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Date: Subject: G Science Class: 5.

Age: 11-12
Time: 1:45 Title of Ls:
Topic Soil
Aims and Objectives • To define waste and compare biodegradable and non-biodegradable
• To explain that waste creates pollution• To classify pollution into three
types: land, water and air• To examine the causes and effects of pollution
on the environment
• To explore ways of reducing pollution• To create awareness of the causes
and effects of climate change
Learning Outcomes Students should be able to:
 define waste and differentiate between biodegradable and
non-biodegradable waste with examples of each kind
 Understand that waste create pollution
 Explain in their own words the causes and the effects of the
three types of pollution
 Suggest ways of reducing pollution
 Understand the impact of climate change on the
Motivational Ask the pupils whether they have ever caused pollution:
Questions  Do you ever leave the TV on when no one is watching it?
 Do you ever leave a light on in an empty room?
 Do you ever leave the door open when the AC is on?
 Does the exhaust pipe of your car emit black smoke?
 Do you ever throw wrappers in the water or on the ground
when you go for a picnic?
 Explain that if they are involved in any of these activities, they
are contributing to environmental pollution.
Recapitulation Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment which
exists around us and helps in normal living. Any type of pollution in
our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes insecurity, health
disorders and discomfort in normal living. It disorganizes the
natural systems and thus disturbs the nature’s balance. The
pollutants or elements of pollution are foreign substances or waste
materials created by the human beings and pollute the natural
resources like air, water or land etc. The chemical nature,
concentration and long persistence of the pollutants continually
disturbs the ecosystem for years. The pollutants can be poisonous
gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic compounds
and radioactive materials.
Contents  pollution, pollutant, environment, biodegradable, non-
Synopsis of Ls biodegradable, typhoid, cholera sewage, toxic, ecosystem,
herbicide, pesticide, decompose
 How waste causes pollution?
 Types of pollution their causes and effects.
Assessment  What can we do to help reduce climate change? Ask the pupils to
name some things that are thrown away daily at home and at
school. List these on the board.
 What is meant by waste? Any material that is unwanted and is
thrown away is waste. Ask their opinions about the waste and
rubbish they see in the park or in the street. Do they think it spoils
the neighbourhood? Why is it there? Who drops it? Explain that
waste can exist as solid, liquid, or gas.
 Why is waste harmful?
If waste is not disposed of properly, it causes pollution on land, in
water, and in the air.
Summary Environmental pollution refers to any physical, chemical or biological
alteration in the quality of air,water or soil to a degree that is harmful to
living organisms. Pollution, is thus,direct or indirect change in any
component of the biosphere that is harmful to the living components and
on particular undesirable for human. There are two types of waste
biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste.
Different kinds of Environmental Pollution:
Water pollution:
Water is polluted by chemicals used in industries, pharmacies and also
domestically. Sewage from residential/commercial places and effluents
from industries are a major cause of water pollution. Also emissions from
industry cause acid rain. Ingesting polluted water can cause gastrointestinal
ailments, nausea, diarrhoea. Continuously consuming polluted water with
lead, arsenic can make individuals prone to cancer. Recently increasing
pollution has also caused mass killing of a number of fishes.
Land pollution:
Land pollution takes place when waste and garbage is not disposed off in
the right manner thus, introducing toxins and chemicals on land. It also
occurs when people dump chemical products to soils in the form of
herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or any other form of the consumer by-
products. Mineral exploitation equally leads to the decline in quality of the
earth’s land surfaces. Land pollution may impact human health mainly by
consumption of food grown in polluted area.
Assignment Do book activity and exercise.
Topic to be taught next

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