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TRUE heterosexuality is sexual attraction and behavior directed to opposite sex

2. False attachment involves wanting not to make a more lasting commitment to your loved one
3. TRUE Lust is physically attracted and drawn to the object of your affection. You want to seduce
them or be seduced
4. TRUE Physical self is a concept of the individuals perception of themselves in areas of physical
ability and appearance
5. TRUE Personal brand is what other people think of you. In some ways its outside of your control,
but obviously have some influence over it
6. TRUE The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau , orgasm, resolution
7. False In sociology, socialization, knowledge skill and language are acquired(environment ) by a
person and can be termed as learned modification of behavior
8. FALSE In male, egg cell are produced in the testes
9. TRUE Bisexual is a person who are attracted to both their different gender and opposite gender
10. TRUE Transsexual are people who believe they were born with the body of the gender. Ex sex
11. FALSE In Psychological Factor, a person with weak will power can make a quick decision which is
needed for better adjustment
12. False Sexual diversity means that everyone has the same understanding about what sexuality
means to them It is often used in the context of sexual orientation. Also refers to all sex
characteristics and gender identity
13. TRUE Body image is how you view your physical self
14. TRUE In attraction, you begin to obsess about your love and crave his presence
15. FALSE Self esteem is how you value and disrespect yourself as a person. Self esteem affects how
you take care of yourself, emotionally ,physically and spiritually
16. FALSE Spiritual self I “a persistent sense of self that addresses ultimate questions about the
nature, purposes, and meaning of life, resulting in behaviors that are consonant with the
individuals core values
17. FALSE Sex organs that influence sexual behavior include, oxytocin, prolactin, vasopressin,
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH); others include testerone in
males and estrogen and progesterone in females
18. FALSE In female, the sperm or ova are produced…..
19. True Personal branding is the process where by people and their careers are marked as label
20. FALSE Homosexuals are people who are not attracted of their same gender

Religion and culture have something to do with the fact that a lot of communities in our country still
don’t recognize LGBT because some religious people believe they are being persecuted for their beliefs.
The three sides haven’t found way to work together . Religious objection to homosexuality, same sex
marriage, and transgender identity

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