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Date: 8/18/2020

To: Professor Bernhard

From: Mohamed Turki

Subject: Takeaways from the group project

Being a part of a team project, I learned a few lessons along the way. Initially not
everyone on the team understood the assignment, but we worked through it using the
GRIP model of team dynamics mentioned in Technical Writing Essentials page 109,
which helped us complete the project in time.

The three takeaways I got from this experience:

1. It is important to have a clear goal: spending extra time in video meetings to
explain the project and our way of completing it was worth it.
2. We were fortunate to have a competent leader: Ibrahim divided the work and
assigned each team member a fair amount of work.
3. Working within a team requires a good and reliable communications method:
We used video meetings, text messages and ema ils, all of which helped us
complete the project.

Working on the group project was fun and helped us know each other better and develop a
stronger friendship.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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