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Diploma in Business

MPU2422: Teamwork Cohesion Development

Group 3 (b): The Evolution of Women Role in China and Western Influences
Youtube link:
Google form link:

Group Members /10

Sam Ying Ying
Too Wan Ting
Wee Yin Xin
Tay Qiao Ruo
Toh Wen Xin
Yee Xian Ping

No Topics Evaluation
1 The introduction of western influences (✓) Good
( ) Average
( ) Weak

Summary of Section: Nice introduction.

Clear intro about the western influences.
2 Acting of students / Comparisons of (✓) Good
women role in the past. How does the ( ) Average
Western influences penetrate into ( ) Weak
China’s culture.
Summary of Section: Their acting is very
good and clear about what is the
comparison of women role in the past and
how does the western influences penetrate
into China’s culture.
3 The evolution of women dressing style. ( ) Good
(✓ ) Average
( ) Weak

Summary of Section: Let the viewers

knowledge about how women dress
themselves in the pass and present.
4 Gender inequality in ancient Chinese (✓) Good
times and the western influences ( ) Average
through the media industry. ( ) Weak

Summary of Section: Easy to understand

and get the knowledge about the western
influences through the media industry and
gender inequality in ancient Chinese times.
5 Family management (✓) Good
- Comparisons of family culture ( ) Average
(ancient / modern) times. ( ) Weak

Summary of Section: A very good

comparisons of family culture in past and
present times, they delivered their message
very clear.

6 National administration (✓) Good

- The changes of women ( ) Average
leadership role ( ) Weak

Summary of Section: It’s a good scene

which tell us how the changes of women
leadership role, their acting is nice and the
thing they want to deliver is clear.

7 Social responsibilities (✓) Good

- Appreciation towards child ( ) Average
gender preferences ( ) Weak

Summary of Section: I have learn new

knowledge about the social responsibilities
which is the appreciation towards child
gender preferences, and this scene is funny
when they throw the fake baby, this
attracted my attention.

8 Foot binding culture in ancient Chinese ( ) Good

tradition (✓) Average
( ) Weak

Summary of Section: Get more knowledge

about the Chinese tradition of foot binding
culture, its very interesting because they
think that if their foot is big, no man will
marry them.

9 Evolution of Chinese women social ( ) Good

status (✓) Average
( ) Weak

Summary of Section: They explain

interview videos on how people view the
changes in the social status of Chinese
women in the past and present.
10 Conclusion (✓) Good
( ) Average
( ) Weak

Summary of Section: A very good

conclusion. Overall, its nice.

From the discussion above, kindly fill up the following details

1) Is the discussion overall fruitful to you? If yes, Why? If no, Why?
Yes, the discussion is overall fruitful to me, its because I gain more knowledge about the
evolution of women role in China from the past until today from opening of the video
until the end I still didn’t feel any boring.

2) Do you find the design of the video interesting? If yes, why? If no, why?

The design is quite interesting. The way they explain is creative and clear, but
something is I think they need to improve is they can include more funny moment to
attract audience, for me, that’s the only thing they need to improve.

3) Is the flow of information clear?

Yes, the flow of information is very clear, the things that they want to deliver and
explain is very clear and the speed is very steady, no slow and no fast.
4) Specify on the areas for improvement that could be derived from the video?

I think overall of the video is very good, but they can use more funny ways to give their
knowledge to the viewers, so viewers may not feel so boring, overall, I think its good

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