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Exit Assessment

Nufa B. Hatama


Globalization is “the act of globalizing“; from the noun “global“ meaning “pertaining to or
involving the whole world“, “worldwide“; “universal“ by Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
“Globalization is the present worldwide drive toward a globalized economic system dominated
by supranational corporate trade and banking institutions that are not accountable to
democratic processes or national governments” according to the International Forum on
Globalization (IFG). These are some of the definitions of globalization. In this module, I analyzed
and understood why different individuals have similar or dissimilar perceptions of the meaning
of globalization. I was also able to evaluate the importance of globalization includes; which
increases sales, improves the quality of life, etc. I've also able to understand and learned at the
end of this module that there are also different theories of globalization, different perspectives
on global flows, the impact of regionalization on the process of globalization, different
perspectives regarding the origins of globalization, and the difference between Global
Demography and Global Migration.


In this module, I've learned that globalization made some countries, especially the developing
ones, to gain more in the global economy at the expense of other nations. Economic
globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the
growing scale of the cross-border, it reflects the continuing expansion and mutual integration of
market frontiers. I've learned at the end of this module that in the modern world -system, poor
countries are more likely to lack industrial capacity, so they have to import expensive
manufactured goods from richer nations. All of these unequal trade patterns lead to poor
nations owing lots of money to richer.

Economic globalization has helped millions of people to get out of extreme poverty but the
challenge of the future is to lift the poor while at the same time keep the planet livable. I was
able to have a clear knowledge of Economic Globalization and Global Trade. Also, I was able to
identify the different problems faced by the environment. And the different theories of global
stratification and the different stages of modernization proposed by Walt Rostow’s which are
the traditional stage, the take-off stage, and the third and fourth stage.
In this module, I've learned everything about market integration. From its history to different
types of companies in global marketing, the economic model, also I realized here that this topic
is not just about trading goods or products but it is also helping one another to develop and
sustain their needs and to work equally. Market

Integration occurs when prices among different locations or related goods follow similar
patterns over a long period. The different types of companies in global marketing are
International companies, multinational companies, global companies, and transnational
companies. The important benefits of market integration were also discussed that helped me a
lot in understanding more about market integration.


Module 4 is all about the global interstate system. In this module, I've learned that it is to
contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration educational,
scientific, and reforms to contribute to justice and human rights. It is a system of competing.
The global interstate system is known as a good relationship with others. I was able to have a
clear knowledge of Economic systems policies, I also did analyze the different functions of the
Global Interstate System. I learned the different characteristics of a state, how the effects of
Globalization on Governments, and the four challenges faced by the State. There are also
several international organizations that governments of countries around the world and
individuals participate in. And what global citizenship and how important it is, it encourages
individuals to think deeply and critically about what is equitable and just, and what will
minimize harm to our planet.

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