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Republic of the Philippines


Bayambang Campus,
Bayambang Pangasinan


(Global Warming, Climate Change,
El Nino & La Nina)

Prepared By: Cooperating Teacher:

Mauren T. Castel Mrs. Jocelyn C. Montada
Teaching Intern Master Teacher I
Date of March 20, 2023 Grade/Section Grade 9 – Tin
Implementation Francium

Subject Teacher Learning Area Science

Time Allotment 50 minutes Quarter THIRD (Earth Science)


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of factors that affect climate and the effects of
changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen
effects of climate change.

C. Learning Competencies The learners should be able to describe certain climatic phenomena that occurs on a
global level. (S9ES-IIIf31)

D. Objective At the end of a 50-minute discussion, the learners should be able to:
 Describe climatic phenomena that occur on a global level such as global
warming, climate change, El Nino and La Nina.


1. Climatic phenomena occurring on a global level
A. References
1.Teachers Guide pages
2.Learner’s Material pages Science Learner’s Module 203

Teaching Hint Teacher’s Student’s IM’s
Activity Activity
ACTIVITIES 1. Greetings Good morning Class! Good morning

The teacher will pick one student to lead

2. Prayer the prayer. Student will lead
the prayer.

Please all stand for our opening prayer.

3. Setting of Before you take a sit, kindly pick up the

Classroom pieces of trash under your chairs.
Rules Students will follow.

4. Checking Class, who is absent/excuse for today?

of Attendance None. Ma’am.

A. Reviewing
previous lesson ELICIT The teacher will ask.
(5 minutes) Do you still remember our previous lesson? Students will
We still remember
it, ma’am.

If you really remember our last topic, what Ma’am, we the

did we discussed last meeting? different factors that
affects climate.

Yes, that’s right.

What are the following factors that affect Ma’am altitude,

climate? latitude, bodies of
water, topography
and ocean currents.

Correct, very good!

The different factors that affect climates are
the following:

Latitude- it is the main factor affecting

global climate, the further we go from the
equator the temperature drops and the
cooler it gets.

Altitude- as altitude increases the

temperature decreases.
Bodies of Water- Water heats and cools
more slowly than landmasses. Therefore,
the coastal regions will stay cooler in
summer and warmer in winter creating a
more moderate climate.

Topography- it influences wind patterns and

weather patterns. For example: mountain
block cold air the war ground below them,
which results in warmer temperature on one
side of the mountain range than on the
other side.

Ocean currents- act much like a conveyer

belt transporting war water and precipitation Yes Ma’am!
from the equator toward the poles and cold
water from the poles back to the tropics.

Understand class?

B. Presenting
examples/insta ENGAGE The teacher will show pictures of different
nces of the new (15 minutes) climatic phenomenon.

Ma’am it shows
What can you say about the picture? here different
phenomena that
occurs into our

Yes you’re right! It shows here the different

climatic phenomenon that occurs on a
global level.

The students will

Now class to test your ideas, knowledge to follow.
our new lesson you will be given an
assessment. Bring out a 1 whole sheet of

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best

answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following can cause global
A. volcanic eruptions
B. the amount of rainfall
C. the rising of warm air into the
D. the absorption of heat from the earth’s
2. When does greenhouse effect happen?
A. When the earth surface absorb heat from
the atmosphere.
B. When the earth surface absorb heat from
the earth’s interior.
C. When the upper atmosphere absorb
heat from the outer space.
D. When the lower atmosphere absorb heat
from the earth’s surface.
3. Which activity does NOT contribute to
global warming?
A. reforestation
B. illegal fishing
C. mining activities
D. incineration of garbage
4. What will happen if there is too much
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. Temperature increases
B. Temperature decreases
C. Water vapor condenses
D. Greenhouse effect occurs
5. What causes La Niña?
A. Warming of water in the Atlantic Ocean.
B. Cooling of water in the Atlantic coast of
the US.
C. Warming of water in the Pacific Ocean
off the coast of South America.
D. Cooling of water in the tropical Pacific
Ocean between the Tropic of Cancer and
the Tropic of Capricorn.
6. During an El Niño year, what happens to
ocean temperature in the central and
eastern tropical Pacific Ocean?
A. It is cooler than the average.
B. It is warmer than the average.
C. It is varied throughout the ocean.
D. It remains in the same temperature.
7. Which of the following gases are
responsible for the 75% of the global
warming effect?
A. carbon dioxide, oxygen, fluorine
B. carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen
C. carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen
D. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
8. Which of the following factors is the
contributor to current enhanced (human
induced) global warming?
A. solar radiation
B. littering everywhere
C. hole in the ozone layer
D. carbon dioxide emissions
9. Which of the following human activities
DOES NOT contribute to enhanced climate
A. Always using cars when going even to
short distance places.
B. Joining in tree planting activities
whenever possible.
C. Rallying against the use of renewable
D. Chopping down rainforests.
10. Which of the following greenhouse
gases is the most abundant in the
A. methane
B. water vapor
C. nitrous oxide
D. carbon dioxide
11. Which statement supports the
importance of forests for mitigating climate
A. It provides building materials.
B. It is an important source of food.
C. It serves as a sink in the carbon cycle. D.
It reflects sunlight away from the Earth.
12. Which statement supports reduction of
carbon footprint?
A. Drive a hybrid car.
B. Hang blankets to dry.
C. Eat a plant-based diet.
D. Turn off your lights if not needed.

13 – 15. Write:
A. If the first statement is correct and the
second statement is incorrect.
B. If the first statement is incorrect and the
second statement is correct.
C. If both statements are correct.
D. If both statements are incorrect.

I. The El Niño and La Niña are two natural
occurrences in the global climate system as
results of variations in ocean temperatures
in the Equatorial Pacific.
II. The El Niño and La Niña affect weather
conditions in some regions and can cause
droughts, floods, and storms.

I. El Niño is a term for the warming phase of The students will
the El Niño Southern Oscillation. pass their papers.
II. La Niña is a term for the cooling phase of
El Niño Southern Oscillation.

I. Climate change is a phenomenon in
which the Earth’s climate warms or cools
over long periods of time.
II. The effects of climate change include
rising sea levels, drought, water shortages,
crop failure, floods, and extreme weather

Pass your paper in front.

C. Discussing new
concepts and EXPLORE We have an issue here class, so let’s try to
practicing new (5 minutes) understand the passage and answer the
skills following questions.
Students will raise
Who wants to read the passage? their hands.
What’s New

“There’s one issue that will define the

contours of this century more dramatically Student will read
than any other, and this is the urgent threat the passage.
of a changing climate”

1. What message does the passage Ma’am it talks about

convey? an issue which is
about changing of
2. Why are most of the countries around the Ma’am because of
world do threatened by climate change? the human activities
that affects the
3. What do you think are the adverse climate.
effect of climate change to Ma’am it can cause
human/society? sickness to us
Ok class! In this module you will learn
the different global climatic phenomena
such as greenhouse effect, global
warming, climate change, La Nina and
El Nino. You will also determine the
different factors that influence these
global climatic phenomena, the
negative effects of climate change, and
some activities that contribute to lessen
the negative effects of global warming.

D. Developing

E. Finding
practical EXPLAIN For today, we will discuss the different
application of (20 minutes) global climatic phenomenon that occurs on
concepts and a global level.
skills in daily
Students will raise
living What comes in your mind when we say hands.
greenhouse effect? Ma’am greenhouse
effect is the
trapping of heat into
the earth

Greenhouse Effect- The greenhouse effect

is the natural warming process of the Earth
that results when gases in the atmosphere
trap heat from the earth that would
otherwise escape into space. Sunlight
makes the earth habitable. While 30
percent of the solar energy that reaches our
world is reflected back to space,
approximately 70 percent passes through
the atmosphere to the earth’s surface,
where it is absorbed by the land, oceans,
and atmosphere, and heats the planet. This
heat is then radiated back up in the form of
invisible infrared radiation. While some of
this infrared radiation continues on into
space, the vast majority—indeed, some 90
percent—gets absorbed by atmospheric
gases, known as greenhouse gases, and
redirected back toward the earth, causing
further warming.

Yes Ma’am!

Understand class

We also have the different greenhouse

gasses present into our earth atmosphere.
The different greenhouse gases are carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydro
fluorocarbons (HFCs), per fluorocarbons
(PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride, and water
vapor. These gases can be naturally
occurring, or man-made. The effect of each
greenhouse gas on earth’s climate depends
on its chemical nature and its relative
concentration in the atmosphere. Some
gases have a high capacity for absorbing
infrared radiation and occur in significant
quantities, whereas others have
considerably lower capacities for absorption
and occur only in traces. Among the
different greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide
absorbs the least amount of energy. For
most of the past 800,000 years, much
longer than human civilization has existed,
the concentration of greenhouse gases in
our atmosphere was between about 200
and 280 parts per million. But in the past
century, that concentration has jumped to
more than 400 parts per million, driven up Ma’am water
by human activities such as burning of vapour, carbon
fossil fuels and deforestation. The higher dioxide, methane,
concentrations of greenhouse gases and nitrous oxide and
carbon dioxide is causing extra heat to be the CFC’s.
trapped and global temperatures to rise.

What are the following greenhouse gasses

present to the atmosphere?

Very Good!

Now let’s proceed to the different climatic

factor that occurs on a global level.

Global warming- is caused by several

factors such as man-made, anthropogenic,
or natural. One example of natural causes
is the released of methane gas from arctic
tundra and wetlands.
Climate Change- is a long-term change in
the average weather patterns. It is
incorporated with the two phenomena, the
global warming and large – scale change in
weather patterns. Changes in Earth’s
climate since the start of the twentieth
century are mainly caused by human
activities, such as burning of fossil fuels for
energy and transportation, agricultural and .
industrial activities, deforestation and

El Niño -is a lengthy warming in the eastern

part of the Pacific Ocean. This natural
phenomenon occurs at irregular intervals of
two to seven years and lasts for nine
months or two years at most. Normally, as
trade wind moves from east to west, it
collects warm air. But when trade winds is
weakened, it causes the piling up of warm
surface water and making the part of the
Pacific Ocean warmer leading to El Niño
phenomenon. This happens when the
upwelling of colder water is blocked by the
large quantities of warm surface water. El
Niño will most likely bring severe drought.
La Nina- is the opposite climatic
disturbance to El Niño. This natural
phenomenon may but does not always
follow El Niño events. It may last for nine to
twelve months but in some cases, it lasts Yes Ma’am!
for two years. This event is triggered by the
cooling of the eastern part of the Pacific None Ma’am!
Ocean. Trade winds that move from east to
west are strengthened. Moving air brings
along too much water vapor. Areas that
experienced severe drought which was
caused by El Niño may encounter above
normal rainfall. But in some cases, areas
that experience dry season will be drier
than normal conditions. La Niña’s effects
are the opposite of El Niño.

You understand class?

Any questions?

F. Making
generalization ELABORATE Let’s have a wrap up.
and (2 minutes)
abstractions The teacher will ask.
about the
Again class, what are the different climatic Students will raise
lesson phenomenon that occurs on a global level? hand.

Ma’am the different

phenomenon that
occurs on a global
level are the
Global warming
Climate Change
El Nino
La Nina

Very Good!

Seems like you already understand our

topic for today.

G. Evaluating
learning EVALUATE And now class, bring out ¼ sheet of paper
(3 minutes) and answer the following questions. The students will

A. Read the given statements

about greenhouse effect and global
warming. Make your decision
whether you AGREE or
DISAGREE to each statement.
Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
__________1. Some greenhouse
gases are naturally present in the
Earth’s atmosphere.
__________2. All of the radiation
from the Sun is absorbed by the
__________3. Plants and animals
are already changing their behavior
because of climate change.

__________4. Without the

greenhouse effect the Earth would
be cold.
__________5. The trade winds are weaker
during an El Niño event.

Ok class pass your paper in a count of 5!


H. Additional
activities for EXTEND Assignment:
application or (3 minutes)
remediation LET ME SPEAK!

Write a reflection on the given image below.

Write your answer on a 1 whole sheet of

Source: Gerd Altmann, Forest Fire Forest Climate Change Fire Heat Flame, Pixabay

To conclude our discussion for today, let

me leave this Bible verse on you.

Psalm 40:1-3 (ESV)

“God is our refuge and strength, always
ready to help in times of trouble. So we will
not fear when earthquakes come and the
mountains crumble into the sea. Let the
oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains Thank you and
tremble as the waters surge!” goodbye, teacher.

That’s all for today class! Goodbye and

thank you!
4. Remarks

5. Reflection
(Reflection on
your teaching
and assesses
yourself as a

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