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“Healt ife Style For Childrean”

Dosen PJMK :
Budi Prabowo, M.Pd
Arranged By :
Avinda Praditasari 0119006 Ika Hidayanti 0119025
Elly Ransiska Dewi 0119014 Nafila Febie Nurlaili 0119032
Siti Alifah NKK 0119047 Reki Novita Kaesti 0119043
Erfan Efendi 0119017




We hereby declare that :

We have a copy of this paper which we can reprouce if the sibmitted paper is lost or damage.
This paper is the work of your own and is nodt the work of poeple except those that have been
written in the reference, and no one has made this paper for us.
If it proven later thet there is a academic dishonesty, we are willing to face sanctions according to
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Mojokerto, 21 October 2020

Name Nim Student Signature

Avinda Praditasari 0119006

Elly Ransiska Dewi 0119014

Siti Alifah NKK 0119047

Erfan Efendi 0119017

Ika Hidayanti 0119025

Nafila Febie Nurlaili 0119032

Reki Novita Kaesti 0119043


Praise to Allah SWT who has given strength, patience and sincerity to develop and finish our
job, writing a paper, entitled Healt ife Style For Childrean.
In this finished paper, hopefully we can take English lessons better because the task assigned
We would like to thank the - those who have helped in completing this task, so we can
complete the task well and can be useful in S1 Nursing.
Thanks to Budi Prabowo, M.Pd. as the supervisor who gave this task so that we can do and
accomplish this task.
We are fully aware that there are still many shortcomings in this paper. To that end, we are
looking forward to the feedback, suggestions and criticism from all sides that are built to perfection
this paper.

Mojokerto, 21 October 2020



PAPER COVER....................................................................................................................................1

STATEMENT SHEET..........................................................................................................................2


CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY..............................................................................................................5

1.1. Background.................................................................................................................................5

1.2. Problem Formulation..................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................................................6

2.1. Definition of Health Maintenance..........................................................................................6

2.2. The Importance of Health Care for Early Childhoods...........................................................6

2.3. How to Maintain and Maintain Early Childhood Health.......................................................8

2.4. Maintaining AUD Health in the School Environment...........................................................9

CHAPTER III CLOSING...................................................................................................................13

3.1. Conclusion............................................................................................................................13

3.2. Suggestions...........................................................................................................................13



1.1. Background
Early childhood is an individual who is in the age range 0-8 years. This age is the
foundation for later ages. In addition, at this age it is known as the golden age, which is a
condition when children experience very rapid physical and psychological development. In
this case, this very rapid development is greatly influenced by the physical and psychological
health of the child.

Physical health is manifested when a child does not feel sick and clinically does not
feel sick, all organs of the body are in normal condition and functioning normally. Likewise,
psychological health is manifested when a child feels mentally stable so that he is able to
think healthy and be able to express emotions well. When the physical health of the child is
disturbed, then in carrying out other actions it will be disturbed even in their psychological
health they will experience disturbances, and vice versa. Obviously this will affect the
process of growth and development.

In fact, in the life of many early childhood children who experience problems in their
health, which means a condition of physical and psychological disruption of the child.
Physical disorders that usually appear in early childhood include diarrhea, fever,
malnutrition, seizures, worms, flu, and so on. While the psychological disorders that usually
appear in early childhood are stress, tantrums, depression.

1.2. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning of health care?

2. What is the Importance of Health Care for Early Childhood?

3. How to maintain and maintain the health of early childhood?

4. How to maintain health in the school environment?


2.1. Definition of Health Maintenance

According to Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System article
28 states that what is meant by early childhood education is a coaching effort aimed at
children from birth to six years of age which is carried out through providing educational
stimuli to assist physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have
readiness in entering further education. From the above understanding, it can take the
essence that it is in helping the growth and physical and spiritual development of children,
namely as the duty of an AUD educator, in another sense in helping the growth and
development of children also related to educators being able to maintain early childhood
health So it is necessary to understand the meaning of maintaining the health of early
childhood itself. Below is an explanation of the meaning of maintaining early childhood

2.2. The Importance of Health Care for Early Childhoods

Early childhood is a period where children will explore and explore all their abilities,
especially with activities that involve their physical motor skills. It has been explained that
the characteristics of children are active, unwilling to remain silent, intrusive explorers, have

great curiosity, and so on. According to Soegeng Santoso and Anne Lies Ranti, “healthy
children usually learn well. he communicates a lot with his friends, siblings, parents and
other people in his environment. a child who is sociable, he will have a lot of knowledge
and experience. children will not be satisfied with something that is not understood and
want to get an example ”.

When children are in this period of rapid growth and development, parents and
teachers should always pay attention to children's health and nutrition so that children can
grow and develop according to their age. A healthy child will experience reasonable
development and growth according to his age, that is, in accordance with the physical
standards of children his age, and also has abilities that are in accordance with the standards
of children his age In this case, health maintenance is needed to optimize the growth and
development of children. Health maintenance must of course be adapted to the child's

The intensity of maintenance in children's health services will be higher than that of
adults, of course this is because early childhood is not yet independent and still needs help
from others. In early childhood too, must be accustomed and trained to be independent in
maintaining personal health with daily activities that are easy for children to do, such as
cutting nails, brushing teeth, training to bathe themselves. However, in this case, supervision
from parents and teachers is still very much needed to justify and also avoid mistakes that
may be made by children.

In general, health care in early childhood aims to prevent diseases that can interfere
with children's learning and intelligence. In addition, this method of health care can be done
by maintaining the cleanliness of the child's personal and their environment, maintaining the
type of food consumed, immunization on time, good self-care habits, habituation to regulate
a good child's lifestyle and so on.

In this case, health care in early childhood can be started from providing healthy food
and maintaining cleanliness. Educating children from an early age to instill healthy living
habits will provide benefits for their physical health, of course this must be supported by the
people around them, especially their families, so that they can also guide children to live
healthily. The food given to children must be in accordance with the nutritional needs of

early childhood. In giving food to children, try to make these foods look attractive so that
children are interested in eating them. This can also be useful when children do not like a
food, we can manipulate the food with dishes, shapes and colors that are attractive to
children so that children want to eat them. Of course, the food provided must be good and
healthy and also not harm the child himself in the short or long term.

It is undeniable that when early childhood health care is poor, various diseases can be
acquired by early childhood. Each disease has its own characteristics, causes and
consequences. The symptoms of diseases that often arise in early childhood should be
known by parents and teachers so that they can monitor the child's development and provide
appropriate services for the child. Teachers in class need to explain to children about various
things in health care, namely maintaining environmental health, eyes, ears, skin, teeth, and
body. Living with a healthy culture needs to be instilled from an early age, since children
can start to grasp with their five senses the importance of maintaining and maintaining

One form of health care and services in early childhood, one of which can be done by
immunization. Immunization is done by giving a vaccine to a person so that the body can
make its own antibodies against germs. Immunization can protect early childhood from
various viruses so that it is hoped that a child who is very susceptible to disease will be
stronger and healthier. Vaccines that are usually used in immunization, namely:

1. BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) To prevent tuberculosis

2. Oral polio vaccine To prevent polio disease

3. DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) To prevent Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus

4. Hepatitis B To prevent Hepatitis B

5. Measles To prevent measles

So it can be concluded that health care is needed for early childhood in addition to
the prevention of various diseases, as well as for the habituation of children to always live
healthy. Maintenance and health services for children must be adapted to the child's

development. Parents and teachers can instill a healthy life in children by providing
habituation starting from small things that children usually do in their daily life, providing
nutritious food intake according to children's needs, as well as giving immunizations and
routine health checks for early childhood.

2.3. How to Maintain and Maintain Early Childhood Health

Health is one of the important things in living life because health conditions can
affect the quality of a person in living life. Poor health conditions will have a lot of impact
on the smooth running of one's activities, feeling uncomfortable will be one of the reasons
for someone not being able to carry out their activities.

At an early age, children will be very susceptible to viruses and diseases because they
do not have a good immune system. Children will experience greater discomfort than adults
when they are experiencing health problems. The discomfort will interfere with their
activities and can even cause new diseases for children. Therefore, it is very important that
the child's health condition be maintained by parents at home or by teachers at school. The
people who are responsible for children must be able to maintain the child's health wherever
they are.

2.4. Maintaining AUD Health in the School Environment

One of the possible places for children to catch diseases is school. Keeping children
healthy in all conditions is not easy, especially when the child is at school. To keep him
healthy, we can adopt some healthy behaviors while the child is at school. Maintaining
children's health is not only the responsibility of parents at home, but when the child is in the
school environment, the teacher is the most responsible for the child. Here are some tips that
can be done for both parents and teachers in maintaining children's health when they are at
school, namely:

1. Wash hands

The first way to maintain children's health is to teach the importance of

washing hands. At school children will encounter more sources of disease and dirt

than at home. In school there are various contaminated objects that have been held
from one hand to another so that bacteria become more abundant and develop
rapidly. The easiest way to prevent the spread of some diseases and bacteria is to
wash your hands frequently. Teach children to be able to wash their hands cleanly
and tell children when to wash their hands. This is especially important after children
get away from their rest periods when playing and before eating. To be able to kill
germs, your child's hands need to be scrubbed with soap for at least 15 to 20 seconds.

2. Don't share bottles or spoons

We often see children in school eating food from spoons, forks and drinking
from the same utensils with their friends, sometimes children are happy to exchange
their cutlery. It's the easiest way kids can get sick. To ensure children stay healthy at
school, tell them not to share spoons or drink from the same bottle with their friends.
Teachers should control children's activities while at school including eating in order
to avoid the possibility of contracting diseases.

3. Don't eat junk food

Bringing healthy food from home is one way you can avoid outside food that
may contain ingredients that are harmful to children's health. Teachers can assign
children and parents to bring children lunch with a healthy menu, not junk food. In
addition, the school should be able to provide a healthy canteen where the quality of
food and drink is well controlled. However, for parents who send their children to
large schools, generally there is no need to worry, because usually all food menus are
usually prepared by the school and they are responsible for their quality. But of
course not all parents are able to send their children to a place like that, right?
However, there is no need to worry. As long as you pay attention to a few things to
maintain your little one's immune system, of course his health is still good.

4. Explain the dangers of random snacks

We know, children today often cannot just accept the prohibitions given by
their parents or teachers. Therefore, parents or teachers need to provide explanations
that can be understood by children why they are prohibited from buying snacks or
food carelessly. A simple explanation, you should also give a picture or concrete
example, such as the number of TV news on children experiencing diarrhea, the child
will understand and ultimately want to avoid it. Teachers can convey advice through
films, short stories, fairy tales, share interesting stories, and do repetitions so that the
child really understands.

5. Active motion

Research that has been done has shown that children who are active in
moving their bodies are more resistant to various viruses that cause colds in children.
Instead of sitting for a long time and glued in front of the TV, it's better to invite the
children to exercise. Pack all the physical movements in various forms of fun games
for children. Before learning activities, plan to have a little exercise together, or the
teacher can tuck in ice breaking as entertainment in between the learning activities.

6. Avoid touching the face

There are lots of viruses and germs that stick to children's hands when they
are outside the house. The cold virus can enter a child's body through the nose,
through the eyes, and also through the mouth. Get used to the child not to touch
around the area. This step is certainly not easy to apply to children, especially if the
teacher has to hold many students in one class.

7. Balanced nutrition

Get used to the child to always consume fruits and vegetables to help
strengthen the child's immune system. Teachers can take advantage of mealtime at
school as an effort to fulfill children's nutrition. It is better if the food served is
cooked by the teacher or the school so that the teacher can provide nutritious food
and drinks and is processed properly according to plan. In providing food for
children, look for foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli, strawberries, and
oranges. Don't forget to also provide snacks that contain vitamin D such as tuna,
milk and cereals can be rotated. Yogurt is also very good because it contains
probiotics which can help to build a child's immune system. It is also necessary to
pay attention to the composition of spices and processing techniques so that nutrition
is conveyed. It would be nice if the teacher can present it attractively.

8. Pay attention to eye health

In maintaining health, it does not only focus on the condition of the body, but
one of the five senses such as the eye also needs to be considered. From the earliest
possible time, teachers and parents have an obligation to protect the eyes of their
children so they are not sick, permanently damaged or injured because the eye is one
of the five most important human senses that will continue to be used until death. If
the child's eye is damaged or permanently disabled, the child will not be able to do
many things in the future, including in terms of career or work. There are several
ways to maintain eye health, namely adjust the distance when children watch
television, computer, and read. The teacher can direct the ideal position when
carrying out these activities when learning or watching television activities. It should
also be noted, safety in the school environment by staying away from sharp or blunt
objects that threaten the eye.

9. Pay attention to dental health

The health problem most often experienced by children is dental health. Bad
habits such as inserting foreign objects into the mouth, the condition of children's
teeth that are easily brittle, and the habit of eating foods that can damage teeth
accompanied by poor maintenance are factors that cause dental problems in children.
At school, children need to be taught how to brush their teeth properly and instill
their love for dental health care so that they can then apply it at home.

In addition to making various efforts for healthy behavior in schools, it would be nice
for schools to be able to create good sanitation, because a clean environment will create
healthy conditions for its residents. Teachers and everyone in the school environment also
need to create healthy and clean environmental conditions so that children are not susceptible
to viruses and diseases. There are several ways that can be done to maintain the school
environment, for example arranging a garbage disposal mechanism in schools, providing
trash bins in every classroom and every corner of the school, keeping landfills away from
school buildings, building a live pharmacy in schools, and so on. As one of the formal
educational institutions that functions to increase children's knowledge and abilities, schools

can also provide understanding and introduction to the environment, such as the importance
of keeping the environment clean and avoiding germs, or inviting children to dispose of
garbage in its place, so that children have clean living habits.


3.1. Conclusion
Health is an important part of humans in living life, because health conditions will
affect a person's quality. Poor health can cause discomfort in a person, especially in early
childhood who are still very susceptible to viruses.

Diseases that attack health can come to a person at any time if their stamina or
immunity is weak. The impact of health problems is manifold, it can include physical and
psychological disorders. Disturbances that occur in a person's physical and psychological
aspects can be involved and influence each other, for example psychosomatic illness.

Health that is not maintained and is allowed to continue can cause death. However,
health conditions can be maintained, there are many ways to maintain health, such as
maintaining personal and environmental hygiene, immunization, consuming healthy food
and drinks, and meeting nutritional needs. Health does not only need to be maintained when
the child is at home, but wherever the child is, because viruses and bacteria can be found

3.2. Suggestions
We hope that after we study the discussion of this paper, we as parents and teachers
know how important it is to maintain children's health in the school environment. And we
also realize that the preparation of this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, we hope that
constructive criticism and input from various parties will make the preparation of the next
paper closer to the truth.


Ardiani, Yogi. (2013). AUD Health Development and Maintenance. [On line]. Available:

Halim, Andreas. Indonesia Dictionary. Surabaya: Sulita Jaya.

Multahzam, Ahmad. (2012). Health and Nutrition. .[On line]. Available: http://multazam-


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