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Tematický plán předmětu Angličtina pro 1.

Školní rok 2017/2018
Měsíc Základní učivo Rozšiřující učivo
září ZZI Hello/1-2, 1/1-4 I can see..., animals, storytime
numbers 1-5, animals
říjen ZZI 1/5-6, 2/1-6 more school objects and colours, apples theme, storytime
colours, school objects
How many?
listopad ZZI 3/1-6, 4/1-2 I can sing a rainbow, clothing, toys, storytime
family, colours, toys
Who has got...?
Who is wearing...?
prosinec ZZI 4/3-6, Christmas Happy birthday, birthday objects, storytime
numbers 6-10, toys How old are you?
Where’s my...?
leden ZZI 5/1-6 body parts, bathroom objects, storytime
face I wash my hands/brush my teeth...
Touch your...
What’s blue?
únor ZZI 6/1-6 I like/I don’t like..., food, storytime
Do you like...?
březen ZZM New friends, 1/1-6 planets, space, weather, storytime
magic characters, sky objects There’s a...
Who’s got...?
duben ZZM 2/1-6, 3/1-2 potions, rooms in a house, storytime
classroom objects, furniture
Can I have a..., please?
květen ZZM 3/3-6, 4/1-2 fairytale characters, storytime
royal family
Where’s...? Is she under...?
I want...
červen ZZM 4/3-6 storytime
Is it a ...? Is it (red)?
Poznámky: ZZI znamená Zig-Zag Island, ZZM znamená Zig-Zag Magic. ZZI 1/1 znamená lekce 1, hodina 1
v učebnici.

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