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Dumas Method Lab CHEM2003 LAB 10/27/2015


The objective of the experiment was to determine density of a vapor of a volatile

unknown liquid. Additionally, to use the density obtained from the vapor and ideal gas equation
to calculate the molar mass of the unknown liquid.

Introduction and Experimental Details:

Volatile liquids are clear, colorless liquids that evaporate very easily. They have very
weak intermolecular attractions, which allow them to evaporate easily. The volatility of a
substance is directly related to its vapor pressure. While gases sometimes have distinct odors
which could distinguish one from another, they are extremely toxic and corrosive to the lungs
and mucus membranes, thus it is necessary to collect additional information to identify other
than appearance and smell. We use the molar mass of a substance to categorize it.
Our objective was to use the Dumas method, which is the simplest method to determine
the molar mass of an unknown substance. The method was created by Jean-Baptiste André
Dumas in 1825, whom the procedure is now named after. The theory is that by evaporating an
unknown substance within a capped-flask, the air that was originally occupying the flask will be
pushed out, and the volatile vapor will occupy the entire space of the flask. Once cooled, it will
condense, and the vapor which contained the space inside the flask will now be a liquid again.
In the experiment, we were assigned unknown volatile liquid number 6. We weighed the
flask, with cap and boiling chips and recorded the weight. We then added 4 mL of our unknown
into the flask, capped it, and heated it inside a 600mL beaker filled with water under the hood so
that if any accidents occurred, we would be able to contain the danger. We recorded the
temperature of the water during vaporization, and removed the boiling flask from the water after
complete evaporation, to let it condense again. After the liquid condensed, we weighed the
boiling flask, and recorded the results.
The experiment was repeated once more over, and we completed the calculations to
determine mass, temperature in kelvin, density, barometric pressure in atmospheric pressure, and
flask volume in liters. Additionally, we used the ideal gas equation to determine the molar mass
of unknown. In the Ideal gas equation, PV = nRT, P = pressure which is atmospheric pressure, V
equals volume, n = number of moles, R = is our constant, and T is the temperature at which it
evaporates. R is important because it contains all of the units from which we derive our answer.
From this equation we determined the molar mass, and then averaged molar masses between the
two determinations. We predicted because we were only working with one unknown, that the
two determinations would evaporate at the same temperature and would weigh the same,
resulting in the same molar mass.

Data, Results, and Calculations:

Unknown Volatile Liquid Number: 6
Dumas Method Lab CHEM2003 LAB 10/27/2015

1. Calculating mass of unknown:

Determination 1: Determination 2:
97.113 g 97.118 g
- 96.604 g - 96.604 g
-------------- --------------
0.509 g 0.514 g

2. Expressing water bath temperature in Kelvin:

Determination 1: Determination 2:
100°C + 273 = 373 K 99°C + 273 = 372 K

3. Expressing barometric pressure in atmospheric pressure:

776 mmHg/760 mmHg = 1.021 atm

4. Express the volume of the flask in liters:

270.0 mL  L 270.0 mL/1000 L = 0.270 L

5. Calculating the density of the vaporized unknown:

Determination 1: Determination 2:
mass: 0.509 g mass: 0.514 g
volume: 0.270 L volume: 0.270 L

d = 0.509 g/0.270 L d = 0.514 g/0.270 L

= 1.89 g/L = 1.90 g/L

6. Calculating molar mass of the vaporized unknown by using Ideal gas equation:

Determination 1:

RT ( 0.08206 L atm mol K ) ( 373 K ) g

xV =
1.021 atm ( )
1.89 =56.66 g/mol Calculating molar
mass of the vaporized unknown by using Ideal gas equation:

Determination 2:

RT ( 0.08206 L atm mol K ) ( 372 K ) g

xV =
1.021 atm ( )
1.90 =56.81 g /mol
7. Calculating average of determinations:
Dumas Method Lab CHEM2003 LAB 10/27/2015

56.66 g/mol + 56.81 g/mol = 113.47

113.47/2 = 56.73 g/mol

Discussion and Limitations on Results:

Based on the data collected, our two determinations resulted in similar, but not identical
results. In the first determination, the temperature of the water bath at complete evaporation was
373 Kelvin. The density was calculated to 1.89 grams per liter, and the molar mass of the
substance was calculated to 56.66 grams per mole. In the second determination the temperature
of the water bath at complete evaporation was 372 Kelvin, the density was calculated to 1.90
grams per liter, and the molar mass of the substance was found to be 56.81 grams per mole. The
overall average in molar mass was calculated to be 56.73 grams per mole.
The experiment procedure went over much smoother than expected. We felt that it was
very easy to conduct this experiment. We assume that our numbers are close to the literature, but
due to being inexperienced in the lab, we assume there is some error because the numbers are not
exact. We tried to follow the experiment procedure as closely as possible, to get the most
accurate results we could. We made sure to close the stopper completely, to heat the water very
slowly and watch the evaporation closely to get accurate results. We also made sure to shut the
windows on the balance so that the data was not influenced by surroundings. Over all, we are
pleased with out results. We did the best we could in the time allotted during lab.

In the experiment, we utilized the Dumas Method to determine the density and molar
mass of unknown volatile liquid 6. We conducted two determinations to compare our results. In
the first determination we found the density of 189 grams per liter, and a molar mass of 56.66
grams per mole. In the second determination we calculated the density to be 190 grams per liter,
and a molar mass of 56.81 grams per mole. The average molar mass between the two
determinations was calculated at 56.73 grams per mole.

Pre-Lab Questions:

1. Briefly explain why it is important to carry out this experiment in a well-ventilated


Volatile liquids evaporate very quickly. They are highly flammable, toxic to breath in,
and can irritate mucus membranes. It is important to conduct this experiment under the hood
because the vapor could build up on the heating plate and cause an explosion.

2. Briefly explain the following.

(a) How will you determine when the unknown liquid in the flask has completely
Dumas Method Lab CHEM2003 LAB 10/27/2015


By watching the experiment very closely, observing a ring around the boiling chip and
seeing a complete disappearance of all liquid inside the container.

(b) Why should you not allow the water to come in contact with the foil cap while you are
cooling the flask and vapor with running water?

Some water may get inside the container or go into the foil cap, resulting in an inaccurate
reading when weighing the condensed liquid within the flask.

(c) How will you measure the volume of the flask?

The volume of the flask will be determined by filling the flask completely with water,
and pouring the water inside the flask into a graduated cylinder.

3. A student following the procedure of this experiment obtained the following data for
an unknown volatile liquid:

mass of flask, boiling chip, foil cap, and unknown after cooling: 83.350
mass of flask, boiling chip, foil cap: 82.657 g
water bath temperature, ℃: 95.0 ℃
barometric pressure: 30.09 in. Hg
volume of flask: 270 mL
accepted molar mass of unknown: 86.2 g/mol

(a) Calculate the mass of the unknown.

filled flask: 83.350 g

empty flask: 82.657 g
0.693 g
(b) Express the temperature of water bath in Kelvin:

95.0℃ + 273 = 368.0 K

(c) Express the barometric pressure in atmospheres:

25.4 mm Hg 1 atm
30.09 ∈. Hg x x =1.0056 atm (d) Express the volume of flask in
1 ∈. Hg 760 mm Hg

270 mL  L
Dumas Method Lab CHEM2003 LAB 10/27/2015

270.0 mL x =0.27 L (e) Calculate the density of the vaporized unknown:
1000 mL

mass = 0.693 g
volume = 0.27
0.693 g g
d= =2.57
0.27 L L

(f) Calculate the molar mass of the vaporized

( 0.08206 L, atm , mol , K ) ( 368 K ) g

1.0056 atm ( )
2.57 =77.18 g/mol
(d) Calculate the percent error in the determination.

( 86.2 g /mol ) − ( 77.18 g /mol )

( 100 % )=10.46 % error
86.2 g /mol

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