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Name : Siti Efrinia Rosita

NIM : 173221092

Class : PBI 7G

PLP 3 2020 in SMA Al Firdaus Surakarta was conducted by offline during two weeks,
there is eight students from English Education, can divided into three groups for 3 class, X class
two students because the material easily, XI three students, XII three students. That students
should be going to school take turns, everyday only one group to come in school start from eight
o’clock until twelve o’clock. For first week because student’s are going mid terms, so there is no
meeting PPL Class but the teacher give an assignment for PLP 3 that are to create two lesson
plan, two materials, two teaching media, exercise and score to teach the children in meeting
second week because PLP 3 have been given one chance to meeting PPL Class.

SMA Al Firdaus Surakarta using two syllabus Cambridge curriculum and curriculum
2013 the teacher combine these curriculum, for materials or daily activities in teaching English
using Cambridge curriculum while when midterm, final test or exercise using curriculum 2013.
The learning system In SMA Al Firdaus Surakarta is online class use Moodle or Zoom, because
the students are doing midterm test so I can’t see how the teaching learning process but teacher
said that usually the teacher give material in Moodle then upload teaching media such as video to
give a simple and nice explanation and the material can easier accepted by students.

Then second weeks is schedule to meeting with the children to deliver the material but
teacher suggest that it’s cancelled because for this week learning process just talk about an task
midterm. Actually the teacher give session to meet children through zoom to an introduction but
also cancelled and can’t be replaced . We should be doing practice to upload the material on
Friday because of a teacher was socialization and meeting so it’s failed there is no time.

So, I can’t to answer the question about 1. Are there any interesting session with the
young learners? 2. What are their multiple intelligence that the students have? 3. What were the
children do when you have PPL Class? 4. Are there any activities that you have done together?

But instead what it is, I will describe how process to create two lesson plan, two
materials, two teaching media, exercise, score and it’s a very difficult thing. I get childrens in the
12th grade the material about News Item and Explanation Text, to looking for the material we can
find at library or internet and combine between Cambridge curriculum and curriculum 2013. For
teaching media we can create better design and how determine or choosing what are media
should be suitable for children, and my team use PPT slide then X-recorder to apper sound and
video it make students not bored, and duration the video less than 6 minutes. In learning process
use full English to try students speak English fluently, and to give exercise we must really clear
the rule. The last to make score we can use the students result that are presentation, Active or
answer the question for example score 4 for very good, score 3 for good and etc.

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