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FINAL Lesson Plan Template 2018-2019

One class period of time

Name Olivia

Grade Level 9th-12th

Subject Area Theatre

Introduction: (5min) Introduce the topic of today’s lesson; the origins of theatre
Have students answer a prior knowledge question on ​answergarden ​When all
students have answered I will briefly go over the answer.
Question: The very beginning of theatre came about in which two ancient
Answer: Rome and Greece
(NEPF 1 connection, Indicator 1)

Daily Reviews: (3min) I will ask 5 short questions out loud about the previous lesson and students
will write their answers on a sheet of paper to hand in when its finished.
(NEPF 5, assessment: indicator 3)

Daily Objective: (1min) Daily objective will be written on the board so all of the students can see it.
I will also tell them what it is out loud.
Obj: ​students will understand the origins of theatre, why it is important for
actors to know, and be able to explain it briefly.
(NEPF 4, Understanding: Indicator 1)

Concept and Skill (20min) Students will take notes from a​ google slides ​presentation on the origins
Development and of theatre that I will go through and discuss with them.
Application: Discuss why it is important for actors to understand this topic and how it relates to
previous topics.
(NEPF 1, Connection: Indicator 4)

Guided Practice (15min) I will briefly explain that the basis of theatre is, and began as, storytelling
(Teacher led): and then lead the class in a storytelling improv game.
(NEPF 3, Engagement: Indicator 3)

Group Practice (Whole (20min) Students will get into small groups of 3 or 4 to play an improv game and
class or small groups): then discuss the the question I provide, which will be different for each group.
When they are finished one student from the group will tell the class their groups
answer and another will explain why they answered that way.
(NEPF 3, Engagement: Indicator 4)

Independent Practice (15min) Students will look up the given vocab words relating to the origins of
(Alone): theatre, write the definitions, and draw a picture for each. They may use either
textbooks or dictionaries to find the definitions. There are 5 vocab words and they
are due by the end of the period.
(NEPF 3, Engagement: Indicator 2)

Homework (5min to explain) Students will create a timeline of the most important parts and
Assignments: events of the origins of theatre from the beginning until present times using the
website ​timetoast​. Must include at least 5 entries, all entries must have a picture
as well.
(NEPF 3, Engagement: Indicator 1)

Closure: (3min) Students will write a journal entry in their class notebooks talking about
what they learned today, how it relates to previous topics, and why it is important
to understand.
(NEPF 5, assessment: Indicator 1)

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