Conventional refrigerators use a working fluid that absorbs
the heat out of a chamber by using phase transitions. Thermoacoustic refrigeration uses
sound waves to transfer heat from one area to another; thereby carrying heat away from
a system to an exhaust. Because thermo acoustic devices perform best with inert gases
as the working fluid, they do not produce the harmful environmental effects such as
global warming or stratospheric ozone depletion that have been associated with the
engineered refrigerants such as CFCs and HFCs.

The entire features mentioned above are possible only because sound waves in thermo
acoustic engines and refrigerators can replace the piston and cranks that are typically
built into any machinery.

1.2 Thermoacoustics
Thermoacoustics is a science that is concerned with the interactions between heat
(thermo) and pressure oscillations in gases (acoustics).

This field can be broken into two subcategories.

 The first is the forward effect which is concerned with the generation of pressure
oscillations from heat. This effect is primarily used to create engines that are widely
referred to as thermoacoustic engines in the literature.

 The second subcategory or reverse effect is concerned with using acoustic waves to
pump heat. This reverse effect is primarily used to create refrigerators known as
thermoacoustic refrigerators.

It explains how energy in form of heat can be converted to sound or how sound waves
can be used to generate cold temperatures. The pressure and displacement oscillations
in a sound wave are accompanied by temperature oscillations. For an adiabatic sound
wave propagating through an ideal gas, the temperature oscillations, T1 are related to
the pressure oscillations p1 as

T 1 γ −1 p 1 (1)
Tm γ pm

where Tm and pm respectively, are the mean temperature and pressure of the medium,
and γ is the specific heat capacity ratio. In medium like air at STP and pressure
amplitude of ordinary conversation (~ 60 dB), the magnitude of temperature
oscillations is about 10-4 oC and go undetected by human senses. Working at high
pressure amplitudes, the thermal interaction of sound waves with a different medium, a
solid for instance can result into sufficiently large amount of heat exchange between the
fluid and the solid.

1.3 Types of thermoacoustic refrigeration systems

There are two types of TARs. The first is known as a standing wave thermoacoustic
refrigerator. The second is a traveling wave (or pulse tube) thermoacoustic refrigerator.
The standing wave TAR uses a fixed number of oscillations with nodes that remain
unchanged over time. In other words, the wave of as a whole does not move over time,
remaining stationary. This is similar to a situation where you take a string and fixed
two ends and then pluck it. Because of the fixed ends the wave of the string remains
fixed in place.

The traveling wave TAR, as it sounds like, makes use of a wave of sound that travels
across the TAR. This is analogous to the situation where you take the string and flick it
forward like a whip. The disturbance of the whip creates a sound wave that sends the
wave forward. In the travelling-wave device, the pressure is created with a moving
piston and the conversion of acoustic power to heat occurs in a regenerator rather than a
stack. The regenerator contains a matrix of channels which are much smaller than those
in a stack and relies on good thermal contact between the gas and the matrix. The
design is such that the gas moves towards the hot heat exchanger when the pressure is
high and towards the cold heat exchanger when the pressure is low, transferring heat
between the two sides.

Each type of TAR has specific advantages in certain situations, and research is being
done into cascading combinations of standing wave and traveling wave TARS to try to
take advantage of these varying advantages.

Figure 1 Standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator

Figure 2 Travelling Wave thermoacoustic Refrigerator

2 Functioning of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator
2.1 Working Cycle
The thermoacoustic effect acts like a conveyor belt for thermal energy. For this to
occur, one must exploit two physical principles concerning thermodynamics and
acoustics inside the stack. First, through the relation of pressure to temperature by the
ideal gas law which states that the small changes in pressure caused by sound also
cause small changes in temperature.

P V =nRT (2)

V– volume occupied by the gas

n – number of moles of the gas

R – Universal gas constant

T – Temperature of the gas

Secondly, if the gas through which the sound travels is near a solid surface, the gas may
interact by transferring heat to and from it. Combining these two factors, we can create
a four-step process similar to a Carnot cycle. Thermoacoustic cycle consists of four
steps. Figures 3-6 below show the steps with a piston as the acoustical driver. Suppose
there is gas trapped in a parallel stack of solid plates and there is an acoustic driver that
sends a standing wave through the fluid with a pressure node and anti-node at either
end of the stack. The first step in the thermoacoustic process is the translational
movement and compression of a packet of gas, adiabatically, in one direction away
from the pressure antinode.


Figure 3 The first step of a thermoacoustic cycle

This compression of the gas heats it up, so that the local surface will isobarically absorb
some of the thermal energy.

Figure 4 The second step of Thermoacoustic cycle

The gas then adiabatically moves back and expands towards the pressure anti-node in
the third step where then it isobarically absorbs heat from another surface area in the
last step.

The oscillatory pattern repeats and heat is thus transferred, like a conveyor belt, from
one side of the stack to the other. Over a long period time, the small amounts of heat
displaced from one end to the other add together and cause a larger temperature


Figure 5 Steps 3 and 4 of a thermoacoustic cycle

2.2 Working of thermoacoustic Refrigerator

The source of acoustic energy is called the driver which can be a loudspeaker. The
driver emits sound waves in a long hollow tube filled with gas at high pressure. This
long hollow tube is called as „resonance tube‟ or simply resonator. The frequency of
the driver and the length of the resonator are chosen so as to get a standing sound wave
in the resonator. A solid porous material like a stack of parallel plates is kept in the path
of sound waves in the resonator. Due to thermo acoustic effect \heat starts to flow from
one end of stack to the other. One end starts to heat up while other starts to cool down.
By controlling temperature of hot side of stack (by removing heat by means of a heat
exchanger), the cold end of stack can be made to cool down to lower and lower
temperatures. A refrigeration load can then be applied at the cold end by means of a
heat exchanger.

Figure 6 Working of thermoacoustic refrigerator system

3 Important formulas
1.Temp gradient(T/x)
The temperature gradient is measured as

∆ T / x=P/ ρξCp (3)

Where p is the acoustic pressure,

ξ is the displacement amplitude,

ρ is the density and

Cp is the specific heat

2.Thermal penetration depth (δ)

The thermal penetration depth is the distance heat travels through air in one second.

δ =√ 2 k / ρCp w (4)

Where k is the thermal conductivity,

ρ is the density,

Cp is the specific heat and

w is angular frequency

3.Prandtl number
The Prandtl number (Pr) or Prandtl group is a dimensionless number, defined as the
ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity. That is, the Prandtl number is
given as:

Pr=μ Cp/ k (5)

Where μ is dynamic viscosity ,

Cp is specific heat and

k is thermal conductivity

4.Speed of sound in a medium
The speed of sound (V) in a medium is given by
V = √ γRT /M (6)

Where γ is the specific heat ratio

R is universal gas constant

T is Temperature in Kelvin and

M is Molar mass

4 Components of a thermoacoustic refrigeration
4.1 Working gas
Another important design consideration is the choice of the working fluid which fills
the resonator. Both the viscous and thermal penetration depths as well as the natural
frequency of the resonator are dependent on the choice of working fluid. The following
parameters are critical for the selection of the working fluid.

1) Specific Heat - A high ratio of specific heat is desirable for the working fluid. Higher
specific heat capacity ratio results in higher temperature oscillations in the gas for same
magnitude of dynamic pressure. This helps to improve the heat pumping capacity of the

2) Prandtl Number – A small Prandtl number is desirable for the working fluid because it
is equal to the square of the ratio of the viscous penetration depth to the thermal
penetration depth. A small Prandtl number means that the viscous effects are small
compared to the thermal effects.

3) Thermal conductivity - It is advisable to use a gas with lower thermal conductivity so

that the loss of cooling power due to axial conduction in the stack is low. But, lower
thermal conductivity results in lower thermal penetration depth which in turn lowers
the cooling power.

4) Viscosity - The working gas should have a low viscosity so as to minimize the loss of
acoustic power in the viscous penetration depth.

5) Sound Speed - The working gas should have a high sound speed so that the energy
density of acoustic field for a given operating frequency is high. This helps to reduce
the system size for a certain cooling requirement.

6) In addition to all these, the working gas should be inert from the point of view of safety
of life, environment friendly, readily available and cheap.

Helium or a mixture of helium-argon is usually chosen as the working gas for
designing the TAR. This is because Helium has the highest thermal conductivity and
sound speed among inert gases. Other gases used are argon, neon and CO 2 however the
results obtained are not as satisfactory as helium.

4.2 Stack
The heat transfer from the gases takes place to the stack. Also the stack plays a key role
in determining the temperature difference. The following parameters determine the
material for stack.

1) Thermal conductivity – Low thermal conductivity ensures less cooling power loss due
to axial conduction through the stack.

2) Specific heat capacity – Its specific heat capacity should be higher than that of working
gas so that its temperature fall remains steady.

3) Spacing between the stack – The optimum spacing should be about 2.5 times the
thermal penetration depth. If the distance is very large heat transfer will be minimum or
if the distance is too small the gas will be unable to pass through the stack plates and
moreover transfer of heat to plates will be difficult. So the stack of plates should be
kept at proper distances apart.

Mylar is usually chosen as the material for making the stack due to its low thermal
conductivity and ready availability at a cheap price.

Figure 7 Parallel plate and spiral stack

4.3 Driver or speaker
Most piezoelectric drivers consist of a metallic diaphragm with piezoelectric material
deposited on it. Electrodes are then attached to the two sides of the piezoelectric
material. When voltage is applied across the electrodes, the piezoelectric material
expands or contracts while the metal diaphragm is not affected by the voltage. The
mismatch in expansion and contraction between these two materials which are bonded
together causes a bending moment in the diaphragm. If an AC signal is applied, the
diaphragm oscillates back and forth at the frequency of the signal, causing the air
around it to oscillate as well.

Figure 8 Loudspeaker

4.4 Resonator tube

1) The length of the resonator tube to be selected is of utmost importance.

Acoustic resonance occurs when the frequency of a medium's oscillations reaches that
of its resonance frequency, or the point at which it vibrates naturally. At this frequency,
the medium is able to absorb more energy. An added benefit is that the medium will
also filter out all other frequencies, making its effect more pronounced. The acoustic
resonator can have λ/2 or λ/4 length. The length is thus calculated by

l=c/2f or l=4/2f (7)

where c is the speed of sound

and f is the resonance frequency.

However, it is found that λ/4 length is more beneficial as it results in minimum energy

2) Acoustic losses – The acoustic losses should be as minimum as possible. Usually a

simple glass tube or PVC tube is used as the resonator tube.

Figure 9 Resonator tube

4.5 Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger is a piece of equipment built for efficient heat tranfer from 1 medium
to another.The media may be seperated by a solid wall ,so that they never mix, or they
may be in direct contact.Usually in a thermoacoustic refrigerator we require two heat
exchangers,one to absorb heat from the hot gas and the other to lose its heat to the gas
and thus provide the cooling effect.

Figure 10 Heat Exchanger

5 Performance Measurements of a thermoacoustic
The performance of the thermoacoustic refrigeration is discussed using performance
parameters evaluated such as the heating load and the steady-state temperature
difference for various operating parameters. The electric power introduced into the
system is converted into work, i.e. acoustic power in the acoustic driver.

5.1 Effect of Frequency

As the frequency increases the temperature difference across the stack is increases
across each frequency reaches a maximum value and then stabilizes. Also it is seen that
maximum temperature difference across the stack is obtained for parallel plate stack
and the temperature difference decreases as the gap between the stack is increased. It
decreases due to influence of the thermal penetration depth in the stack. The
temperature difference is more for parallel plate geometry compare to other geometries.
This measurement illustrates the importance of the stack spacing on the performance. A
uniform channel structure is important for the better performance. Spacing between the
stack is less,then the heat transfer rate will be more which leads to more temperature
difference for parallel plate stack which has spacing between the two plates of 0.35mm
as compared to the diameter of 1mm, 2mm and 3mm diameter holes.

Figure 11 Graph between temperature difference and frequency for different stack spacing

5.2 Effect of COP
COP of the refrigerator is directly proportional to the heating load and inversely
proportional to acoustic power which is supplied to the acoustic driver. COP increases
with the increase of heating load and decreases at higher acoustic power.

COP=Heating Load / Acoustic Power (8)

Figure 12 Graph between COP and heating load for different acoustic powers.

5.3 Effect of heating load

Temperature difference is a function of the heating load. Higher temperatures are
attained with higher dynamic pressure. It is observed that maximum temperature
difference is obtained when heating load is low. This is because at higher heating loads
acoustic power required is not sufficient to remove heat, so temperature difference is
less. Also, maximum temperature difference for a given heating load is obtained for
parallel plate stack having 0.35 mm gap and it decreases as the gap increases.

Figure 13 Graph between Temperature difference and heating load for different stack spacings

6 Comparison of thermoacoustic refrigeration system
with other conventional technologies
The apparent benefits and commercial opportunity of developing thermoacoustic
refrigeration and air conditioning applications becomes evident when evaluated against
conventional technologies. The following table compares thermoacoustics to
conventional vapor compression technologies, including the industry's recent advances
in adopting carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons as alternative refrigerant gases.

A/C and Refrigeration Technologies Compared

Recently Recently
Current Technology Introduced Introduced
Under Development
Technology Technology

Relative Performance Thermoacoustic Vapor

Hydrocarbons Carbon Dioxide
Measures s Compression

Ozone Depletion Potential None CFCs, HCFCs None None

Greenhouse Effects None Very High Low Low

Energy Efficiency - power grid High Moderate Moderate High Moderate

Energy Efficiency - solar

100% Not Practical Not Practical Not Practical

Operating Mode Proportional On/Off On/Off On/Off

Initial Equipment Costs Low High High Very High

Maintenance Costs Low Moderate Moderate

Operating Life Cycle Very Long Moderate Moderate Moderate

7 Applications of Thermoacoustic Refrigeration

Figure 14 Thermoacoustic refrigerator used for ice-cream storage

1) Food storage – Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream first used a prototype for ice cream
storage containers. It has the ability to store 200L at a temperature of 18 degree
2) Navy – The US Navy has demanded for acoustic refrigerators for its submarines.
Refrigerant leaks in the submarine is a deadly problem. Thermoacoustic
refrigerators do not have any harmful fluid and hence there is no problem.
3) Space applications - In the late '80s, thermoacoustic research was pursued at the
Naval Postgraduate School where a 5W Space Thermoacoustic Refrigerator,
dubbed STAR, was developed and launched aboard the Space
Shuttle Discovery(STS-42) in 1992.The Navy demonstrated the use of
thermoacoustics for cooling the electronics components.

Figure 15 Space Thermoacoustic Referigerator

4) Liquefaction of natural gas - Burning natural gas in a thermo acoustic engine generates
acoustic energy. This acoustic energy is used in a thermo acoustic heat pump to liquefy
natural gas.
5) Chip cooling - In this case a piezoelectric element generates the sound wave. A thermo
acoustic heat pump cools the chip.
6) Upgrading industrial waste heat - Acoustic energy is created by means of industrial
waste heat in a thermo acoustic engine. In a thermo acoustic heat pump this acoustic
energy is used to upgrade the same waste heat to a useful temperature level.

8 Merits of the technology
Although the working principle of thermo acoustic technology is quite complex, the
practical implementation is relatively simple. This offers great advantages with respect
to the economic feasibility of this technology. Other advantages are

 No moving parts for the process, so very reliable and a long life span.

 Environmentally friendly working medium (air, noble gas)

 The use of air or noble gas as working medium offers a large window of applications
because there are no phase transitions.

 Use of simple materials with no special requirements, which are commercially

available in large quantities and therefore relatively cheap.

 On the same technology base a large variety of applications can be covered.

Out of these, the two distinct advantages of thermo acoustic refrigeration are that the
harmful refrigerant gases are removed. The second advantage is that the number of
moving parts is decreased dramatically by removing the compressor. It also has fewer
moving parts than its competitors, and so is less likely to break down.

Also sonic compression or ‘sound wave refrigeration’ uses sound to compress

refrigerants which replace the traditional compressor and need for lubricants. The
technology could represent a major breakthrough using a variety of refrigerants, and
save up to 40% in energy. The system is also an energy saving drop in current
compressors, and projected mass production cost is very low.

9 Challenges before the project
Even though thermo acoustic devices uses low cost components and require only one
moving part, making them inexpensive and maintenance free systems they have certain
challenges before them. But with time researches must overcome them.

One of the main challenges faced is regarding the efficiency. The efficiency of thermo
acoustic refrigerators is very low. Thermo acoustic refrigerators gives only one-fourth
the efficiency compared to conventional refrigerators.

The loud speakers inside a thermo acoustic refrigerator also must be activated by
electric power. The best thermo acoustic referigerators built thus far use twice as much
electricity as conventional refrigerants. Though much greater efficiency is theoretically
possible, the claim that the thermo acoustic refrigerators will ever catch up with
traditional Rankine cycle designs is in doubt.

Complex physical factors such as the friction generated by gas molecules churning
back and forth inside a chamber place fundamental limits on the efficiency of thermo
acoustic refrigerators. Losses also occur because of acoustic distortions generated at
levels above 155 decibels.

Lack of interest and funding from the industry due to their concentration on developing
alternative gases to CFCs is also a major problem.

Talent Bottleneck: There are not enough people who have expertise on the combination
of relevant disciplines such as acoustic, heat exchanger design.

10 Improvements made
In order to improve the efficiency, regenerators are used. The function of a regenerator
is to store thermal energy during part of the cycle and return it later. This component
can increase the thermodynamic efficiency to impressive levels, but its mechanical
complexity is greater. In a regenerator used some thermal energy was converted to
acoustic energy, though not enough to make up for the accompanying losses.

The extra stress given in using standing waves also paved to be fruitful. Amplification
became much easier while using standing waves. This increased the level of
temperature gradient setup thereby providing more refrigeration effect.

An increased voltage and reduced current gave better performances than usual.
Moreover intense working is going on in developing sound by piezoelectric effect
which would considerably reduce electricity hazards.

11 Conclusion
Thermo acoustic refrigeration is an innovative alternative for cooling that is both clean
and inexpensive. The refrigeration effect is achieved by using sound waves and an inert
gas which will not cause any damage to the atmosphere. This latest breakthrough,
coupled with other developments in the design of high power, single frequency loud
speakers and reciprocating electric generators suggests that thermo acoustics may soon
emerge as an environmentally attractive way to power hybrid electric vehicles, capture
solar energy, refrigerate food, air condition buildings, liquefy industrial gases and serve
in other capacities that are yet to be imagined.

In future let us hope these thermo acoustic devices which promise to improve
everyone’s standard of living while helping to protect the planet might soon take over
other costly, less durable and polluting engines and pumps. The latest achievements of
the former are certainly encouraging, but there are still much left to be done.

12 References
1) SSRG International Journal of Thermal Engineering (SSRG-IJTE) volume 1 Issue2
May to Aug 2015 ISSN: 2395 – 0250 Page 16
Performance Evaluation of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator using Air as Working
Medium by Ramesh Nayak. B1., Bheemsha2., Pundarika. G3
2) IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-
1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X PP. 58-63 National Conference On
"Innovative Approaches In Mechanical Engineering" ST.Martin's Engineering
College, Secunderabad Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration by1T. Somasekhar,
2P.Naveen Kishore
4) 25th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC 25-ICMC 2014
Theoretical study on standing wave thermoacoustic engine by S Kalra,K.P Desai,
H.B Naik and M. D Atrey
Chandrashekhar Dhuley ,MD Atrey IIT BOMBAY
6) Wikipedia


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