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Jesus the Nazarene Academy of Binmaley

(A Binmaley Catholic School, Inc. Annex)

Dulag, Binmaley, Pangasinan
Junior Highschool Department
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

First Long Test


Name: _______________________________ LRN: ______________________ Score:

Grade and Section: Grade 7 – St. Luke Date: _______________

Learning Competencies: To understand the word Revelation and to know the

different prayers of the Catholic Church.

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Answer the following question properly. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. God’s communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his

a. Creed b. Faith c. Fall d. Revelation
2. He is said to be the model of God’s obedience.
a. Abraham b. Adam c. David d. Luke
3. The most perfect embodiment of submission.
a. Eve b. Mary c. Moses d. Pope
4. It means free, personal, and total response of man to God.
a. Creed b. Faith c. Fall d. Revelation
5. They were said to be our firsts parents.
a. Adam and Eve c. Romeo and Juliet
b. Jack and Jill d. Zeus and Hera
6. Adam and Eve fell in the sin of pride and ____________.
a. Disobedience b. Faithfulness c. Integrity d. Loyalty
7. Additional gifts of God to humans aside from the basic.
a. sanctifying grace c. preternatural gifts
b. superficial gifts d. undying grace
8. The grace that makes people children of God.
a. sanctifying grace c. preternatural gifts
b. superficial gifts d. undying grace
9. Before God had sent His only begotten Son, He prepared the people by making
first a covenant with him to limit the pride of fallen humanity.
a. Mark the Apostle c. Noah
b. John the Evangelist d. Moses
10. It means “The Father (or God) is exalted.”
a. Abram b. Noah c. John d. Moses
11. It means “to swear a covenant” in Hebrew.
a. four b. five c. six d. seven
12. The act by which God made all things from nothing.
a. Creation b. Sin c. Revelation d. Vocation
13. It is the sacred day of rest.
a. Psalms b. Garden of Eden c. Sabbath d. Torah
14. A collection of 73 books and it revealed the story of God’s plan and
a. Bible b. Koran c. Torah d. Zakat
15. What is the total number of books in the Old Testament?
a. 42 b. 44 c. 46 d. 48
16. Tells us of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ which is transmitted through Scriptures
and Tradition.
a. The Pentateuch c. The Patriarchs
b. New Testament d. Old Testament
17. He is the one who taught together with the prophets to recognize God and serve
God as the only living and true God.
a. Abraham b. Noah c. John d. Moses
18. What is the total number of books in the New Testament?
a. 25 b. 26 c. 27 d. 28
19. It means “The Father of multitude of nations”.
a. Abraham b. Noah c. Jacob d. Moses
20. When a family gathers together and participates in the Mass with the
in what way does God make Himself known?
a. Bible b. Creation c. Church d. Other Religion

II. Identification
Directions: Rearrange the scrambled letters below to reveal the hidden word.
Write your answer on the space before each number.
___________________21. (GENAT) Jesus is the minister/worker of revelation.
___________________22. (BETENGOT) Jesus is the only Son of God.
___________________23. (CODONFREM) Jesus in whose image we all need to be
___________________24. (UNLFLESS) Jesus is the completeness of God’s revelation.
___________________25. (AGIME) Jesus is the likeness of God the Father.
___________________26. (VISINIBEL) Jesus is the image of unseen God.
___________________27. (SEDAMEIT) Jesus intervenes between God and men.
___________________28. (MYRETYS) Jesus reveals the riddle of the Father and His love.
___________________29. (TEREVLAONE) Jesus is the fullness of the Father’s
___________________30. (REDEVALE) Jesus announced the Will of His Father.

III. Modified True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is TRUE. If the statement is FALSE, change
the underlined word or words to make it true. Write your answer on the blank
before each number.
______________31. God is great, and His greatness is unsearchable.
______________32. On the day of Sabbath, Christ the Lord sent the Holy Spirit to
The Apostles.
______________33. Scripture are the accepted teachings of the Church.
______________34. In Hinduism, men contemplate the divine mystery.
______________35. Judaism adores one God who is merciful and all-powerful, the
Creator heaven and earth.
______________36. It was commonly believed that revelation and science contradict
each other.
______________37. Science tries to explain how things evolved not how things come
to exist.
______________38. Agent means one who intervenes between two parties.
______________39. God the Father sent His only begotten Son who became a man
the Blessed Virgin Mary.
______________40. The Catholic Church never rejects what is true and holy in

IV. Fill in the blank

Directions: Complete the prayer/s by writing the appropriate word/s in the blank.

Our Father, who are in 41.____________, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy 42.____________
come; Thy 43.____________ be done on earth as it is in heaven. 44.____________ us
this day our daily 45.____________ and forgive us our 46.____________ as we
forgive those who 47.____________ against us; and lead 48.____________ not into
49.____________, but deliver us from 50.____________. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of 51.____________! The Lord is with you. 52.____________ are you
among 53. ____________, and 54.____________ is the 55. ____________of your
56.____________, Jesus. Holy Mary, 57.____________ of God, pray for us
58.____________, now and at the 59.____________ of our 60.____________. Amen.

V. Enumeration
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space
provided for.
A. Give the five (5) Joyful Mysteries B. Give the five (5) Sorrowful Mysteries

61. 66.

62. 67.

63. 68.

64. 69.
65. 70.

C. Give the five (5) Glorious Mysteries D. Give the five (5) Luminous Mysteries

71. 76.

72. 77.

73. 78.

74. 79.
75. 80.

Good Luck and God Bless!

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Subject Teacher

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