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The best aennOn8

Ule ia too short to

are preached 'With-
'Vsate. out 'Vorela.

"COME LOOK ME OVER," SAYS MAIN LINE LE AGUE CHAMPIONS cember 19, Fleck and Nevin shut out
THE BIRDS OF "OUR TOWN" THE LIBRARY. - _.._-_._........ the visiting forwards witJhout a field
Halle you been around to The Nar' Narberth Basket Ball Team Goes Through Season Without Defeat, goal In the second half, In the game
1>erth Free Public Library in the Y. with St. Paul's on January 9, Fleck
Do Your Share to Eucourage Them al M. C. A. Community Center?
I w It h· H umphreys shut out the visiting
Oh, yes. of course: there's been a forwards without a field goal during
Las-t Friday, April 9, was "Official "lot of talk" in the paper about it, the entire game. In the game with
Bird Da)'." Should we not take some and all that, but are there any books the Haverford A. A, on February 5.
definite action this spring toward,; that are re-ally worth reading? ./. au }<'Ieck with Nevin shut out the visit·
protecting our natiJve song birds, allli mean books that yoU haven't read '! Ing forwards wltlhout a field goal duro
encouraging their selection of Nar· Well, that depends on what you have I ing the entire game. In the game with
berth as their summer "home town'!" reall. ,Independent Club of West Chester, on
Could not the Civic Association very CertaJn']y, they're nnt al,1 new books:
properly add a committee on ,bird pro· we mean 1915 "best sellers," But II "larch 10, Fleck and Jelferles held the
visiting forwards to two field goals In
tectlon as a factor in community bet· what's that got to do with It If yon the first half. whlle in the second half
terment? haven't r,ad them? i Captain Durbin, who took Fleck's
"'arberth with its shade trees, la wns 'Ye don't mind saying, though.' that. I place, and Jefferies, shut them out en·
and hedges, is fairly attractive to there are some of the "\Jest sellers" i tirel)'.
several ,-arieties of songbirds, many in the library-and more will be added I Looking over the above, you will
of whom nest in the community, We from time to time. ,find that the Nal'berth guards shut out
also have the pestiferous English For instance, "The Harbor," hy ; the visiting forwards in siX halves, or
sparrow, who is an undeslra'ble citizen Ernest Poole, has just 'been con. 'enough for three whole games, In my
in himself and the foe of song- 'lJlrds: tributed b~' one of the "gallant 600." :Jpinion, the above, without any fur·
the house cat is also witb us and very J.ibrarians, critics and reviewers ther comment. shows the calibre of
fond of birds. but prefers them in· throughout the countr)' declare this Durbin, Flecl{, Humphreys. Jelferies
side rather ,than alit: While occasion· new nove! to be one of the best books anll Nevin.
ally the small boy goes on the ram· written in years. It has been said by Before passing on, permit me to say
page and In thoughtlessness or ignor' some reviewers to be worthy of com·
anee, destroys our birds or their eggs. parison with "The Pit" and "Th~~
I that the dribbling of Durbin and Jet·
I feries was the best seen on the home
A little systematic elfort would do OC'tOPllS" hy the late Frank ","orriS, tJoO!' for SOlUe time.
mncl} to bring liS more birds 01" the And that's just a sample of the good Vernon Fleck and Eugene Davis are
common varieties and encourage thos,; things that The Narberth l"ree Libl'ary 1.I1l' only players who participated in
more rare or shy to nest in the corn· is to provide for the r2sidentil. every game. Eugene made a good rec·
munity. 'Ve now have -the robin>, Drop in allll 1001, the bookR over, ord hy sl'oring in every game except
"Iuebirds, song sparrows and Ol~' '''atch OUR TO\VN for the news of the last one. There were very few
easional vireoR. 'We could have more the new books. guards who could keep tract of Gene.
vireos, warhlers, wrens. cat birds, In the meanwhile-old as it is-did owing to hlR alertness, and that ao-
Baltimore orioleR and many otners. ~.ou ever read "The Casting Away oi I' Oil n t s f
orl 'liS scorlllg
. .III every game,
A fe.w simple measures may he su!;· )fl's, Lecl{s and Mrs. Aleshine," by save one.
geste<1: Frank R. Stockton? What's that: de , Vernon always played the guard po·
Snppl~' food reg-ularly and water I ,hear someone saying, "oh, evef)" sillon, hut from the figures just given,
during the summer. Orain, d bread
th I and bodv's read that!" Don't you f 001 e l l on wou ( tl Ii n k h e p l ayelI d
scrap.s,of mea~. e.~pose ?,n e ~WI~: you;'ReH: everybodY hasn't read it having twenty·six field goals. He
01' pre.,era,bly III feeders o.ut of th .. I HUT EVERY PERSON THAT 18 sometimes closes his e)'es and takes
reael~ of cats and dogs. I"nrlllsh an at.!, CAPABI~E OF ENJOYING A GOO)) Back row (Iert to right)-Eari Smith. Norman Ii:riehel. Vernon I"lecl" long shots, 50' per cent. gain.
tra('tvve menu. : T~AUG H SHOUT...D. "Yours very truly" Lawren('e Davis, Dr. Homaine Hoffman (coach.) Second row-l<Ju~elll~ Lawrence Davis, our center. as VOll
Provide nesting places-.flat sup': had read a good many books before Davis, Will7am Durbin (Capt.), Leste~ .1I,lferh s. Bottom row-Harold Speal,· will note, tops t.he list or scor~rs.
POI'ts for rohins on or near the house. stumhling on this gem one day se\'era: man "'alter Humphries. Scoring lO!l fouls out of a possible
hlue bird and wren hoxes in trees with years ago. in a little New England 1(i8 seems to me to be a pretty gOOlI
holes too small for English sparrows. lihrary out on the end 01" Cape Cod. record. Lardie also heads the field
Put bird houses in the trees in Nar.: Funny? Wen, say, if you really know BANQUET TO CHAMPION BASKE'r Jan. !lth--Narberth 35: St. Paul's ;;, goal shooters.
berth Park, i how to laugh here's your chance, Go BALL TEAM, Jan. 15th-Narberth 39, West Phila· On hehalf of the Narberth Y, M, C.
Destroy the. nesting places. of Eng·! aronnd to thf' lihrary a.nd allk Mr. , . d~lphia High School Stars 20. A, hasket ball team, I wiSh to take
]I~h sparrows, trap them, care i Hampton to ~ive you Volume No, 598. Full Report of Eventfu~ Season by ! Jan. llith-Narherlh 24, Ardmore 21. this olJportunltr to thank you gentle,
that other sparrows are not lllcll1del], ! Spealdn~ of Cape Cod. do you kno'.\' Secretary Smith, 18~a.n. 2ard-Narherth 4(}, Overbrook men for this testimonial banquet, allll
and make things generall~' uninterpst-' ,Joe Lincoln? If you don't, you owe The Narherth Y. M. C. A. basket all10 the patrons who helped finance
.lIlg f or th e pugnacI'0 \15 littl , ev,Irnlln'g c., it to yourself to get acquainted. Lin· i'all team was tendered a testimonial ]·'eh. r,th-Narherth 17; Ha\"erforll the team by eoming regularly everr
'The latticed hlanl{ windows In the ('oln knows Cape Cod I"olks as noboli.v hanquet lasl Friday evening, in the A. A. :J. we(~l{. Respectfully,
g:aobles or peal{sof some houses arp- plse does, and you're getting only Y. :\1. C. A. Communitv Room, About Feh. IfJth-Narherth 21, 'Vest Phlla· Earl F, Smith,
n,estin g places of many spar:ows. ahollt 45 per cent. of the posslhle fun fifty persons participa'ted in the af.. (1l'lphia High Sl'hool Alumni 22. Secretary,
1 hes€, ,;hould be screened or co\ erf'd. out. of life If you don't know Joe Lin. : fair. Fell. 27th-'Narbel'th 21" 'Vest Park The mem bers of the team were
Keep your. cat at home or undN I'oln and his "Cap'n 'Varren's Wards"j lip-fore Vhe s\1pper was served ev. A. C. 1!1. prpsented with sterling silver watcil
control. partlC'ularly dnring- the nest· And ":\11'. Pratt." I
Thpy're Nos, :~1', cryone receh'ed a paper hat: th~ :\larch (ilh-~al'berth 1S, Independ· fohs, whlC'h were most appreciated.
in~ ... ..Qeason
. , and when " vonng . hlrds arc> aneI "~1 n". Rtyles ranged from 177G untIl •
1!l20. Pllt ('lull of \\~est Chester 2!1. 'flIe t oastmas t er af t he evening wa>;
,,'~I I' t I t . . :\Iareh 10th-"'arhert :n, Independ· Fletcher Stites, who was there forty
a.hout. Stray C'ats should be Ihsposet!
o as gen., a
t1v nd expeditiously as po~'
"i'hle tak!O~ care a ways la, 1 sn t
'. ..., If'
tl 't 't I 'I
't k
Who Is Brand Whitlock?
. , .
I.... I la s, )onne s: C,lPS an
HoI\' ahont Rrand \Vhltloc\" lH'\\·"· \\'21'1' nnmerous. l~lre c'racker match·
d d I' "

paper reporter, lawrer, five tllne.~ c,;, tl'1l'k matchl's. matches which were fol'(l All Stars Hi.
er )I",. ent ('Iuh of \\~est Chester 17.
:\Iareh I ;lth--Narherth 31i. Haver· R
ways. Speeches were made by Frell
t1:\I' I'
ose, on Ie. am ..Jne ,eague ase
I b
the neIghbolr s clat. t IYI0111 clan' kee~p rna \'or of Tolerlo, Ohio, aurl now lIP\'er meant to hurn, and balloons hall situation, Robert McCoy. on the
:vour cat fel anI eon ro el, Ion t ' , p I ,
Ullltpd .. '
States rnl1llstel' to Hel~l1lm--- hplpl'll 10 makp the occasIOn .
memor· :\Iarch 20tll-l':arherth 20, '''eSt N al'ler 1 tl1 t eam, all(I R a 1Jel't sa vii I an'.!
It. I ever read an~' of his Rtories'? :'Ill'. I ahle. Phila(lelphia H. S. Alumni :l9, : several others.
Join some o[ the national bird asso· "'I ",I I' t I I' . t I' t' . . :\Ial'('h 27th-:'\al'berth 3(i, Lan 1>. , The other ...~uests of' tIle even'tng '''ere
lIu ()(', accep el. liS a)JpolI~ III 11. I 'flIP sl'<'1'etal'y, Earl SmIth, read his downe Ex.Hlgh 2 1 i . '
.' . ,'. I'
<.la~lOnS ~nd le~rn ahout ,lJlrds! from President 'Vrlson partly WIth I.h,' I'e port. as follows: I thp members of the second basket ball
theIr hablts. 1 he Libert~ Bell Blrrt, i(!l'a that he would find more tinlP i:1 , 1'he total points scored hy the team.
('\ub of The Farm Iournal Philad.>j. B 1 . t ·t tl I 11' (.putlemen :-As secretary or the home team is ;;08, against :103 scorPI!,
. , - e gll1m 0 wrl.e Ian Ie Wall I 111 " I'
phia is a large organization of great Toledo. But th:, newspapers have ~al'~)el'l I ). ~I. C, A. basket ball team br the \'Isitiug teams. I ELIMINATE THE BREEDING
merit in which membership is free. told how mist.aken Minister Whitlocl, ~t gives me gl:eat ple~sure in pres~ut. I will give lo-'OU the scores of each PLACES.
Our feathered bird friends are one \\-as and how he has he en reuder'n!( lllg .to. you tlll~ e\'enmg vIle foIlowmg player on the team: If the good citizens of Narherth had
of the greatest ass-ets of the commun· '1 t t d I A e' alII stat.lstIcs relative to the successful l,awl'el11'e navis, 11 games, 48 field Ilestl'o.\'ell all the fll'es anll mosq'llitoes
. ' . . all a s rau el m I'lcaus " , (C •
Ity. They cheer us WIth theIr songs Rtarving Belgia.n t'amili('s. He hasn'l season of 1,)14-1." JllSt closed, goals, 10!l FOlll goals out of 168-2U;;. in their houses and cellars last w:n·
and yield worlds of sentiment, and ~t done mUch writing since he wpnt At the heginning of the season the . Captain '''Ill,
the same time ar~ of great .econo~lc abroad-excppt rpports to Washing. team e~llisteel in the Main T~!lle liplrl goals: ::;; I"oul goals out of 63- be done: hut since tlhey didn't the
Durhin. 14 games. :15 tet', there would be nothing more t.o

\'alue through theIr destructlOll of Ill· ton, But he did write some rl'al League, which was eom)Josel1 of the 10;;. campaig-n must now be moved t~ the
sects and weed seeds. Learn more "tories While he was mayor 01' 'folello. Overhrook Cluh, Ardmore Y. ~r. C. A.,' I~ugenl' Davis, 11i games, 34 fiel(!, out door hreeding places. \Ve promised
about them. Two or three of his hool,s arp In 0111' St. Paul'R Cluh and Narherth. The; goals: 111 1"0111 goals out of 44-87. : some weel{s ago to d.iscuss the fumign.
lihrary. One of them, which is pal" final standing of the league is as f01-' Vernon I·'lee]" 16 games, 2G fiel(!: tioll of ('ellars. hut did not do so [01'
ticullu'ly ~01)(1. is "Thl' I I app~' AVf!r· I0\\"5.· goals-:J2. tlIe reason t Ilat tIe I aval Iable disln·
HIND-PAWS CIRCUS, a~e"-:'\o. 7:1.
I Won. Lost PC'[' 'Valtel' Humphreys, 13 games, 9 fectants are either 'poisonous or ex·
manly• art. o[ sell (lefense wlll
. I .
Those Who are interested in thl'l 1 us t :l t.l'1\' 1\'01'1]S mor0. vIon prO,I'
have the a) II v I'IY!'ll 'III PI'I
:o\al'hel'th .,,, 7 0 1.00Il· fielll g-oals: 12 foul goals out of 38-- plosive.
. 11 IIII 10' Iplla,
I' 01' II lerl' OverhrolJI( . . - 4 . -,' :lO.
.:HI.I No,\\" that the warm da.vs of sprl·n... ...
oppOr(Ulllty 01" wltneSslllg a very :\h~nts, for a YC1U' 01' so, at least, be. Anlmore 4 4 ,!'iOO l.ester J:tl'erles, 10 games, 6 field ha\"(' come, yonl' joh iR to clean up
ele\'er l~out bc;tween. two clever hox· fore you Illovl'd out hl're to Narhert.h, Sf I'au!'s 0 S .1)00 goals: no toul goals out o[ 1-12. ,your yards so that there will not bt)
el's. ThIS act IS I"urlllshed through the \\"1 ' . . I !I t y I I-laving won the :\Ialn Line ]..eagUil: ,\Ian Klrl" 4 ~ames, 4 field goals-S., a hl'eeding place in your neighbor,
('onrtes\' of the 'Vm .•J. Herman InsU· HII IS 11l01'l~. ~'Ol~ pro Ja I y I'(l e championship the team began Illayin<, :'o; )(1'11'1Iel, 4 games: 3 fielfl" hooel where the Oy and mosqnito that
tute• • of' PlJ"sical
• ' •
and wiil al'onnd tOI\'~ ocpaslonall~' anI! ('011'
sel}nent1~. 1I11nl{ yon Imow somethin!!' inl!ependent tpams, aUl! the season g
" oal s- (I. ,espapee! from your hOUse call find a
posl(wely ~\l~J~ar wlt.h the .Hulll.Paw'31 'lhont. th" Qlla]{!'r City, don't YOlI'! ,iust cloRed shows :-\arherth playing 1';d\\",;1I'(1 Enslngpr, game.] field' suitable IJlace to lay an egg. Remem·
,,-:r('us eXlll~l1tlllg In the 'Y. ~T. 'l~. A.. That's not meant 1"01' flip)Janc~': 'it i; ~ixtepn (11;) games all told winning goal-_. . ber that flies bl'eed only In rnbhlsh,
l':arlJerth, Friday night, April ~,). said sincNeh-. \Vell, tal{e it on the \" and losing' 3. The Narh~rth tea~l: Harol(] Speakman, :; lI;ames, foul rel"nse and filth, and mosquitoes only
word of one who has traveled a gooel alga I'\alms the ~Iain Line indepell" g-oa~ out of 4-1.. in stagnant water, 'Vhen ron feel
As this is positively the first appea!'· many hnnliJ'ed miles around the cor. ,lent championship hy reason of de': ,\ altel' Nev!JI, h games, that early spring desire to go out. anll
llll('e in Ameril'a (anll maybe the Tastl rillorR anI] in aIHI out the ofllc'es <It' t'.'ating the lIa\'el'ford All Stars, who' Total, !'iOS. dig In the ran], devote all your energy,
?f t.he great Hlnd·Paw's Circus, which Cit,y Hall. and has jOlll'neypd from had defeated the Radnor team. Previ·' The personnel of the team was usu·' before the spell wears off. to cleanln;:
will exhihit In the Y, i\1. C. A., Fri O'rar(! Point to Bustlet.on and from ousl)', Radnor hall e1aime(1 the clJam· ally made lip ,vlth E. Davis and Cap.' up IJiles of la,wn grass or other rull.
lla~' night. April 23rd, several mov· Old Swedr's Ch\ll'l'h to the Clw\',' pionshl\l. The games pla.~·ed an(1 the tain 'Vm, Dmbln IJlaylng the forward bish whil'h has accumulated. At the
ing picture eoncerns are arranging to :'Ilansion in Germantown-ycs, and ha'; H'orps are ag follows: . positlolls, l.arl1le Davis jumping cen· same time don't leave a can or any·
seC'ure the moving picture rights of ('\'en sncI'eelled in tlndin~ his wa~' 1914, trl', I,estel' .Jetreries and Vernon Fleck thing- that will hold e\'en a table!·
th Is wonderful circus, around Kensin~ton after darlc-yoll nel'. 12th-Narberth 41, Overhrook ou guard dnty, with \Valter Hump!l. spoonful of wat!'I' open for Mrs. :\105.
I ('an't poRRih]y lwol\" Phi']adelphia, un· Club 17. ,rp~'s the first one to get into the game quito to find. Also talte n IDOl, at
'Vatch for the announcements in derstand It or al)preciate it, until yOd Dec. lllth-Narberth 48, St. Paul'" in pas:" of an accident. or change of ~'our eavp tl'Oughs aull see that t1lcre
"Our Town" of the great Hind-Paw'fl ha,ve read Benjamin Franl{lIn's Anto' S. 'any kind, \Valter played the guard Is no place where the water settlp~
Circus appearing in Narberth Y. M. C. hlo!!raphy, It's No. 57i In the Nar· Dec. 2t:th-Narherth 35, Ardmore Y.: paRIt ion as well a·s forward. or hacks up and thus remains for a
A .. Friday night, April 23. AIJ details herth library. Get It and read It. H :\1. C. A. 22, ' The visiting teams scoreel no field 1'10'1\: day~, Tal,e the same precllutions
as to opening of the doors, time of you haven't already. U's as readabl" 1915, ~ouls all told, as against 166 score,l Imlllie of the hOUSe aR regards stanrl·
performances. etc., will appear in next as an~' nO\-el you ever took up, and it Jan. 2nd-NuI'herth 41, Overbrook hy Narherth. Ing wuter,
issue, I Continued on Second Page, ClUb 21. I Tn the game with St. Paul's on De· (C~ntinued on Fourth Page)


OUR TOWN 882-The Roman Road,
Rudyard Kipling
ContinUed from First Page.
Owned and published every Thurs· LIBRARY CATALOGUE 883-Moscow,
8S4-Freshman and Senior,
Fred. Whlshaw
g!\'es rou the unique experience of
day by tbe Narberth Civic A.locia· Ellvirton Wright feeling that you are actualI:\-' walking
tiun. 885-Rose 0' the River, around the streets of Philadelphia lOll
Narberth Free Public Library, Y. M. Kate Douglas Wiggin years ago and more and Ilvlng In 1915
MRS. C. R.:aLACKALL, 886-The Search for Basil 1,yndhurst, at the same time.
Editor. C. A. Community Center. Rosa N. Carey A Word About "Bill."
w. ARTHUR COLE, 887-The Pastor's Son, If you don't like Shakespeare, don't
Business Manager. Wm. W. Walter be afraid to say so. Read what you
H. C. GARA, OPEN EVERY WEEKDAY AND 888 to 912-Encyclopedla Britannica, Il1le. Robert I.ouls Stevenson once
Advertising Manager.
EVr..NINr; 913-The
(Complete-25 volumes) said that he llad searched a.1I 'his life
I..ead of Honor, for a man who was honest enough to THE FIRESIDE
Subscription Manager. Norval Richardson say: "Shallespeare? I think he's rot· I BT Lady Narberth
783-Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad 914-The Two Van Revels, ten." I ·:lllss Jean Chalfant entertained at
I to 784-Two Little PlIgrims' Progress, I Booth Tarkington But If you're fond of any kind of dinner last Monday evening in honor
, Send all ~etters abnd t~e~: t;~IJDot Frances Hodgson Burnett 915-0ver the CliO', Charlotte Chauter reading stop in the Y. j\L C. A. Com· of :lllss Marjorie Chase, who is spend·
I. O. Box .56, Nar e r , . I 785-Trilby, . I
Geo. du MaurieI' 916-Mlss Lou, E. P. Roe Inunity Center when you want a goo,\ ing the Easter holida:\-'s with her par·
send them tJ th: printer. . 786 to 791-New Testament Hours, III I-A Young Girl's Wooing, E. P. Roe Btor:\-' and look the books over. Thera ents. Those present included Miss
!Send all advertIsing. copy to P. O. I in si' volumes 918 D I' ley G P R Jame~ are over 1.000 volumes of all kinds Chase, Miss Chalfant, David R. Stief,
, •0 M k 11 l' mittancea to • x, . - an, . .. ., I .
~ox 82 . a e a e Cunningham Geikle 919-The lAtst of tbe Macallisters, ; on the shelves, and more com ng 111 and Earl F. Smith.
I . O. Box 34. 792 to 800-Worlls of Theodore Amelia E Barr el'ery day. :Ill'. and Mrs. Charles C. Yocum, ot
Our Town iil on sale at the depot Roosevelt, in 9 '\olumes 92n~Rose l\Iather, Mary J. Holmes I Some fine, reli,able reference. books. Elmwood avenue, entert~lned in honor
news.stand, and at the store ot H. E .. 80l-The Maiu of Malden Lane, Vol. 921--JGIengarry School Days, ! too. :lfllsbe y~u cI have some Ide~ as of :lIiss l\larjorle Chase last Thurs'
Daviil. I 1, . Amella E. Barr Ralph Connor to "' all tillS war ne\~'s ~rom Con· day e\-ening, giving a delightful pa.rty.
.- - - - . S02-The Maid of :llaiden Lane, Vol. 922-Calmlre. ! stantll1~pl? means-the slglllficance of The list of guests, beside Miss Chase,
Entered as second-class matter, 00' 2, Amella E. Barr 923-Hearts Courageous, H. E. Rives the AI~les attack on t~e Dardenelle~ were :lIlss Gladys :\lonroe, of Wasli-
tober Hi. 1914, at the Post Oftloe at 803-The Conqueror, Vol. 1, 924-Robert Browning. : forts. If y~u dropped m the Iibran ingtol1, D. C., 1\lIss Mildred S. Smith,
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the Gertrude Atherton 99 'i-Redemption of Kenneth GaIt ; some evell1ng for a half hour and :\llss Marguerite Mueller, Miss Clair
At'! of March 3 1879. 804-The C V I 2 -, W'll U Harben looked over some of the llooks on Young, of Philadelphia, Miss Lillian
, onqueror, o. , I '. Turkey and the relation of the
______ . Gertrude ;\therton 92\;-'1'he \Vatchers o~ the Plams, . Cresc~nt to Europeans civilization. P. Compton, and Messrs. C. Watson
THURSDAY, APRIl. 15, 1915 S05-At Home With the Ja~dl.nes, RIdgewell cullum You PR:\-' good money for your morn· uwings, Jl·., Robert A. MueHer, Wal·
I.I1I:an BeIl !l27-Black Rock, Ralpll Connor. ing and evening newspllipers. It won't tel'S. Nevin. H. :'or. Compton and Eari
ItMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 806-Rnler of Kings, 928-ln Defiance of the King, : cost vou any more to find out what l~. Smith.
Fire 360. (}ertrude Atherton , , C. C. Hotchkiss a II tl'Ie news IS . a'b ou t . :lIiss Mildred Schurch Smitll has
Police 1250. 807-Little :\Ien, Louisa M. Alcott 929-01d :llam selle s Secret. . i Don't get alarmed: nobody's tryin:; arrived at her home again after spend.
808-Aunt Joe's Scrap Bag, ~ E. l\larlltt to educate you. 01' spring any of thai ing several da:\-'s with friends at a
Louisa 1\1. Alcott 930-The Federal Judge, high.hrow stuff. Just a little cordial house party in Tioga.
S09-The Very Small Person, Charles K. Lus11 invitation to come around and picll BilI W. Dennis has moved from 326
EDITORIAL NOTES Aurie Hamilton Donnell 931-Bur~'s Itali~n and Eng· ont what you like. Dlldley a\'enue to 220 DUdley avenu'.!,
Sl0-Black Rock, Ralph Connor hsh ItalIan Dichonary. ! Personally 1 don't mind telling you the house formerly occupied by Mr.
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, 8I1-The Great Hesper, 932-Romance of the Insect World, I : it's O. Henry for me. But If you be· ~l('Kinney.
MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA· Frank Barrett L. U. Badenoc I, long to Shakl?speare's gang, why go The Fortnightly Club of Narberth
TION, ETC. at 812-Arabian Nights' Entertainments 933-The Rudder Grangers Abroad, i after Blii. All I got to say is: don't Illet 'VednesdaY afternoon at the
of "Our Town," puhlished weekly of 813-J03n of the Alley, Frank Stock~on miss anything that's coming to you. home of 1\lrs. A. L. Jacoby, Iona ave·
~arberth. Pa.. required 'by Act Fred'l, Orin Bartlett 934-Lucile, Owen :\'leredlth. Jonathan Dough. nue, Narberth. 1\lrs. C. P. Cook dis·
August 24, 1912. S'14-Eben Holden, Irving Bacheller 935-Peep 0' Day. - - - - - ---- cusseu the daY's topic, "Humorists
~ame of P. O. Address 815-The Boyhood of Lincoln, 93t'-Llne Upon Line. : WHAT THE FIRE CO. HAS DONE IN of the period 1880 Until the Present
Editor-:llrs. C. R. Blackall, Hezekiah Butterworth "J7-Precept Upon Precept. . THE YI;;AR JUST CLOSED. Time," after which tea was served.
~arberth, Pa.
81G-Bonny l,esley of the Border, 938-EvangeIlne, Some Interesting facts telling of the Those present included Mrs. A. Perry
:llanaglng Editor-:llrs. C. R. BIacka 11 , Amy E. Blanchard Henry \V. I..ongfellow worl, done by The Narberth Fire Com· Redifer, Mrs. C. p. Cook, 1\frs. Walter
l"arberth, Pa. 817-Je\\'el. Clara IAuise Burnham 93!J--'The British Poets, . pany during the last twel\'e months. Smith, Mrs. John Gilroy, Mrs. Frank
Busini?Ss :llanager-\V. Arthur Cole, Oliver Goldsmith
818-The New Magdalen, . ha\'e been complied hy Chief Charles A. Stone, 1\Irs. Lester Nickerson,
Narberth, Pa. W!Ikle Collins !l40-0ur Children's Teeth, N I :\ll's. Augustus Loos, Miss Barbara
Puhlisher-Narherth Civic Association 8I9-lncomparable Bellairs, Isaac Woolworth V. oe.
During the year ending1\larch '15. Shand. Miss Anna 1\IacKeag, Miss B.
~arbertll, Pa.
A. and E. Castle !J41-A Soul in Bronze, the company has respouded to 4:: Roberts, MIss Redifer, Mrs. A. S.
owners-~arberthCivic AS'Sociation. 820-Putnam Place, Constance Goddard Du Bois alarms. The number of actual fires BlOOd and Mrs. Frederick Harjes. Jr.
Officers-{}eorge ?>L Henf:\o', presI- Grace Winthrop Collin ,,42-"Badsworth" on Bridge. In the Borough of Narberth were 13, Mr. F. Martin Cummer entertained
dent: Hafl-r S. Hopper, Dr. O. J. Sny· 821-John Peddle, Chas. H. Banes 943-Storles of England. the majority of the remaining alarms on Saturday evening the "Nineteen
del', Augustus J. Loos. vice-presidents; 822-Dr. Sevier, G. W. Cable 944-Last Days of -Pompeii, 'having come from places up and Club" of Logan. The following were
\V. Arthur Cole, secretar:\-··treasurer. 823-old Squire. B. K. Benson Sir Bulwer I...ytton, down the Main I...ine. In each such his guests Misses Katherine SchIlt·
(Signed) \'\T. ARTHUR COLE. 824-Ivanhoe, Sir WaIter Scott 945-Sir Roger de Coverly Papers, , case our local flremen rendered reI', Florence Carnan, lAnda Scheela,
Business ){anager. 825-Judlth's Journal, . D. O. S. Lowell valuable aid and saved man:\-' thou· Eva Reussner, Ethel scnmidt, Min·
Sworn to and subscribed before m~ Janie Prichard Duggan 94ll-His 80m bel' Rn'als, E. P. Roe sands of dollars worth of property. erva and Ruth Stewart; Messrs. WaI-
this 29th daY of :\'larch, 1915. 82G---'Hero CllUms, 947-Timothy's Quest, . : The total value of properties In Nar· ter Proper, "Monty" Trout, Howard
W. S. McCI...E LLAS, WiII Allen Dromgoole Kate Douglas WIggin berth threatened by fire during tlle Schmidt, William Russel, Alfred navis
Justice of the Peace. S27-The Senior's Granddaughters, 948-Beginning Life, Charles Wood past year was $170,800. The total and Raymond Havens.
(Seal) 94!J-The Green Hand, Geo. cupples amount of actual damage by llre and
:'Ily commission expires Jan. 5, 192U. .J. P. Duggan 950-The Wreck of the Grosvenor, ' water was $2,549.50-a record of which Any citizen of Narberth with a. lit·
828 to 842-Complete \Vorks of Wm. . \V. Clark Russell any borough would be justly proud. tle influence and fifty cents wlII have
THOSE CHERRY TREES. Shakespeare. 95I-The Broad Blglnvay, I Fires, like time and tide. walt for no trouhle entering Hind·Paw'sCir.
Just p'cture to yourself the won- 843·--I,ewls Rand, :'Ilar:lo' Johnson Jeffery Farnol d th t and efficient (·us. which wiII exhibit in the Y. IVL
. • I. t "I 844 8h t St CI s· Vol 11 no man, an e promp
drons b€auty of Narbert 1 nex 1> ay - 01' ory' as ICS, 952-A Blc:\--cle of cathay, ' work of our firemen alone saved Nar· C. A., Friday night, April 23rd.
if each householder would buy one or ; 845-8hort Story Classics, Vol 2 I Frank R. Stockton berth citizens not' only many tholl·
more Japanese cherry trees and plant 846-8hort Story Classics . Vol 3' 953-Bob, Son of BattIe, . sands of dollars as the figures sho\\', GOVERNMENT SEEDS FOR YOU.
tIlem in their yards. In our mind's i 847-Between Dark and Dayhght, Alfred 01Iivant 1ll1t countless v~luable articles which Postmaster Ha.\\,s has received
eye we c~n see people flocking from i . . . . W. D. BowelIs 954-The Cave :llan, John Corbin, mere money could never have reo from Congressman R. E. Difenderfer
all dlrectlOns to see the gorgeous I 848-Chl'lstJa11lty III the Nineteenth 95,,-Abraham Lincoln, I placed. several hundred packages of vege·
bloom. If you have v.ot already done: Century, Geo. C. Lorimer I Norman Hapgood: The foregoing figures do not include table seeds. There is enough to pro·
so, do not fall to place yon~ order 8~9-0Id.England, James;\1. Hoppin. 95ll-Shandon Bells, William Black the damage done to the garage on the vide a package for almost every fam-
with Mrs. Norman Jefferies thIS _week 8ilO-Telllng Bible Stories, 9[j7-fn Great \Vaters. . : Percival Roherts estate. In this In· ily in Narberth. The postmaster is
or you wiII lose a splendid opportun' I Louise Seymour Houghton Thomas A. Janvier stance thel'e was a delay in turning dlstl'!buting the seeds to the patrons
Ity to get them for a small price.. 8SI-The Throne of Eloquence, . 958-:'IllchlleI's Crag, Grant Allen, in tohe alarm. and difficulty In getting of the office. If you have not received
Over 50 trees were ordered before: Paxton Hood 95!J-Questlonable Shapes, ! water even after the company reached a package inquire at the General De·
last :\londay night. These trees are 852 to 858-Enc~'clopedla of Engineer· \V. D. Howells r the scene. For these reasons the loss livery window.
being s11Pplied at special rates to the! ing, 'Calvin' F. Swingle 9GO--Tbe Christian conversationalist,! should not he charged against the local
Civic Association through the cour·. 8~[l-The Innocent Abroad, R. W. \Veaver fire coDllPany.
tesy of E. A. \Vo Iher, 'Tl G
t 0 f ' 1e ar·!
I "I k T wal'n 961-Tbe TeIler,
l\ ar - E. 'r I
",. W During the year there were also a GRAND CONCERT AT ELM HALL.
dens." : SGil-The Beleaguered, 962-Peggy, Gilbert A. Pierce' number of grass and brush fires which The Lad!es' Aid Society of Nar·
i Blia \V. Peattie's Guide to the Game of were checked and extinguished before berth Presbyterian Church announces
THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. !8GI-I'arcissa, IAlura E. Richards Drau~ts. i they had a chance to spread and set a popular concert to be given Tuesday
"We all believe in public Iibrariel" .. 8ti2-The .Snpcessors of 1\lary th~ 964-Davl<1 Brau, Morley Roberts I fire to any of the properties. evening, April 27, at 8.15 under tbeir
We frequently discuss the library we I l''Irst, !l65-Storles of Scotland. I The automoblle fire apparatus has auspices, by the Symphony Orchestra
are to get 'hye and bye.' We <10 not; ,
find that It is helping the bors ancI I 81>3--The LIttle of Angels Land·
. Eliz~~eth Stewart ,Phelps "G6-The 1\liller of Angibault,
. been a big factor in enabIlng the fire· of the Central Branch of the Y. M. C.
George Sand men to reach the fires In quick time A. of Philadeiphla.
girls who are growing up In our town! Ing. Elmore Elliott Peake 967--1'e1>bles and pearls, ancI in this way many houses 'have This promises to be a very enjoy·
now. Will the next generation need it . Mi4-OIdhim Jucldin, Opie Read Cleland Kernestatfc: he~'n saved from complete destru~· able event. Mr. J. W. F. Lehman,
more than this? 'ViII the children of . S\h,-The Helmet of Navarre, 968-Thl'own on the World, I Unn. Fire experts everywhere agree leader of the orchestra, is a member
the next generation be dearer to us i Bertha Runkle Charlotte M. Braeme that the most important thing in fight· of the Philadelphia Sym;;mony Or-
than the bO~'S and girls that now· 86G-8ea Scamps, Henry C. Rowland 969-East Lynne, Mrs. Henry Wood' ing a fire is getting on the scene b,,· chestra and leader of the Bethany
c.heer 0111' firesides? Will they use a 867-Aunt Hannah and :Martoha anll 970-The Bagpipers, George Sand I fore thel flames have llad a chanCe to Sunday School Orchestra and of other
library better becaUSe their parents John, Pans:\-' 97I-Addresses to Young Men. I spread. organizations. He is a thoroughly
have not had such privlleges? 8G8-ln the Reign of Terror. Henry W'ard Beecher' trained musician who has done won·
"'Ve all want a Ilbrary, for ourselves. G. A. Henty 972-BllIy Baxter Letters, The great European tight-wire act. del'fully well in bringing amateur or·
for 0111' neighbors. for the good nam'~ 86!J-Danny, Alfred OIIivant W. J. Kountz, Jr. marvelous stunts never before at.! chestras to a high level of ensemble
of our "illage. Why not get It now hiO-The Fortunes of OlIver Horn, 9n--'Sea and Shore. temptell under any canvas. The clev· playing.
and .be getting the good out of It?
"It is onh' a question of method. 871-Before an Audience,
F. Hopkinson Smith 974-The Metropolis, Upton Sinclair erest act evcr exhibited in America.
!J75-Under the Rose,
I In addition to the orchestral num·
The little dainty petite French lady. bel'S there wiII be violin solos by M!ss
"The Ubrary when hullt shoull! Nathan Sheppar.] FrederiCk S. Isham 1\l11e. Tour de Force and her sister" Dorothy Bible, first violin of the
benefit all the people. and therefore it 872-Uncle Tom's Cabin, 97G-The Conquest of Canaan, will positively appear with Hind· IPhiladelphia Ladles' String Quartet;
should be blli1tby all the people. Gh'c' Harriett Beecher Stowe Booth Tarkington paw's Circlls, Friday night, AprlI 23. piano solo by Miss Anna L. Everhart,
liS rull a chance to help. and then the 873-Treasure Island, 977-~athan BUI'ke, Mary S. Watts accompanist of the orchestra, and vo·
Iihrar:\-' wiII belong to all of us." Robert I.ouls Stevenson 978-The \Vindow at the \Vhlte Cat, Immediately after the big show cal solo by Miss Jeannette Batten.
"T e all have an opportunity to help 874-The Crucifixion of Philip Strong, Mary Roberts Rinehart Count Hisnobski, the great Russian As the pr!ce of admission is very
and to use the Narberth Public Chas. :\1. Sheldon 979-Uncle \VllIiam, .Jannette Lee magician, wiII give a wonderful exhi· moderate, 35c for adults and 25c for
Lihrar~'.'s do It with a will. 875-The Talisman, Sir Walter Scott 98O---The Prairie, bltion In sleight·of-hand. The worl, chlIdl'en, it is expected that the hall
_ __ 876-'Black Beauty, Anna Sewell James Fenimore Cooper ,of the Count seems supernatural-and will be well filled. Tickets may be ob-
You surely want some of those Jap· 877-The Twentieth Door, 981-The Pathfinder, \after each of these great mental ef· tained fro111 Mrs. Frederick L. Rose, I
anese cherry trees. Order them from I Chas. M. Sheldon James Fenimore Cooper forts it is necessary that he relax en- l\lrs. Lester W. Nickerson, or a.t the {
:I'll's. Norman .Jefferies to·day. It's 1 878-'8artor Resartus, Thomas Carlyle 982-The Thinking Machine on the tireI)". often gliding into a sweet rest· door on the evening of the concert.
the flower that's due to help make 879-Black Rock, Ralph Connor Case, i
Jacques FutreHe I ful slumber. Hlnd-Paw's Circus, Fri· The complete program will be an·
Narherth famous. i880-The Y.~l1gltive. Ezra S. Brudno Continued 011 Third Page. I da:\-" night, April 23. Inounced next week.

NAl~B~H1.'H~ PA.-OUl~ TOWN-APl~IL lo~ 1915


STOPI LOOKI READI 1023 Law Without. Lawyers,
Henry B. Corey
Men of' the Narberth Baptist 1024-Old Merry Travels on the Con:
I NARBERTH PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Narberth played a practice game Church and congregation, answer the Unent,
EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. with Penn Street of the Twin Count~' letter that was sent to you last week 1025-Tlle Stories Mother Nature
(These apply to the pupils in the up· League, and lost ;by the score of 7·~, announcing the first annual banquet Told, Jane Andrews
Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. per grades and the High School; Manager Walzer trloo out a.ll of his under the auspices of the Ushers' As· 102G-Just Irish, Chas. Battell Loomis
The monthly meeting of the Sun· pupils in the lower grades are ex· prospectlv.e players who we,re present. soclaUon, to be held Monday evening, l027-Lovillg Service Stories,
beam Mission Band, under the direc· pected to do little if any home study NAThBERTH. Aprll 19, at 6.30 o'clock, In the Y. M. 1028-Two Rose Trees,
tion of Mrs. J. T. Houston, w:U meet work.) R. Ii. O. E.
C. A. Bulldlng. Minnie Douglas
at the home of Mrs. William Jones 1. Study away from interruption. Turner. ss . o 1 1 II
We know you intend to come; but I029-Michael Strogof, Jules Verne
Friday alternoon at 2.30. Have a definite place for study where A. Jones, ss. . . o 1 2 0
we don't know how many to provide 103O-The ,Boat ClUb, Oliver Optic
The Bible School wnt meet Sundar you won't be interrupted. Simpson, c . o 0 7 i)
for. Let's hear from you at once, so, 1031-Qcean to Ocean on Horsebacl{,
at 9.30 A. M. Every department and 2. Concentrate. Pllt ~'our attention G. Jones, c . o 0 0 0
that the commIttee may make Its Wlllard Glazier
class is a. place of intensive work. on your work, that is don't let your W. Humphreys, 3b . 000 0
Stites, 3b. . : .. o 0 1 1 1 final arrangements. ] 032-Pecilliaritles of American
Morning worship at 11.00. Subject of mind wander to what people are say· We're going to have a fine time and Cities, WllIard Glazier
sermon, "Spiritual Ascension and the ing, to look out of the window, to thinlt Fleck. If. . . o 000
100 plenty of good eats, consisting of- l033-Doctor Papa, Sop11:a :May
Spiritual 'Church." Young People'!! of other things. l\lcCloure. If. . 1
3. 'Cultivate regular study habits. E. Davis, lb . o 2 3 () come and see! • ,10::l4-Adam Bede, Geo. Ellot
service at 7.00: subject, "One Day In Then the electIOn and' inauguration 11035-Sir Mortimer, Mary Johnston
Have a deflnite time for study. Make Kirl" ]'1> . o 0 :> IJ
Seven for the Highest Things" Ez. of our next president. Who is he? 1036-Young Folks' B~Ok of Birds,
20: 1-20. IOWOJ'ShJip .at 7.45;
subject, "Sabbath Observances." Thl3
up your mind always to have the same
time for YOllr worl, and in the end
E. Dlcke3', 2b. .
Bl11 Humphreys, 211
. o 0
. o 0
n Come and see! . I
Then there w!ll be some splendid 1O:~7-Thndeus of \Varsa\\',
T. Bilby
two e"enlng services wl1l be devoted you will form a habit so that WOl'!, Barker, rf . o 0 () l)
Shellenherger, 1'1'. • ..• o 0 0 II
musical numbers. By whom? Come Jane Porter
to the consideration of an excl"edinglr will be easier.
4. Understand the topic. In start· B. Dickey, cf . 004 l) ano see! 103S-The Private Tutor,
Important topic. •Then comes the spea~er of the ev.s, G. Bradford, .Tr.
The first annual hanquet or thp, ing to work on your lessons he sure Scanlin. cf. . .. o 0 1 1.
that you understand them: you will "'alzer. P. . ..........• 1 2 0 l) nmg. Who did you say. Why, Mr. E., 1039-Chats About n ,,!'many
cJl1lrch. under the Ushers' Associa· J. Cattell, statistician for Phlladel·· . l\I 'Bro ne
understand if you hlllVe paid atten·
tion, Monday evening at 6.30 in the
tion. Do not try to stUdy topics that Totals ........... I 7 27 :l ~hia; and that means there is a treat 110.IO-Autocrat of the Breakfast ';.a.
Y. M. C. A. Building, promises to he m store for everyone and you can't ble, O. W. Holmes
a notable event in the progress of the do not mean anything to you. If the PENN STREET.
trouble Is In the words, get a dic· R. H. O. }-J, afford to be absent. lOn-Cornet of the Horse
local work. Mr. E. J. Cattell, statis· So ~ome and bring .the ladies; let G: A. Henty
tician of Philadelphia. will be the tionary and look them up. If the Mol'lfonagle. ss. . 1 1 0 ()

trouble is in the topic itself. ask the Morris, lb. .. 1. 1 7 II ~h~~ m on this ~ccas:on: They'll en· ] 042-Qne of the 28th, G. A. Henty
speaker. An interesting musical pro· JO~ It and appreciate a Dlght off, free 104::1-EIlzabethall Songs,
gram bas ,been provided. The men of teacher to help yOIl. prior to the reci· Dillie. rf. 2 2 0 ()

tatlon. Coming to class and saying Lord. c 0 1 17 0 from houSeh?ld c a r e s . . 1lOH-Water Babies, Oharles Kingsley
the church are endeavoring to malic And, wbat s more, the co~mlttee 1045-Songs of the Beloved,
this a pleasant and profitable occasion.when caBed upon. "I don't understan,1 Harrison, 2h. 0 1 1 0
the topic" is poor method. l\larkland, 3h. 1. 2 0 1. wllI be ~Iad to see that there's "a 11 04G-Essays of Elia, Chas. Lamb
The committee In charge is A. A. plate on for everyone though not a 1047-How to Feed Children,
Chalker, H. l\J. Hanks and W. S- 5. Reason about it. Read the les, Albany. cf.. p 0 1 1 11
son over as a whole: then try to plclt Getz. If 1 I 1 0 Baptist or a member of our congre'l, L u'se E Ho"an
out t1le important points In each para- Kelley, p., cr. 1 1. 0 1. gation, If ~ny care to join us on this 1048-Old s\\'eethearts~~uth Crossley
The Woman's !\Hssion Circle will
gala occasIOn. . . 1 1049-\\,arrior, the Untamed,
meet Tuesday at 2.::10 P. M. at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Horner.
graph. A wel1·written ,paragraph has
one topic. Do not try to learn every-
The Totals . . 7 11 27 :l All they h~ve to do IS to adVise the I Will Irwin
thing In the lesson: hut piCk out the Two base hits-Dillie, Marl'land. committee right away how many IlOiiO-The Arch.Satirist,
subject will 'be the book "..hich is being
chief things and relate the minol' Albany, Mon-is, lAIrd, \Valzer. Base plates to ~eserve and send $1 for each F. de W. Fenwick
read by the circle. "In Red Man's
topics to them. Write down a list on balls-'Walzer, 1. Strike outs-- plate. We 1l do ~he rest! I • 1051-Deacon Babbitt,
of the most important topics in the Wall,er. 6: Kelly, 14: Alhany, 2. Come now, l;t s get to~th:r. Edgar G. Blanl,man
,------ lesson: 11len having closed the hook, Passed 'ball-Simpson. Stolen bases-- Mr. Cattell IS a!ways at hiS best 1052-20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. try to I\'lvc the JII0~t ir."portant facts Da ,·is. 1.: 'Walzer. 2; Turneor, 2. b:fore a large audience; so let's have Juies Vern~

Rev. Chris. G. Koppel, Pastor.

a'bollt these topics out lond. Do not
open )'ourbook for help: do the hes! Bring your appetite with you to the
. hIm at his best.
H. 1\1. HANKS,
I;)' -
10'3 Tl P t t tl n
Ie oe a
Ie rea as
kf t T
0 .. W. Holmes

Sunday, April 18: you can until you have been over the great Hind·Paw's Circus exhibiting at W. S. HORNER, jl054-Thesaurus of EnghshWords,
9,45--8unday school assembly. Bi· whole lesson. Then open )'our book the Y. 1\1. C. A., Narberth, Friday C ·tt P. 1\[. Roget
~-le study classes for adults. and see what yOIl have failed to recall. night. April 23. Rverything that a Olllmi ee. ,'IOiiii-Essays of Fmncis Bacon,
11 OO-Puhlic worship. A sermon 6. Review often. If you can. study first·class circus affords, including the -- - ----- 10jli-.Jane .Jones and Some Others,
on character study, "Love That En· your lesson at two different times. old stand-bys-red lemonade and pea· FOURTH INSTALLMENT LIBRARY)' Ben King
vieth Not:' Study it in the evening and review it nuts. It wlll be necessary to have CATALOGUE. 1057-Cecilia's Lovers,
G,45-Epworth League. in the morning before going to class.
7,45-The pastor will preach a I
7. Will to learn. Make up your
special sermon to roung men; Rub· mind that you can learn. It has been
with YOIl a little change.
-------- Continued from Second Page. 1058-The Vagabond,
Amelia E. Barr

ject, "Crushing the Beast:' I

found from experience that when
Singing of merit by church chorus people "will to learn" the mind Will
In line with the spirit of progress
!lS:l-- The President, Frederick Palmer
Alfred Henry Lewis 10li9-The Prospector, Ralph Connor ..
f/84--The Quest of Jahn Chapman, lOGO-The Lion Skin, John S. Wise
choir. Strangers and friends will reo work more easily. Do not say: "I which is placing our borough in the
front ranks of the live communities W. D. Hillis 1061-The Conquering of Kate,
celve a cordial welcome. , can't leaI'll it: I am not Interested in J. P. Mowbray
it," When one takes this attitude. it along the :!\fain Line, the Narberth 985-Hypatla. Chas. Kingsle~-
!lSfi-Forty l\lInutes Late, 10G2-Cadets of Gascony,
is almost impossihle to do successful School Board 'has determined to equip
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. F. Hopk:nson Smith B. E. Stevenson
work. a ldtchen and sPorve the pupils with
9S7-Rosallnu at Redgate. 1063-Blazed Trail Stories,
S. Ta1J, over your work. Talk over warm lunches. 'fhis does away with
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. your school work at home. Tell ahQut Meredith Nicholson S. E. White
the necessity of the children going a
At the largely attended commun.\ the interesting thing;s in Histor~', In distance to their homes and eating 9S8-The Archbishop and the Lady, IOG4-Allan Quartermain,
ion service last Sunday s.eventeen English or in Science. or your liard Mrs. S. Crownin Shield H. Rider Haggard
hurriedlY in order not to be late for
were publicly welcomed mto the problems in :lfathematics. This wl11 9SB-A Speckled Bird, 10Gii-Adventures in Friendship,
the second session, or to eat cold
church membership. fifteen on pro- help you to master your work. Augusta Evans Wilson David Grayson
lunches which experience has shown
fession of faith and two by letter __ is not best for their bodily welfare. 990-Blenuer-Hassett, C. F. Pidgin 10fiG-Partners of the Tide,
from other churches. 9!11-A Bunch of Cherries, Jos C. Lincoln
KIN,G'S DAUGHTERS HOLD MONTH· In following out this plan the ob·
Next Sunday the Bible school will L. T. :Meade Continued Next Week.
LY MEETING. ject of the Board is to furnish a well·
meet at 10 A. M. and the meeting for 992-The Winning of Barbara Worth'l ~-~
cooked, palatable, wholesome lunch
worship at 11. The theme of the ser· The regular monthly meeting of the
at actnal cost and make it self·sup· H. B. Wright 'I
man will be "Living by Faith." In Evangel Circle of King's Daughters porting. !l93-l\leridiana, South Afr!ca,
the evening 1\1ar:on Unangst will lead was held In the Community room of Personal investigation of a number Jules Verne
the Junior congregation at 7 and at the Y. l\1. C. A. with a very good at- of kitchens. where similar service is 994-Nancy Stair, 1
8 the pastor wl1l preach a gospel ser· tendance. Lunch was served by l\lr;;. now inst:tuted, has shown that with· Elinor :11 ecartney Lane
man about the "Three Crosses," Geo. Sheldon. assisted by :III'S. Geo. !l!lii-Chrlstmas Day and All the Year,
out exception the schools visited
Next Wednsdav evening, April 21. :llitchner and l\lrs. Graves. recommend the hot lunch in the high· 9!H'-:\lr. crewe's Career,
the annual congregational meeting The afternoon meeting was opene.1 est terms. A sample menu with Winston Churchill
will be held with reports from the with Scripture reading and prayer by prices charged folIows: 997-The Crossing,
presidents and treasurers of all the the president. :\lrs. Fred Derby. The 'Winston Churchill I
church organizations. meeting was then de:roted to the
"Shut In" worl,. of which !\Irs. Graves
Vegetable soup with crackers, 5c.
Baked heans with 1'011, 5c. 99S-Coniston. Winston Churchill
!lB!l-The Belle of Bowling Green,
Creamed beef on toast, 5c.
is chairman, assisted by Miss Helen Cocoa with roll, 5c. Amel!a E. Barr
1000-The Patience of .John l\lorland,
Creamed or scalI oped potatoes, 5c.
Early j\lass 011 Sun:'lllY from April
"'e hall with liS :III'S. Crawford. of Cream toast, 3c. Mary Dillon
l~t to October 31st at 6.JO A. :II. From Lansdowne, who gave a very intere3t.· Ice cream (octlasionalIy), 5c. lOOl-Two Gentlemen of Virginia,
~o"ember 1st to :'Ilareh :lIst at 7 A. l\L ing tall, 011 her work with the "Shut Chocolate pudding, 3c. Geo. E. Eggleston
Ins:' lCl02-Down the Bay,

The Imperial
Late :\las5, !l.::IO A. JI. throughout the Rice pUdding, 3c.
year. Masses on holydays, tL::IO alhl The eircle will hold a rummage sale Stewed :ohubarb, 3c. Wallace P. Stanler I
8.30 A. l\L Weekda~'s at S. Evening in the city April 29. Those having Mill{, 3c. 1003-FI'ecltles, Gene Stratton·Porter I
devotions and other ser,-ices at regular contributions will notify Mrs. .1. W. Sandwiches, 5c and 3c. 1004-Scottlsh Chiefs, Jane Porter 'I
times. Shinn. \Voodbine avenue. The menn, of course, is varied each 10.0li-The Crisis, Winston Churchill
day and would include many whole· IOOG-The l\1idlanders,
MERION MEETING HOUSE. NEWS OF THE BASE BALL TEAM. some, nutritious dishes: Their plan Chas. Fenny .Jacl,son NARBERTH'S lEADING
l\lanager \valzer expects, with the should appeal to the mother of the I007-John MarcIl, Southerner,
Montgomrey Avenue and Meeting pick of the home talent, and a few family who would thus be relieved Geo. W. Cable
House Lane.
Merion Meeting House is opened for
worship every FIrst·day at 10.30 A.
others, to have a first-claSS team on of trying to answer the vexatious
the field by the beginning of the Main quest:on, "What shall I pack in the
Line season. The team is to be strict· i children's lunch basl,et to·day?"
1008-Qulsante, Anthony Hope
1009-In Search of :\lademoiselle,
Geo. Glbb~
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. ly amateur. The parents are invited to visit the 1010-The Pursuit of the House Boat,
The folIowing young stars are tr~'· kitchen after its establishm~nt and John Kendrick Bangs
ALL $AINTS' CHURCH. ing for positions on the team: Vernon see what is being offered the puplls. 101l--Life on the MississippI,
Fleck, the Cape May star; Eugene -------- :llark Twain
Rev. Andrew T. Burke, Rector.
Sunday services
II A. M.-The Holy Communion.
Davis, who is covering the first bas':)
lJag for Central High School in first·
Letters addressed to the fo11owln;
class st~'le, having five hits out or named persons remain unclaimed in
lOl2-Treasure Island,
Robt. Louis Stevenson
1013-Tbe Last of the Barons,
9.46 A. M.-The Sunday school. seven times at bat in' two games; the the Narberth post offlce: Bulwer Lytton
11 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer and Ser·
Dickey brothers, Alan Kirk, Bob Sihel· 'Mrs. Frank Coffman, Miss Verona
lenberger, the veteran Flick Stites, Morphia. Miss Re,becca Morgan. Mrs.
1014-Whlte Friars, Emma Robinson
101 ii-Here-ward and Wake,
4 P. M.-Evenlng prayer. .John Fine. Blll Durbin, Walter Hum- H. A. Nolte. Mr. John Potraskey. Chas. Kingsley'
phreys, BI1l Humphreys, Ed Scanlin, Edward S. Haws, P. M. 101G-Harold, Bulwer Lytton

The Little Wblte Tea Honse Ed Ensinger, Harry Simpson, Lorenz

l\I~Clure, George Fleck, Charlie Bar- Order those Japanese cherry trees
1017-Barnaby Rudge, Chas. Dickens
lOIS-Hagar. Mary Johnston
AND.HOP ker and Jim Moore. Bob Hood is also now. The bloom Is wonderful. Help 1019-In Old Bellair, Mary Dillon
out for the team. Next Saturday Nar· make Narberth a place beautiful. 1020-The Pres!dent of Quex,
Plants and Cut Flowers. Michell's
Flower and Vegetable Seeds.
berth plays the strong Towanda A. A. The double pinkblossom of the Jap·
team of Philadelphia on Narberth's anese cherry tree is a real thinK of 1021-
Helen l\f, Winslow
UJNaIIONS AND SDPPI!IS SU'. TO oua grounds. Game called at 3' o'clock. beauty. Remember to order your
Phone, Narberth 12-62 D. Come out and root. quota to-l1aY.
1022--Tolll Grogan,
F. Hopkinson Smith 1'0 ADVERTISERS
==============r====== ~=~~==:::::::===================::::::
SAVILL George B. Suplee
Steam & Hot Water Heating A Word About That Preacher!
Swan Faucet Plumbing
Bell '.'elephone.
Week by week, In the name ot The
Chllrch, which embraces all denom-
Th.. Church would 8tlll .... th..
Church. and contlnu.. to II"... It tb......
tnatlon!\. we have been urging the were no preachers.
Iii Gives a full, steady, public to attend reUglou" service. That seeming))' e"tra\'a!nLnt .tate-
G'M~@ :\lore
than once the answer has ment Is not malle In dloparagement
ot the ministry, but only to arreot
II non-splas hlna Detective Bureau
come bacl<: "I went, but I dl<l not
like the preacher."
The tim.. haM come for a trank
attention to the \'Ital truth that th..
Church 10 meant for the worship ot
llod. tor the fellowship ot believers
I i I'
stream wlthan easy INFOwnON FURNISHED ABOUT YOUR ROOF ,\re are not hnstng our appeals upon
the ahUlt)· ot the preachers. 'Ve do
In Him. nnd tor edlneatlon In the
Chrl.tlan talth.


not invite you to go to church to
hear orations or CRSR)'S. Nobody
knO'...·R hetter than the preachers
thenu~el\"e~ how tar Ahort or their
A church may be a good church,
deoplte Imitation. In the pastor.
,\n un.,dl8factory prcacher Is 110
suftJ<oI..nt ..xcII.e for ab.entlng one'.
purpn~(> mn n~' HermnnR come.
(lueNtlOllH or nlPre human
...It (rom ,'hurch.
Speaking In behalt ot the mlnlotry,

~ lngeasler. BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE a:dcle, C\'en RR 11. splrttual meSSAge

tor hungr)' Roull.-a wOI'd frOtTI God
for lhoHe who RE"ek the li'athnr-the
we ask men to go to church, not to
I",ar the preacher, as an Intellectual
exerchm. hut to go tor the wor~hlp
~ermon ill' ROJnC'Unu'K unRll.lh.ractory. or God, ror the contcsrllon ot sin anc1


l.ame Dressed poultry, Butter, llIcgll
Perhaps It lhe pUblic:- knew how
otten the preach(lor ngonlzcH in pent ..
t('nt prn)'cr over tht8. they would
lie leHH C(lollROriouR,
tor the J.urpo.e ot aligning them-
.el\·e. with the Church In all her var·
led nl1HRlon and ministry to the world.
Tb(' ",nr"hlper'H prR)'erH are of
The eardlnal truth ot tho matter mor.. ImportRnce than til.. preaehlng.
and Game. I. thlo: WE DO NOT GO TO 'VhRt the wor"hlper think" about
1310-12-14 WALLACE STREET, Philadelphia. CHURCH. PRnIARlI,Y. 1'0 gN.TOY Go,. I. a more vital matt..r than what
Fancy Fruit and Vegetable•• .-\ 1100D RI·m~IOX. A CONGRF:GA- th" Ilr"aeher .R)'. ahout God•
1'10:-; IR XOT .-\ ~(f;ln~ AUnJENCI']: The RttitUrl.. ot the "oul I. a gravt'r


a crowd mel to henr a man talk, It con....rn than the altltnde ot th..
"A Store for Particnlar People" i~ RI1 atfst'l11uly for the worship or
'1'he prcncll('r woulll he the JR.:"t man
A n<1 when all hnM heen :-Iaht.
stili remalno true that the pulpits ot

to claim that It Is b)' the wl"11om anll :~arherth are occupted by men 1)(
I Elm Hall, May 7th and 8th
Is now prepared to take orders for NARBERTH, PA. I~arnln~ anti eloquence ot the pulpit godl)' ute. ' ..'ho :Ire not ftelt-fu~ekerR:
men or Intellectual anfl "pirltu:l1
Ladie.' and Sprl·ng SUI·tS; Tickets, I5c lor Cblldren; 2ic lor Ad.lts.
that the Church ha:!" been hrouJ;'ht
Telephone. th1lH tnr on her conqurrlng' wny. ]i'ar, ~I(uc: mpn who:c~ tolllprf"me pnRRlon Is
Gentlem.n'lI DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT -- (Ilr from It. to hplp thf'lr !t'110WR to know God.

$18.00, Made to Order I ~~~~~__ ~~~._~~~~ ... __ .S_L~~ •• Ac:I. It's Time Now to Paint (COPYRIGHTED)
}'jrst Cluss "Work. St"le Guaranteed IThe management suggests, how·
Cleaning. Scouring, Dyeing and ever, that ehi1<lren should \)e aecom- In cue of llInellll, death or other trouble, any minister will be glad to help.
Pressing. Ladies' Suits Remodeled to I lJanied hy parents so as to prevent
Any Style. Goods Called for and De-I the children getting too near the willI PORCH CHAIRS NOTE-Issued and supervised by the putor. 01 lhe Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian snd
Romsn Catholic Churches 01 Narberlh. Pa. Printed by courtesy of "Our Town,"
livio4 1-2 FORREST AVE. animals. Red, Green, or White Chair
Phone, 644 D. For the first time in Narberth Jit. Eaamels, 15e to 50e eans.
'busses will take care of the
The management or Hind·Paw's crowds to and from the Y. M. C. A. Howard F. Cotter
Circus, which exhibits at the Y. M.
C. A., ~arherth, Friday night, April
Friday night. April 33th, when the
"reat Hind·Paw's Circus wll1 exhibit. SUPPLEE'S UALITY In tbe good.,
:!:3I'u. has made arrangements ford.
SlIftie:ent numher of police to hand10
Telephone Y. ,,1. C. A. and the Jltne~'
'bus will call. 1538 MARKET ST. (@ falrneA" In the price.
and superiority In tbe
the crowds. servIce a.... the d1.- Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
-----i t1n&,ul.bln&, features ot everT
Robln.on & Crawtord 8tore. It
GODFREY The Merion Title and Trost (0. will pa,. YOU to deal Where

Tbe Real Estate Man at

JAMES G. SCANLIN of Ardmore, Pa,
Quam,. Count.. Niesen's Bakery'
114 Woodside Ave.,
will he pleased to assist you In get· Contracting Painter The oldest, largest and best deposl·
tory In this vicinity.
tlng a home. Capital, $150,000. Surplus, $125,000
Narber&b, ra. Phone, Narberth 1234 Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies,
Narberth, Pa, Other Stores Throughout Philadelphia Candy, Ice Cream
Telephone-Narberth 685 A. Telephone Undivided Profits, $40,000. and Suburbs
1_... __._..... ._ - --._-.-.-._ ..... _.
CHARLES A. HAYES ---------~,i
D1anag~;n~n~- .. ~~ I VERL PUGH
. R d dR' d John A Mowrer Joseph C. Mowrer I (Continued from First Page) 'fhp. --Hind.paw's
ChaIrS ecan8 an epaue MOWRER BROS. Prohably 90 per cent. of our house C,irclls, which w,ill eXI1.lbit at N~rb:rth'
'Y. ?II. C. A.• Frtday llIght, April 2"rd,!
Electrical Contractor
306 WOODBINE AVE. Carpenters' Contractors
. and fiies breed In manure piles,
State Department of HealtJh glves
!he desire to make the announcement that 225 lona Avenue, Narberth, t-..
NARBERTH Bwlders the following on this phase of the sull· arrangements have been made with I
Telephone-Narberth 381-D.
I 'relephone Connection, Narberth and ject:
Merion, "The hest me-thod for eliminating
the proper authorities to allow them
~~t:.Xhibit their entire list of animal ACHSAH M. WENTZ
NOW I S The Time I the breeding places for !lies. outside ot
the cellar. it would seem as a result Instructor in Pian~1 Ofgan and
The springlike days are coming
when you will want Films for
Howard E. Davis of our il1'l'estlgation, is found in the
commercial roel;: plwsphate. It is H. C. FRITSCH
Theory of Music
Studio, 6 Arcade Building
your Camera. Get them at
A FULL LINE OF cheap, may be bought by the ton, anll
Is used freely over all of the usual I Properties For Rent and Sale
Fire Insurance
Telephone-Narberth 604

Whitman's Candy hreeding places in the proportion or

oue pound to ever~' live square feet IWall Bell Phone 352 W.
Geo. Hansells'Sons
Telephone-Narberth 368. of ground area. If used on manure, Building. Narberth. Pa.

Plaster and Cement Work
Frank Crist
it increases the fertilizing value, at
the same time ser\'ing as a destruc'
tive agent to animal life."
E. A. Sterling.
"Iayor Henry has issued the permit
j for the great Hlnd-Paw's Circus to ex·
; hibit in Narberth at the Y. M. C.
Estimates Furnished Jobbing --------.----.- ---.----.-.. ---..-.- i A. Building. l,'riclay night, April 23rd.
Hi&h Grade Butter J. A. MILLER . Tlli~ is positively the lirst exhibition
Funny clowns. and lots of them-
to see them is to laugh-Ide split-
Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
(SIIf'CeSSOr t:) E. J. HOOD)
· of the wonderful llind-Paw's Circu~
I in America. The management, on aC-
H EATER AND RANGE WORK : eount of the war, has heen ahle to:
ting stunts, funny situations. clever
comedy: the clowns with the Hind- HARRY B. WALL SLATE AND TIN ROOFER ; secure many foreign acts. . Narberth Pa.

Paw's Circus do all of vhis. You will 104 Forrest Avenue.
laugh your head off. No one will be
Plumbing, Gas Fitting Jo"hin~ a Specialty. Narberth, Pa.
able to speak ahove a whisper. Every-
thing is funny-you will laugh unW 1
and Heating
-'I'-he-('hi-ef-of -JlOI-iee-on-lh-ltY-inS-i(h~.
of the great Hind·Paw's Circus. Nar- i I.
you are hoarse. .
------------- berth y. ;\1. c. A., l<'rida~', April 23, is:
Contented Consumers Commend TO BUY, TO BUILD, TO RENT a fearless officer and wlll do "hel' I
duty." Pickpoeketlug will not be al-:
Leadlnl! Seed and Plant Establishment. Nurseries and
Greenhouses comprise nearly 300 acres and erow a eom-
Cook's Coal
lowell-as a matter of fact It has I plete line of bleh-arode stock.
been tabooed in the best or circuses, GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. FERTILIZERS, INSECTICII>ES, LAWN

c. P. COOK
aud is 11ermissable only In homes' With ereatly increaaed facilities, ...·c.are th.oroughlye'luipped lor handline our O\'lll'-
Wm. D. Smedley \\" Ilere tl le Wl.fey presses IHI 1I Ily 'St rous- 1
1U('rellsmg trade.
is invaluable to cver~'one ....ho lliro..... vrgetablos or f1owcrs.
Call or ....rite for cop,y-Free.


BUILDING SUPPLiES Painting in all its Branches Hrintili'short
chest, HUNton Hull 'rl~rl·ICl'.
tail, white-tipped White
feet. ne-I I _~I~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~

Estimates Cheerfully Given.
Telephone-Narberth 311·D.
ward of $5.00 if returned to

117 Whulsor AWUIU', ~lu'1J('rth

1". WAI,ZI':n

Ii N arer
b th G ara ge ~

Prompt Deliveries Assured
FUNERAL Phone. Narberth 672.
~~~~===-~~.=-=-= =_._=-=. .. -=.-==-=--=..=._-=-.. . =.._=- -=-=_.~
_=_.'="'=- -=.


ARDMORE, PA. Undertakers Cadillac Tonring Gar for Hire Day or Night. Reasonable Rat8$
Automobile Service 33 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. l GEORGE B. SUPLEE.

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