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3.1 Research Design

The research design of this study is experimental. Three different treatments were

formulated from the extracts of A. bilimbi and C. sinensis with two replicates per treatment. One

control group was formulated from commercial tile cleaner. The ratio of the extracts is1:1 or

specifically, 25 mL of A. bilimbi and 25 mL of C. sinensis. The test specimens were divided into

treatment group and the control group (see Figure 1).

Treatment Group Control Group

T1- mud stain C1- commercial tile cleaner

T2- ketchup stain

T3- soy sauce stain

Figure 1. Treatment and Control groups.

Treatment 1 has mud stain, treatment 2 has ketchup stain, and treatment 3 has soy sauce

stain. Before the application of the extracts of A. bilimbi and C. sinensis, the stains were left for 3

hours for the researchers to fully measure the effectiveness of the extracts. The experiment was

conducted in the laboratory of Argao National High School in Canbanua, Argao, Cebu,


3.2 Collection of Plant Materials

The A. bilimbi were obtained in Jampang, Argao, Cebu where there is the abundance of

the fruit. This will make the researchers have an easy access in getting the plant materials needed

for the experiment. Owing to the researchers’ limited supply of orange, the oranges that were
used are purchased commercially in Argao Public Market. The plant materials needed for the

experiment were randomly picked.

3.3 Preparation of Plant extracts and Tile cleaner

In order to make this eco-friendly tile cleaner, extraction of the fruit juices was done

manually. The juice of A. bilimbi and C. sinensis peel was extracted through pounding and

squeezing. Before it is put in a tightly covered container, it was filtered by a strainer to remove

the pulp present in the fruits. After it was filtered, the two different fruit extracts were put in two

different containers. The first cup is labeled as A. bilimbi extract, and the second cup as C.

sinensis peel extract. To fully get the extracts, the researchers let it stay overnight. To make the

tile cleaner, 25 mL of A. bilimbi was mixed to 25 mL of C. sinensis. There was no addition of

other substances in making the tile cleaner, it was purely the extracts of A. bilimbi and C.

sinensis. The final product is stored in a spray container with the capacity of 50 mL.

3.4 Data Gathering

To determine the effectiveness of the tile cleaner, the produced tile cleaner was applied to

mud stain, ketchup stain, and soy sauce stain on a white tile. Two trials were conducted with the

controlled variable, and the mixed extracts of A. bilimbi and C. sinensis. The produced tile

cleaner was also compared to the commercial tile cleaner product to test which is more effective

in removing stains. Before the application of the extracts or the commercial tile cleaner, it will be

left for three hours. The tile is positioned vertically and was divided into three parts, each part

corresponds to different stains. Each trial needs two tiles, one tile was treated with the extracts of

A. bilimbi and C. sinensis and the other tile was treated with the commercial tile cleaner. Each

treatment will be sprayed two times with the extracts or with the commercial tile cleaner. After
the application, it will be left for three hours. The study will be using survey questionnaires to

verify the effectiveness of the produced tile cleaner. The survey questionnaire will be answered

by twenty respondents chosen using the convenience sampling method.

3.5 Statistical Data Analysis

Data shall be gathered and will be analyzed after the experimentation so that the

researchers will arrive on the conclusion and answer the question that encompasses this study.

All data in replicate was subjected to One - Way ANOVA using SPSS version 20.0 at 0.95%

confidence level.

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