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________ can be derived by combining the Van’t Hoff isotherm with Gibbs- Helmholtz
a. Clausius –Clapeyron Equation b. Van’t Hoff
c. Maxwell Relation d. Clausius Inequality
Ans: b. Van’t Hoff Isochore
2. The Van’t Hoff equation is________.
a. d (ln Kp/dT) = H/RT2 b. G = - RT lnKeq
c. G = G + RTlnP d. dp/dT = q/T (VB-VA)
Ans: a. d (ln Kp/dT) = H/RT2
3. A plot of logKp versus 1/T will give a straight line with slope________.
a. H/2.303R b. -H/2.303R
c. -2.303R × H d. 2.303R× H
Ans: b. -H/2.303R
4. ________proposed a mechanism for the kinetics of enzyme- catalysed reactions.
a. L. Michaelis and Mary Menten b. Peter Debye
c. L.F. Raoult d. E. Huckel
Ans: a. L. Michaelis and Mary Menten
5. Michaelis constant Km, is given by________.
a. Km = (K-1+K2)/K1 b. Km =
c. Km = (K2+K-1)/K1 d. Km =
Ans: a. Km = (K-1+K2)/K1
6. The rate constant of a reaction depends upon________.
a. mass b. time
c. catalyst d. none of
the above
Ans: c. catalyst
7. A homogeneous catalysis includes reactions catalysis includes reaction catalysed by
certain complex organic substances known as________.
a. virus b. enzyme
c. bacteria d. fungi
Ans: b. enzyme
8. Michaelis-Menten equation is________.
a. r = K2[E]o[S]/Km+[S] b. r =
c. r = K2Km+[S]/ [E]o[S] d. r =
Ans: a. r = K2[E]o[S]/Km+[S]
9. Decrease of activation energy by an enzyme catalyst is far greater than that by
a. chemical equilibrium b. enzyme
c. non-enzyme catalyst d. enzyme
conservation equation
Ans: c. non-enzyme catalyst
10. The equilibrium between the free and the bound enzyme is given by the________.
a. chemical equilibrium b. enzyme
c. non-enzyme catalyst d. enzyme
conservation equation
Ans: d. enzyme conservation equation

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